

Dagens dybde inde start her kl. 08.54
Ordredybde Antal Pris Køb Sælg Pris Antal
2 000 3,50 3,50 2 100
500 3,40 3,64 300
10 000 3,29 3,67 1 705
7 000 3,26 5,00 13 507
2 000 3,25 0,00 0
Ordredybde Antal Pris Køb Sælg Pris Antal
2 000 3,50 3,50 2 100
500 3,40 3,64 300
10 000 3,29 3,67 1 705
7 000 3,26 5,00 13 507
2 000 3,25 0,00 0


I perioden op til meddelelsen om udsættelsen handlese BioP i ranget 4,8 til 5... i og med at man nu meddeler at man fortsætter med udstedelsen af patentet - bør aktien vel nærme sig det tidligere niveau. Hvilken betydning det får for udviklingen i sagen anlagt ved Sø/Handelsretten ved jeg ikke - MEN - såvidt jeg husker skal man i CCH sammenhæng igennem en retssag i hvert af de lande der er omfattet af EO's patent - hvis man vil bestride patentet.
Det tror jeg ikke at der er perspektiv i - så jeg vil tro vi nu kan se frem mod den afgørende test - nemlig licens-aftalerne. Det at man afviser at udsætte patentudstedelsen yderligere vil jo nok også trække Abbott tættere til forhandlingsbordet
Det tror jeg ikke at der er perspektiv i - så jeg vil tro vi nu kan se frem mod den afgørende test - nemlig licens-aftalerne. Det at man afviser at udsætte patentudstedelsen yderligere vil jo nok også trække Abbott tættere til forhandlingsbordet


Jeg er ikke advokat, følgende er, som altid, efter bedste evne.
Rule 14(1) - tidligere omtalt paragraf, som CCH benyttede sig af, for at udskyde løjerne:
"(1) If a third party provides evidence that he has instituted proceedings against the applicant seeking a decision within the meaning of Article 61, paragraph 1, the proceedings for grant shall be stayed unless the third party communicates to the European Patent Office in writing his consent to the continuation of such proceedings. Such consent shall be irrevocable. However, proceedings for grant shall not be stayed before the publication of the European patent application."
"When giving the decision on the staying of proceedings or thereafter the EPO may set a date on which it intends to continue the proceedings pending before it regardless of the stage reached in the proceedings against the applicant. The date is to be communicated to the third party, the applicant, and any other party. If no proof has been provided by that date that a decision which has become final has been given, the EPO may continue proceedings."
Og, mere spændende:
"If, by the date set, the court has not given a judgement, the proceedings for grant must at all events be further stayed if the judgement is expected in the near future. However, the proceedings for grant should be resumed if it is evident that delaying tactics are being employed by the third party or if the proceedings in the court of first instance have concluded with a judgement in favour of the applicant and the legal procedure is extended by the filing of an appeal."
EPO lader til at være udemærket bekendt med fænomenet "delaying tactics"....
"If a third party provides proof to the EPO that he has opened proceedings against the applicant or proprietor for the purpose of seeking a judgment that he is entitled to the (grant of the) European patent, the EPO shall stay the proceedings unless the third party consents to the continuation of such proceedings."
Det var det vi snakkede om tidligere. CCH benyttede sig af "Rule 14" - de sagsøgte BioP ved anden instans for at udskyde processen.
"When, in the cases referred to in VII, 1.1(i) and (ii), the EPO has been informed of the identity of the person authorised to continue the proceedings before the EPO, it will communicate to such person and to any interested third party that the proceedings are to be resumed as from a date to be fixed by the EPO. This date should be such that the person concerned has sufficient opportunity to become thoroughly familiar with the matter."
Er det så ovenstående, der er gældende nu?
Rule 14(1) - tidligere omtalt paragraf, som CCH benyttede sig af, for at udskyde løjerne:
"(1) If a third party provides evidence that he has instituted proceedings against the applicant seeking a decision within the meaning of Article 61, paragraph 1, the proceedings for grant shall be stayed unless the third party communicates to the European Patent Office in writing his consent to the continuation of such proceedings. Such consent shall be irrevocable. However, proceedings for grant shall not be stayed before the publication of the European patent application."
"When giving the decision on the staying of proceedings or thereafter the EPO may set a date on which it intends to continue the proceedings pending before it regardless of the stage reached in the proceedings against the applicant. The date is to be communicated to the third party, the applicant, and any other party. If no proof has been provided by that date that a decision which has become final has been given, the EPO may continue proceedings."
Og, mere spændende:
"If, by the date set, the court has not given a judgement, the proceedings for grant must at all events be further stayed if the judgement is expected in the near future. However, the proceedings for grant should be resumed if it is evident that delaying tactics are being employed by the third party or if the proceedings in the court of first instance have concluded with a judgement in favour of the applicant and the legal procedure is extended by the filing of an appeal."
EPO lader til at være udemærket bekendt med fænomenet "delaying tactics"....
"If a third party provides proof to the EPO that he has opened proceedings against the applicant or proprietor for the purpose of seeking a judgment that he is entitled to the (grant of the) European patent, the EPO shall stay the proceedings unless the third party consents to the continuation of such proceedings."
Det var det vi snakkede om tidligere. CCH benyttede sig af "Rule 14" - de sagsøgte BioP ved anden instans for at udskyde processen.
"When, in the cases referred to in VII, 1.1(i) and (ii), the EPO has been informed of the identity of the person authorised to continue the proceedings before the EPO, it will communicate to such person and to any interested third party that the proceedings are to be resumed as from a date to be fixed by the EPO. This date should be such that the person concerned has sufficient opportunity to become thoroughly familiar with the matter."
Er det så ovenstående, der er gældende nu?


Det blev et rodet indlæg. Sjovt bliver det, når man kan redigere.
Inden jeg går i seng igen:
"When a third party provides proof to the EPO that he has opened proceedings against the applicant for the purpose of seeking a judgement that he is entitled to the grant of the European patent, the EPO stays the proceedings for grant. After proof is provided
that a final decision has been given concerning the entitlement to the grant of the European patent, the EPO informs that the proceedings have been resumed as from the date published in the bulletin under the above-mentioned section. If the decision is favourable to the third party, the proceedings may only be resumed after a period of 3
months of that decision becoming final unless the third party requests the resumption of the proceedings for grant."
Det kan ikke være dårlige nyheder for BioPorto ihvertfald.
Inden jeg går i seng igen:
"When a third party provides proof to the EPO that he has opened proceedings against the applicant for the purpose of seeking a judgement that he is entitled to the grant of the European patent, the EPO stays the proceedings for grant. After proof is provided
that a final decision has been given concerning the entitlement to the grant of the European patent, the EPO informs that the proceedings have been resumed as from the date published in the bulletin under the above-mentioned section. If the decision is favourable to the third party, the proceedings may only be resumed after a period of 3
months of that decision becoming final unless the third party requests the resumption of the proceedings for grant."
Det kan ikke være dårlige nyheder for BioPorto ihvertfald.


Pyh det var juralæsning ud over det sædvanlige, men tak alligevel for indsparket. Det lader til at nyhederne om Bioporto bliver en anelse bedre i den kommende tid.. Super!


Kan vi nu forvente 3mdr mere....?
Eller opgiver CCH nu?
BioPorto A/S Selskabsmeddelelse Udstedelse af BioPortos patent EP 1 832 699 genoptages af den europæiske patentmyndighed
I reference til BioPortos meddelelse nr. 1. af 12. marts 2009, skal hermed
oplyses at den europæiske patentmyndighed (EPO) dags dato meddeler, at
udstedelsesprocessen vedrørende BioPortos NGAL patent i Europa, ansøgning EP 1
831 699, genoptages den 3. juni 2009. Patentudstedelsen blev per 5. marts 2009
sat i bero af EPO på baggrund af en stævning indgivet til Sø- og Handelsretten
af Cincinnatti Childrens Hospital (CCH) med påstand om, at retten til
udstedelse af patentet rettelig skulle tilhøre CCH. EPOs beslutning bekræfter
således BioPortos indstilling til sagen, idet selskabet naturligvis indestår
til fulde for at have gjort opfindelsen og dermed være indehaver deraf.
Genoptagelse af udstedelsesprocessen, som kan appelleres af CCH, vil normalt
betyde, at patent udstedes inden for tre måneder.
BioPortos NGAL cutoff-patent omhandler bestemmelse af NGAL som diagnostisk
markør for nyrelidelser. Patentet adskiller sig fra øvrige NGAL
patentansøgninger ved at have fastlagt niveauer (cutoffs) for NGAL målinger,
der er nødvendige for at skelne mellem højere NGAL-niveauer, der indikerer
nyreskade, og lavere niveauer, der kan være forårsaget af andre lidelser.
Yderligere oplysninger:
Thea Olesen, CEO
Christina Tønnesen, Investor Relations
Telefon: +45 4529 0000
E-mail: [email protected]
See attachment: https://newsclient.omxgroup.com/cds/DisclosureAttachmentServlet?messageAttachmentId=224227
Eller opgiver CCH nu?
BioPorto A/S Selskabsmeddelelse Udstedelse af BioPortos patent EP 1 832 699 genoptages af den europæiske patentmyndighed
I reference til BioPortos meddelelse nr. 1. af 12. marts 2009, skal hermed
oplyses at den europæiske patentmyndighed (EPO) dags dato meddeler, at
udstedelsesprocessen vedrørende BioPortos NGAL patent i Europa, ansøgning EP 1
831 699, genoptages den 3. juni 2009. Patentudstedelsen blev per 5. marts 2009
sat i bero af EPO på baggrund af en stævning indgivet til Sø- og Handelsretten
af Cincinnatti Childrens Hospital (CCH) med påstand om, at retten til
udstedelse af patentet rettelig skulle tilhøre CCH. EPOs beslutning bekræfter
således BioPortos indstilling til sagen, idet selskabet naturligvis indestår
til fulde for at have gjort opfindelsen og dermed være indehaver deraf.
Genoptagelse af udstedelsesprocessen, som kan appelleres af CCH, vil normalt
betyde, at patent udstedes inden for tre måneder.
BioPortos NGAL cutoff-patent omhandler bestemmelse af NGAL som diagnostisk
markør for nyrelidelser. Patentet adskiller sig fra øvrige NGAL
patentansøgninger ved at have fastlagt niveauer (cutoffs) for NGAL målinger,
der er nødvendige for at skelne mellem højere NGAL-niveauer, der indikerer
nyreskade, og lavere niveauer, der kan være forårsaget af andre lidelser.
Yderligere oplysninger:
Thea Olesen, CEO
Christina Tønnesen, Investor Relations
Telefon: +45 4529 0000
E-mail: [email protected]
See attachment: https://newsclient.omxgroup.com/cds/DisclosureAttachmentServlet?messageAttachmentId=224227


Her få sek før auktionen slutter:
Symbol: BIOPOR
Description: BioPorto
Type: Stock
ISIN: DK0011048619
Open: 3.5
High: 4.3
Low: 3.47
Last: 4.3
Prev. Close: 3.29
Change: 1.01
Change %: 30.69908814589665%
Volume: 230693
Turnover: 902386.4890999999
Bid: 4.599999999999999
Size: 20717
Ask: 4.599999999999999
Size: 15000
Prev. Bid: 0
Change: 0
Change %: 0%
Updated: 12:44:46
MM # Bid Size Bid Ask Ask Size MM #
1 20717 4.60 4.60 15000 1
1 2000 4.00 4.90 1000 1
1 2000 3.90 4.95 5000 1
1 3000 3.85 5.00 28007 1
1 2500 3.80 5.50 20000 1
Symbol: BIOPOR
Description: BioPorto
Type: Stock
ISIN: DK0011048619
Open: 3.5
High: 4.3
Low: 3.47
Last: 4.3
Prev. Close: 3.29
Change: 1.01
Change %: 30.69908814589665%
Volume: 230693
Turnover: 902386.4890999999
Bid: 4.599999999999999
Size: 20717
Ask: 4.599999999999999
Size: 15000
Prev. Bid: 0
Change: 0
Change %: 0%
Updated: 12:44:46
MM # Bid Size Bid Ask Ask Size MM #
1 20717 4.60 4.60 15000 1
1 2000 4.00 4.90 1000 1
1 2000 3.90 4.95 5000 1
1 3000 3.85 5.00 28007 1
1 2500 3.80 5.50 20000 1


Det var jo en dejlig nyhed og har også læst pressemedd. fra Bioporto - men hvorfor pokker kan jeg ikke finde det inde på EPO?
Har fulgt den vejledning, som der blev givet herinde tidligere.
Har fulgt den vejledning, som der blev givet herinde tidligere.


Magic >> Du kan kun læse dette på forsiden af EPO, og der står kun at udstedelsen genoptages d. 3. juni..... Der er ingen nye dokumenter efter d. 15 april........ ENDNU.
mvh Kim
mvh Kim


Så blev der lagt nye dokumenter ud på EPO med nærmere beskrivelse af genoptagelsen af patentsagen.


Det er en prisværdig klar tekst - der ganske utvetydigt fortæller CCH at de IKKE får medhold i et eneste af punkerne. TVÆRTIMOD lægger teksten op til at det er et urimeligt træk og et forsøg på forhaling som antagelig kun bliver anlagt fordi BioPorto er en lille virksomhed....
Go Biop Go
Go Biop Go