Acarix signs additional commercial agreement in US and receives rapid orders in both Mississippi and Tennessee

Acarix signs additional commercial agreement in US and receives rapid orders in both Mississippi and Tennessee
Acarix today announces an additional commercial partnership in the US covering the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama. The new partnership with Ancillary Care Services LLC has led to rapid orders and use of the CADScor®System by regional and rural clinics to enable accessible, rapid and cost-effective rule out of coronary artery disease.
The US states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama have among the highest prevalence rates for heart disease in the country. Reasons include higher rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, which are all risk factors for heart disease.
"We are quickly gaining traction on the US market and signing agreements with local commercial partners in selected regions, in parallel to building our own US sales force. As clinics are now successfully obtaining reimbursement when using and billing for the CADScor®System we see opportunities to accelerate the penetration across the country", comments Helen Ljungdahl Round, President and CEO of Acarix.
"I'm excited to roll-out the CADScor®System in this region and thrilled about the value it brings to cardiac care. Acarix's novel solutions for rapid and AI-based cardiac diagnostic provides just the value proposition that US healthcare needs", comments Chris McDaniel, Managing Partner of Ancillary Care Services LLC.
"My patients often need to travel long distances to hospitals to perform various diagnostic procedures. The ability that the CADScor®System provides in terms of ruling-out unnecessary procedures with a simple non-invasive test is a significant saver in terms of time and resources. It is simply good medicine" says Nathan Kersey, PA-Cardiology at Complete Care in Savannah, TN.
Acarix today announces an additional commercial partnership in the US covering the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama. The new partnership with Ancillary Care Services LLC has led to rapid orders and use of the CADScor®System by regional and rural clinics to enable accessible, rapid and cost-effective rule out of coronary artery disease.
The US states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama have among the highest prevalence rates for heart disease in the country. Reasons include higher rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, which are all risk factors for heart disease.
"We are quickly gaining traction on the US market and signing agreements with local commercial partners in selected regions, in parallel to building our own US sales force. As clinics are now successfully obtaining reimbursement when using and billing for the CADScor®System we see opportunities to accelerate the penetration across the country", comments Helen Ljungdahl Round, President and CEO of Acarix.
"I'm excited to roll-out the CADScor®System in this region and thrilled about the value it brings to cardiac care. Acarix's novel solutions for rapid and AI-based cardiac diagnostic provides just the value proposition that US healthcare needs", comments Chris McDaniel, Managing Partner of Ancillary Care Services LLC.
"My patients often need to travel long distances to hospitals to perform various diagnostic procedures. The ability that the CADScor®System provides in terms of ruling-out unnecessary procedures with a simple non-invasive test is a significant saver in terms of time and resources. It is simply good medicine" says Nathan Kersey, PA-Cardiology at Complete Care in Savannah, TN.

Har lige købt et frimærke til kurs 0,877 - det er måske "for sent" på den korte bane, da der jo allerede har været pæne stigninger. Så jeg er klar til et fald på den korte bane - men satser på endnu flere partneraftaler i US for Acarix og tænker at det måske slet ikke er et tosset sted at være i nuværende macro-økonomiske miljø. Krydser fingre - også for dig "Aps invest" især hvis du fik købt i god tid!?
. Mvh Morten

Det ser ihvertfald ud til, at de begynder at få et gennembrud i USA....aktien er meget volatil så forvent store udsving....og med de negative markeder p.t kan det blive svært....som et lille frimærke er den interessant, og så kan der suppleres løbende, hvis de fortsætter den gode udvikling....

Tak for den dagsfriske pressemeddelelse. Det tegner godt og jeps man må nok forvente store udsving og så kan man udbygge frimærket lidt i takt med at de beviser yderligere fremgang i US.

Læs også Q1 rapporten .... Der er lang vej, men de er tilsyneladende på får se...

Tak for Q1 rapporten - den er læst med interesse. Det virker til at de har fundet de rette personer i US (til at starte med) og så ser det lovende ud i UK hvis/når de for hul igennem til deres Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinics. I Tyskland står det vidst tæt på stille (andet end forøgelsen i salg af "patches"). Det bliver altså spændende at følge. Der er som du skriver lang vej endnu - men de er da klart på sporet, virker det til.

Meget volatil idag, men vel naturligt nok ovenpå en pæn stigning den sidste mnd. Derudover meget negative markeder hele vejen rundt. Så en pæn stigning på 5% er ikke så ringe endda :) Åbenbart et fint sted at ligge i læ lige p.t når der er generel modvind. Vi får se....lad os bare få nogle flere ordrer .) så casen bliver endnu stærkere og en grøn bundlinje kunne også være dejligt, så vi undgår mere udvanding og emissioner.

Jeps +5%
Acarix lave en flot slutspurt den sidste time
Alt mit er i rødt i dag på nær Acarix, Bavarian og Studsvik. Fik kigget på Erria tidligere i dag da den var på +50% og var ved at købe et frimærke men tænkte så "no way" den er nok allerede steget det den skal og få timer efter endte den i +150% HOLD DA HELT FEST