STENOCARE Units Rights Issue subscribed to 127%
This information is information that STENOCARE A/S is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person below for publication on June 12, 2023.
The subscription period in the Initial Rights Issue of the Units Rights Issue of STENOCARE A/S ("Stenocare" or the "Company") ended on 8 June 2023. The Initial Rights Issue was subscribed to approximately 127% corresponding to total cash subscription of 13.6 DKK million relative to the proceeds from full (100%) cash subscription of 10,7 DKK million, which is the amount that Stenocare will receive before deduction of transaction related costs. As a result of the outcome, the guarantors will not be called, and a reduced allocation will apply to subscribers without rights.
Subscription, allocation, and payment
The Initial Rights Issue was subscribed to approximately 13.6 DKK million including pre-subscriptions of approximately 3.2 DKK million, which corresponds to a total subscription rate of approximately 127 percent. Consequently, none of the guarantors (approximately 6.0 DKK million) will be called and a reduced allocation will apply to subscribers without rights. The Company is thus provided with approximately 10.7 DKK million in gross proceeds before deduction of transaction-related costs.
Each unit subscribed for in the Units Rights Issue has a price of 9.16 DKK and comprises of 2 (two) new shares in Stenocare priced at 4.58 DKK each, 1 (one) warrant of series TO1 and 1 (one) warrant of series TO2. The allocation of units subscribed for without support of unit rights will be made in accordance with the principles described in the Company Announcement published by Stenocare on 15 May 2023. Payment for units without rights will be made via a delivery versus payment transfer through the subscriber's own bank and will be withdrawn from the account by the subscriber's own account holder's bank or brokers.
Number of shares and share capital
Each share in Stenocare corresponds to a nominal value (share capital) of 0.08 DKK. When the new shares from the Units Rights Issue have been registered with the Danish Business Authority, the share capital will have increased with nominally 186.817,92 DKK, from nominally 934.090,08 DKK to 1.120.908 DKK. The total number of shares will increase by 2.335.224 shares, from 11,676,126 shares to 14.011.350 shares, and the dilution effect for shareholders who did not participate in the Initial Rights Issue therefore amounts to approximately 16.7 percent.
Summary of terms for warrants of series TO1 and TO2
As a result of the fully subscribed Unit Rights Issue, a total of 1.167.612 warrants of series TO1 and 1.167.612 warrants of series TO2 are issued. The new shares and the warrants of series TO1 with ISIN DK and TO2 with ISIN DK respectively will be tradeable at Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark from 20 June 2023.
Warrants of series TO1 have an exercise period from 1 December 2023 to and including 14 December 2023. Last day of trading in warrants of series TO1 is 12 December 2023. The exercise price of warrants of series TO1 will be calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price, less 30%, for the Stenocare share prior to the first day of exercise and according to Nasdaq First North Growth Market's official price statistics. Stenocare will publish the exercise price the day before the first day of the exercise period which is 30 November 2023. The exercise price shall be rounded to the two nearest whole Danish øre. The minimum price is 3.21 DKK corresponding to the Initial Rights Issue subscription price, less 30%. The maximum price is 6.70 DKK. One warrants of series TO1 gives the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe for one (1) new share in Stenocare with the ISIN DK0061078425.
Warrant of series TO2 have an exercise period from 10 June 2024 to and including 21 June 2024. Last day of trading in warrant of series TO2 is 19 June 2024. The exercise price of warrants of series TO2 will be calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price, less 30%, for the Stenocare share prior to the first day of exercise and according to Nasdaq First North Growth Market's official price statistics. Stenocare will publish the exercise price the day before the first day of the exercise period which is 7 June 2024. The exercise price shall be rounded to the two nearest whole Danish øre. The minimum price is 3.21 DKK corresponding to the minimum price of the warrant of series TO1. The maximum price is 9.62 DKK. One warrant of series TO1 gives the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe for one (1) new share in Stenocare with the ISIN DK0062493615.
Debt conversion
The Company is planning to convert existing debt of 3.1 DKK million (minimum) to units in a separate parallel directed issue on identical terms with the Initial Rights Issue. The conversion of debt in exchange for units is conditional (only) upon granting of authorization to do so at the Extraordinary General Meeting, due to be held on 13 June 2023.
In connection with the Units Rights Issue, Gemstone Capital A/S acts as financial advisors to Stenocare and Keswick Global AG acts as Certified adviser.
For additional information please contact:
Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg, CEO, Stenocare Phone: +45 31770060 E-mail: [email protected]
Søren Jonas Bruun, Managing Partner, Gemstone Phone: +45 41329000 E-mail: [email protected]
Sadjad Hassani, Associate, Gemstone Phone: +45 27585929 E-mail: [email protected]
STENOCARE's Certified Adviser is Keswick Global AG, Phone: +43 1 740 408045, E-mail: [email protected]
Stenocare har en digital IR-aftale med
This information is information that STENOCARE A/S is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person below for publication on June 12, 2023.
The subscription period in the Initial Rights Issue of the Units Rights Issue of STENOCARE A/S ("Stenocare" or the "Company") ended on 8 June 2023. The Initial Rights Issue was subscribed to approximately 127% corresponding to total cash subscription of 13.6 DKK million relative to the proceeds from full (100%) cash subscription of 10,7 DKK million, which is the amount that Stenocare will receive before deduction of transaction related costs. As a result of the outcome, the guarantors will not be called, and a reduced allocation will apply to subscribers without rights.
Subscription, allocation, and payment
The Initial Rights Issue was subscribed to approximately 13.6 DKK million including pre-subscriptions of approximately 3.2 DKK million, which corresponds to a total subscription rate of approximately 127 percent. Consequently, none of the guarantors (approximately 6.0 DKK million) will be called and a reduced allocation will apply to subscribers without rights. The Company is thus provided with approximately 10.7 DKK million in gross proceeds before deduction of transaction-related costs.
Each unit subscribed for in the Units Rights Issue has a price of 9.16 DKK and comprises of 2 (two) new shares in Stenocare priced at 4.58 DKK each, 1 (one) warrant of series TO1 and 1 (one) warrant of series TO2. The allocation of units subscribed for without support of unit rights will be made in accordance with the principles described in the Company Announcement published by Stenocare on 15 May 2023. Payment for units without rights will be made via a delivery versus payment transfer through the subscriber's own bank and will be withdrawn from the account by the subscriber's own account holder's bank or brokers.
Number of shares and share capital
Each share in Stenocare corresponds to a nominal value (share capital) of 0.08 DKK. When the new shares from the Units Rights Issue have been registered with the Danish Business Authority, the share capital will have increased with nominally 186.817,92 DKK, from nominally 934.090,08 DKK to 1.120.908 DKK. The total number of shares will increase by 2.335.224 shares, from 11,676,126 shares to 14.011.350 shares, and the dilution effect for shareholders who did not participate in the Initial Rights Issue therefore amounts to approximately 16.7 percent.
Summary of terms for warrants of series TO1 and TO2
As a result of the fully subscribed Unit Rights Issue, a total of 1.167.612 warrants of series TO1 and 1.167.612 warrants of series TO2 are issued. The new shares and the warrants of series TO1 with ISIN DK and TO2 with ISIN DK respectively will be tradeable at Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark from 20 June 2023.
Warrants of series TO1 have an exercise period from 1 December 2023 to and including 14 December 2023. Last day of trading in warrants of series TO1 is 12 December 2023. The exercise price of warrants of series TO1 will be calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price, less 30%, for the Stenocare share prior to the first day of exercise and according to Nasdaq First North Growth Market's official price statistics. Stenocare will publish the exercise price the day before the first day of the exercise period which is 30 November 2023. The exercise price shall be rounded to the two nearest whole Danish øre. The minimum price is 3.21 DKK corresponding to the Initial Rights Issue subscription price, less 30%. The maximum price is 6.70 DKK. One warrants of series TO1 gives the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe for one (1) new share in Stenocare with the ISIN DK0061078425.
Warrant of series TO2 have an exercise period from 10 June 2024 to and including 21 June 2024. Last day of trading in warrant of series TO2 is 19 June 2024. The exercise price of warrants of series TO2 will be calculated using the 10-day volume weighted average price, less 30%, for the Stenocare share prior to the first day of exercise and according to Nasdaq First North Growth Market's official price statistics. Stenocare will publish the exercise price the day before the first day of the exercise period which is 7 June 2024. The exercise price shall be rounded to the two nearest whole Danish øre. The minimum price is 3.21 DKK corresponding to the minimum price of the warrant of series TO1. The maximum price is 9.62 DKK. One warrant of series TO1 gives the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe for one (1) new share in Stenocare with the ISIN DK0062493615.
Debt conversion
The Company is planning to convert existing debt of 3.1 DKK million (minimum) to units in a separate parallel directed issue on identical terms with the Initial Rights Issue. The conversion of debt in exchange for units is conditional (only) upon granting of authorization to do so at the Extraordinary General Meeting, due to be held on 13 June 2023.
In connection with the Units Rights Issue, Gemstone Capital A/S acts as financial advisors to Stenocare and Keswick Global AG acts as Certified adviser.
For additional information please contact:
Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg, CEO, Stenocare Phone: +45 31770060 E-mail: [email protected]
Søren Jonas Bruun, Managing Partner, Gemstone Phone: +45 41329000 E-mail: [email protected]
Sadjad Hassani, Associate, Gemstone Phone: +45 27585929 E-mail: [email protected]
STENOCARE's Certified Adviser is Keswick Global AG, Phone: +43 1 740 408045, E-mail: [email protected]
Stenocare har en digital IR-aftale med

Flot! Og godt for Stenocare.
Vi hører meget om, at de har et enestående produkt. Dog synes jeg fortsat vi mangler at se nogle tal der viser, at de rent faktisk også har evnen til at markedsføre og sælge det.
Vi hører meget om, at de har et enestående produkt. Dog synes jeg fortsat vi mangler at se nogle tal der viser, at de rent faktisk også har evnen til at markedsføre og sælge det.
Jeg må indrømme at jeg kan ikke helt forstå hvordan de nye aktier er prissat i forhold til de "gammel" men i min optik ser det ud til at de nye aktier er solgt i par så prisen ligner den nuværende aktiepris, men prisen pr aktie er sat til 4.6kr, plus man får 1 gange 30% rabat på aktieprisen næste år ved at bruge en warrant. Hvis man siger at prisen på aktien forbliver 4.6kr idet warrant bliver brugt, så vil rabatten gør at aktierne koster 3.9kr i gennemsnit.
Med aktiekursen omkring 8.4 den dage hvor emi blev annonceret, så er det ikke overraskende at den blev overtegnet, da det er over 50% rabat. Spørgsmålet er om der er nogen som gider at beholde aktier i et firma hvor man risikere at få sin investering klippede midt over af ledelsen. Eller tager jeg fejl? ?
Med aktiekursen omkring 8.4 den dage hvor emi blev annonceret, så er det ikke overraskende at den blev overtegnet, da det er over 50% rabat. Spørgsmålet er om der er nogen som gider at beholde aktier i et firma hvor man risikere at få sin investering klippede midt over af ledelsen. Eller tager jeg fejl? ?

Stenocare er gode til at give indtryk af at de har et helt enestående nærmest unikt produkt, at de gør det helt rigtige med godkendelser, med udbredelse til bl.a. store Australien, med fund af partner i store Tyskland osv. Det har de måske også. Måske bliver det stort, endda kæmpestort. Men vi mangler at se og få dokumenteret at produktet rent faktisk sælger.
Så lige nu handler Stenocare om tro og store drømme eller fugle på taget. Hvordan prisfastsætter man sådanne fugle??? Svært, og jeg aner ikke om den "rigtige" kurs er 2, 4, 6 eller 8. Men da de formår at sælge alle nye aktier, godt og vel endda, så må det vel være tæt på den rigtige pris, ligesom dit hus er det værd nogen vil købe det til.
Som nævnt, Stenocare handler om tro og store drømme. I den forbindelse ser jeg de warrants som en lokkemad, der skal få drømmeren til at tegne nye aktier. Tror du på drømmen, så tror du også på, at de warrants bliver penge værd, fordi de giver adgang til at købe en aktie til gammel pris, selv om aktien i mellemtiden er steget...helt vildt, tænker drømmeren. Men måske flyver fuglen på taget, og så er de warrants ligegyldige og bliver aldrig udnyttet. Brain+ brugte samme "billige" trick ved deres nylige emission. Her handles aktien allerede under emissionspris og de warrants er lige nu lige ligegyldige dvs nul værd.
Selv om jeg stadig er meget skeptisk, så synes jeg Stenocare er så god en fortælling at jeg da følger lidt med på sidelinien. Får de hul på markedet, så kan det blive stort. Men jeg vil gerne se nogle salgstal inden jeg tør gå efter drømmen.
Så lige nu handler Stenocare om tro og store drømme eller fugle på taget. Hvordan prisfastsætter man sådanne fugle??? Svært, og jeg aner ikke om den "rigtige" kurs er 2, 4, 6 eller 8. Men da de formår at sælge alle nye aktier, godt og vel endda, så må det vel være tæt på den rigtige pris, ligesom dit hus er det værd nogen vil købe det til.
Som nævnt, Stenocare handler om tro og store drømme. I den forbindelse ser jeg de warrants som en lokkemad, der skal få drømmeren til at tegne nye aktier. Tror du på drømmen, så tror du også på, at de warrants bliver penge værd, fordi de giver adgang til at købe en aktie til gammel pris, selv om aktien i mellemtiden er steget...helt vildt, tænker drømmeren. Men måske flyver fuglen på taget, og så er de warrants ligegyldige og bliver aldrig udnyttet. Brain+ brugte samme "billige" trick ved deres nylige emission. Her handles aktien allerede under emissionspris og de warrants er lige nu lige ligegyldige dvs nul værd.
Selv om jeg stadig er meget skeptisk, så synes jeg Stenocare er så god en fortælling at jeg da følger lidt med på sidelinien. Får de hul på markedet, så kan det blive stort. Men jeg vil gerne se nogle salgstal inden jeg tør gå efter drømmen.
Helt enig. Noget af de sammen har lige udspillet sig med softox i Norge som ikke formået at sælge noget hånddisinfektionmiddel under corona. De næste 12mndr bliver spændende, men tilliden til firmaet tager et kæmpe dyk ned når nam ser sådan en rabat er nødvendigt til at finde penge. Vi får se om det bliver til noget.

Iflg Nordnet kommer der regnskab fra Stenocare om 4 dage, så vi behøver ikke vente så længe, inden vi får en første indikation på, hvor godt produktet faktisk sælger.
Indrømmet, jeg læser ikke alt om Stenocare. Men med det jeg har læst, så kan jeg godt få det indtryk, at deres startegi bare handler om at smide produktet ud på så mange markeder så hurtigt som muligt. Fint nok, men det er ikke nok. Intet produkt sælger sig selv. De skal også forstå at sælge og markedsføre produktet rigtigt på de markeder.
Men måske vor skepsis bliver gjort til skamme om bare fire dage, så lige nu er det bare at vente og se.
Indrømmet, jeg læser ikke alt om Stenocare. Men med det jeg har læst, så kan jeg godt få det indtryk, at deres startegi bare handler om at smide produktet ud på så mange markeder så hurtigt som muligt. Fint nok, men det er ikke nok. Intet produkt sælger sig selv. De skal også forstå at sælge og markedsføre produktet rigtigt på de markeder.
Men måske vor skepsis bliver gjort til skamme om bare fire dage, så lige nu er det bare at vente og se.
Ja - Stenocare følger lidt emmissions-drejebogen: et par gode historier udsendes lige inden der skal hentes penge. Og jeg er en "sucker" for de historier...
Følgende 2 "artikler"/info har gjort, at jeg er gået med igen og har suppleret :
30/5 "STENOCARE launches groundbreaking IT-platform for Online Clinics. The first Online Clinic will be launched in the UK. In short, the new and innovative IT platform enables prescribing doctors, wherever they are, to launch and operate online clinics. This increases a doctor's reach to patients across their geography and facilitates patients' access to trained and experienced doctors and specialists, regardless of where they live within their country." Læs mere her:,c3776542
6/6 "High profiled medical doctor and entrepreneur joins STENOCARE's ongoing share-issue" "Hans Wittrup is known as the founder of Medpro Clinic Group, one of Sweden's larger chains of primary healthcare centers and has offered to share his thoughts related to the investment." Wittrup har started et firma, der blev solgt til private equity fund Procurita i 2021. Læs mere her:,c3781656
Stenocare fylder i dag 0,5% af min portefølje.
Følgende 2 "artikler"/info har gjort, at jeg er gået med igen og har suppleret :
30/5 "STENOCARE launches groundbreaking IT-platform for Online Clinics. The first Online Clinic will be launched in the UK. In short, the new and innovative IT platform enables prescribing doctors, wherever they are, to launch and operate online clinics. This increases a doctor's reach to patients across their geography and facilitates patients' access to trained and experienced doctors and specialists, regardless of where they live within their country." Læs mere her:,c3776542
6/6 "High profiled medical doctor and entrepreneur joins STENOCARE's ongoing share-issue" "Hans Wittrup is known as the founder of Medpro Clinic Group, one of Sweden's larger chains of primary healthcare centers and has offered to share his thoughts related to the investment." Wittrup har started et firma, der blev solgt til private equity fund Procurita i 2021. Læs mere her:,c3781656
Stenocare fylder i dag 0,5% af min portefølje.

Lidt sjovt, for nok de to historier jeg lægger mindst i, hvor jeg derimod synes den om deres entre i Tyskland er mere interessant.
Jeg har en sum til high risk. Men jeg holder mig ude af Stenocare indtil jeg får nogle salgstal. Var deres entre på nogle af de nye udenlandske gået over forventning, så er jeg sikker på at vi habde hørt om det. Men vi hører ikke noget. Vi ser kun nogen der holder en hånd frem, hvilket der mig lidt skeptisk. Men jeg håber da, jeg tager fejl.
Jeg har en sum til high risk. Men jeg holder mig ude af Stenocare indtil jeg får nogle salgstal. Var deres entre på nogle af de nye udenlandske gået over forventning, så er jeg sikker på at vi habde hørt om det. Men vi hører ikke noget. Vi ser kun nogen der holder en hånd frem, hvilket der mig lidt skeptisk. Men jeg håber da, jeg tager fejl.

Så kom der tal. Og som jeg frygtede, de kan slet ikke holde trit med alle de smukke ord og store drømme.

Ja, der var så en "plausibel" grund til, at regnskabet, der endnu ikke er godkendt af revisor, blev forsinket. Der skulle nemlig hentes cash inden en omsætning på blot 0,8 mio. blev fremlagt...
Men smukke ord? Du har ret. Det kan nok ikke pakkes smukkere ind end:
"Stenocare had a busy start of 2023. Progress was made on several fronts despite a relatively uneventful news-flow and modest sales of 0,8mDKK in Q1-2023."
Men smukke ord? Du har ret. Det kan nok ikke pakkes smukkere ind end:
"Stenocare had a busy start of 2023. Progress was made on several fronts despite a relatively uneventful news-flow and modest sales of 0,8mDKK in Q1-2023."

Som kan oversættes til. Alt er gået utrolig godt bortset fra at vi ikke sælger en skid. Men salget er jo også bare en detalje....hehe