Iraqi government OKs crude oil export from self-ruled Kurdish region
On Sunday May 10, 2009, 7:26 am EDT
BAGHDAD (AP) -- An Iraqi oil official says Iraq's central government has approved Kurdish plans to start exporting crude oil next month.
Oil Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told The Associated Press on Sunday that the oil would be marketed by the government-owned State Oil Marketing Organization and shipped through a pipeline to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan.
The move could ease tension between the Kurds and central government in Baghdad over contracts between the Kurdish administration and foreign oil companies. The government maintained those contracts were illegal since a federal oil law had yet to be passed.
On Friday, the Kurds said they would start their first-ever crude exports on June 1, but Oil Ministry officials had said the plan was not final.

Det har igjen dukket opp spørsmål om hva som er avgjørende for DNOs Irak-eksport, og om selskapet faktisk er avhengig av oljeloven. Dette avkrefter Jørgensen.
- Når det gjelder oljeloven er de to feltene, Tawke og Taq-Taq, unntatt av denne. Dette da avtalene ble inngått på et tidligere stadium, slik at feltene ikke er en del av den nye oljeloven. Den irakiske oljeministeren har tidligere i vår sagt i et intervju med Reuters at alt var klart for disse to feltene, sier Jørgensen.
- Når det gjelder oljeloven er de to feltene, Tawke og Taq-Taq, unntatt av denne. Dette da avtalene ble inngått på et tidligere stadium, slik at feltene ikke er en del av den nye oljeloven. Den irakiske oljeministeren har tidligere i vår sagt i et intervju med Reuters at alt var klart for disse to feltene, sier Jørgensen.

De går til den på Hegnar - haha
Jeg vil nu sige, at Ketil Jørgensen bekræfter eksporttilladelsen, og han ikke når Komiske Ali til knæene.
Jeg har det fint med at være i DNO, tror på et flot afkast.
Jeg vil nu sige, at Ketil Jørgensen bekræfter eksporttilladelsen, og han ikke når Komiske Ali til knæene.
Jeg har det fint med at være i DNO, tror på et flot afkast.
Først er han ude og sige at der ikke er noget nyt...og nu siger han noget andet eller hvad??

Problemet er vel at de ikke har fået strikket en ny børsmeddelelse sammen.... og at de ikke har noget helt officielt fra Irak endnu.... Det er vel det de dækker sig ind ved.
Men mon ikke der ligger en eller anden form for børsmeddelelse senest i morgen tidlig. Det bør der vel næsten med de ret klare udmeldinger der er kommet i weekenden.
Men mon ikke der ligger en eller anden form for børsmeddelelse senest i morgen tidlig. Det bør der vel næsten med de ret klare udmeldinger der er kommet i weekenden.

"Vi registrerer alt som har skjedd, og vil vurdere dette. Vi vil komme tilbake til markedet etter det, sier DNOs pressetalsmann Ketil K. Jørgensen til HegnarOnline søndag kveld"
Oljen klar til å flomme ut av Irak
Oljen klar til å flomme ut av Irak

- og nu er Tyrkiet ude med nyheden
Iraq approves Kurdish oil exports-minister
The Kurdish local administration has received permission from the Iraqi Oil Ministry to export oil from fields in the largely autonomous Kurdish region through Iraq's national pipeline, a top Kurdish official said on Sunday.
"Today I received an email message from the Iraqi Oil Ministry sending us their approval for the Kurdish administration to export oil through the Iraqi pipelines to Ceyhan (in Turkey)," Ashti Hawrami, Kurdish natural resources minister, told Reuters.
"The revenue from this oil will go to the Iraqi people. This will increase Iraq's export capacity," he said by telephone from outside Iraq.
On Friday the Kurdish administration heralded the start on June 1 of oil exports from the Tawke field, saying they would start at an initial rate of 60,000 barrels per day (bpd).
It also said that 40,000 bpd of exports from another field, Taq Taq, would begin, travelling by truck and through an Iraq-Turkey export pipeline.
Asim Jihad, spokesman for the oil ministry in Baghdad, said the ministry would make any decisions about the launch of exports of crude from Kurdistan.
Although he denied on Friday that such permission had been granted he declined on Sunday to confirm or deny whether or not that had taken place.
A long-running oil feud between Iraq's minority Kurds and the Shi'ite Arab-led government in Baghdad is part of a larger dispute over resources, land and power, one which has held up national energy legislation and cast a shadow over a country struggling to emerge from six years of bloodshed.
Reference is made to the information published on the website of the
Kurdistan Regional Government ("KRG") on 8 May 2009 and on 10 May
2009 announcing commencement of crude oil export from the Tawke
DNO has now been given formal notice by KRG to commence export crude
oil from the Tawke field on 1st June 2009. KRG has also instructed
DNO to complete any outstanding work and undertake all necessary
preparations to ensure safe and smooth operation on the commencement
11 May, 2009
Reference is made to the information published on the website of the
Kurdistan Regional Government ("KRG") on 8 May 2009 and on 10 May
2009 announcing commencement of crude oil export from the Tawke
DNO has now been given formal notice by KRG to commence export crude
oil from the Tawke field on 1st June 2009. KRG has also instructed
DNO to complete any outstanding work and undertake all necessary
preparations to ensure safe and smooth operation on the commencement
11 May, 2009

Og her lidt interesse fra Goldman - de er jo sjældent de langsommeste knallerter på havnen.....
Lidt teknik...fra investtech...når nu CHjort ikke er på pinden...

Fra Addax idag: Kontrakterne bliver som aftalt:
revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract
CALGARY, May 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Addax Petroleum Corporation ("Addax
Petroleum" or the "Corporation") (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government ("KRG") of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd ("Genel Energy") prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization ("SOMO") and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.
revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract
CALGARY, May 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Addax Petroleum Corporation ("Addax
Petroleum" or the "Corporation") (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government ("KRG") of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd ("Genel Energy") prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization ("SOMO") and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.
Super...kursmål justeret til 12,2
Det føderale oljedepartementet i Bagdad, Irak opplyste mandag at det vil tillate kurdiske KRG å starte oljeeksport i juni.
Dette får DNO-aksjen til å stige solid mandag, etter at ryktene om dette gjorde at aksjen gikk meget bra også fredag.
Analytiker Trond Omdal i Arctic Securities justerer nå opp sitt kursmål på DNO fra 8,60 til 12,20 kroner. Han mener sannsynlighet for suksess i Irak er større nå for selskapet, og tror også at selskapet er en oppkjøpskandidat.
- Med godkjenningen av eksport fra Tawke vil DNO bli blant de to første børsnoterte selskapene sammen med Addax Petroleum som starter eksport fra Irak. Dette gjør DNO til en sannsynlig oppkjøpskandidat for større internasjonale oljeselskaper som vil inn i Irak, heter det i en ferske oppdatering fra Arctic Securities mandag.
Omdal peker også på at DNOs eierandel i Det norske oljeselskap har økt i verdi. Aker har dessuten kjøpt en aksjepost på 18 prosent i Det norske.
DNO International stiger mandag 20,62 prosent til 8,89 kroner.
Det føderale oljedepartementet i Bagdad, Irak opplyste mandag at det vil tillate kurdiske KRG å starte oljeeksport i juni.
Dette får DNO-aksjen til å stige solid mandag, etter at ryktene om dette gjorde at aksjen gikk meget bra også fredag.
Analytiker Trond Omdal i Arctic Securities justerer nå opp sitt kursmål på DNO fra 8,60 til 12,20 kroner. Han mener sannsynlighet for suksess i Irak er større nå for selskapet, og tror også at selskapet er en oppkjøpskandidat.
- Med godkjenningen av eksport fra Tawke vil DNO bli blant de to første børsnoterte selskapene sammen med Addax Petroleum som starter eksport fra Irak. Dette gjør DNO til en sannsynlig oppkjøpskandidat for større internasjonale oljeselskaper som vil inn i Irak, heter det i en ferske oppdatering fra Arctic Securities mandag.
Omdal peker også på at DNOs eierandel i Det norske oljeselskap har økt i verdi. Aker har dessuten kjøpt en aksjepost på 18 prosent i Det norske.
DNO International stiger mandag 20,62 prosent til 8,89 kroner.
DNO(DNO) sier mandag at kurdiske regionalmyndigheter nå har bedt selskapet starte eksport av olje fra Tawke-feltet fra 1. juni 2009.
Søndag uttalte irakiske oljemyndigheter at eksport fra kurdiske felt ville starte så snart oljefelt var knyttet til eksportrør.
DNO-aksjen stiger 19,4 prosent til 8,80 kroner.
"Det er gode nyheter for DNO at det ser ut til å gå mot eksporttillatelse fra Tawke-feltet i Nord-Irak, selv om det fortsatt er uklart i hvilken grad lokale og sentrale irakiske myndigheter er samstemt", heter det i en oppdatering fra DnB NOR Markets.
DnB NOR Markets har en kjøpsanbefaling på DNO og hever kursmålet til 8,50 fra 7,50 kroner.
Søndag uttalte irakiske oljemyndigheter at eksport fra kurdiske felt ville starte så snart oljefelt var knyttet til eksportrør.
DNO-aksjen stiger 19,4 prosent til 8,80 kroner.
"Det er gode nyheter for DNO at det ser ut til å gå mot eksporttillatelse fra Tawke-feltet i Nord-Irak, selv om det fortsatt er uklart i hvilken grad lokale og sentrale irakiske myndigheter er samstemt", heter det i en oppdatering fra DnB NOR Markets.
DnB NOR Markets har en kjøpsanbefaling på DNO og hever kursmålet til 8,50 fra 7,50 kroner.
BAGHDAD, May 11 (Reuters) - The Iraqi Oil Ministry still considers contracts signed by the largely autonomous Kurdish region with foreign oil firms illegal, despite news this week it would allow exports from Kurdish fields through a national pipeline, a senior official said on Monday.
"The Oil Ministry's position has not changed regarding the contracts signed by the Kurdish regional government with the foreign oil companies. Approving the Kurds to export does not mean approving the contracts they have signed," ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told Reuters
"The Oil Ministry's position has not changed regarding the contracts signed by the Kurdish regional government with the foreign oil companies. Approving the Kurds to export does not mean approving the contracts they have signed," ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told Reuters

Forvirrende, men jeg holder mig til denne meddelelse:

Og endnu en gentagelse:
Når det gjelder oljeloven er de to feltene, Tawke og Taq-Taq, unntatt av denne. Dette da avtalene ble inngått på et tidligere stadium, slik at feltene ikke er en del av den nye oljeloven. Den irakiske oljeministeren har tidligere i vår sagt i et intervju med Reuters at alt var klart for disse to feltene, sier Jørgensen.
Når det gjelder oljeloven er de to feltene, Tawke og Taq-Taq, unntatt av denne. Dette da avtalene ble inngått på et tidligere stadium, slik at feltene ikke er en del av den nye oljeloven. Den irakiske oljeministeren har tidligere i vår sagt i et intervju med Reuters at alt var klart for disse to feltene, sier Jørgensen.
yes lige netop.....utroligt at de fik og måske får held til at trykke den stadig....det minder meget om Genmab
De skal åbenbart se olien sprøjte ind i tyrkiet før der sker noget...

Utroligt at hele den norske investeringsverden hoppede på den historie igen.... og at pressen kunne køre historien igen med et tilskåret citat fra olieministeriet, som (måske) åbenbart ikke gælder for DNO's tidlige aftaler....
Et eller andet sted må der sidde nogle og trække i nogle tråde.... og grine deres røv i laser over hvor nemt det er det hele.....
Et eller andet sted må der sidde nogle og trække i nogle tråde.... og grine deres røv i laser over hvor nemt det er det hele.....

Oil Ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told Reuters that once fields in the northern Kurdish region had been connected to the national export pipelines, "the Iraqi Oil Ministry will start exporting crude extracted from some oil fields in Kurdistan."

Tilbake til: Olje og energi
Innlegg av: cybu (11.05.09 22:29 ), lest 22 ganger
Ticker: DNO
DNO og Addax er vinderne
Oil Ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told Reuters that once fields in the northern Kurdish region had been connected to the national export pipelines, "the Iraqi Oil Ministry will start exporting crude extracted from some oil fields in Kurdistan."
Addax Petroleum Receives Notification For International Exports from The Kurdistan Region of Iraq
KRG authorises commencement of crude oil exports from the Taq Taq field
Calgary, Alberta, May 11th, 2009 – Addax Petroleum Corporation (“Addax Petroleum” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd (“Genel Energy”) prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization (“SOMO”) and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.
Innlegg av: cybu (11.05.09 22:29 ), lest 22 ganger
Ticker: DNO
DNO og Addax er vinderne
Oil Ministry spokesman Asim Jihad told Reuters that once fields in the northern Kurdish region had been connected to the national export pipelines, "the Iraqi Oil Ministry will start exporting crude extracted from some oil fields in Kurdistan."
Addax Petroleum Receives Notification For International Exports from The Kurdistan Region of Iraq
KRG authorises commencement of crude oil exports from the Taq Taq field
Calgary, Alberta, May 11th, 2009 – Addax Petroleum Corporation (“Addax Petroleum” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd (“Genel Energy”) prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization (“SOMO”) and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.

Oslo Børs:
Toronto Børs:
Toronto Børs:

The assignment of a 25% third party interest
Addax samarbejde med Genel går et par år tilbage, alt er nu klappet og klart.
Addax samarbejde med Genel går et par år tilbage, alt er nu klappet og klart.

Addax Petroleum Receives Notification For International Exports from The Kurdistan Region of Iraq
KRG authorises commencement of crude oil exports from the Taq Taq field
Calgary, Alberta, May 11th, 2009 – Addax Petroleum Corporation (“Addax Petroleum” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd (“Genel Energy”) prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization (“SOMO”) and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.
KRG authorises commencement of crude oil exports from the Taq Taq field
Calgary, Alberta, May 11th, 2009 – Addax Petroleum Corporation (“Addax Petroleum” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:AXC and LSE:AXC) today announced that it has received formal notification from the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) of its decision to commence the export of crude oil. The notification requests that Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy International Ltd (“Genel Energy”) prepare to truck oil from the Taq Taq field to the Khurmala export station on or soon after June 1, 2009. The crude oil will be marketed by the State Oil Marketing Organization (“SOMO”) and revenues will be directed to Addax Petroleum and Genel Energy through the coordination of the KRG on terms to be agreed under the framework of the production sharing contract. Crude oil delivered to the Khurmala station will be exported via the Iraq-Turkey main export pipeline to the Mediterranean port city of Ceyhan.

From The Times
May 12, 2009
Iraqi deal opens way for Kurdish oil to go on sale
Carl Mortished, World Business Editor Oil from the Kurdish region of Iraq will begin to flow into world markets within a matter of weeks after a landmark agreement between Baghdad and the regional government.
The prospect yesterday of profits from new oil discoveries in Kurdish Iraq pushed up the share prices of independent oil explorers active in the area, including Addax Petroleum, the London-quoted oil explorer, and DNO, the Norwegian company. Kurdish oil exports will increase the pressure on Baghdad to agree deals with multinationals such as BP, Shell and ExxonMobil that have been held up in disputes over the profit share between the Iraqi State and foreign investors.
After years of wrangling, the Iraqi Oil Ministry issued licences yesterday for the export of oil from fields operated by two foreign companies. From June 1, oil from DNO’s Tawke field will flow at a rate of 60,000 barrels per day into Iraq’s northern export pipeline into Turkey. A further 40,000 barrels a day is expected to flow later in June from Taq Taq, operated by Addax. Kurdish oil export volumes will increase later to as much as 250,000 barrels a day when a pipeline spur links the Taq Taq field to the main export line to Turkey.
Political feuding between Kurdish nationalists in Arbil and Iraqi Arabs in Baghdad have dogged efforts by foreign investors to bring the region’s oil to the world market. Latterly, the dispute appears to have centred on the management of oil revenues.
The Kurdish regional government said yesterday that revenues would be held centrally and distributed throughout the country, according to a formula agreed in the Iraqi Constitution.
While the big oil companies waited for Baghdad to agree rules for foreign investment, smaller independent companies flocked to the Kurdish region, attracted by the local authorities’ willingness to do exploration deals on profit-sharing terms.
Yesterday’s approval of oil exports by Baghdad will highlight the slow pace of development in southern Iraq, where foreign investors have been offered “service contracts” to extract oil.
Excitement over Kurdish exports was heightened last week when Heritage Oil, a Canadian company listed in London, said that a well drilled close to Kirkuk indicated a field with potential recoverable reserves of more than one billion barrels.