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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

Brdr. Hartmann

116089 Hyst 12/10 2023 09:55

We got Fu....ed!

360 way to little!

Thornico acquires approx. 10% of the shares of Hartmann and intends to increase its offer to the other shareholders to DKK 360 per share
12.10.2023 10:17:54 CEST ' Brødrene Hartmann A/S ' Inside information
With reference to company announcement no. 16/2023 containing the notice convening an extraordinary general meeting of Brødrene Hartmann A/S ("Hartmann") on 16 October, 2023 upon request from the majority shareholder, Thornico Food & Food Technology Group A/S (ultimately controlled by Thornico Holding A/S) ("Thornico"), proposing a delisting of the company's shares from trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen, Hartmann's board of directors has today received the following information from Thornico:

Thornico has today entered into an agreement with Handelsbanken, VN Capital, Aktia and Abaco Capital to purchase a holding of shares and voting rights in Hartmann corresponding to approx. 10% of all shares and voting rights. The shares have been acquired at a price of DKK 360 per share. Upon completion of the purchase, Thornico will hold approx. 80% of all shares and voting rights in Hartmann.
As part of the agreement, the selling shareholders have agreed to vote in favour of the proposal to delist the company's shares prior to the sale of the shares to Thornico.
The extraordinary general meeting will still be held on Monday 16 October, 2023 at 3 pm CEST.
Subject to approval at the extraordinary general meeting and Nasdaq Copenhagen's approval of delisting the shares, Thornico has stated its intention to offer purchasing all shares from the other shareholders at a price of DKK 360 per share with a nominal value of DKK 20.
Shareholders who have submitted a proxy may change it through their bank. Shareholders who have already submitted an advance vote cannot revoke or change their vote.

The parties involved in the transaction have requested Hartmann to attach the press release to this company announcement.

Please refer to the company announcement no. 16/2023 for further information regarding the extraordinary general meeting.

12/10 2023 10:21 Labredoor 2116091


Så er det nu du har chancen for at sælge dine aktier før end din nabo gør det. Aktien bliver nu af noteret.

12/10 2023 10:47 Hyst 4116092

Sluder nu foreligger der et indløsningstilbud.

Med et svuptag blev Brdr. Hartmanns værdi 20% højere i Stadil øjne - det siger også en hel del om den nuværende værdisætning - Stadils prissætning er som ren høkerregning.

Går den så går den.

Men om vi kan opnå 10% er nu mere end tvivlsom - vi må se.

12/10 2023 11:28 ProInvestorNEWS 2116095

Lex Brdr. Hartmann forhøjet bud: Ikke givet at det sidste år er sagt endnu, men det går i den retning

12/10 2023 12:38 Hava 3116099

Med 80 % ejerskab virker det usandsynligt at vi kan lykkes med at forhindre en af notering - prisen er efter min opfattelse forsat for lav - undres over hvorfor de 3 større aktionærer er gået med til kurs 360!

Holder min og overvejer at købe flere - risici må betegnes som begrænset!

12/10 2023 13:41 Hyst 3116102

Man ved jo aldrig om de 3 større aktionærer har fået en anden godbid stillet i udsigt, som er vanskelig at spore:

Fra februar 2022 (Ovodan Kina er blevet noteret derude i mellemtiden)

"Kæmpe prestigeværdi«: Stadil vil børsnotere milliardfirma i Kina
Inden for et år planlægger Thornico at notere Ovodan Egg Group på en ny kinesisk børs. Flere børsnoteringer i udlandet kan være på vej."

Med Stadil Karma må man være åben for konspirationsteorier.