(Bergen, 16 June 2022): Bergen Carbon Solutions AS (BCS, OSE:BCS)
Bergen Carbon Solutions (BCS) is pleased to announce the introduction of new product MWCNTs to the product portfolio after successful independent third-party testing. The new product opens the door for BCS to another fast-growing market, which is multiple times the size of the CNF market.
(Bergen, 16 June 2022): Bergen Carbon Solutions AS (BCS, OSE:BCS)
Bergen Carbon Solutions (BCS) is pleased to announce the introduction of new product MWCNTs to the product portfolio after successful independent third-party testing. The new product opens the door for BCS to another fast-growing market, which is multiple times the size of the CNF market.

Så er de klar med en mobil enhed der kobles direkte til skorsten på forbrændingsanlæg. Endnu mere interessant melding om de kommende dage. Jeg tror dette kan blive den store trigger:
The many years of R&D put into this project has also enabled Bergen Carbon Solutions to develop a full-scale factory production concept, and the final investment decision for the first factory will be made in the coming days.
The many years of R&D put into this project has also enabled Bergen Carbon Solutions to develop a full-scale factory production concept, and the final investment decision for the first factory will be made in the coming days.