Helge Larsen kommenterer kort på den frygtelige situation i Ukraine og sanktionerne mod Rusland. Han taler om, hvad han gør som privatinvestor i krisetider, og hvad der er sikre havne i hans portefølje. Her kommer han bl.a. ind på energisektoren, laks og shipping.

Hej Helge, har du et godt bud på hvorfor BP ikke stiger i samme takt som Equinor ifm med den stigende oliepris? Er der potentiale i BP?
Med venlig hilsen
Med venlig hilsen

Hej Thomas,
Læs med her:
Læs med her:

Guldiversen Begge har valgt at paatage sig den risiko at have et engagement i en slyngelstat, men maaske har BP et procentvist stoerre engagement end Equinor? Jeg kender ikke tallene for BP. For Equinor ved jeg, at det er begraenset, og de primaert har deres aktiviteter i Norge. En anden mulighed er, at Equinor ift BP procentvis tjener mere paa E&P end oevrige dele af forretningen, der ikke paavirkes lige saa meget af olieprisen.
Equinor 2021 (USDm):
E&P Norway 39,241
E&P International 5,558
E&P USA 4,149
Marketing, Midstream & Processing 87,368
Renewables 1,411
bp to exit Rosneft shareholding
First, it is expected to give rise to a non-cash adjusting item charge at the time of the first quarter 2022 results, representing the difference between the fair value of bp's Rosneft shareholding at 31 March 2022 and the carrying value of the asset. At the end of 2021 this carrying value stood at around $14 billion.
Equinor to start exiting from Joint Ventures in Russia
At the end of 2021 Equinor had USD 1.2 billion in non-current assets in Russia. We expect that the decision to start the process of exiting Joint Ventures in Russia will impact the book value of Equinor's Russian assets and lead to impairments.
Equinor 2021 (USDm):
E&P Norway 39,241
E&P International 5,558
E&P USA 4,149
Marketing, Midstream & Processing 87,368
Renewables 1,411
bp to exit Rosneft shareholding
First, it is expected to give rise to a non-cash adjusting item charge at the time of the first quarter 2022 results, representing the difference between the fair value of bp's Rosneft shareholding at 31 March 2022 and the carrying value of the asset. At the end of 2021 this carrying value stood at around $14 billion.
Equinor to start exiting from Joint Ventures in Russia
At the end of 2021 Equinor had USD 1.2 billion in non-current assets in Russia. We expect that the decision to start the process of exiting Joint Ventures in Russia will impact the book value of Equinor's Russian assets and lead to impairments.