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3/11 16:02
af Solsen
Dear mr. Winkel. First of all thanks for an excellent Q3 report ! We recently read in NEJM about a patient who had a remission in NK cell-T-cell lymphoma - fantastic to read. What market potential in this indication could be within reach for Darzalex ?
3/11 16:01
af Jan Van de Winkel
and lastly the deal we did with DuoBody and Gilead.
3/11 16:01
af Jan Van de Winkel
....and the start of recruitment in the Phase 3 ofatumumab multiple sclerosis trials run by Novartis....
3/11 16:00
af Jan Van de Winkel
....We were also happy to get the Breakthrough designation for dara (the second for daratumumab)....
3/11 16:00
af Jan Van de Winkel
...and a standard review for dara and Pomalidomide in 3rd line MM ....
3/11 16:00
af Jan Van de Winkel
The most important developments are the Priority review for Daratumumab with revlimid or with Velcade in second line MM...
3/11 15:59
af Jan Van de Winkel
....Year to date Darzalex sales 372 mn USD - and royalties of 298 mn DKK to Genmab. Cash at the end of the period 3.9 bn DKK
3/11 15:58
af Jan Van de Winkel
...Q3 sales for Darzalex 163 mn USD and a 52% increase on Q2....
3/11 15:58
af Jan Van de Winkel
Financial highlights were revenues 889 up 331 mn DKK or 59%, led by strong Darzalex sales...
3/11 15:57
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Sorry. :-)
3/11 15:57
af Jan Van de Winkel
As it is Q3 I will focus on that.
3/11 15:57
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Genmab has had a great Q2. Can you start with giving us an update on key figures and the most important developments in the Q2 ?
3/11 15:56
af Jan Van de Winkel
Great to be here. Looking forward to questions.
3/11 15:56
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Jan van de Winkel and David Eatwell. Welcome to the Q & A here on the ProInvestor. We are very happy that you are back in here and ready to answer questions from our investors.
3/11 15:55
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3/11 15:55
af Jan Van de Winkel
I am here and looking forward to our Q&A session.
3/11 15:50
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
In 10 minutes we begin the online Q&A with Genmab.
3/11 15:40
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This session starts in 20 minutes.
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