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Video: Embla Medical - A look back at 2024 with CEO

123346 ProInvestorNEWS 6/12 2024 09:57

Interview med Michael Friis som opsummerer 2024, hvor Embla aktien har leveret bedre end det generelle marked og MedTech

Disclaimer: Embla Medical har en betalt digital IR-aftale med

9/12 2024 13:40 ProInvestorNEWS 3123377

Prøv at kigge denne webcast igennem ved lejlighed. Det er en øjenåbner for hvad Emblas ortoser kan for mennesker med paralyseret lemmer som følge af blodprop, sklerose mv. De får mobiliteten tilbage:

9/12 2024 13:42 ProInvestorNEWS 3123378

Nordea 9/12-2024

Target price DKK 44.00

"Low penetration and attractive competitive situation With the penetration rate of high-function orthoses being well below 5% in developed markets, we see ample headroom for growth. The key competitor is Ottobock while other companies mainly target low-function products, creating an attractive duopolistic situation, in our view.

Plus the call highlighted that Fior & Gentz provides highly personalised treatment, and thanks to its unique configurator the company offers ~500,000 potential configurations. This, combined with the sales synergies, makes us believe that Fior & Gentz

Buy: Valuation still not demanding, in our view, despite solid run While the share is up 35% YTD, this on a par with EPS growth. Hence, it still trades at the low end of its historical 10-year multiple range"

10/12 2024 08:14 ProInvestorNEWS 2123390

Embla Medical får indledt dækning med "køb" af Intron Health
i dag kl. 07:47 ∙ MarketWire

Embla Medical

Embla Medical, der tidligere var kendt under navnet Össur, har fået indledt sin dækning med anbefalingen "køb" af finanshuset Intron Health.

Kursmålet for det islandske proteseselskab sættes i samme ombæring til 56 kr., skriver Bloomberg News.

Aktien steg mandag med 2,5 pct. til 36,90 kr., efter at Nordea løftede sit kursmål for aktien til 43,20 kr. fra 41 kr.

.\˙ MarketWire

10/12 2024 08:35 ProInvestorNEWS 2123391

Rapporten fra Intron Health kan læses her.

11/12 2024 06:14 ProInvestorNEWS 1123395