Skribenten Cubinvest har været så venlig at poste to meget informative links omkring algoritmehandel og shorting i Bavarian-chatten. Begge links kan varmt anbefales.
Eventuel debat om emner kan som altid ske her i debatten, men nu også i vores nye chat om shorting.
Eventuel debat om emner kan som altid ske her i debatten, men nu også i vores nye chat om shorting.
De spekuleres rigtig meget i f.eks. Bavarian chatten over "mystiske" handelsmønstre i populære aktier med god daglig likviditet. "Mystikken" kan helt eller delvist opklares ved at læse nedenstående uddrag fra artiklen fra Wall Street Journal. De shortforskrækkede kan glæde sig over det nederste afsnit. Tak for det link.
"When Wall Street firms use algorithms, they are simply encoding a logic into the computer. A trading algorithm can be fundamentally driven--meaning it is based on old-fashioned company metrics--or based on quantitative signals such as a sweep of buying interest known as momentum or technical factors like a particular stock breaking through a 30-day average price. Or, it can be all three".
"This Quantopian algorithm is based on the concept of "mean reversion," which is another way of saying that prices over time will return to the average.
It takes a list of stocks and ranks them into companies whose share prices are too high to those that are too low based on a well-used methodology called Bollinger Bands. Then it sells the high ones and buys the low ones. The idea is that over time, the high ones fall and the low ones rise toward the middle".
"The code may seem hard to follow, but it's one of the oldest tricks in the "quant" book. The algorithm employs a general statistical arbitrage strategy based on the tendency of overvalued stocks to go back down and the undervalued ones to go up. In the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, it could have made a trader millions".
"Nowadays, it wouldn't likely earn much at all - it might even lose money - because the opportunity has been largely traded away. That's what makes the markets one of the greatest games - incredibly difficult, but with sometimes huge pay-outs".
"When an algorithm begins investing money, the opportunity starts to fade instantly. Over time, as others find it, it completely melts away".
"When Wall Street firms use algorithms, they are simply encoding a logic into the computer. A trading algorithm can be fundamentally driven--meaning it is based on old-fashioned company metrics--or based on quantitative signals such as a sweep of buying interest known as momentum or technical factors like a particular stock breaking through a 30-day average price. Or, it can be all three".
"This Quantopian algorithm is based on the concept of "mean reversion," which is another way of saying that prices over time will return to the average.
It takes a list of stocks and ranks them into companies whose share prices are too high to those that are too low based on a well-used methodology called Bollinger Bands. Then it sells the high ones and buys the low ones. The idea is that over time, the high ones fall and the low ones rise toward the middle".
"The code may seem hard to follow, but it's one of the oldest tricks in the "quant" book. The algorithm employs a general statistical arbitrage strategy based on the tendency of overvalued stocks to go back down and the undervalued ones to go up. In the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, it could have made a trader millions".
"Nowadays, it wouldn't likely earn much at all - it might even lose money - because the opportunity has been largely traded away. That's what makes the markets one of the greatest games - incredibly difficult, but with sometimes huge pay-outs".
"When an algorithm begins investing money, the opportunity starts to fade instantly. Over time, as others find it, it completely melts away".
Tak BSinvest, Algotrading forklarer vel også tydeligt de handelsmønstre du gang på gang har beskrevet i Zealand Pharma chatten, hvor der sælges, når kursen rammer de tekniske modstandsområder opad - og købes når den rammer modstandsområder nedad?
Mønsteret med et tradingrange mellem top og bund skabes ikke kun af algotrading, men også af fysisk handel, hvor der trades efter de samme TA-signaler.
Mønsteret forstærkes af algoritmer/tradere der sælger ud under toppen og derefter åbner en shortposition, som lukkes på bunden, hvorefter der gås long igen.
Helge har i en video fortalt, hvor almindeligt dette fænomen har været i mange år blandt privatinvestorer på det norske aktiemarked. Hvorvidt det nu også er tilfældet i Danmark hører vi ikke meget om på de sociale aktiemedier. Det er måske et emne man går stille med dørerne om pga det stærke modvilje mod shorting hos mange af medskribenterne.
Mønsteret forstærkes af algoritmer/tradere der sælger ud under toppen og derefter åbner en shortposition, som lukkes på bunden, hvorefter der gås long igen.
Helge har i en video fortalt, hvor almindeligt dette fænomen har været i mange år blandt privatinvestorer på det norske aktiemarked. Hvorvidt det nu også er tilfældet i Danmark hører vi ikke meget om på de sociale aktiemedier. Det er måske et emne man går stille med dørerne om pga det stærke modvilje mod shorting hos mange af medskribenterne.
4/3 2023 13:16 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 1111072
Her er videoen. Bla. også med om shorting af svenske Fingerprint Cards, Tesla og Bavarian Nordic.