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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

Webinar: Anti-Obesity Treatments: Key trends, breakthroughs

114324 ProInvestorNEWS 2/8 2023 07:56

Anti-Obesity Treatments: Key trends, breakthroughs, and novel opportunities

Date & Time
Aug 10, 2023 02:00 PM in Copenhagen


Current estimates indicate 650 million people are obese globally, and the treatment market is in the midst of a major transformation. While current market penetration with anti-obesity medication is poor, the pipeline to 2030 is competitive and expansive, indicating significant potential for market growth and reduction in disease burden.

Off the back of the recent 83rd American Diabetes Association Annual Scientific Session, Airfinity is providing a holistic look at the key themes and findings of the conference, and will go on to discuss the implications for the industry going forward.

Combined with Airfinity's proprietary disease outcomes modelling, this exclusive virtual seminar will provide an independent analysis of cardiometabolic and infectious disease-related outcomes exacerbated by obesity prevalence, and forecast the potential impact of these novel therapeutics under different risk scenarios.

We are also very pleased to welcome Professor Arne Astrup to the session, who will be providing an introduction to global obesity crisis and its effects on comorbidities, health outcomes, and society, including an introduction to the treatments landscape.

Register your place today. All registrants will receive the webinar on-demand so even if you're unable to join live, make sure to sign up!


2/8 2023 12:26 lossen 2114334

Professor Arne Astrup har jeg ikke meget tillid til. I mange år fastholdt han, at kulhydrater ikke fedede. På trods af, at der findes en veldokumenteret biokemisk omdannelsesvej fra kulhydrat til fedt. Efter nogle år skiftede han standpunkt, idet han nu påstod, at det kun var flydende kulhydrater (sodavand), der fedede. At absurd standpunkt, når man ved, at kulhydrater optages som monosaccharid fra tarmen hvad enten de stammer fra sodavand eller franskbrød. I Politikens ATS fik han tilnavnet fedmefuskeren. Hans påståede slankemiddel Letigen omtalte ATS som skeletigen. Nu er ATS jo langt fra et videnskabeligt tidsskrift, men alligevel. Letigen blev taget af markedet 2002 på grund af alvorlige bivirkninger. Prøv at Google Letigen-skandalen.