A.P. Møller - Mærsk opjusterer prognosen for 2022 og venter nu at nå en underliggende EBITDA-indtjening på cirka 37 mia. dollar svarende til 268 mia. kr. mod tidligere ventet cirka 30 mia. dollar.
Det fremgår af en kort meddelelse tirsdag morgen, dagen før det endelige regnskab for andet kvartal.
Det fremgår af en kort meddelelse tirsdag morgen, dagen før det endelige regnskab for andet kvartal.

Det er vilde tal... 200 Mia DKK i resultat som være mine forventninger holder nok ikke længere, men hvor langt skal vi op!!

Mærsk opjusterer - venter nu EBITDA på cirka 268 mia. kr. - NY

Mærsk/Sydbank: Mærsk hæver prognose mere end ventet - NY
Ser frem til at høre om aktietilbagekøb hæves yderligere i morgen.
Eller om de vil investerer yderligere på logistik på land.
Eller om de vil investerer yderligere på logistik på land.
De kan ikke nå at købe flere aktier, hvis de skal overholde safe-harbour reglerne.
Maersk A har gennemsnitlig volumen på 7400 stk per dag.
Safe Harbour siger at man ikke må købe mere end 25% af volumen. Det er ca. 1850 A aktier per dag.
Der er cirka lige mange A og B aktier og jeg tror at Maersk ønsker lige mange A og B aktier. Familien ejer rigtig mange A aktier.
Så Maersk kan reelt ikke tilbagekøbe mere end 1850 A aktier og 1850 B aktier per dag.
Med 250 handelsdage giver det 250*1850*2*20.000kr = 18,5 mia kr per år.
Der er allerede allokeret 10 mia USD = 70 mia kr til aktietilbagekøb. De 70 mia kr. er også planlagt til at ske i 2022-2025. Det passer nogenlunde med 18.5 mia kr. per år.
Så de må finde en anden måde at levere pengene til aktionærene. Jeg tror på monsterudbytte til foråret.
Maersk A har gennemsnitlig volumen på 7400 stk per dag.
Safe Harbour siger at man ikke må købe mere end 25% af volumen. Det er ca. 1850 A aktier per dag.
Der er cirka lige mange A og B aktier og jeg tror at Maersk ønsker lige mange A og B aktier. Familien ejer rigtig mange A aktier.
Så Maersk kan reelt ikke tilbagekøbe mere end 1850 A aktier og 1850 B aktier per dag.
Med 250 handelsdage giver det 250*1850*2*20.000kr = 18,5 mia kr per år.
Der er allerede allokeret 10 mia USD = 70 mia kr til aktietilbagekøb. De 70 mia kr. er også planlagt til at ske i 2022-2025. Det passer nogenlunde med 18.5 mia kr. per år.
Så de må finde en anden måde at levere pengene til aktionærene. Jeg tror på monsterudbytte til foråret.
Tak for info om aktietilbagekøbet. jeg gætter på 3000 i udbytte, med mindre de foretager flere opkøb af logistik virksomheder på land.
Interessant indgangsvinkel til hvor meget Maersk max må købe på daglig basis - kan følge dig på de 7.400 A = 1850 pr dag. Men er den daglige omsætning for B-aktierne ikke højere = med større tilbagekøbsmulighed?
Tak for indsparket!
Tak for indsparket!
Godt spørgsmål.
Jeg var lige ved at svare at magtbalancen mellem A og B aktier ville ændres og derfor måtte man købe cirka lige mange A og B aktier.
Men så checkede jeg indbetningerne under safe harbour og kan konstatere, at der købes i øjeblikket ca. 320 A aktier og 1400 B aktier om dagen i markedet.
Der købes også cirka 320 A aktier og 1400 B aktier fra A.P. Møller Holding A/S og Foundation.
Så der købes ca. 3500 aktier ialt om dagen.
Så min oprindelige beregning var lavet for hurtigt.
Jeg undersøger lige lidt mere i de nærmeste dage.
Jeg var lige ved at svare at magtbalancen mellem A og B aktier ville ændres og derfor måtte man købe cirka lige mange A og B aktier.
Men så checkede jeg indbetningerne under safe harbour og kan konstatere, at der købes i øjeblikket ca. 320 A aktier og 1400 B aktier om dagen i markedet.
Der købes også cirka 320 A aktier og 1400 B aktier fra A.P. Møller Holding A/S og Foundation.
Så der købes ca. 3500 aktier ialt om dagen.
Så min oprindelige beregning var lavet for hurtigt.
Jeg undersøger lige lidt mere i de nærmeste dage.

EIMiller, jeg lavede en analyse på et tidspunkt og kom frem til. at der er cirka 3 mio A-aktier og knap det dobbelte antal B-aktier i "Free flow", altså ikke kontrolleret af fondene.
Så det løbende opkøb synes at være en balance mellem de to variabler "daglig omsætning" og "Free flow".
Bundlinjen er jo, at aktierne skal købes billigst muligt.
Så det løbende opkøb synes at være en balance mellem de to variabler "daglig omsætning" og "Free flow".
Bundlinjen er jo, at aktierne skal købes billigst muligt.

Mærsk udvider sit aktietilbagekøbsprogram med altså 3,7 mia. danske kroner årligt. I forvejen var programmet sat til 2,5 mia. dollar årligt og aktietilbagekøbet løber frem til 2025.
Maersk PE = 2
Udvandet EPS H1 2022 + H2 2021: 1433$ = 10.475 DKK
Og så har de endda betalt 2% i skat.
Udvandet EPS H1 2022 + H2 2021: 1433$ = 10.475 DKK
Og så har de endda betalt 2% i skat.

Press release: A.P. Moller - Maersk continues to grow logistics business and deliver record results
Copenhagen, 3 August 2022
A.P. Moller - Maersk (Maersk) delivered record results in Q2 2022. Revenue increased by 52pct. and earnings more than doubled compared to same quarter last year. Results were driven by continued exceptional market conditions and sustained momentum from the strategic transformation focused on integrated logistics. Based on the strong performance in first half of 2022, Maersk has upgraded its guidance for the full year 2022 and increased the current share buyback programme.
"We delivered an exceptionally strong result for the second quarter and consequently recorded the 15th quarter in a row with year-on-year earnings improvements. We are pleased with our performance across the business in first half of 2022, which clearly demonstrates the progress and great work by the entire Maersk team, transforming the company towards becoming a global, integrated logistics company", says Søren Skou, CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk.
In Q2, revenue grew to USD 21.7bn, EBITDA and EBIT increased to USD 10.3bn and USD 9bn respectively, and free cash flow rose to USD 6.8bn. The Q2 net result came in at USD 8.6bn and USD 15.4bn for the first half of the year. Return on invested capital (ROIC) was at 62.5 pct. for the past 12 months.
"The result was driven by strong contract rates in Ocean, rapid profitable growth in Logistics and continued solid performance in Terminals. Volumes in Ocean were softer as congestion continued and the war in Ukraine weighed on consumer confidence, particularly in Europe. However, in Logistics we grew volumes above the market as our Ocean customers continue to buy into our value proposition, resulting in organic revenue growth of 36pct., notching up the 6th quarter in a row of more than 30pct. organic growth", says Søren Skou, CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk.
In Ocean, revenue grew to USD 17.4bn and EBIT increased to USD 8.5bn over the second quarter. The higher freight rates were partly offset by 7.4pct. lower volumes and by higher fuel, handling, and network costs. Although spot rates have softened from their peak earlier in the year, the company continued to sign contracts at rates above previous year levels given strong demand and continuing global supply chain congestion.
During Q2, Maersk maintained its strong momentum in bringing integrated logistics solutions to customers. For the quarter, revenue in Logistics grew 61pct. to USD 3.5bn and EBIT increased to USD 234m mainly due to higher volumes from new customer wins and increased spending from existing customers. Maersk continued to invest in its logistics portfolio and capabilities; in Q2 the acquisitions of logistics specialist, Pilot Freight Services and the global air freight expert, Senator International were completed, and Maersk further strengthened its air freight offering by launching Maersk Air Cargo.
In Terminals, revenue grew to USD 1.1bn and EBIT increased to USD 316m, mainly driven by strong import demand in the United States and above market growth in Asia as well as higher storage income, which was however partly offset by higher costs.
Market situation
Global demand for logistics services continued to moderate across global supply chains in Q2 2022. Freight rates softened marginally over the quarter but remained at a high level historically as supply chain congestion increased across the globe. Global container volume declined by 2.3pct compared to Q2 2021 while global air cargo volumes (CTK) were 9.4pct lower in April/May. Geopolitical uncertainty and higher inflation via higher energy prices continued to weigh on consumer sentiment and growth expectations. Given this background, in 2022 global container demand is now expected to be at the lower end of the -1% to +1% forecasted range.
Guidance for 2022
As announced in a trading update August 2, for the full year 2022 Maersk anticipates an underlying EBITDA of around 37bn, an underlying EBIT of around 31bn and a free cash flow above USD 24bn. This is based on the strong performance in first half of 2022, and a gradual normalisation of Ocean freight rates taking place in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Based on the improved guidance, the Board of Directors has decided to increase the current share buyback programme by USD 500m annually from USD 2.5bn to USD 3.0bn for the years 2022-2025.
Signe Wagner - Head of Media Relations, A.P. Moller - Maersk
Phone: +45 29771815, E-mail: [email protected]
Copenhagen, 3 August 2022
A.P. Moller - Maersk (Maersk) delivered record results in Q2 2022. Revenue increased by 52pct. and earnings more than doubled compared to same quarter last year. Results were driven by continued exceptional market conditions and sustained momentum from the strategic transformation focused on integrated logistics. Based on the strong performance in first half of 2022, Maersk has upgraded its guidance for the full year 2022 and increased the current share buyback programme.
"We delivered an exceptionally strong result for the second quarter and consequently recorded the 15th quarter in a row with year-on-year earnings improvements. We are pleased with our performance across the business in first half of 2022, which clearly demonstrates the progress and great work by the entire Maersk team, transforming the company towards becoming a global, integrated logistics company", says Søren Skou, CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk.
In Q2, revenue grew to USD 21.7bn, EBITDA and EBIT increased to USD 10.3bn and USD 9bn respectively, and free cash flow rose to USD 6.8bn. The Q2 net result came in at USD 8.6bn and USD 15.4bn for the first half of the year. Return on invested capital (ROIC) was at 62.5 pct. for the past 12 months.
"The result was driven by strong contract rates in Ocean, rapid profitable growth in Logistics and continued solid performance in Terminals. Volumes in Ocean were softer as congestion continued and the war in Ukraine weighed on consumer confidence, particularly in Europe. However, in Logistics we grew volumes above the market as our Ocean customers continue to buy into our value proposition, resulting in organic revenue growth of 36pct., notching up the 6th quarter in a row of more than 30pct. organic growth", says Søren Skou, CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk.
In Ocean, revenue grew to USD 17.4bn and EBIT increased to USD 8.5bn over the second quarter. The higher freight rates were partly offset by 7.4pct. lower volumes and by higher fuel, handling, and network costs. Although spot rates have softened from their peak earlier in the year, the company continued to sign contracts at rates above previous year levels given strong demand and continuing global supply chain congestion.
During Q2, Maersk maintained its strong momentum in bringing integrated logistics solutions to customers. For the quarter, revenue in Logistics grew 61pct. to USD 3.5bn and EBIT increased to USD 234m mainly due to higher volumes from new customer wins and increased spending from existing customers. Maersk continued to invest in its logistics portfolio and capabilities; in Q2 the acquisitions of logistics specialist, Pilot Freight Services and the global air freight expert, Senator International were completed, and Maersk further strengthened its air freight offering by launching Maersk Air Cargo.
In Terminals, revenue grew to USD 1.1bn and EBIT increased to USD 316m, mainly driven by strong import demand in the United States and above market growth in Asia as well as higher storage income, which was however partly offset by higher costs.
Market situation
Global demand for logistics services continued to moderate across global supply chains in Q2 2022. Freight rates softened marginally over the quarter but remained at a high level historically as supply chain congestion increased across the globe. Global container volume declined by 2.3pct compared to Q2 2021 while global air cargo volumes (CTK) were 9.4pct lower in April/May. Geopolitical uncertainty and higher inflation via higher energy prices continued to weigh on consumer sentiment and growth expectations. Given this background, in 2022 global container demand is now expected to be at the lower end of the -1% to +1% forecasted range.
Guidance for 2022
As announced in a trading update August 2, for the full year 2022 Maersk anticipates an underlying EBITDA of around 37bn, an underlying EBIT of around 31bn and a free cash flow above USD 24bn. This is based on the strong performance in first half of 2022, and a gradual normalisation of Ocean freight rates taking place in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Based on the improved guidance, the Board of Directors has decided to increase the current share buyback programme by USD 500m annually from USD 2.5bn to USD 3.0bn for the years 2022-2025.
Signe Wagner - Head of Media Relations, A.P. Moller - Maersk
Phone: +45 29771815, E-mail: [email protected]

A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S Interim Report Q2 2022
The Interim Report for the 2nd Quarter 2022 for A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S is hereby enclosed.
CEO of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S, Søren Skou, states:
"We delivered an exceptionally strong result for the second quarter and consequently recorded the 15th quarter in a row with year-on-year earnings improvements. We are pleased with our performance across the business in first half of 2022, which clearly demonstrates the progress and great work by the entire Maersk team, transforming the company towards becoming a global, integrated logistics company.
The result was driven by strong contract rates in Ocean, rapid profitable growth in Logistics and continued solid performance in Terminals. Volumes in Ocean were softer as congestion continued and the war in Ukraine weighed on consumer confidence, particularly in Europe. However, in Logistics we grew volumes above the market as our Ocean customers continue to buy into our value proposition, resulting in organic revenue growth of 36pct., notching up the 6th quarter in a row of more than 30pct. organic growth."
Contact persons:
Head of Investor Relations, Sarah Spray, tel. +45 3147 4170
Head of External Communication, Signe Wagner, tel. +45 2977 1815
The Interim Report for the 2nd Quarter 2022 for A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S is hereby enclosed.
CEO of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S, Søren Skou, states:
"We delivered an exceptionally strong result for the second quarter and consequently recorded the 15th quarter in a row with year-on-year earnings improvements. We are pleased with our performance across the business in first half of 2022, which clearly demonstrates the progress and great work by the entire Maersk team, transforming the company towards becoming a global, integrated logistics company.
The result was driven by strong contract rates in Ocean, rapid profitable growth in Logistics and continued solid performance in Terminals. Volumes in Ocean were softer as congestion continued and the war in Ukraine weighed on consumer confidence, particularly in Europe. However, in Logistics we grew volumes above the market as our Ocean customers continue to buy into our value proposition, resulting in organic revenue growth of 36pct., notching up the 6th quarter in a row of more than 30pct. organic growth."
Contact persons:
Head of Investor Relations, Sarah Spray, tel. +45 3147 4170
Head of External Communication, Signe Wagner, tel. +45 2977 1815

Mærsk OVERBLIK Q2: Tjente knap 29 mio. kr. i timen

Investorerne priser pt. Mærsk-aktien i forventning om situationen i 2023 med eventuel recession og stort ratefald.
Generelt er shipping priset til meget lave p/e værdier pga af det stærkt cykliske element der er i sektoren.
Det kan for Mærsk vedkommende måske bedres, hvis virksomheden får succes med strategien om at sætte sig på endnu mere af værdikæden i transporten fra producent til forbruger.
Generelt er shipping priset til meget lave p/e værdier pga af det stærkt cykliske element der er i sektoren.
Det kan for Mærsk vedkommende måske bedres, hvis virksomheden får succes med strategien om at sætte sig på endnu mere af værdikæden i transporten fra producent til forbruger.

Enig. Det er et super godt eksempelvis på, at investor er 6-12 måneder fremme i tiden og derfor er betalingsvilligheden ikke større for en nutidskrone i indtjening.

"Weekly Container Rate Update Week 31, 2022 ' Capacity And Volume From Far East To US"