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ZEAL - submits New Drug Application to US FDA

113641 ProInvestorNEWS 30/6 2023 19:47

Press release - No. 8 / 2023

Zealand Pharma submits New Drug Application to US FDA for dasiglucagon in congenital hyperinsulinism

Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30, 2023 - Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq: ZEAL) (CVR-no. 20045078), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of innovative peptide-based medicines, today announced the submission of a New Drug Application (NDA) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for dasiglucagon for the prevention and treatment of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in pediatric patients 7 days of age or older with congenital hyperinsulinism.

"CHI is a serious and debilitating condition associated with recurrent episodes of dangerously low blood sugar levels which, if left untreated, can result in serious complications, including a risk of brain damage. The management of CHI also carries a significant medical, psychosocial and financial burden for the affected children and their families, including the need for frequent feeding and monitoring of blood glucose levels", said David Kendall, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Zealand Pharma. "We believe dasiglucagon, if approved, can help address a significant unmet medical need for infants and children with CHI, and we are pleased to submit this treatment for regulatory review and potential approval in the US."

Three Phase 3 clinical trials

The submission is based on the results from two pivotal Phase 3 trials and interim results from an ongoing long-term extension trial.

One trial (NCT04172441) evaluated the efficacy and safety of dasiglucagon for subcutaneous infusion in a hospital setting in 12 neonates and infants with CHI aged 7 days to 12 months. In part 1 of this trial, a double-blind placebo-controlled 48 hours crossover study, dasiglucagon reduced the need for intravenous infusion of glucose by 55% compared to placebo. In part 2 of the trial, being 21 days open-label treatment, 10 of the 12 neonates and infants weaned off intravenous glucose for at least 12 hours and 7 of the 12 neonates and infants remained weaned off intravenous glucose at the end of the trial without concomitant pancreatic surgery.

A second trial (NCT03777176) evaluated dasiglucagon for subcutaneous infusion in a homecare setting in 32 children with CHI aged 3 months to 12 years. Dasiglucagon treatment did not significantly reduce the number of intermittent self-measured plasma glucose (SPMG)-measured hypoglycemia events per week when compared to standard of care alone. However, when using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), dasiglucagon treatment, when added to standard of care therapies, reduced the time in hypoglycemia, defined as glucose <70 mg/dL, by approximately 50% and reduced the number of hypoglycemic events by approximately 40% compared to standard of care treatment alone.

In both clinical trials, dasiglucagon for subcutaneous infusion was assessed to be well tolerated. Skin reactions and gastrointestinal disturbances were the most frequently reported adverse events and 42 of the 44 participants in the two studies continued into the long-term trial (NCT03941236), evaluating dasiglucagon for the treatment of infants and children with CHI.

About congenital hyperinsulinism

Congenital hyperinsulinism is a severe, ultra-rare genetic disease, primarily affecting infants and children, in which the pancreatic beta cells dysfunction and secrete too much insulin, leading to frequent, recurrent, and often severe episodes of hypoglycemia. Persistent episodes of hypoglycemia can result in seizure, brain damage and death.1,2 It is estimated that CHI develops in one out of 50,000 (or more) children, corresponding to 180-300 newborns being diagnosed with the disease in the US and Europe every year.3,4

CHI has a significant impact on patient quality of life. Complex care requirements, including continuous intravenous infusion of glucose, can result in lengthy and frequent hospitalizations and make daily social activities difficult for both patients and their families. The only currently approved medical treatment for hyperinsulinism is diazoxide, which can be associated with increased risk of fluid retention, hypertension and acute heart failure. Glucagon and the somatostatin analog octreotide may be used but are not approved therapies. It is estimated that more than 50% of CHI patients do not respond adequately to the medical treatment options currently available, so there remains a significant unmet medical need for more and better treatment options.5

About dasiglucagon

Dasiglucagon is being investigated by Zealand Pharma for subcutaneous continuous infusion using a wearable pump system as a potential treatment of CHI. Dasiglucagon is a glucagon receptor agonist that works by causing the liver to release stored sugar to the blood. Zealand Pharma has a collaborative development and supply agreement with DEKA Research & Development Corporation and affiliates for the wearable subcutaneous infusion pump system.

Dasiglucagon injection was approved as Zegalogue® by the US FDA in 2021 for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia in adults and children with diabetes aged 6 years and older. In June 2023, Zealand submitted a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for dasiglucagon injection for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia in adults, adolescents and children aged 6 years and over with diabetes. Zealand Pharma entered a global license and development agreement with Novo Nordisk in September 2022 for the commercialization of dasiglucagon injection for treatment of severe hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. Zegalogue® is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S.

About Zealand Pharma

Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq: ZEAL) ("Zealand") is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of peptide-based medicines. More than 10 drug candidates invented by Zealand have advanced into clinical development, of which two have reached the market and three candidates are in late-stage development. The company has development partnerships with a number of pharma companies as well as commercial partnerships for its marketed products.

Zealand was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a presence in the U.S. that includes Boston. For more information about Zealand's business and activities, please visit

Forward looking statements

This company announcement contains forward-looking statements that provide Zealand Pharma's expectations or forecasts of future events regarding the research, development and commercialization of pharmaceutical products. These forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as "aim," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "plan," "possible," "potential," "will," "would" and other words and terms of similar meaning. You should not place undue reliance on these statements, or the scientific data presented. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and inaccurate assumptions, which may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations set forth herein and may cause any or all of such forward-looking statements to be incorrect, and which include, but are not limited to, the occurrence of adverse safety events; risks of unexpected costs or delays; unexpected concerns that may arise from additional data, analysis or results obtained during clinical trials; failure to protect and enforce our data, intellectual property and other proprietary rights and uncertainties relating to intellectual property claims and challenges; regulatory authorities may require additional information or further studies, or may fail to approve or may delay approval of our drug candidates or expansion of product labelling; failure to obtain regulatory approvals in other jurisdictions; and product liability claims. If any or all of such forward-looking statements prove to be incorrect, our actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied by such statements. The foregoing sets forth many, but not all, of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from our expectations in any forward-looking statement. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this company announcement and are based on information available to Zealand Pharma as of the date of this announcement. We do not undertake to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof. Information concerning pharmaceuticals (including compounds under development) contained within this material is not intended as advertising or medical advice.

Further information/contacts
Anna Krassowska, PhD (Investors and Media)
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Zealand Pharma
[email protected]

Adam Lange (Investors)
Investor Relations Officer
Zealand Pharma
[email protected]

30/6 2023 20:06 EliotSpitzer 10113642

Der er sgu nogen som har været på overarbejd i aften. Men flot at de leveret indenfor deadline.

1/7 2023 08:08 EliotSpitzer 16113647

HVornår får ZP godkendelse? - og hvad høre mere til historien om godkendelse hos US FDA?

Zealand Pharma fik igår (30/6-2023) indsendt ansøgning (NDA = New Drug Application) til US FDA på dasiglucagon til behandling af medfødt hyperinsulinisme, som er en arvelig årsag til lavt blodsukker hos barn.

Det er ultra sjældene sygdom og gud ske tak og lov for det fordi konsekvenser af sygdommen er stor. Det er ca. en ud af 50.000 børn som bliver født som har denne sygdom. Det svarer til 180-300 nyfødte børn I USA og Europa samlet set. Men nu er det stor spørgsmål så hvornår en eventuel godkendelse kan komme i hus. Jeg har i den sammehæng tjekket FDA's database for Orphan Drug Designations and Approvals. Her er ZP opført med følgende:

Generic Name: dasiglucagon
Date Designated: 08/10/2017
Orphan Designation: Treatment of hypoglycemia in patients with congenital hyperinsulinism (CH)
Orphan Designation Status: Designated
FDA Orphan Approval Status: Not FDA Approved for Orphan Indication
Sponsor: Zealand Pharma A/S, 36 Smedeland, Glostrup, Denmark

Hvad betyder det så at ZP har Orphan Drug Designation for dasiglucagon på denne indikation?

Orphan Drug designation gør at ZP's præparat kvalificerer selskabet til forskellige incitamenter i USA, herunder:

- Skattefradrag for kvalificerede kliniske forsøg

- Fritagelse for brugerbetaling (Gebyr for en vanlig NDA ansøgning med kliniske data til FDA koster for øjeblikket 3.24 mio $)

- Potentielle syv års markedseksklusivitet efter godkendelse (Dette starter evt fra FDA's godkendelse tidspunkt)

Hvad er tidslinien for en godkendelse af en NDA?

Når FDA har modtaget en NDA, beslutter FDA først om ansøgningen er er komplet. Det skulle være relativt enkelt fordi det er relativt få patienter som har været med i ZP's kliniske forsøg og det betyder at dokumenterne i NDA ikke er så voldsomt store som man kan se på præparater på store indikationer med mange kliniske forsøg med stor patient populationer. Så denne check-in procdure burde gå relativt rask. Hvis det er færdigt, så har et FDA's ekspert team som skal vurdere ansøgningen og de bruger et sted mellem 6 til 10 måneder til at træffe en beslutning om, hvorvidt lægemidlet skal godkendes. Jeg har en klar fornemmelse af vi mere ligger på 6 måneder end 10 måneder fordi de ekstra 4 måneder vanlig er hvis et produktionssted skal have inspektion af FDA. Dasiglucagon er jo allerede godkendt på anden indikation og jeg tænker derfor at både med hensyn til produktion og med hensyn til "safety"/bivirkningsprofil må der var en vi tryghed for præparatet fordi FDA allerede har godkendt lægemiddelstoffet tidligere. Jeg tænker derfor at det må være fair at antaget at dette præparat er godkendt inden nytår 2023/2024.

Kan Zealand Pharma opnå syv års markedseksklusivitet?

Dette kommer an på den indikationsområde som der er søgt om og hvad der tidligere er godkendt.

Der tre lægemiddelsubstanser som vanlig bliver brugt i behandling af medfødt hyperinsulinisme. Det er Diazoxide, Octreotide og Glucagon. Lad mig lige først forklar lidt om de to andre præparater.

Diazoxide bliver givet peroralt 2-3 gange per dag og virker ikke på alle grupper af børn som har denne sygdom. I tillæg er der en række andre problmer med dette præparat til behandling af denne sygdom. Bivirkninger af diazoxid omfatter blandt andet væskeretention, som er et særligt problem for den nyfødte med hyperinsulisme, fordi de allerede får store mængder intravenøs glukose for at holde blodsukkeret i det normale område. Derfor tyer klinikerne til at nogle gange at bruge vanddrivende medicin sammen med diazoxid i forventning om dette kan hjælpe til at håndtere problemet men det er ikke optimalt. Diazoxid forårsager også overdreven hårvækst i øjenbryn, pande og ryg (medicinsk omtalt som hypertrichosis). Denne hårvækst forsvinder flere måneder efter, at diazoxidbehandling er stoppet. Samlet set er Diazoxide derfor ikke et optimalt præparat. Det er dog vigtigt at bemærke at Diazoxide er godkendt i USA til behandling af hypoglycemia forårsaget af hyperinsulinism

Octreotid er et lægemiddel der administreres ved injektion. Det kan gives periodisk i løbet af dagen ved subkutan injektion eller kan administreres kontinuerligt under huden med en pumpe, der almindeligvis anvendes til insulinbehandling hos personer med diabetes. Octreotid er ofte meget effektivt i starten, men det kan blive mindre effektivt med tiden. Bivirkninger omfatter ændring af tarmens motilitet, hvilket kan forårsage dårlig indtag af føde. Det kan også forårsage galdesten og kan meget sjældent give nedsat skjoldbruskkjertel-funktion og kort statur. Der er andre lægemidler, der ligner octreotid, som har en længere virkningsvarighed og kan bruges en gang om måneden, disse omfatter octreotid LAR og lanreotid. Disse længeretidsvirkende præparater er forbeholdt de patienter, der har reageret på det korttidsvirkende octreotid og er på et stabilt regime. Octreotid bliver brukt "off label" og FDA har faktisk haft undersøgt dette nærmere for at sikre at der blev taget hånd om bivirkninger på bedst mulig måde. Jeg har ikke kunne se at Octreotid er blevet godkendt på indikationen og denne behandlinger er derfor ren off-label.

Det kan meget vel være at Diazoxide er hindringen for at ZP kan opnå markedseksklusivitet fordi denne er officielt godkendt indenfor indikationsområdet. Så vidt jeg er orienteret er Octreotid på off-label use og dermed ikke en hindring. Men hvis FDA siger at det alene er glucagon til den indikation så kan det godt være at de få markedseksklusivitet men hvor det kun stopper andre glucagon præparater. Hele dette området er så blevet mere kompliceret pga. en dom. Catalyst Pharms., Inc. v. Becerra, hvor FDA's beslutningsproces på dette område er blevet udfordret. Jeg vil derfor ikke komme med nogen konklusion her men tænker dette kunne være et fint spørgsmål til Adam Steensberg ved næste Q&A.

3/7 2023 06:22 ProInvestorNEWS 2113671

Zealand: Søger FDA-godkendelse af Dasiglucagon til behandling af børn

3/7 06:34

Zealand Pharma indsendte fredag en ansøgning til de amerikanske sundhedsmyndigheder, FDA, om markedsføringsgodkendelse af midlet Dasiglucagon til forebyggelse og behandling af medfødt lavt blodsukker hos spædbørn og børn.

Det fremgik af en meddelelse til fondsbørsen fredag aften.

Kongenit hyperinsulinisme, CHI, som sygdommen kaldes på dansk, er en medfødt lidelse, og Zealand Pharmas ansøgning vedrører behandling af børn og spædbørn helt ned til en alder af syv dage.

- CHI er en alvorlig og invaliderende tilstand forbundet med tilbagevendende episoder med farligt lave blodsukkerniveauer, som, hvis de ikke behandles, kan resultere i alvorlige komplikationer, herunder en risiko for hjerneskade, udtaler David Kendall, forskningsdirektør i Zealand Pharma,

- Vi mener, at Dasiglucagon, hvis det bliver godkendt, kan hjælpe med at imødekomme et betydeligt udækket medicinsk behov hos spædbørn og børn med CHI.

Ansøgningen til FDA er baseret på resultaterne i to fase-3 forsøg med Dasiglucagon. I det ene forsøg med nyfødte børn blev behovet for infusion med glukose reduceret med 55 pct.

Det andet forsøg viste, at Dasiglucagon givet sammen med anden standardbehandling reducerede tidsperioden med hypoglykæmi i børn i alderen 3 måneder til 12 år med 50 pct., ligesom antallet af tilfælde faldt med 40 pct.

I begge kliniske studier blev midlet vurderet som veltolereret.

Kongenit hyperinsulinisme er en meget sjælden sygdom, der ifølge Zealand Pharma, rammer 1 ud af 50.000 nyfødte eller omkring 180-300 hvert år i USA og Europa tilsammen.

.\˙ MarketWire