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Lidt optimisme :) Deutsche Bank spår fremgang

116962 Aps invest 27/11 2023 13:30

Deutsche Bank spår fremgang og rekord i S&P 500-indekset næste år
Det amerikanske S&P 500-ideks vil fortsætte frem i 2024 og gå i rekord.

Det spår den tyske storbank Deutsche Bank ifølge Bloomberg News.

Faktisk regner bankens analytikere med, at det amerikanske aktieindeks vil går over lukkerekorden fra den 3. januar 2022 på indeks 4796,56 og ramme 5100 i slutningen af næste år - og det betyder et plus på 12 pct. i forhold til det nuværende indeks.

Forventningen til at den amerikanske økonomi rammer en recession er udbredt, men da den "ventes at være mild og kort, ser vi kun et beskedent kortvarigt udsalg," skriver bankens analytikere.

Analytikere fra henholdsvis RBC Capital Market og Bank of America venter, at S&P 500 stiger til 5000 point.

.\˙ MarketWire

27/11 2023 13:46 Stockwatch1 1116964

Her fra Bloomberg:

(Bloomberg) -- Predictions of a record high for the S&P 500 next year are intensifying, with Deutsche Bank Group AG strategists setting one of Wall Street's most bullish targets yet.

The team led by Binky Chadha expects the benchmark to hit 5,100 points by the end of 2024 - implying gains of about 12% from current levels - against a backdrop of cooling inflation and a rebound in corporate earnings.

"Despite above-trend growth, core inflation has fallen," the strategists wrote in a note. "Continued declines would return inflation to its pre-pandemic range without requiring slower growth." Moreover, given that any recession "is widely anticipated and expected to be mild and short, we see only a modest short-lived selloff."

After broadly failing to predict the equity rally in 2023, market forecasters have turned more optimistic about the outlook for next year as investor sentiment improves and expectations of a recession are dialed back. RBC Capital Markets strategist Lori Calvasina and Bank of America Corp.'s Savita Subramanian both expect the S&P 500 to climb to 5,000 points. The index hit an all-time peak of 4,796.56 in January 2022.

Deutsche Bank's Chadha said he expects corporate earnings to jump 10% in the event of a mild and short recession. However, if gross domestic product were to grow by 2%, the strategist said he sees profits rising 19%. Analysts expect earnings to rise 11% in 2024 after a 0.4% drop this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg Intelligence.

Chadha was among the few strategists who correctly predicted a rally in the S&P 500 in the first quarter of 2023. The index is also close to his end-2023 target of 4,500 points.