Innlegg av: fcras (12.05.09 08:04 ), lest 94 ganger
Ticker: DNO
DNO__ Iraqi deal opens way for Kurdish oil to go on sale
From The Times
May 12, 2009
Carl Mortished, World Business Editor Oil from the Kurdish region of Iraq will begin to flow into world markets within a matter of weeks after a landmark agreement between Baghdad and the regional government.
The prospect yesterday of profits from new oil discoveries in Kurdish Iraq pushed up the share prices of independent oil explorers active in the area, including Addax Petroleum, the London-quoted oil explorer, and DNO, the Norwegian company. Kurdish oil exports will increase the pressure on Baghdad to agree deals with multinationals such as BP, Shell and ExxonMobil that have been held up in disputes over the profit share between the Iraqi State and foreign investors.
After years of wrangling, the Iraqi Oil Ministry issued licences yesterday for the export of oil from fields operated by two foreign companies. From June 1, oil from DNO’s Tawke field will flow at a rate of 60,000 barrels per day into Iraq’s northern export pipeline into Turkey. A further 40,000 barrels a day is expected to flow later in June from Taq Taq, operated by Addax. Kurdish oil export volumes will increase later to as much as 250,000 barrels a day when a pipeline spur links the Taq Taq field to the main export line to Turkey.
Political feuding between Kurdish nationalists in Arbil and Iraqi Arabs in Baghdad have dogged efforts by foreign investors to bring the region’s oil to the world market. Latterly, the dispute appears to have centred on the management of oil revenues.
The Kurdish regional government said yesterday that revenues would be held centrally and distributed throughout the country, according to a formula agreed in the Iraqi Constitution.
While the big oil companies waited for Baghdad to agree rules for foreign investment, smaller independent companies flocked to the Kurdish region, attracted by the local authorities’ willingness to do exploration deals on profit-sharing terms.
Yesterday’s approval of oil exports by Baghdad will highlight the slow pace of development in southern Iraq, where foreign investors have been offered “service contracts” to extract oil.
Excitement over Kurdish exports was heightened last week when Heritage Oil, a Canadian company listed in London, said that a well drilled close to Kirkuk indicated a field with potential recoverable reserves of more than one billion barrels.
Ticker: DNO
DNO__ Iraqi deal opens way for Kurdish oil to go on sale
From The Times
May 12, 2009
Carl Mortished, World Business Editor Oil from the Kurdish region of Iraq will begin to flow into world markets within a matter of weeks after a landmark agreement between Baghdad and the regional government.
The prospect yesterday of profits from new oil discoveries in Kurdish Iraq pushed up the share prices of independent oil explorers active in the area, including Addax Petroleum, the London-quoted oil explorer, and DNO, the Norwegian company. Kurdish oil exports will increase the pressure on Baghdad to agree deals with multinationals such as BP, Shell and ExxonMobil that have been held up in disputes over the profit share between the Iraqi State and foreign investors.
After years of wrangling, the Iraqi Oil Ministry issued licences yesterday for the export of oil from fields operated by two foreign companies. From June 1, oil from DNO’s Tawke field will flow at a rate of 60,000 barrels per day into Iraq’s northern export pipeline into Turkey. A further 40,000 barrels a day is expected to flow later in June from Taq Taq, operated by Addax. Kurdish oil export volumes will increase later to as much as 250,000 barrels a day when a pipeline spur links the Taq Taq field to the main export line to Turkey.
Political feuding between Kurdish nationalists in Arbil and Iraqi Arabs in Baghdad have dogged efforts by foreign investors to bring the region’s oil to the world market. Latterly, the dispute appears to have centred on the management of oil revenues.
The Kurdish regional government said yesterday that revenues would be held centrally and distributed throughout the country, according to a formula agreed in the Iraqi Constitution.
While the big oil companies waited for Baghdad to agree rules for foreign investment, smaller independent companies flocked to the Kurdish region, attracted by the local authorities’ willingness to do exploration deals on profit-sharing terms.
Yesterday’s approval of oil exports by Baghdad will highlight the slow pace of development in southern Iraq, where foreign investors have been offered “service contracts” to extract oil.
Excitement over Kurdish exports was heightened last week when Heritage Oil, a Canadian company listed in London, said that a well drilled close to Kirkuk indicated a field with potential recoverable reserves of more than one billion barrels.

Det skulle bare én enkelt beslutning til, så kunne oljemyggen DNO påregne en helt annen salgspris for sin Irak-olje.
Artikkel av: Øystein Schmidt (HegnarOnline - 12.5.09 08:21)
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Relaterte artikler
Oljen holder seg sterk
Vil legge olje-beslutning på is
- Det kommer til å krasje
Oljeprisen ned mandag
DNO: Eksport starter 1. juni
Oljemygg tar penge-grep
Oljeprisen faller
- DNOs vei til suksess er kortere nå
I går kom meldingen også fra DNO: Selskapet har fått formell beskjed fra KRG, regionale myndigheter i kurdisk Nord-Irak, om at eksporten fra Tawke-feltet kan begynne 1. juni, skriver Finansavisen.
- Vi har ventet på meldingen om Irak-eksport i veldig lang tid, sier Rolf Haakensen, analytiker i Handelsbanken.
DNOs produksjonskapasitet på Tawke-feltet er 50.000 fat dagen, ifølge selskapets talsmann Ketil Jørgensen.
Så langt har DNO måttet nøye seg med å selge olje fra Tawke-feltet på det lokale markedet, til en pris som ligger på vel halvparten av prisen på verdensmarkedet.
- Vi har ikke sagt hva prisen er, men man har regnet seg frem til at den er rundt 30 dollar. Det har vi verken gjort noe for å avkrefte eller bekrefte, sier Jørgensen.
Prisen fra Tawke vil ikke være helt på Brent-nivå (57-58 dollar i går), men noen få dollar lavere, venter analytikere.
Artikkel av: Øystein Schmidt (HegnarOnline - 12.5.09 08:21)
Tips en venn Skriv ut
Relaterte artikler
Oljen holder seg sterk
Vil legge olje-beslutning på is
- Det kommer til å krasje
Oljeprisen ned mandag
DNO: Eksport starter 1. juni
Oljemygg tar penge-grep
Oljeprisen faller
- DNOs vei til suksess er kortere nå
I går kom meldingen også fra DNO: Selskapet har fått formell beskjed fra KRG, regionale myndigheter i kurdisk Nord-Irak, om at eksporten fra Tawke-feltet kan begynne 1. juni, skriver Finansavisen.
- Vi har ventet på meldingen om Irak-eksport i veldig lang tid, sier Rolf Haakensen, analytiker i Handelsbanken.
DNOs produksjonskapasitet på Tawke-feltet er 50.000 fat dagen, ifølge selskapets talsmann Ketil Jørgensen.
Så langt har DNO måttet nøye seg med å selge olje fra Tawke-feltet på det lokale markedet, til en pris som ligger på vel halvparten av prisen på verdensmarkedet.
- Vi har ikke sagt hva prisen er, men man har regnet seg frem til at den er rundt 30 dollar. Det har vi verken gjort noe for å avkrefte eller bekrefte, sier Jørgensen.
Prisen fra Tawke vil ikke være helt på Brent-nivå (57-58 dollar i går), men noen få dollar lavere, venter analytikere.
Altså det han laver kan vel næppe katagoriseres som IR, det er vel nærmere end form for mørklægning...
Vi kan hverken be eller afkræfte 30 dollar per tønde. Gud fader bevares, kom dog ind i kampen and give a straight answer!
Vi kan hverken be eller afkræfte 30 dollar per tønde. Gud fader bevares, kom dog ind i kampen and give a straight answer!

Rigtigt nogle gange undres man over hvad der skal holdes "hemmeligt" - kan vel næppe have nogen fordel for konkurentterne, som jo ikke opererer på dette kurdiske marked ?!
Men man vil føle sig "vigtig"
Men man vil føle sig "vigtig"

3 måneder gemmel.. men stadig aktuel:
China is preparing to open a new phase in its race for the world's resources by using its huge currency reserves to buy foreign oil and gas companies.
This proposal may risk a backlash from countries who fear that China is using the world's economic crisis to tilt the balance of trade and diplomacy in its favour.
A conference of officials from the National Energy Administration has agreed to consider establishing a special fund for China's state-owned companies to buy oil and gas firms overseas. The beneficiaries would be the Beijing's three giant energy companies - Petrochina, Sinopec and CNOOC.
"Firms will be able to benefit from low-interest loans and, in some cases, direct capital injections," according to China Petroleum Daily.
This state money would be used to fund takeovers or mergers with resource companies abroad. Which foreign firms, if any, have been identified for takeover has not been disclosed. But the dramatic fall in oil prices since last summer, and the strains caused by recession, have driven down the share prices of many energy companies, making them more affordable targets for predatory competitors.
Jiang Jemin, the chairman of Petrochina, recently remarked that the "low share prices of some global resource companies provide us with fresh opportunities".
The possibility of a Chinese state subsidy for overseas acquisitions may ring alarm bells in Western economies. Four years ago, CNOOC tried to buy an American oil company, Unocal, and succeeded in outbidding its main US rival. But the Chinese firm eventually withdrew its offer amid opposition from American Congressmen. They opposed the idea of a private US firm falling into the lap of a state-owned company, bankrolled by the Chinese Communist Party.
This time, China may calculate that Western governments are in a weaker position to object. They are, after all, spending billions on taking over their own companies, notably the banking sector.
Chinese leaders have now concluded a new raft of long-term oil supply deals. In the last week alone, Beijing has signed agreements worth more than £28 billion with countries as diverse as Russia, Venezuela and Brazil. Vice-President Xi Jinping last week toured major oil producers in Latin America.
He signed one agreement worth £7 billion with Petrobras in Brazil, and another to invest £5.6 billion in expanding Venezuela's oil production.
The latter deal aims to increase Venezuela's oil sales to China from 350,000 barrels a day to 1 million barrels by 2015. With his customary flourish, President Hugo Chavez went further, claiming: "All the oil China needs for the next 200 years - it's here. It's in Venezuela."
A separate deal with Russia will exchange £17 billion of Chinese loans to two major Russian companies - Rosneft, its biggest oil firm, and the pipeline operator Transneft - in return for for 15 million tons of oil ever year for the next two decades.
Hillary Clinton finished her visit to Asia, her first tour as US secretary of state, in Beijing yesterday. Her travels took in the world's two largest holders of American debt, Japan and China.
She called on Beijing to continue to buy American Treasury bills to fund President Barack Obama's stimulus package. "By continuing to support American Treasury instruments the Chinese are recognising our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together," she said.
Mrs Clinton may be concerned by China's latest energy ties with Venezuela, a stridently anti-American country, and Russia, one of Washington's strategic competitors. But Dong Xiucheng, from the China University of Petroleum, said that Beijing's motives were solely commercial and there was no intention to strain relations with America.
"From the Chinese government's point of view, perhaps a third country's relations with USA are taken into consideration, but they will not be a big issue," she said.
China is preparing to open a new phase in its race for the world's resources by using its huge currency reserves to buy foreign oil and gas companies.
This proposal may risk a backlash from countries who fear that China is using the world's economic crisis to tilt the balance of trade and diplomacy in its favour.
A conference of officials from the National Energy Administration has agreed to consider establishing a special fund for China's state-owned companies to buy oil and gas firms overseas. The beneficiaries would be the Beijing's three giant energy companies - Petrochina, Sinopec and CNOOC.
"Firms will be able to benefit from low-interest loans and, in some cases, direct capital injections," according to China Petroleum Daily.
This state money would be used to fund takeovers or mergers with resource companies abroad. Which foreign firms, if any, have been identified for takeover has not been disclosed. But the dramatic fall in oil prices since last summer, and the strains caused by recession, have driven down the share prices of many energy companies, making them more affordable targets for predatory competitors.
Jiang Jemin, the chairman of Petrochina, recently remarked that the "low share prices of some global resource companies provide us with fresh opportunities".
The possibility of a Chinese state subsidy for overseas acquisitions may ring alarm bells in Western economies. Four years ago, CNOOC tried to buy an American oil company, Unocal, and succeeded in outbidding its main US rival. But the Chinese firm eventually withdrew its offer amid opposition from American Congressmen. They opposed the idea of a private US firm falling into the lap of a state-owned company, bankrolled by the Chinese Communist Party.
This time, China may calculate that Western governments are in a weaker position to object. They are, after all, spending billions on taking over their own companies, notably the banking sector.
Chinese leaders have now concluded a new raft of long-term oil supply deals. In the last week alone, Beijing has signed agreements worth more than £28 billion with countries as diverse as Russia, Venezuela and Brazil. Vice-President Xi Jinping last week toured major oil producers in Latin America.
He signed one agreement worth £7 billion with Petrobras in Brazil, and another to invest £5.6 billion in expanding Venezuela's oil production.
The latter deal aims to increase Venezuela's oil sales to China from 350,000 barrels a day to 1 million barrels by 2015. With his customary flourish, President Hugo Chavez went further, claiming: "All the oil China needs for the next 200 years - it's here. It's in Venezuela."
A separate deal with Russia will exchange £17 billion of Chinese loans to two major Russian companies - Rosneft, its biggest oil firm, and the pipeline operator Transneft - in return for for 15 million tons of oil ever year for the next two decades.
Hillary Clinton finished her visit to Asia, her first tour as US secretary of state, in Beijing yesterday. Her travels took in the world's two largest holders of American debt, Japan and China.
She called on Beijing to continue to buy American Treasury bills to fund President Barack Obama's stimulus package. "By continuing to support American Treasury instruments the Chinese are recognising our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together," she said.
Mrs Clinton may be concerned by China's latest energy ties with Venezuela, a stridently anti-American country, and Russia, one of Washington's strategic competitors. But Dong Xiucheng, from the China University of Petroleum, said that Beijing's motives were solely commercial and there was no intention to strain relations with America.
"From the Chinese government's point of view, perhaps a third country's relations with USA are taken into consideration, but they will not be a big issue," she said.
DNO har bekreftet 0,7 - 1.9 milliarder fat på tawke. Det er bare det at de sier det kun 15 prosent som er løftbart. Det er meget konservativt. Heritage operer med 50-70 prosent.
Så hvis det er 1.9 milliarder fat på Tawke så kan nær 1 milliard bli løftet med kostnader på 2 dollars pr fat.
Totale løftekostander på ca 2 milliarder. Tenk på Goliat - de skal løfte 128 millioner fat, og har tenkt å bygge for 28 milliarder kroner for å kunne løfte.
1 milliard fat vil tilsi 25 milliarder usd etter løftekostnader og andel til KRG. 25 milliarder usd = ca 150 milliarder ren kontantstrøm til dno.
Aksjen er priset til fattige 8.4 milliarder idag.
HUSK også at det er 2 andre felt, sannsynligvis med STØRRE reserver! Derfor det er mange som tror at DNO blir større enn statoil!! Aksjen må opp 9000 prosent!!!
Så hvis det er 1.9 milliarder fat på Tawke så kan nær 1 milliard bli løftet med kostnader på 2 dollars pr fat.
Totale løftekostander på ca 2 milliarder. Tenk på Goliat - de skal løfte 128 millioner fat, og har tenkt å bygge for 28 milliarder kroner for å kunne løfte.
1 milliard fat vil tilsi 25 milliarder usd etter løftekostnader og andel til KRG. 25 milliarder usd = ca 150 milliarder ren kontantstrøm til dno.
Aksjen er priset til fattige 8.4 milliarder idag.
HUSK også at det er 2 andre felt, sannsynligvis med STØRRE reserver! Derfor det er mange som tror at DNO blir større enn statoil!! Aksjen må opp 9000 prosent!!!