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A successful year for Ennogie is over, an even more successful time is ahead. Despite all the challenges surrounding Corona, Ennogie Germany exceeded its goals in 2021 with newly completed orders with a total roof area of almost 10,000 m². Sales and order volume increased significantly compared to the previous year. This shows that the newly created and expanded structures in the company are beginning to have positive effects. For this reason too, Ennogie is optimistic about the upcoming year 2022.
The specialist partner network is taking on concrete forms
So far, only about every third customer has decided to buy a battery storage system in a package with the Ennogie solar roof. Thanks to a newly concluded partnership with Sonnen AG, Ennogie Deutschland is convinced that this value can be significantly increased next year. With Pader Solartechnik and the roofing companies Blummer and Sowade, important cornerstones for the constantly growing specialist partner network could also be gained. Ennogie is currently rolling out its specialist partner concept to other interested companies.
New employees increase sales and product performance
With new jobs created in the company, Ennogie Germany primarily increases its quality. From January 2022, two area sales managers with experience in the industry, Alexander Nazarenus in Bavaria and Axel Weinmann in Baden-Württemberg, will join the team. In addition, Sven Lübbers will take on an interface position as a technical product consultant and will support communication with our customers, planners and executing companies from the technical side with immediate effect.
Project engineer Jaykumar Vaghani and marketing assistant Francis Shortt have been supporting Ennogie Germany in various areas of expertise since the beginning of 2021. In this way, the company was able to meet the growing number of inquiries and generate added value for the customer in the marketing area by introducing a corporate blog.
A year full of highlights at Ennogie
This year's milestones include various prestige projects that have either been realized or are in the final stages of planning. Well-known architects were enthusiastic about the aesthetics and flexibility of the Ennogie solar roof, which allows them to implement their ideas without compromise. From 2022 there will also be a quantum leap in the performance of the modules. As of this year, Ennogie is offering its award-winning complete roof solution with 130 watt modules on request, which corresponds to an output of 180 watts per square meter. This means that the Ennogie solar roof can now also compete with extremely powerful rooftop photovoltaic systems.
There is also exciting news from the parent company, the Danish Ennogie ApS. After intensive preparations, the IPO was finalized in the last few months. This enabled further capital to be generated, which is also planned as an investment for the expansion of storage and production facilities.
A successful year for Ennogie is over, an even more successful time is ahead. Despite all the challenges surrounding Corona, Ennogie Germany exceeded its goals in 2021 with newly completed orders with a total roof area of almost 10,000 m². Sales and order volume increased significantly compared to the previous year. This shows that the newly created and expanded structures in the company are beginning to have positive effects. For this reason too, Ennogie is optimistic about the upcoming year 2022.
The specialist partner network is taking on concrete forms
So far, only about every third customer has decided to buy a battery storage system in a package with the Ennogie solar roof. Thanks to a newly concluded partnership with Sonnen AG, Ennogie Deutschland is convinced that this value can be significantly increased next year. With Pader Solartechnik and the roofing companies Blummer and Sowade, important cornerstones for the constantly growing specialist partner network could also be gained. Ennogie is currently rolling out its specialist partner concept to other interested companies.
New employees increase sales and product performance
With new jobs created in the company, Ennogie Germany primarily increases its quality. From January 2022, two area sales managers with experience in the industry, Alexander Nazarenus in Bavaria and Axel Weinmann in Baden-Württemberg, will join the team. In addition, Sven Lübbers will take on an interface position as a technical product consultant and will support communication with our customers, planners and executing companies from the technical side with immediate effect.
Project engineer Jaykumar Vaghani and marketing assistant Francis Shortt have been supporting Ennogie Germany in various areas of expertise since the beginning of 2021. In this way, the company was able to meet the growing number of inquiries and generate added value for the customer in the marketing area by introducing a corporate blog.
A year full of highlights at Ennogie
This year's milestones include various prestige projects that have either been realized or are in the final stages of planning. Well-known architects were enthusiastic about the aesthetics and flexibility of the Ennogie solar roof, which allows them to implement their ideas without compromise. From 2022 there will also be a quantum leap in the performance of the modules. As of this year, Ennogie is offering its award-winning complete roof solution with 130 watt modules on request, which corresponds to an output of 180 watts per square meter. This means that the Ennogie solar roof can now also compete with extremely powerful rooftop photovoltaic systems.
There is also exciting news from the parent company, the Danish Ennogie ApS. After intensive preparations, the IPO was finalized in the last few months. This enabled further capital to be generated, which is also planned as an investment for the expansion of storage and production facilities.

Absolut interessant opsummering af den tyske ladechef Stephan Tölpe.
Som jeg læser det så er det knap 10.000m2 der er installeret og dermed faktureret. Det er en oms omkring 10 mio på hardware plus xx for installation. I tyskland har Ennogie modsat DK et enkelt montageteam som står for xx procent af montagen.
Det tyske marked er 14-16 gange større end DK. Og det skal måske ganges med en faktor 2-3 når loven om der SKAL solceller på nybyg forventeligt vedtages lige før sommerferien.
Priserne er på alt byggemateriel også steget meget fra Q4 og fremefter. Så mon ikke de også har hævet prisen så det nu er på den pæne side af 1000kr m2.
Jvf prospekt går Ennogie efter at oms for 50 mio i år. Jeg tror nu de kan nå højere op end det. Tyskland har jeg også en forventning til de kan lande på 30-40 mio i år. Vel at mærke hvis moderselskabet i DK giver den tysk chef et tilpas øget marketing budget. For det er reelt den primærende begrænsende faktor. Hvor få der har kendskab til muligheden for at få et aktivt tag. Et solcelletag
Som jeg læser det så er det knap 10.000m2 der er installeret og dermed faktureret. Det er en oms omkring 10 mio på hardware plus xx for installation. I tyskland har Ennogie modsat DK et enkelt montageteam som står for xx procent af montagen.
Det tyske marked er 14-16 gange større end DK. Og det skal måske ganges med en faktor 2-3 når loven om der SKAL solceller på nybyg forventeligt vedtages lige før sommerferien.
Priserne er på alt byggemateriel også steget meget fra Q4 og fremefter. Så mon ikke de også har hævet prisen så det nu er på den pæne side af 1000kr m2.
Jvf prospekt går Ennogie efter at oms for 50 mio i år. Jeg tror nu de kan nå højere op end det. Tyskland har jeg også en forventning til de kan lande på 30-40 mio i år. Vel at mærke hvis moderselskabet i DK giver den tysk chef et tilpas øget marketing budget. For det er reelt den primærende begrænsende faktor. Hvor få der har kendskab til muligheden for at få et aktivt tag. Et solcelletag

Hvor stor produktionskapacite har de? Det lyder da fint, med de 180 W/QM, og jeg håber da, at det bliver godt med batterier også.

Jeg kender ikke den specifikke produktions kapacitet. Men 93% af hele klodens kapacitet kommer fra Asien. Europæisk lg amerikansk produktion har meget svært ved at kæmpe mod de asiatiske producenter.
Ennogie har lavet deres eget specifikke panel design. Og det design sourcer de så fra 2 leverandør ude i Asien. Tænker der kan skrues en hel del mere op, uden jeg dog ved det. Dertil kan der tilknyttes flere producenter.
Ennogie har lavet deres eget specifikke panel design. Og det design sourcer de så fra 2 leverandør ude i Asien. Tænker der kan skrues en hel del mere op, uden jeg dog ved det. Dertil kan der tilknyttes flere producenter.