Stor risiko, da de ikke har betalt afrdag på lån til tiden og långiver har krævet hele lånet indfriet, pant i datterselskaber mv. Men interoil har pengene til betaling i næste uge (tirsdag) og tilbudt lidt ekstra i renter, hvilket dog i førsete omgang er blevet afvist. Men der foregår forhandlinger i denne uge. Så mon ikke det er forhandlingstaktik fra begge sider. Jeg har tvivler på, at man vil lade det komme til en konkurs.
men det er gambling, selvfølgelig, men krusen er nu også nede på omkring 8 NOK. Var i 55 NOK på toppen.
men det er gambling, selvfølgelig, men krusen er nu også nede på omkring 8 NOK. Var i 55 NOK på toppen.
Den blev ramt ret godt.
Main principles agreed with major bondholders
Reference is made to the summons to the bondholder meeting for the FRN Interoil Exploration and Production ASA Senior Secured Callable and Putable Bond Issue 2007/2012 (the "Senior Secured Bond Loan") dated 28 April 2009, and the press releases dated 28 April 2009, 6 May 2009, 15 May 2009 and 26 May 2009.
Since the meeting, InterOil has been in close discussion with the major bondholders (representing 2/3 of the bond) to seek a solution acceptable to all parties. There has been a constructive dialogue and the parties have now agreed to the main principles.
A final agreement is expected within a short time.
Fredrik von Zernichow
Investor Relation Manager
Tel: +47 6751 8661
Mob: +47 9927 3843
Fax: +47 6751 8660
E-mail: [email protected]
Main principles agreed with major bondholders
Reference is made to the summons to the bondholder meeting for the FRN Interoil Exploration and Production ASA Senior Secured Callable and Putable Bond Issue 2007/2012 (the "Senior Secured Bond Loan") dated 28 April 2009, and the press releases dated 28 April 2009, 6 May 2009, 15 May 2009 and 26 May 2009.
Since the meeting, InterOil has been in close discussion with the major bondholders (representing 2/3 of the bond) to seek a solution acceptable to all parties. There has been a constructive dialogue and the parties have now agreed to the main principles.
A final agreement is expected within a short time.
Fredrik von Zernichow
Investor Relation Manager
Tel: +47 6751 8661
Mob: +47 9927 3843
Fax: +47 6751 8660
E-mail: [email protected]

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