US job losses softened markedly last month, sending one of the strongest signals yet that the severe recession which has already cost the economy over six million jobs is winding down.

Share market to start trading week higher.
June 07, 2009
It seems that the worst of the job losses is over and, historically, that's always meant improvement in terms of the share market because investors are forward-looking.
June 07, 2009
It seems that the worst of the job losses is over and, historically, that's always meant improvement in terms of the share market because investors are forward-looking.

Jeg synes der mangler indhold i materialet. Var det ikke bedre med seriøse oplysninger om hvor økonomien grundlæggende forbedres, både i USA og AU? Der skal jo en hel anden livsmåde til - opsparing og senere investering. Jeg forstår artiklerne således at de siger: nu kan vi snart vende tilbage til vore gamle vaner: lån og forbrug.

Du kan tjekke de forskellige landes GDP, her er USA's: