Er det endnu en surprise? Og hvad mon det er for ekstra data der er indsent d. 5. juni?
6/16/2009 12:57:21 - OMX Copenhagen, News
Genmab A/S Selskabsmeddelelse fda forlænger gennemgang af arzerra(tm) (ofamtumumab)
Resumé: GlaxoSmithKline og Genmab har offentliggjort, at FDA forlænger
gennemgang af ARZERRA med tre måneder.
London UK, og København, Danmark 16. juni 2009 - GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) og
Genmab A/S (OMX: GEN) har i dag offentliggjort, at de amerikanske
sundhedsmyndigheder (FDA) har informeret selskaberne om at myndighederne har
forlænget afgørelsesdatoen for ofatumumab registreringsansøgningen (Biologics
License Application - BLA) med tre måneder.
BLA ansøgningen blev indsendt den 30. januar 2009 og blev tildelt ”priority
review” status af FDA. Under ”priority review” status sætter FDA et mål for en
beslutningsdato indenfor seks måneder mod de normale 10 måneder til gennemgang.
Forlængelsen på tre måneder vil give myndighederne mulighed for at gennemgå
yderligere kemi- og fremstillingsdata, som blev indsendt den 5. juni. Den nye
BLA beslutningsdato er den 31. oktober, 2009.
Den 29. maj stemte et Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) panel under FDA
med 10 stemmer mod 3 for at ofatumumab med sandsynlighed kan forudsige klinisk
gavn for patienter med kronisk lymfatisk leukæmi (CLL). Data fra det pivotale
studie af ofatumumab blev præsenteret på årsmødet i American Society of
Hematology i 2008 og på årsmødet i American Society of Clinical Oncology i
CLL er den mest almindelige form for leukæmi blandt voksne og en af de mest
almindelige maligne lymfoidsygdomme. I USA lever omkring 90.000 mennesker med
CLL, og det vurderes, at der blev diagnosticeret ca. 15.000 nye tilfælde i
GSK og Genmab arbejder tæt sammen med FDA om denne potentielle nye behandling
til patienter.
GlaxoSmithKline - et af verdens førende forskningsbaserede medicinal- og
healthcare selskaber - er fokuseret på at forbedre menneskers livskvalitet ved
at gøre dem i stand til at kunne mere, føle sig bedre tilpas og leve længere.
For information om selskabet, besøg GlaxoSmithKline på
Om Genmab A/S
Genmab er et førende internationalt bioteknologisk selskab med fokus på
udvikling af fuldt humane antistoflægemidler til potentiel behandling af
Genmabs kompetente teams inden for forskning, udvikling og produktion anvender
unik og avanceret teknologi til at skabe og udvikle produkter til udækkede
behandlingsbehov. Vores primære målsætning er at forbedre livet for de
patienter, som har akut behov for nye behandlingsmuligheder. For yderligere
oplysninger om Genmabs produkter og teknologi henvises til
Henvendelser til GlaxoSmithKline:
| UK Media | Philip Thomson | +44 20 8047 5502
| | David Outhwaite | +44 20 8047 5502
| | Stephen Rea | +44 20 8047 5502
| US Media | Lisa Behrens | +1 919 699 1758
| | Ken Inchausti | +1 919 699 1758
| Europæiske analytikere og investorer | David Mawdsley | +44 20 8047 5564
| | Sally Ferguson | +44 20 8047 5543
| Gary Davies | +44 20 8047 5503 |
| US analytikere og investorer | Tom Curry | +1 215 751 5419
| | Jen Hill Baxter | +1 215 751 7002
| Henvendelser til Genmab | |
| Vice President, Investor Relations | Helle Husted | T +45 33 44 77
| | | 30
| | | M +45 25 27 47
| | | 13
| | | h.husted@genmab.
| | | com
Forbehold vedrørende fremadrettede udsagn for GSK:
I henhold til safe harbour-bestemmelserne i US Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 advarer GSK sine investorer om, at enhver af GSK's
fremadrettede udsagn eller prognoser, herunder de i denne meddelelse fremsatte,
er forbundet med risici og usikkerhed, som kan medføre, at de faktiske
resultater afviger væsentligt fra de heri fremsatte. Faktorer, der kan påvirke
GSK's drift, er beskrevet i afsnittet 'Risk Factors' i 'Business Review' i
selskabets årsrapport på Form 20-F for 2008.
Registreret i England og Wales:
No. 3888792
980 Great West Road
Brentford, Middlesex
Fremadrettede udsagn for Genmab:
Denne fondsbørsmeddelelse indeholder fremadrettede udsagn. Ord som ”tror”,
”forventer”, ”regner med”, ”agter” og ”har planer om” o
g lignende udtryk er
fremadrettede udsagn. De faktiske resultater eller præstationer kan afvige
væsentligt fra de fremtidige resultater eller præstationer, der direkte eller
indirekte er kommet til udtryk i sådanne udsagn. De væsentlige faktorer, som
kunne bevirke at vore faktiske resultater eller præstationer afviger
inkluderer bl.a., risici forbundet med produktopdagelse og -udvikling,
usikkerheder omkring udfald af og gennemførelse af kliniske forsøg herunder
uforudsete sikkerhedsspørgsmål, usikkerheder forbundet med produktfremstilling,
manglende markedsaccept af vore produkter, manglende evne til at styre vækst,
konkurrencesituationen vedrørende vort forretningsområde og vore markeder,
manglende evne til at tiltrække og fastholde tilstrækkeligt kvalificerede
medarbejdere, manglende adgang til at håndhæve eller beskytte vore patenter og
immaterielle rettigheder, vort forhold til relaterede selskaber og personer,
ændringer i og udvikling af teknologi, som kan overflødiggøre vore produkter
samt andre faktorer. For yderligere oplysninger om disse risici henvises til
afsnittet ”Risikostyring” i Genmabs årsrapport, som er tilgængelig på Genmab påtager sig ingen forpligtigelser til at opdatere eller
revidere fremadrettede udsagn i denne fondsbørsmeddelelse og bekræfter heller
ikke sådanne udsagn i forbindelse med faktiske
resultater, medmindre dette
kræves i medfør af lov.
Genmab®, det Y-formede Genmab logo®, HuMax®, HuMax-CD20®, HuMax-EGFr™,
HuMax-IL8™, HuMax-TAC™, HuMax-HepC™, HuMax-CD38™, HuMax-CD32b™, HuMax-TF™,
HuMax-Her2™, HuMax-VEGF™ og UniBody® er alle varemærker tilhørende Genmab A/S.
ARZERRA™ er et varemærke tilhørende GlaxoSmithKline.
See attachment:
6/16/2009 12:57:21 - OMX Copenhagen, News
Genmab A/S Selskabsmeddelelse fda forlænger gennemgang af arzerra(tm) (ofamtumumab)
Resumé: GlaxoSmithKline og Genmab har offentliggjort, at FDA forlænger
gennemgang af ARZERRA med tre måneder.
London UK, og København, Danmark 16. juni 2009 - GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) og
Genmab A/S (OMX: GEN) har i dag offentliggjort, at de amerikanske
sundhedsmyndigheder (FDA) har informeret selskaberne om at myndighederne har
forlænget afgørelsesdatoen for ofatumumab registreringsansøgningen (Biologics
License Application - BLA) med tre måneder.
BLA ansøgningen blev indsendt den 30. januar 2009 og blev tildelt ”priority
review” status af FDA. Under ”priority review” status sætter FDA et mål for en
beslutningsdato indenfor seks måneder mod de normale 10 måneder til gennemgang.
Forlængelsen på tre måneder vil give myndighederne mulighed for at gennemgå
yderligere kemi- og fremstillingsdata, som blev indsendt den 5. juni. Den nye
BLA beslutningsdato er den 31. oktober, 2009.
Den 29. maj stemte et Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) panel under FDA
med 10 stemmer mod 3 for at ofatumumab med sandsynlighed kan forudsige klinisk
gavn for patienter med kronisk lymfatisk leukæmi (CLL). Data fra det pivotale
studie af ofatumumab blev præsenteret på årsmødet i American Society of
Hematology i 2008 og på årsmødet i American Society of Clinical Oncology i
CLL er den mest almindelige form for leukæmi blandt voksne og en af de mest
almindelige maligne lymfoidsygdomme. I USA lever omkring 90.000 mennesker med
CLL, og det vurderes, at der blev diagnosticeret ca. 15.000 nye tilfælde i
GSK og Genmab arbejder tæt sammen med FDA om denne potentielle nye behandling
til patienter.
GlaxoSmithKline - et af verdens førende forskningsbaserede medicinal- og
healthcare selskaber - er fokuseret på at forbedre menneskers livskvalitet ved
at gøre dem i stand til at kunne mere, føle sig bedre tilpas og leve længere.
For information om selskabet, besøg GlaxoSmithKline på
Om Genmab A/S
Genmab er et førende internationalt bioteknologisk selskab med fokus på
udvikling af fuldt humane antistoflægemidler til potentiel behandling af
Genmabs kompetente teams inden for forskning, udvikling og produktion anvender
unik og avanceret teknologi til at skabe og udvikle produkter til udækkede
behandlingsbehov. Vores primære målsætning er at forbedre livet for de
patienter, som har akut behov for nye behandlingsmuligheder. For yderligere
oplysninger om Genmabs produkter og teknologi henvises til
Henvendelser til GlaxoSmithKline:
| UK Media | Philip Thomson | +44 20 8047 5502
| | David Outhwaite | +44 20 8047 5502
| | Stephen Rea | +44 20 8047 5502
| US Media | Lisa Behrens | +1 919 699 1758
| | Ken Inchausti | +1 919 699 1758
| Europæiske analytikere og investorer | David Mawdsley | +44 20 8047 5564
| | Sally Ferguson | +44 20 8047 5543
| Gary Davies | +44 20 8047 5503 |
| US analytikere og investorer | Tom Curry | +1 215 751 5419
| | Jen Hill Baxter | +1 215 751 7002
| Henvendelser til Genmab | |
| Vice President, Investor Relations | Helle Husted | T +45 33 44 77
| | | 30
| | | M +45 25 27 47
| | | 13
| | | h.husted@genmab.
| | | com
Forbehold vedrørende fremadrettede udsagn for GSK:
I henhold til safe harbour-bestemmelserne i US Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 advarer GSK sine investorer om, at enhver af GSK's
fremadrettede udsagn eller prognoser, herunder de i denne meddelelse fremsatte,
er forbundet med risici og usikkerhed, som kan medføre, at de faktiske
resultater afviger væsentligt fra de heri fremsatte. Faktorer, der kan påvirke
GSK's drift, er beskrevet i afsnittet 'Risk Factors' i 'Business Review' i
selskabets årsrapport på Form 20-F for 2008.
Registreret i England og Wales:
No. 3888792
980 Great West Road
Brentford, Middlesex
Fremadrettede udsagn for Genmab:
Denne fondsbørsmeddelelse indeholder fremadrettede udsagn. Ord som ”tror”,
”forventer”, ”regner med”, ”agter” og ”har planer om” o
g lignende udtryk er
fremadrettede udsagn. De faktiske resultater eller præstationer kan afvige
væsentligt fra de fremtidige resultater eller præstationer, der direkte eller
indirekte er kommet til udtryk i sådanne udsagn. De væsentlige faktorer, som
kunne bevirke at vore faktiske resultater eller præstationer afviger
inkluderer bl.a., risici forbundet med produktopdagelse og -udvikling,
usikkerheder omkring udfald af og gennemførelse af kliniske forsøg herunder
uforudsete sikkerhedsspørgsmål, usikkerheder forbundet med produktfremstilling,
manglende markedsaccept af vore produkter, manglende evne til at styre vækst,
konkurrencesituationen vedrørende vort forretningsområde og vore markeder,
manglende evne til at tiltrække og fastholde tilstrækkeligt kvalificerede
medarbejdere, manglende adgang til at håndhæve eller beskytte vore patenter og
immaterielle rettigheder, vort forhold til relaterede selskaber og personer,
ændringer i og udvikling af teknologi, som kan overflødiggøre vore produkter
samt andre faktorer. For yderligere oplysninger om disse risici henvises til
afsnittet ”Risikostyring” i Genmabs årsrapport, som er tilgængelig på Genmab påtager sig ingen forpligtigelser til at opdatere eller
revidere fremadrettede udsagn i denne fondsbørsmeddelelse og bekræfter heller
ikke sådanne udsagn i forbindelse med faktiske
resultater, medmindre dette
kræves i medfør af lov.
Genmab®, det Y-formede Genmab logo®, HuMax®, HuMax-CD20®, HuMax-EGFr™,
HuMax-IL8™, HuMax-TAC™, HuMax-HepC™, HuMax-CD38™, HuMax-CD32b™, HuMax-TF™,
HuMax-Her2™, HuMax-VEGF™ og UniBody® er alle varemærker tilhørende Genmab A/S.
ARZERRA™ er et varemærke tilhørende GlaxoSmithKline.
See attachment:

Åhh nej ikke igen. Gen er nu løbet ind i den negative nyhedsbølge Neurosearch havnede i fra slutningen af 08 til starten af 09.
Hmm men hvad kan der være galt? Jeg håber godt nok de har styr på deres produktion af klinisk materiale. For når vi taler antistoffer så er FDA enddog særdles kritiske med renheden af stofferne. Og det er meget svært at flytte produktionen af stofferne fra et sted til et andet sted. Det er før set at stoffer er blevet midlertidigt stoppet pga det. Men håber f.... ikke det er det vi er ude i.
Hmm men hvad kan der være galt? Jeg håber godt nok de har styr på deres produktion af klinisk materiale. For når vi taler antistoffer så er FDA enddog særdles kritiske med renheden af stofferne. Og det er meget svært at flytte produktionen af stofferne fra et sted til et andet sted. Det er før set at stoffer er blevet midlertidigt stoppet pga det. Men håber f.... ikke det er det vi er ude i.

Det er almindelig kendt at FDA genereelt har svært ved at overholde deadlines da de er kraftigt underbemandet. Men dette ligner jo ikke blot en normal overskridelse af deadline da GEN har indsendt nye data. Spørgsmålet er så om FDA har bedt om disse data eller GEN selv har indsendt dem velvidende at der vil være stor risiko for at forsinke processen. Om alle omstændigheder så må det jo være data som er ment afgørende for om stoffet kan godkendes.
Sådan som kursen er faldet den seneste tid så kan man godt spekulere i om der er nogen der har vidst det her....
Sådan som kursen er faldet den seneste tid så kan man godt spekulere i om der er nogen der har vidst det her....

Hvor mange folk hos Gen-Glaxo er mon egentlig med i sådan en BLA-proces? Vi snakker vel et pænt 2-cifret antal folk som har en eller anden (ret klar) ide om hvad der reelt foregår....?
Jo det er det mindst hvis ikke et lille 3 cifret antal. Vi ved at alene genmab har 30-40 mennesker ansat i deres one-roof bla team...det er ret meget til grin nu.
Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor at de tillægsdata sendt 5. juni ikke kunne være inkluderet 31. januar, da der ikke er tale om follow up data på forsøgene, men chemistry og manufacturing data....
Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor at de tillægsdata sendt 5. juni ikke kunne være inkluderet 31. januar, da der ikke er tale om follow up data på forsøgene, men chemistry og manufacturing data....

13:40:23 172 172.25 172.25 DDB UBS 9
13:40:20 172 172.25 172.25 SYD UBS 200
13:40:09 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:40:08 172 172.25 172.25 NYB NYB 90 Off
13:39:58 172 172.25 172.25 KRO UBS 300
13:39:58 172.25 172.5 172.25 ALM UBS 44
13:39:58 172 172.25 172.25 ALM NON 113
13:39:52 172 172.25 172.25 KRO KRO 300 Off
13:39:49 172 172.25 172.62 JYB JYB 1447 Off
13:39:41 172.25 172.5 172.25 CSB NON 247
13:39:41 172.25 172.5 172.5 JYB NON 300
13:39:37 172.25 172.5 172.5 ALM ALM 100 Off
13:39:34 172.25 172.5 172.5 ALM ALM 57 Off
13:39:23 172.25 172.5 172.25 CSB DDB 111
13:39:23 172.25 172.5 172.25 AMA DDB 889
13:39:17 172 172.25 172.25 AMA MSI 183
13:39:16 172 172.25 172.25 NON MSI 100
13:39:04 172 172.25 172.25 NON UBS 100
13:39:04 172 172.25 172.25 NON NON 200
13:38:57 171.5 172.25 172.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
13:38:49 171.5 172 172 DIF NON 600
13:38:46 171.5 172 172 DDB NON 200
13:38:41 171.5 172.25 171.75 SYD SYD 231 Off
13:38:37 171.5 172 172 DIF UBS 400
13:38:37 171.5 172 172 DIF NON 100
13:38:26 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 250
13:38:23 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 1
13:38:21 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 1
13:38:20 171.75 172 172 SYD SYD 500 Off
13:38:20 171.75 172 171.75 NON NON 188
13:38:18 171.75 172 171.75 NON NON 100
13:38:16 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 612
13:38:13 171.75 172 171.75 FOB UBS 174
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 52
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 100
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 25
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 EIK UBS 978
13:38:11 171 171.25 171.25 DIF UBS 50
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 EIK UBS 22
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 DDB UBS 875
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 DDB UBS 492
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 405
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 898
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 697
13:38:08 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 316
13:38:05 171.5 171.75 171.5 NDA UBS 196
13:38:05 171 171.5 171.5 NDA UBS 490
13:38:05 171 171.5 171.5 NDA UBS 314
13:38:03 171 171.5 171.75 FIO FIO 200 Off
13:38:01 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 165
13:38:01 171 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 182
13:38:00 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 300
13:38:00 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 13
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 NON UBS 12
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 ENS UBS 494
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 ENS UBS 506
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.5 DIF UBS 200
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.5 JYB UBS 1000
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.75 MSI UBS 200
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.75 DRS UBS 220
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS UBS 553
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS UBS 279
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS NON 200
13:37:46 171.5 171.75 171.75 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:37:39 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 8
13:37:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA UBS 592
13:37:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA NEO 408
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 195
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 205
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 DRS UBS 88
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 DRS UBS 295
13:37:25 171 171.25 171.25 DRS UBS 75
13:37:24 171 171.25 172 SPN SPN 200 Off
13:37:22 171 171.25 171.25 ALB ALB 100 Off
13:37:22 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 96
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 154
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 387
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON NEO 114
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 191
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 308
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 488
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 204
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 204
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 104
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 100
13:37:19 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 186
13:37:19 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 16
13:37:18 171 171.25 171.25 SYD UBS 378
13:37:18 171 171.25 171.25 SYD UBS 122
13:37:17 171 171.25 171.25 NON UBS 70
13:37:13 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 38
13:37:13 171 171.25 171.25 NON UBS 162
13:37:10 171.5 171.75 171.5 EIK UBS 98
13:37:10 171 171.5 171.5 EIK UBS 586
13:37:10 171 171.5 171.5 EIK UBS 316
13:37:08 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 58
13:37:08 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 142
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 163
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 JYB UBS 338
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 JYB UBS 162
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 87
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 85
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 65
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 20
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 100
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 172.5 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 114
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 114
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 115
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 200
13:37:01 171.5 171.75 171.5 MSI UBS 100
13:37:01 171.25 171.5 171.5 NEO UBS 178
13:37:01 171.5 172 172 MSI UBS 200
13:37:01 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 251
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 149
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 80
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 25
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 ENS UBS 326
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 ENS UBS 674
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 DDB UBS 23
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 117
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 383
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 200
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 100
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 EIK UBS 16
13:37:00 172 172.5 172 ENS UBS 1000
13:37:00 172 172.5 172 JYB UBS 1200
13:37:00 172.5 173 172.5 NON NON 400
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON TMB 300
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON NON 200
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON NON 100
13:36:35 171.75 172 172 NON NON 150
13:36:34 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 600 Off
13:36:33 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:36:33 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 984
13:36:28 171.5 172 172 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 200
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 114
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 445
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 441
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 4
13:36:26 171.75 172 172 NON UBS 100
13:36:24 171.75 172 171.75 JYB JYB 175 Off
13:36:23 171.75 172 171 SPN SPN 200 Off
13:36:16 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 565
13:36:16 171.5 171.75 171.75 EIK UBS 157
13:36:16 171.5 171.75 171.75 EIK UBS 274
13:36:14 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 50
13:36:10 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 16
13:36:10 171.75 172 171.75 FIO FIO 494 Off
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 387
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 313
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 84
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 250
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 198
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 303
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 499
13:35:53 171.5 171.75 171.25 JYB JYB 200 Off
13:35:52 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 280
13:35:52 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 634
13:35:52 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 99
13:35:52 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 102
13:35:51 171.25 171.75 171.25 DDB UBS 4
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 541
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB GSI 150
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 927
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB NON 100
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 499
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 499
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 501
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 297
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 298
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 402
13:35:47 170.75 171 171 DDB UBS 589
13:35:43 170.5 171.25 170.5 DDB GSI 245
13:35:42 170.5 171.25 171.25 JYB JYB 250 Off
13:35:40 170.5 171.25 170.5 DDB GSI 800
13:35:39 170.5 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 100
13:35:38 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB NEO 707
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 196
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 298
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 299
13:35:36 170.5 171 171.25 ENS UBS 702
13:35:36 170.5 171 171 ENS UBS 298
13:35:35 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 170
13:35:35 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 627
13:35:34 171.25 171.75 171.25 DDB UBS 427
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 204
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 182
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 441
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 595
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 184
13:35:33 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 513
13:35:33 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 560
13:35:32 171 171.25 170.75 DBL UBS 1500
13:35:32 171 171.25 171 ENS UBS 1000
13:35:32 171 171.25 171 FFF UBS 253
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.5 ENS ENS 416
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 254
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 330
13:35:30 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 47
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 564
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 292
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK GSI 97
13:35:29 171 171.25 171.25 EIK EIK 28 Off
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 FFF UBS 47
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 NON UBS 43
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 NON UBS 57
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 33
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 90
13:35:28 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 924
13:35:28 171 171.25 171.25 DDB GSI 413
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 357
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 356
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 356
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 405
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 DDB GSI 2095
13:35:25 171 171.25 173 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB NEO 61
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 153
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 94
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 59
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 153
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 98
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 96
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 96
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS GSI 395
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 273
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 332
13:35:23 171 171.25 171 NDA NEO 140
13:35:23 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 683
13:35:21 171.25 171.75 171.25 SPN UBS 430
13:35:21 171.25 171.75 171.25 SPN UBS 405
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 ENS UBS 75
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 DRS UBS 283
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 DRS UBS 762
13:35:21 171.75 172.25 171.75 SPN UBS 136
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 703
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 797
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 100
13:35:21 172 173 172 ENS UBS 1000
13:35:21 172 173 172 DRS UBS 150
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 100
13:35:21 172 173 172 DIF UBS 43
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.25 DBL UBS 1500
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.25 NEO UBS 692
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.5 MSI UBS 200
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.5 NON UBS 100
13:35:15 172.25 173 172.25 NEO GSI 300
13:35:15 172.25 173 172.25 TMB GSI 300
13:35:12 172.5 173 172.5 EIK GSI 1000
13:35:07 173 173.5 173 DIF NEO 304
13:35:06 172.25 173 173 DIF NEO 135
13:35:06 172.25 173 173 DIF UBS 61
13:35:03 172.5 173 172.5 MSI GSI 38
13:35:03 172.5 173 172.5 ENS GSI 212
13:35:00 172.5 173 173 ENS UBS 542
13:35:00 172.5 173 173 ENS DDB 281
13:34:58 172.5 173 173 SYD DDB 70
13:34:57 172.5 173 172.5 ENS NEO 153
13:34:57 172 172.5 172.5 ENS UBS 524
13:34:57 172 172.5 172.5 ENS ENS 111
13:34:50 172 172.5 172.25 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:34:40 172 172.25 172.25 DDB UBS 50
13:34:38 172 172.25 172.25 GSI UBS 529
13:34:38 172 172.25 172.25 GSI GSI 1
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 DIF GSI 157
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 NYB GSI 145
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 NON GSI 297
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 CDV GSI 650
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 SYD GSI 100
13:34:30 172.25 173 172.25 NON GSI 149
13:34:30 172.25 173 172.25 NON NEO 231
13:34:26 172.25 173 173 EIK DDB 2000
13:34:26 172.25 173 173.25 SPN SPN 45 Off
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 DBL DIF 50
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 NON DIF 150
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 DRS DIF 300
13:34:25 172.5 172.75 172.75 DBL ENS 500
13:34:25 173 173.25 173 MSI DDB 200
13:34:25 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 2449
13:34:25 173 173.25 173.25 DIF NEO 100
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS NEO 259
13:34:22 173 173.5 173 ENS UBS 659
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 2682
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 8000
13:34:12 173 173.25 173 ENS NEO 137
13:34:11 173 173.5 173 ENS NEO 160
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 605
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 2000
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS NON 1000
13:34:09 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 625
13:34:09 173 173.25 173 ENS GSI 500
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 DBL HQD 1097
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 FFF HQD 1000
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 DDB HQD 9
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 ENS HQD 394
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 ENS DRS 530
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 DDB DRS 250
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 DIF DRS 120
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173.25 NON DRS 100
13:33:57 173.5 173.75 173.5 JYB UBS 349
13:33:57 173.25 173.5 173.5 JYB AMA 451
13:33:55 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON AMA 65
13:33:54 173.5 173.75 173.75 DIF AMA 45
13:33:50 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON NEO 135
13:33:49 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON GSI 800
13:33:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB UBS 398
13:33:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB DRS 700
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 67
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 200
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 30
13:33:39 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NON 170
13:33:33 173.75 174 173.75 SGP GSI 116
13:33:33 173.75 174 173.75 JYB GSI 200
13:33:20 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 1723 Off
13:33:20 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 573 Off
13:33:10 173.5 174 174 DIF DDB 100
13:33:07 173.5 174 173.5 JYB ENS 74
13:32:55 173.5 174 173.5 JYB NEO 126
13:32:55 173.25 173.5 173.5 JYB NEO 35
13:32:50 173.5 174 173.5 MSI DIF 140
13:32:50 173.5 174 173.5 DBL DIF 860
13:32:50 173.5 174 174 SYD SYD 300 Off
13:32:49 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 857 Off
13:32:40 173.5 174 173.5 DBL UBS 510
13:32:33 173.5 174 173.5 DBL SAX 30
13:32:28 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 600 Off
13:32:24 173.5 174 174 NON DDB 200
13:32:23 173.5 174 174 SAX DDB 30
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.5 DDB UBS 1240
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.75 NON UBS 300
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.75 NON UBS 334
13:32:20 173.75 174 174 SVB DDB 572
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 TMB DDB 200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 NON DDB 100
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 DRS DDB 3000
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 DIF DDB 222
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 NDA DDB 2000
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 SPN DDB 1200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON DDB 500
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 DIF DDB 200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB DDB 485
13:32:06 174.25 174.5 174.5 SPN SPN 400 Off
13:32:03 174.25 174.5 174.75 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:32:00 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON AMA 439
13:31:48 174.5 174.75 174.25 JYB JYB 400 Off
13:31:47 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 161
13:31:46 174.5 174.75 174.5 EIK NEO 57
13:31:46 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 200
13:31:43 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 200
13:31:42 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 100
13:31:42 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 180
13:31:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 SYD SYD 96 Off
13:31:34 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB SVB 572 Off
13:31:34 174.25 174.5 174.5 EIK EIK 57 Off
13:31:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 AMA UBS 25
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA NON 100
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 544
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 271
13:31:06 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB JYB 400 Off
13:30:37 174.25 174.5 174.5 KRO DDB 33
13:30:30 174.25 174.5 174.5 KRO KRO 33 Off
13:30:21 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 596
13:30:21 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 1604
13:30:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF DDB 1000
13:30:17 174.25 174.5 174.5 SYD DDB 1000
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON DDB 1780
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON UBS 120
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:30:01 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 120
13:29:54 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB UBS 313
13:29:54 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 187
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB GSI 15
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 DIF GSI 250
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON GSI 100
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 SVB GSI 200
13:29:47 174.25 174.5 174.5 FIO FIO 60 Off
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 213
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 200
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB DDB 87
13:29:41 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS DDB 250
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS DDB 1163
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS UBS 402
13:29:37 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 200
13:29:33 174.25 174.5 174.25 SVB GSI 300
13:29:20 174 174.25 174.25 DBL UBS 610
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON UBS 25
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB UBS 162
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB DDB 856
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NEO 144
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA NEO 186
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 940
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 374
13:29:11 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 138
13:29:11 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 132
13:29:09 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 138
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON UBS 157
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON DDB 940
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NEO 92
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON SYD 711
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:29:04 174.25 174.5 174.6 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:29:02 174.25 174.5 174.25 MSI GSI 200
13:29:02 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB GSI 630
13:29:00 174 174.5 174.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:28:53 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 570 Off
13:28:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF SYD 289
13:28:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 111
13:28:38 174 174.5 174.5 SVB UBS 500
13:28:35 174 174.25 174.25 IMC UBS 200
13:28:35 173.75 174.75 173.75 NON UBS 666
13:28:35 173.75 174.75 173.75 SVB UBS 500
13:28:35 174.5 174.75 174.5 NDA DDB 6814
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD NEO 75
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD UBS 497
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD NON 465
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.25 HQD NON 1000
13:28:19 173.5 174.5 174.25 SYD SYD 300 Off
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.5 NDA NON 35
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.5 NDA DDB 688
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA UBS 539
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA DIF 500
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA DIF 238
13:28:16 173.75 174.25 173.75 SVB ENS 500
13:28:16 173.75 174.25 173.75 DIF ENS 109
13:28:06 173.75 174.25 173.75 DIF NEO 91
13:28:03 173.75 174.5 173.75 SPN NEO 46
13:28:03 173.75 174 174.25 HQD UBS 52
13:28:03 173.75 174 174 HQD NEO 53
13:28:02 174 174.5 173.75 SPN UBS 1199
13:28:02 174 174.5 174 JPM UBS 17
13:28:02 174 174.5 174 SVB UBS 500
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD NEO 292
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD NON 300
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD UBS 546
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD DDB 7765
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.25 HQD NEO 292
13:27:52 174 174.5 174 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:27:48 174 174.25 174.25 DDB NON 100
13:27:31 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:27:22 173.75 174 174 DDB DDB 500
13:27:21 173.75 174 174 JYB DDB 500
13:27:18 173.75 174 174.5 SPN SPN 1500 Off
13:27:17 174 174.5 174.5 SPN DDB 757
13:27:17 174 174.5 174.5 SPN UBS 243
13:27:16 174 174.5 174 MSI GSI 150
13:27:14 174 174.5 174 MSI NEO 118
13:27:13 174 174.25 174 SVB NEO 1
13:27:13 174 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 355
13:27:13 174 174.5 174.5 DIF NEO 145
13:27:11 174 174.5 174 SVB ENS 499
13:27:11 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:27:05 174 174.5 174.5 NON NEO 150
13:26:45 173.75 174 174 DDB NON 100
13:26:37 173.5 173.75 173.75 SPN NEO 255
13:26:30 173.5 173.75 173.75 SPN SPN 500 Off
13:26:28 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF NON 63
13:26:19 173 173.75 173 DIF NON 50
13:26:15 173.5 173.75 173.25 MSI NEO 110
13:26:15 173.5 173.75 173.5 EIK NEO 21
13:26:08 173.5 174 173.5 DIF ENS 200
13:26:08 173.5 174 173.5 DIF ENS 828
13:26:04 173.75 174 174 EIK EIK 21 Off
13:25:58 173.75 174 174 SPN SPN 1000 Off
13:25:53 173.5 173.75 173.75 JYB DIF 300
13:25:53 173.5 173.75 173.75 JYB NDA 142
13:25:50 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF NEO 118
13:25:49 173.5 173.75 174 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:25:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NDA 1358
13:25:43 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NDA 214
13:25:29 173.75 174 173.75 JYB JYB 200 Off
13:25:09 173.75 174 173.75 JYB ENS 214
13:25:05 173.75 174 173.75 JYB GSI 214
13:24:54 173.5 173.75 174 EIK DRS 7
13:24:54 173.5 173.75 173.75 EIK NON 25
13:24:53 173.5 173.75 173.5 SYD SYD 166 Off
13:24:52 173.5 173.75 174 SPN SPN 573 Off
13:24:48 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:24:48 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 575 Off
13:24:46 173.5 174 174 SPN SPN 30 Off
13:24:44 173.5 174 174 DIF DRS 50
13:24:33 173.5 174 174 SYD DRS 43
13:24:33 173.5 174 174 SYD DDB 557
13:24:29 173.5 174 174 EIK EIK 32 Off
13:24:23 173.75 174 174 ALM DDB 143
13:24:21 173.5 174 174 SYD DDB 500
13:24:17 173.5 174 173.5 DIF NEO 4
13:24:17 173.5 174 174 NON DDB 2000
13:24:17 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 20 Off
13:24:13 174 174.25 174 NON DDB 200
13:24:12 174 174.25 174 NON NON 100
13:24:08 174 174.25 174 SAX MSI 171
13:24:08 173.5 173.75 174 SAX NEO 99
13:24:08 173.5 173.75 173.75 SAX NON 800
13:24:07 174 174.25 173.75 NON NON 1000
13:24:07 174 174.25 174 MSI NON 200
13:24:05 174 174.25 174.25 DDB NON 100
13:24:03 173.75 174 174 DDB NON 100
13:24:03 173.75 174 174 DDB DDB 100
13:24:02 173.75 174 174 ALM ALM 143 Off
13:23:58 173.75 174 174 SVB SVB 63 Off
13:23:56 173.75 174 173.75 DBL NON 100
13:23:55 173.75 174 174 NON DDB 100
13:23:41 173.25 173.5 173.5 DIF NON 50
13:23:31 173 173.5 173 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC ENS 500
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC TMB 300
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC NON 150
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC DDB 3705
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC NON 25
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.25 IMC MSI 320
13:23:28 173 173.25 173.25 DBL NON 100
13:23:27 172.75 173 173 DDB NON 96
13:23:20 172.75 173 173 NON NON 200
13:23:16 172.5 172.75 172.75 SVB SAX 30
13:23:16 172.5 172.75 172.75 SVB NON 100
13:23:03 172.5 172.75 172.5 SYD SYD 153 Off
13:22:54 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON GSI 170
13:22:50 172 172.5 172.5 NDA DDB 1000
13:22:50 172 172.5 172.5 NDA GSI 361
13:22:45 172 172.5 172.5 SPN SPN 1000 Off
13:22:38 172.25 172.5 172.25 DBL NON 25
13:22:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON GSI 300
13:22:26 172.25 172.5 172.25 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF GSI 169
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF NEO 106
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF NON 25
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF DDB 700
13:22:06 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD DDB 200
13:22:04 172.25 172.5 172.5 JYB JYB 577 Off
13:21:52 172 172.25 172.25 DDB NON 50
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.5 NON DDB 100
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.5 NON NON 100
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.25 NON NON 100
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA NEO 51
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA MLI 603
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA DIF 59
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 DIF DIF 500
13:21:44 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 60
13:21:43 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 250 Off
13:21:43 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 400
13:21:41 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 500
13:21:33 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:21:29 171.75 172 172 DDB DIF 1
13:21:28 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 350
13:21:28 171.75 172 172 DDB DDB 60
13:21:25 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 150
13:21:24 171.75 172 172 SAX DIF 30
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 900
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON NON 1000
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:21:17 171.5 171.75 171.75 SPN NEO 88
13:21:17 171.5 171.75 171.75 SPN NEO 276
13:21:05 171.5 172 172 DDB DDB 1
13:21:04 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB NEO 77
13:21:02 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:21:02 171.5 171.75 171 JYB JYB 1080 Off
13:20:58 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON NON 100
13:20:55 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:20:55 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:20:53 171.5 171.75 171.5 SYD SYD 145 Off
13:20:47 171.25 171.5 171.5 DRS NEO 75
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA NON 100
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA DBL 48
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA NEO 47
13:20:16 171.25 171.5 171.25 SPN SPN 500 Off
13:20:13 171.25 171.5 171.25 SPN NEO 129
13:20:12 171 171.25 171.25 SPN NEO 36
13:20:08 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON NEO 100
13:20:08 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON NEO 70
13:20:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA DDB 300
13:20:07 171 171.25 171.25 NON NEO 50
13:20:07 171 171.25 171.25 ALB ALB 120 Off
13:20:06 171 171.25 171.25 SAX NEO 100
13:19:43 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 165
13:19:43 171 171.25 171.25 DIF GSI 835
13:19:43 171 171.25 171.25 DIF NEO 165
13:19:38 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 193
13:19:29 171.25 171.5 171.25 SYD NEO 2
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD MLI 605
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD TMB 300
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD NON 66
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD NEO 27
13:19:25 170.5 171.25 171.25 NON NON 9
13:19:24 170.5 171.25 171.25 NON NON 25
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA NON 100
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA GSI 200
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA GSI 1000
13:19:22 170.5 171 171 SPN SPN 110 Off
13:19:17 170.75 171 170.75 NON GSI 319
13:19:17 170.75 171 171 SYD SYD 600 Off
13:19:15 170.75 171.5 171.5 CBA DDB 1000
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 DBL GSI 230
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 CBA GSI 1000
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 NON GSI 50
13:19:14 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NEO 68
13:19:12 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NEO 83
13:19:12 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI GSI 155
13:19:12 171 171.25 171.5 KRO DDB 7700
13:19:12 171 171.25 171.25 KRO NON 100
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 NDA DDB 861
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 NDA NEO 139
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 SYD SYD 58 Off
13:19:10 170.75 171 171 NON NON 50
13:19:10 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 50
13:19:10 170.75 171 172 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:19:06 170.75 171.5 171.5 DIF NEO 138
13:19:05 171.5 171.75 171.5 EPB GSI 13
13:19:04 171.5 171.75 171.5 EPB IMC 838
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB TMB 300
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB NEO 77
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB GSI 500
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.25 EPB NON 100
13:19:02 170.75 171.5 170.75 NON GSI 379
13:19:01 171 171.5 170.75 NON ENS 100
13:19:01 171 171.5 171 MLI ENS 212
13:19:01 171 171.5 171 DIF ENS 543
13:19:01 171 171.5 171.5 SYD GSI 500
13:18:59 171 171.5 171.75 SPN SPN 289 Off
13:18:55 171.25 171.5 171.25 CSB NDA 59
13:18:55 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NDA 39
13:18:46 171.25 171.75 171.25 MSI GSI 266
13:18:42 171.25 171.5 171.5 CSB NON 100
13:18:38 171.25 171.5 171.5 CSB NON 512
13:18:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON NON 40
13:18:32 171.25 172 171.25 DDB GSI 500
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 CSB NDA 429
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 DIF NDA 500
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 SYD NDA 900
13:18:29 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB DRS 4
13:18:27 171.5 171.75 171.75 MSI DRS 100
13:18:27 171.25 171.5 171.5 SYD NON 100
13:18:12 171 171.75 171 DIF NEO 174
13:18:12 171 171.5 172 DIF DIF 50
13:18:12 171 171.5 171.5 DIF GSI 200
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NDA 136
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 750
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 397
13:18:08 170.75 171 170.75 NON NEO 158
13:18:05 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON NEO 44
13:18:04 170.5 170.75 170.75 SYD SYD 35 Off
13:18:03 170.5 170.75 170.75 MSI NEO 100
13:17:53 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB GSI 489
13:17:53 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB NEO 36
13:17:51 170.5 170.75 170.5 DDB UBS 68
13:17:51 170.5 170.75 170.5 DDB UBS 133
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA ENS 500
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA TMB 300
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA MSI 200
13:17:38 170.25 170.75 170.5 MSI NEO 53
13:17:38 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON NEO 251
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON SGP 255
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON MLI 494
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 AMA MLI 75
13:17:31 170.25 170.5 170.5 SPN SPN 117 Off
13:17:20 170.25 170.5 170.5 SYD SYD 29 Off
13:17:18 170.25 170.5 170.5 SYD SYD 166 Off
13:17:09 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON NEO 63
13:17:02 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 200
13:16:58 170.25 170.5 170.25 MSI NEO 104
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.5 MSI NON 389
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.5 DIF NON 659
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON NEO 50
13:16:53 170.25 170.5 170.5 DIF MSI 341
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 MSI GSI 96
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 NON GSI 300
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 MSI GSI 104
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 171 SEE NON 603
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 170.75 SEE NEO 94
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 170.5 SEE GSI 478
13:16:48 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 200
13:16:48 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:16:35 170.25 171 169.75 SPN SPN 300 Off
13:16:25 170.25 171 170 SPN SPN 300 Off
13:16:18 170.25 171 170.25 MSI CDV 200
13:16:14 170.25 171.5 170 SYD SYD 1200 Off
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI ENS 62
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI NYB 150
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI ENS 104
13:16:09 170.25 170.5 170.5 DDB GSI 300
13:16:09 170 170.25 170.25 GSI NEO 26
13:16:06 170 170.25 170.25 MSI NEO 100
13:16:06 170 170.25 170 EPB GSI 372
13:16:06 169.5 170 170 EPB GSI 300
13:16:05 170 170.25 170 DRS GSI 318
13:16:05 169.5 170 170 DRS GSI 382
13:16:02 170 170.25 170 NON GSI 278
13:16:02 169.5 170 170 NON NEO 40
13:16:02 169.5 170 170 NON GSI 682
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.5 DIF HQD 275
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 NON HQD 25
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 SYD HQD 1200
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 SPN HQD 1000
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 DDB GSI 2
13:16:01 170 170.25 170 MSI GSI 368
13:16:01 170 170.25 170 NON GSI 170
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 330
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 800
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NDA GSI 150
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF NDA 398
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF GSI 848
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF ENS 1028
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF GSI 726
13:15:59 169.75 170 170 NDA NDA 630
13:15:56 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 25
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 249
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON NDA 271
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON NON 280
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NDA NDA 271
13:15:53 169.75 170 170 NON NON 150
13:15:52 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NEO 257
13:15:52 169.5 169.75 169.5 DIF NON 261
13:15:48 169.5 170 170 NDA NDA 500
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NEO 100
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NON 50
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 MSI NON 100
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 NON NON 50
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DRS NON 100
13:15:41 169 169.75 169 SYD SYD 339 Off
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 MSI HQD 191
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 DIF HQD 30
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 NON HQD 50
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 EPB HQD 1060
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 LDM HQD 169
13:15:37 169 169.25 169.25 DDB GSI 74
13:15:35 169 169.25 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:30 169 169.25 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:30 169 169.25 169.25 DBL GSI 200
13:15:29 169.25 170 169.25 NEO GSI 387
13:15:29 169.25 170 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:26 169.25 169.75 170 SPN SPN 134 Off
13:15:11 169 170 170 SPN SPN 879 Off
13:14:58 169.5 170 169 LDM HQD 1450
13:14:58 169.5 170 169.25 FIO HQD 500
13:14:58 169.5 170 169.5 NON HQD 50
13:14:51 169.25 169.75 169.75 DDB MSI 322
13:14:51 169.25 169.75 169 SYD SYD 74 Off
13:14:50 169.25 169.75 169.75 DDB ENS 946
13:14:42 169 169.75 169 LDM NON 300
13:14:31 169 169.5 169 LDM NEO 81
13:14:31 168 168.5 169 LDM NEO 49
13:14:31 168 168.5 168.5 LDM GSI 446
13:14:27 168 168.5 168.5 MLI GSI 100
13:14:26 168.5 169 168.5 JYB GSI 454
13:14:26 168.5 169 169 DIF NEO 50
13:14:25 169 169.5 169 MLI ENS 100
13:14:23 168.5 169 169 NDA NEO 48
13:14:23 168.5 169 169 NDA GSI 100
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 NDA HQD 1000
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 NDA HQD 1000
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 JYB HQD 500
13:14:20 169 169.75 169 MSI GSI 315
13:14:20 169 169.75 169 MSI GSI 385
13:14:06 168.5 170 168.5 JYB NEO 46
13:14:04 167.75 168 168 ENS GSI 487
13:14:04 168 170 168 NYB GSI 150
13:14:03 168 170 170 DDB DDB 50 Off
13:13:57 167.75 169.75 169.75 DDB MSI 276
13:13:56 169.5 170 169.5 DBL NEO 200
13:13:56 169.5 170 169.5 NDA NEO 100
13:13:56 169.5 169.75 170 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:13:55 169.5 170 169.5 NDA UBS 4
13:13:55 169 169.25 169.25 NDA UBS 4
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 19
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:53 168.75 169.5 168.75 MLI GSI 365
13:13:51 168.75 169.25 169.25 NDA UBS 108
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 170 DDB NDA 115
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 169.75 DDB ENS 169
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 169.5 DDB UBS 216
13:13:46 168.75 169.75 168.75 JYB UBS 78
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 JYB UBS 422
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 DRS UBS 165
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 DRS NEO 206
13:13:39 167.25 169.5 169.5 DDB GSI 150
13:13:39 167.25 168.75 168.75 NYB UBS 500
13:13:37 168.75 170 168.75 NDA UBS 291
13:13:37 168.75 170 168.75 NDA UBS 634
13:13:37 167 168.75 168.75 DDB NEO 58
13:13:37 167 168.75 168.75 DDB NEO 867
13:13:35 167 168.75 170.5 JYB JYB 86 Off
13:13:34 169 170 167 DRS SAX 74
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 50
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 168 SYD SAX 200
13:13:34 169 170 168.5 DIF SAX 20
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 50
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 31
13:13:33 169.75 170 169 NON DRS 969
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.5 ENS DRS 31
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.5 ENS DRS 129
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 MSI DRS 200
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS DRS 154
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS DRS 17
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB MSI 293
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NON 400
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB UBS 639
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NDA 7497
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS NON 75
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NDA 307
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 ENS NDA 151
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 50
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 25
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 232
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 300
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 EIK NDA 60
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 300
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 DDB NDA 150
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 DDB NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 170
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 60
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170.25 DIF NDA 182
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 NON CDV 100
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 NON CDV 100
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 DIF CDV 25
13:13:29 170.5 171 171 ALM NDA 250
13:13:29 170.5 171 171 SPN SPN 140 Off
13:13:24 170.5 171 171 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:13:24 170.5 171 170.5 DIF GSI 475
13:13:24 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 25
13:13:22 170.5 171 171 GSI NDA 200
13:13:21 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 553
13:13:21 170.5 171 171 DDB NDA 568
13:13:14 170.5 171 171 JYB JYB 60 Off
13:13:10 170.5 171 171 EPB UBS 548
13:13:10 170.5 171 171 EPB NDA 1952
13:13:03 170.25 171 171 DDB NDA 181
13:13:01 170.25 171 171 DDB NDA 1000
13:13:01 170.75 171 170.75 NON GSI 250
13:13:01 170.75 171 171 KRO NDA 709
13:13:01 170.75 171 171 KRO GSI 300
13:12:59 170.75 171 171 ALM ALM 250 Off
13:12:55 170.5 171 170.5 KRO NON 14
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 202
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 244
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 245
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 244
13:12:53 170.25 170.5 170.5 LAS GSI 65
13:12:53 170.25 170.5 170.75 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:12:45 170.5 170.75 170.5 MSI GSI 348
13:12:45 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:12:39 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB UBS 50
13:12:38 170.5 171 171 NON GSI 50
13:12:28 170.5 171 170.25 DIF NON 68
13:12:28 170.5 171 170.5 NON NON 50
13:12:22 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 150
13:12:22 171 171.25 171 SYD GSI 284
13:12:19 171 171.25 171 SYD NON 250
13:12:17 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON GSI 100
13:12:15 171.25 171.5 171.75 SYD SYD 1000 Off
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 237
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 300
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 300
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB GSI 163
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 CDV GSI 2837
13:12:10 171.5 171.75 171.75 DIF GSI 19
13:12:07 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 684
13:12:04 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 1000
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 805
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 100
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 705
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 806
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 1000
13:12:00 171.75 172 172 DIF NDA 300
13:12:00 171.75 172 172 NON NDA 50
13:11:59 171.75 172 172.75 FIO FIO 151 Off
13:11:54 171.75 172 172 FIO NDA 200
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 ENS NDA 137
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 SGP NDA 5000
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 SGP NDA 1573
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NON NDA 250
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NON NDA 100
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NEO NDA 321
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.5 NON NDA 120
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.5 FFF NDA 20
13:11:53 172.5 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:11:51 172.5 172.75 172.75 DDB DIF 90
13:11:48 172.25 172.75 172.25 SPN SPN 600 Off
13:11:46 172.25 172.75 172.75 SYD SYD 28 Off
13:11:44 172.25 172.75 172.25 NEO GSI 159
13:11:44 172.25 172.75 172.25 MSI GSI 304
13:11:37 172.5 172.75 172.25 MSI NON 178
13:11:37 172.5 172.75 172.5 NON NON 122
13:11:30 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON UBS 178
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD UBS 400
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD ENS 500
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD GSI 100
13:11:26 172.25 172.5 172.5 DRS GSI 500
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 57
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 187
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 187
13:11:19 172 172.5 172 SGP UBS 224
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP UBS 223
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP UBS 223
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 MSI EPB 196
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP EPB 2304
13:11:18 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 1000
13:11:15 172 172.5 172.5 SVB GSI 100
13:11:15 172 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 100
13:11:12 172 172.25 172.25 NDA UBS 393
13:11:11 172 172.25 172 SGP EPB 70
13:11:08 172 172.25 172.75 SPN SPN 700 Off
13:11:07 172 172.25 172.25 DIF UBS 200
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 383
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 DIF GSI 100
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NON GSI 25
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 DRS GSI 120
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NDA GSI 372
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NDA GSI 128
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 872
13:10:58 172 172.5 172.5 DIF GSI 200
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 182
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 209
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 9
13:10:36 172.25 172.75 173 FIO FIO 50 Off
13:10:36 172.25 172.75 173 SPN SPN 150 Off
13:10:31 172.25 172.5 172.75 JYB JYB 86 Off
13:10:31 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON ENS 60
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL DBL 25
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL NON 175
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DDB NON 200
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DDB NON 100
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 NON NON 25
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 SGP DIF 115
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 NON DIF 25
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 NON DIF 600
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 MSI DIF 200
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 KRO KRO 23 Off
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 30
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 70
13:10:14 172.75 173 173 JYB GSI 130
13:10:14 172.75 173 173 JYB EPB 370
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA GSI 200
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA EPB 430
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA NEO 92
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 DIF NEO 130
13:10:11 172.75 173 173 NON NEO 26
13:10:11 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 74
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 126
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 74
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON NON 300
13:09:45 172.75 173 173 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF EPB 326
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF NEO 69
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF GSI 75
13:09:35 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 100
13:09:14 172.75 173 172.75 SPN SPN 1200 Off
13:09:10 172.75 173 173 ALB GSI 25
13:09:10 172.75 173 173 ALB EPB 175
13:09:09 172.75 173 173 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:09:08 172.75 173 173 JYB EPB 225
13:09:08 172.75 173 173 JYB UBS 275
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB UBS 300
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB NDA 200
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB EPB 300
13:09:05 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 100
13:09:03 172.75 173 173 SYD SYD 200 Off
13:08:45 172.75 173 173 ALB ALB 85 Off
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB MSI 296
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB UBS 556
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB EPB 100
13:08:35 172.75 173 173 LAS EPB 200
13:08:21 172.75 173 173 NDA EPB 100
13:08:20 172.75 173 173 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:08:18 172.75 173 173 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:08:10 172.75 173 173 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:08:04 172.75 173 172.75 DBL NEO 121
13:08:04 172.75 173 172.75 SYD NEO 50
13:08:02 172.5 173 173 DDB DBL 200
13:08:01 172.5 173 172.5 DDB GSI 500
13:07:59 172.5 172.75 173 DIF DBL 155
13:07:59 172.5 172.75 172.75 DIF GSI 200
13:07:58 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 400
13:07:57 172.25 172.5 172.5 SVB SVB 143 Off
13:07:43 172.25 172.5 173 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:07:43 172.25 172.5 173 SYD SYD 400 Off
13:07:38 172.5 173 172.5 NON GSI 400
13:07:38 172.5 173 172.5 NDA GSI 200
13:07:34 172.5 173 173 SVB DBL 28
13:07:27 172.5 173 172.5 NDA GSI 800
13:07:21 172.25 173 173 DDB DBL 200
13:07:17 172.25 173 173 JYB JYB 720 Off
13:07:08 172.25 173 172.75 FIO FIO 8 Off
13:07:02 172.25 172.75 172.75 NDA ENS 226
13:07:02 172.25 172.75 172.75 NDA DBL 1800
13:06:52 172.25 172.75 172.75 SYD NON 500
13:06:47 172.25 172.5 172.5 MSI ENS 100
13:06:47 172.25 172.5 172.5 MSI GSI 100
13:06:46 172 172.25 172.25 NDA EPB 214
13:06:43 172 172.25 172.25 DDB EPB 200
13:06:43 172 172.25 172.25 NON EPB 200
13:06:41 172 172.25 172 SGP AMA 75
13:06:38 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 500
13:06:34 172 172.25 172.25 EIK EPB 50
13:06:33 172 172.25 172.25 SYD EPB 1000
13:06:31 172 172.25 172.25 SYD SYD 350 Off
13:06:31 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 553
13:06:31 172 172.25 172 DDB GSI 447
13:06:30 172 172.25 172.25 NDA EPB 85
13:06:26 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 116 Off
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 DDB HQD 53
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 SGP HQD 673
13:06:24 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 450 Off
13:06:15 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 1000
13:06:14 172 172.25 172.25 SAX EPB 100
13:06:11 172 172.25 172.25 DBL EPB 200
13:06:11 172 172.25 172 SGP HQD 327
13:06:11 172 172.25 172 NON HQD 50
13:06:10 172 172.25 172.25 NON EPB 500
13:06:08 172 172.25 172.25 AMA EPB 115
13:06:05 172.25 172.75 172.25 MSI EPB 200
13:06:05 172.25 172.75 172.25 NON EPB 50
13:05:54 172.25 173 173 DIF GSI 50
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 ENS HQD 115
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 NON HQD 50
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 DDB HQD 100
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 CAP HQD 236
13:05:50 173 173.5 173 ALM GSI 100
13:05:50 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1780
13:05:48 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1000
13:05:46 173.25 173.5 173 DIF NON 100
13:05:46 173.25 173.5 173.25 DBL NON 200
13:05:45 173 173.5 174 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:05:45 173 173.5 174 EIK EIK 50 Off
13:05:44 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF EPB 86
13:05:39 173.5 174 173.5 DIF NON 20
13:05:39 173.5 174 173.5 NON NON 30
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 DIF HQD 294
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 NDA HQD 25
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 DIF HQD 101
13:05:21 173.5 174.75 174.25 SPN SPN 450 Off
13:05:19 174 174.5 173.5 DIF GSI 99
13:05:19 174 174.5 173.75 MSI GSI 200
13:05:19 174 174.5 174 JPM GSI 1
13:05:19 174 174.5 174 NON GSI 500
13:05:16 173.5 174 174.25 SYD DBL 850
13:05:16 173.5 174 174 SYD DRS 150
13:05:00 173 173.5 173.5 DDB DBL 100
13:04:59 173 173.5 173.5 SYD SYD 600 Off
13:04:57 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1950
13:04:57 173 173.5 173 NDA GSI 2535
13:04:56 173 173.5 173 NDA AMA 50
13:04:54 173 173.5 173.5 KRO DBL 1500
13:04:54 173 173.5 173.5 KRO GSI 500
13:04:49 173 173.5 173.5 HQD GSI 500
13:04:44 172.5 173.25 173 NDA GSI 415
13:04:44 173 173.25 173 CSB NON 100
13:04:44 173 173.25 173 DIF NON 100
13:04:43 173 173.25 173 SYD NON 200
13:04:42 173 173.25 173.25 CSB MSI 69
13:04:42 173 173.25 173.25 MSI MSI 100
13:04:39 173 173.25 173 SYD NON 800
13:04:33 172.5 172.75 172.5 CAP IMC 600
13:04:33 171.75 172.25 172.5 CAP GSI 70
13:04:33 171.75 172.25 172.25 CAP ENS 94
13:04:32 171.75 172.25 171.75 DBL GSI 200
13:04:32 171.75 172.25 171.75 DIF GSI 100
13:04:30 171.75 172 172 CSB GSI 297
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 CSB GSI 334
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 MSI GSI 294
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 NON GSI 75
13:04:28 171.75 172 172 NON FIO 325
13:04:28 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:04:25 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB EPB 1134
13:04:24 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 200
13:04:23 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 400
13:04:23 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 50
13:04:22 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 400
13:04:21 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB EPB 1200
13:04:21 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB ENS 180
13:04:19 171 171.5 171.5 CDV ENS 163
13:04:16 171 171.5 171.5 DDB GSI 200
13:04:16 171 171.5 171.5 DDB ENS 164
13:04:14 170.5 171 171 SYD GSI 816
13:04:14 170.5 171 171 SYD NON 650
13:04:06 170.5 171 171 SAX NON 350
13:04:06 170.5 171 171 SAX NON 150
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 50
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 MSI GSI 200
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 150
13:04:01 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON MSI 25
13:04:00 170.5 170.75 170.5 SPN SPN 1500 Off
13:03:47 170.5 171 171 NDA NON 100
13:03:37 170.5 171 170.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:03:33 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON NON 50
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON NON 50
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.25 MSI GSI 266
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 34
13:03:29 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON FFF 109
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 107
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 ENS GSI 23
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 ENS NEO 109
13:03:25 170.25 170.5 170.5 JYB NON 500
13:03:16 171 171.5 171 NON GSI 1000
13:03:16 171 171.5 171.5 SVB EPB 1000
13:03:16 171 171.5 171.5 IMC EPB 935
13:03:09 170.25 171.5 170.25 DBL GSI 200
13:03:02 170.25 171.5 170.25 MSI GSI 200
13:03:02 170.25 171.5 170.25 NON GSI 300
13:02:55 170.5 171.5 170.5 NON GSI 25
13:02:55 170.5 171.5 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:02:38 170.5 171.25 170.5 NDA GSI 200
13:02:37 170.5 171.25 170.5 NDA GSI 200
13:02:31 170.5 171 171 NON EPB 200
13:02:25 171 171.5 171 LDM EPB 1273
13:02:24 171 171.25 171.25 MSI HQD 100
13:02:24 171 171.25 171.25 NON DIF 100
13:02:23 171 171.25 171 LDM DRS 202
13:02:22 171 171.25 171 LDM DIF 100
13:02:19 171 171.25 171.25 DRS DIF 500
13:02:18 171 171.25 171.25 DBL DIF 200
13:02:18 171.25 171.75 171.25 DBL DIF 200
13:02:18 171.5 171.75 171.5 NON GSI 200
13:02:17 171.25 171.75 171.25 DBL FIO 600
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 LDM HQD 400
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 DIF GSI 150
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 LDM GSI 350
13:02:01 171 171.75 173.75 FIO FIO 85 Off
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 LDM GSI 675
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 NON GSI 25
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 NON GSI 100
13:01:59 171 171.75 171 EIK DRS 500
13:01:59 171 171.75 171 DDB DRS 500
13:01:56 171.5 171.75 171.5 NON DBL 300
13:01:56 171.5 171.75 171.5 FIO DBL 12
13:01:56 171.75 172 171.75 NON EPB 100
13:01:51 171.75 172 172 AMA FIO 250
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172 NON FIO 200
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172.25 DBL FIO 200
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172.25 NON FIO 25
13:01:42 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 300
13:01:41 172.25 172.75 172.75 DDB NEO 57
13:01:41 172.25 172.75 172.75 DDB GSI 73
13:01:39 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 300
13:01:38 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL GSI 700
13:01:36 172.5 172.75 172.5 ENS AMA 125
13:01:34 172.5 172.75 172.75 GSI GSI 798
13:01:32 172.75 173.75 172.75 NON GSI 100
13:01:32 172.75 173.75 172.75 ENS GSI 29
13:01:31 172.75 173.75 172.75 ENS GSI 80
13:01:26 172.75 173.75 173.75 DDB EPB 450
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.25 ENS GSI 74
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.25 NON GSI 25
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON GSI 100
13:01:22 173.75 174.25 173.75 NON EPB 207
13:01:18 173.75 174.25 173.75 NON NEO 93
13:01:15 173.5 174.25 173.5 DIF NEO 300
13:01:09 174 174.75 173.75 NON NEO 25
13:01:09 174 174.75 174 GSI NEO 163
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD EPB 534
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD ENS 302
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD GSI 1
13:01:08 173.75 174 174 SYD NEO 163
13:01:04 174 174.75 174 DIF NEO 200
13:01:04 174 174.75 174 DBL NEO 200
13:00:52 173.75 174.75 174.75 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:00:52 173.75 174 174 GSI DIF 370
13:00:52 174 174.75 174 NON DIF 100
13:00:51 174 174.75 174.75 NON GSI 100
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM GSI 299
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM DBL 1553
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM SAX 48
13:00:44 174 174.5 174.5 JPM MSI 200
13:00:43 174 174.5 174 NON HQD 350
13:00:43 174 174.5 174 NON HQD 150
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.75 DBL DBL 147
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 DBL AMA 53
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 MLI AMA 172
13:00:27 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON AMA 25
13:00:26 174.75 175 174.75 ENS SAX 152
13:00:20 175 175.75 175 ALB GSI 1000
13:00:10 175.75 176 175.75 NON EPB 25
13:00:03 175.75 176 176 GSI GSI 68
13:00:01 175.75 176 176 MLI GSI 332
12:59:57 175.75 176 176 GSI GSI 68
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NDA GSI 1140
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NON DDB 100
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NDA DDB 2900
12:59:49 176 176.25 176.25 NON EPB 200
12:59:48 176 176.25 176.25 JYB JYB 150 Off
12:59:47 176 176.25 176.25 DDB EPB 1432
12:59:47 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1432
12:59:45 176 176.25 176.25 GSI EPB 68
12:59:43 176 176.25 176.25 GSI EPB 1500
12:59:43 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1500
12:59:41 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1300
12:59:39 176 176.25 176.25 DIF EPB 200
12:59:38 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 364
12:59:37 176 176.25 176.25 NON EPB 100
12:59:35 176 176.25 176 ENS DIF 140
12:59:35 176 176.25 176 NDA DIF 860
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 223
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 178 178.5 176.5 ENS EPB 163
12:59:35 178 178.5 177 HQD EPB 900
12:59:35 178 178.5 177 ABC EPB 1236
12:59:35 178 178.5 177.5 ENS EPB 143
12:59:35 178 178.5 177.75 DDB EPB 68
12:59:35 178 178.5 178 DDB EPB 1000
12:59:35 178 178.5 178 DIF EPB 1250
12:59:32 177.75 178.5 178.5 GSI ENS 68
12:59:32 177.75 178 178 HQD CDV 500
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 123
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 95
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 415
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 GSI GSI 68
12:59:28 177 177.25 177.25 GSI DIF 200
12:59:26 176.25 177 177 ABC CDV 500
12:59:26 176.25 177 177 ABC DIF 128
12:59:19 176 177 177 HQD DIF 72
12:59:14 176 177 176 NDA DIF 100
12:59:12 176.25 177 177 GSI MSI 200
12:59:06 175.75 177.75 177.75 SAX NEO 223
12:59:06 175.75 177.75 177.75 SAX NEO 277
12:58:51 175 178 175 MLI GSI 276
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 400
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 300
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 750
12:58:51 175 178 175 SYD GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 FIO GSI 40
12:58:51 175 178 175 ALB GSI 100
12:58:51 175 178 175 NON GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 CSB GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 SAX GSI 100
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 GSI GSI 50
12:58:51 175 178 175.75 DIF GSI 1250
12:58:51 175 178 176 NON GSI 150
12:58:51 175 178 176 NDA GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 176 NYB GSI 42
12:58:51 175 178 176 DDB GSI 600
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.25 ENS GSI 92
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.5 ENS GSI 129
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.75 NON GSI 94
12:58:41 176.75 177 177 DIF ENS 37
12:58:41 176.75 177 177 DIF GSI 163
12:58:40 176.75 177 177 NON GSI 100
12:58:36 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD GSI 158
12:58:36 177.25 177.5 177.5 GSI DIF 1000
12:58:33 177.75 178 177.75 ABC GSI 1200
12:58:29 177.75 178 178 NON MSI 200
12:58:21 177.25 177.5 177.5 NON MSI 200
12:58:20 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD JPM 35
12:58:20 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD JPM 7
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 176.75 NON DIF 6
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 177 NEO DIF 244
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 177.75 GSI DIF 322
12:58:11 177 178 178 NON MSI 95
12:58:10 177 178.25 177 ENS NON 100
12:58:10 176.75 177 177 ENS DIF 74
12:58:10 178 178.25 177 TMB DIF 200
12:58:10 178 178.25 177 NON DIF 200
12:58:10 178 178.25 178 NON DIF 26
12:58:10 178 178.25 178 NON DIF 50
12:58:09 178 178.25 178 NON NEO 124
12:58:09 178 178.25 178 DDB NEO 100
12:58:09 178.25 178.75 178.25 ENS HQD 172
12:58:05 179 179.25 179 NDA NEO 13
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 NDA DIF 212
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 DDB DIF 788
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 DDB NEO 1201
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 DDB HQD 11
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 NON HQD 100
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 DDB HQD 80
12:58:03 179 179.5 179.25 DDB HQD 809
12:58:03 179.25 179.5 179.25 DDB NEO 654
12:58:01 179.25 179.5 179.25 DDB ENS 537
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 FIO IMC 50
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB IMC 250
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB IMC 1362
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB NON 500
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB NON 60
12:57:59 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB JPM 78
12:57:58 179.75 180 179.75 DDB NEO 537
12:57:58 179.75 180 179.75 DDB DIF 200
12:57:57 179.75 180 179.75 DDB JPM 268
12:57:55 179.75 180 179.75 DDB NON 995
12:57:54 179.75 180 180 NEO NDA 244
12:57:54 180 181 180 NYB NDA 55
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 240
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF NDA 300
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 200
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 2000
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 150
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 200
12:57:54 180 181 180 AMA NDA 221
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 11
12:57:54 180 181 180 SPN NDA 170
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 331
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF NDA 402
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 135
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 25
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 80
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 300
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF JPM 148
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB JPM 120
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI NEO 31
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI NEO 102
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI JPM 224
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 DDB ABC 2000
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 EIK ABC 150
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 EIK ABC 61
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 181 AMA GSI 2
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 180.5 AMA JPM 11
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 180.5 AMA JPM 12
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO JPM 21
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO JPM 52
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 MSI JPM 15
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 MSI JPM 102
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO NEO 35
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 NEO NEO 117
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 MSI NEO 187
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 EIK NEO 30
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 DDB NEO 909
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB NEO 9
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB JPM 39
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB JPM 40
12:57:44 180.5 180.75 180.5 DDB DIF 200
12:57:41 180.75 181.25 180.5 DDB DIF 51
12:57:41 180.75 181.25 180.75 NEO DIF 949
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.5 DDB IMC 752
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.5 NDA IMC 100
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.75 DDB IMC 2000
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.75 SPN IMC 270
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 SVB IMC 300
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NON IMC 250
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 SPN IMC 200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NON IMC 28
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 DDB IMC 100
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 DDB IMC 2000
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NDA IMC 1200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 EPB IMC 2600
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 TMB IMC 200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 NIP IMC 426
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 ENS IMC 170
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 ENS IMC 102
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 DDB IMC 1075
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 DDB NON 925
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 EPB NON 75
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 250
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 ENS NDA 130
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NYB NDA 275
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 150
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 6
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 DDB NDA 100
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 AMA NDA 250
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 MSI ABC 518
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 NDA ABC 10
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 DIF ABC 100
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 NON ABC 100
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 DDB ABC 125
12:57:37 182 182.25 182 JYB NDA 500
12:57:37 182 182.25 182 NYB NDA 500
12:56:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX NEO 51
12:55:45 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 300 Off
12:55:14 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX ENS 261
12:55:14 182.25 182.5 182.25 ENS ENS 78
12:55:10 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX MLI 133
12:55:02 182.25 182.5 182.5 SVB SVB 28 Off
12:52:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX NEO 121
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX ENS 434
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 JPM ENS 14
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB ENS 46
12:51:53 182.5 182.75 182.5 SGP GSI 275
12:51:53 182.5 182.75 182.5 JYB GSI 425
12:51:18 182.5 182.75 182.5 JYB ENS 375
12:51:18 182.5 182.75 182.5 DIF ENS 7
12:49:39 182.5 182.75 182.75 JYB JYB 800 Off
12:48:59 182.5 182.75 182.5 DIF NEO 104
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF NEO 156
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 78
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF MSI 155
12:47:26 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
12:45:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB DIF 56
12:45:58 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD MSI 464
12:45:58 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD NEO 36
12:45:07 182.25 182.5 182.5 SPN SPN 54 Off
12:44:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 219
12:43:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NEO 7
12:43:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NYB 43
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JPM NYB 11
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB GSI 300
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NYB 896
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JPM 93
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB MSI 273
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB MSI 38
12:42:46 182.25 182.5 182.5 JPM JPM 14
12:42:33 182.25 182.5 182.5 NYB NYB 950 Off
12:41:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 SVB MSI 103
12:40:54 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 12
12:40:02 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB MLI 13
12:38:31 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI MSI 127
12:38:31 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI GSI 6
12:38:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 FIO FIO 7 Off
12:36:49 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 6
12:34:51 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 81 Off
12:29:29 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF ENS 13
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 38
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF ENS 34
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 12
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF GSI 103
12:27:18 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 200 Off
12:24:47 182.25 182.5 182.5 NON GSI 20
12:22:10 182.25 182.5 182.5 AMA AMA 25 Off
12:20:44 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 4
12:16:56 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JPM 44
12:16:44 182 182.25 182 FFF NEO 4
12:16:38 182 182.25 182.25 NON TMB 100
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF GSI 400
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 6
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 17
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 37
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF DDB 206
12:15:58 181.75 182 182 MSI DDB 167
12:14:56 181.75 182 182 FIO FIO 164 Off
12:10:44 181.75 182 182 FIO FIO 60 Off
12:09:47 181.75 182 181.75 DDB MLI 134
12:09:27 181.75 182 181.75 DDB NON 741
12:09:27 181.75 182 181.75 NIP NON 259
12:07:39 181.75 182 182 MLI DDB 167
12:06:22 182 182.25 182 SVB DDB 160
12:05:51 181.75 182 182 SVB NEO 35
12:05:51 181.75 182 182 SVB GSI 5
12:04:26 181.75 182 181.75 NIP NYB 42
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 NON NYB 384
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 SAX NYB 200
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 NON NYB 22
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 JYB NYB 495
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182.25 NON NYB 100
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182.25 ENS NYB 57
12:02:57 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 127 Off
12:02:23 182 182.25 182.25 ENS JPM 27
12:01:12 182 182.25 182.25 KRO JPM 9
12:01:12 182 182.25 182.25 KRO NEO 127
12:00:39 182 182.25 182 JYB NEO 35
12:00:39 182 182.25 182 HQD NEO 76
11:59:22 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 35
11:59:18 182 182.5 182.5 JPM JPM 18
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.5 NON GSI 877
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 10
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 113
11:59:13 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
11:57:52 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
11:56:39 182 182.25 182 HQD NEO 116
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 HQD GSI 216
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 JYB GSI 370
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 NON GSI 100
11:53:59 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 31
11:53:46 182.25 182.5 182.25 NON NEO 68
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 200
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON ENS 70
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON DBL 50
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 59
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON JPM 53
11:52:56 182 182.25 182.25 DIF ENS 100
11:52:48 182 182.25 182.25 MLI ENS 133
11:50:06 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 1000 Off
11:49:36 182 182.25 182.25 KRO KRO 136 Off
11:42:12 182 182.25 182 DIF NEO 6
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF NEO 34
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF GSI 30
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF DBL 50
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF GSI 80
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DBL GSI 51
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DIF GSI 300
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DDB GSI 106
11:40:32 182 182.25 182 SPN SPN 250 Off
11:37:58 182 182.25 182.25 SYD SYD 50 Off
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 4
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON ENS 70
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON DBL 50
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 200
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON TMB 200
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 JPM ENS 17
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 DIF ENS 496
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 DIF JPM 49
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL JPM 45
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL NEO 191
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL DBL 50
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DIF NEO 60
11:26:11 182 182.25 182 DDB ENS 94
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB DBL 50
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB GSI 50
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 70
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB SVB 2
11:21:38 182 182.25 182 MSI JPM 26
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NEO JPM 27
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NDA JPM 195
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NDA SAX 5
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NON SAX 20
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NON SAX 25
11:21:35 182.25 183 182.25 NEO SVB 273
11:18:41 182.25 183 183 DDB DDB 419
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183 MSI DDB 516
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183 DRS DDB 419
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 AMA DDB 68
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 JPM DDB 18
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS DDB 560
11:17:17 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:16:18 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:16:06 183.25 183.5 183.5 AMA AMA 68 Off
11:15:16 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:14:21 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:13:22 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:12:25 183.25 183.5 183.5 FIO FIO 163 Off
11:12:23 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 107
11:10:25 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 107
11:09:51 183.25 183.5 183.25 DIF NON 6
11:09:51 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 894
11:06:32 183.25 183.5 183.5 SGP GSI 29
11:04:19 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 152
11:04:06 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 198
11:04:06 183.25 183.5 183.25 NON NON 2
11:03:34 183.25 183.5 183.5 ALM GSI 54
11:03:32 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 100
11:03:28 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 300
11:03:23 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 199
11:03:18 183.25 183.5 183.5 ALM ALM 54 Off
11:00:57 183 183.5 183.5 DDB NON 2
11:00:52 182.5 183 183 DRS GSI 281
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 JPM GSI 19
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS ENS 336
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS MSI 200
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS JPM 164
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS GSI 800
11:00:37 182.75 183 183 CSB GSI 100
10:59:15 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:58:16 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:57:16 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:57:10 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 38
10:56:42 182.75 183 183 NON GSI 100
10:56:12 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:55:36 182.75 183 182.75 ENS NEO 161
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS TMB 200
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS NON 400
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS NON 339
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS JPM 33
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS TMB 200
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS ENS 150
10:49:40 182.5 182.75 182.75 NON NON 28
10:49:10 182.5 182.75 182.5 SYD SYD 26 Off
10:46:38 182.25 182.75 182.75 NON NON 13
10:45:52 182.25 182.5 182.5 DDB JPM 18
10:45:22 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 300 Off
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI JPM 27
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI NEO 185
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI ENS 223
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL ENS 55
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL NEO 51
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL NON 240
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL TMB 200
10:44:22 182 182.5 182.5 FIO GSI 1000
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON NEO 28
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON GSI 300
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON JPM 144
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON ENS 91
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON TMB 200
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON GSI 324
10:40:46 181.75 182 181.75 SYD SYD 50 Off
10:35:59 181.75 182 182 JYB JYB 184 Off
10:35:04 181.75 182 182 GSI GSI 48
10:35:03 181.75 182 181.75 MLI MLI 211
10:34:04 181.75 182 182 MLI GSI 161
10:33:56 181.75 182 182 JYB JYB 900 Off
10:33:56 181.75 182 181.75 JYB JYB 55 Off
10:33:53 181.75 182 182 JPM GSI 20
10:33:53 181.75 182 182 DBL GSI 447
13:40:20 172 172.25 172.25 SYD UBS 200
13:40:09 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:40:08 172 172.25 172.25 NYB NYB 90 Off
13:39:58 172 172.25 172.25 KRO UBS 300
13:39:58 172.25 172.5 172.25 ALM UBS 44
13:39:58 172 172.25 172.25 ALM NON 113
13:39:52 172 172.25 172.25 KRO KRO 300 Off
13:39:49 172 172.25 172.62 JYB JYB 1447 Off
13:39:41 172.25 172.5 172.25 CSB NON 247
13:39:41 172.25 172.5 172.5 JYB NON 300
13:39:37 172.25 172.5 172.5 ALM ALM 100 Off
13:39:34 172.25 172.5 172.5 ALM ALM 57 Off
13:39:23 172.25 172.5 172.25 CSB DDB 111
13:39:23 172.25 172.5 172.25 AMA DDB 889
13:39:17 172 172.25 172.25 AMA MSI 183
13:39:16 172 172.25 172.25 NON MSI 100
13:39:04 172 172.25 172.25 NON UBS 100
13:39:04 172 172.25 172.25 NON NON 200
13:38:57 171.5 172.25 172.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
13:38:49 171.5 172 172 DIF NON 600
13:38:46 171.5 172 172 DDB NON 200
13:38:41 171.5 172.25 171.75 SYD SYD 231 Off
13:38:37 171.5 172 172 DIF UBS 400
13:38:37 171.5 172 172 DIF NON 100
13:38:26 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 250
13:38:23 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 1
13:38:21 171.25 171.75 171.75 DDB NON 1
13:38:20 171.75 172 172 SYD SYD 500 Off
13:38:20 171.75 172 171.75 NON NON 188
13:38:18 171.75 172 171.75 NON NON 100
13:38:16 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 612
13:38:13 171.75 172 171.75 FOB UBS 174
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 52
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 100
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 NON UBS 25
13:38:11 171 171.75 171 EIK UBS 978
13:38:11 171 171.25 171.25 DIF UBS 50
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 EIK UBS 22
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 DDB UBS 875
13:38:10 171 171.75 171 DDB UBS 492
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 405
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 898
13:38:10 171.25 171.75 171.25 NDA UBS 697
13:38:08 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 316
13:38:05 171.5 171.75 171.5 NDA UBS 196
13:38:05 171 171.5 171.5 NDA UBS 490
13:38:05 171 171.5 171.5 NDA UBS 314
13:38:03 171 171.5 171.75 FIO FIO 200 Off
13:38:01 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 165
13:38:01 171 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 181
13:38:01 171 171.5 171 DDB UBS 182
13:38:00 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 300
13:38:00 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 13
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 NON UBS 12
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 ENS UBS 494
13:38:00 171.25 171.75 171.25 ENS UBS 506
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.5 DIF UBS 200
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.5 JYB UBS 1000
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.75 MSI UBS 200
13:38:00 171.75 172 171.75 DRS UBS 220
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS UBS 553
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS UBS 279
13:37:53 171.5 171.75 171.75 DRS NON 200
13:37:46 171.5 171.75 171.75 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:37:39 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 8
13:37:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA UBS 592
13:37:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA NEO 408
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 195
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 205
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 DRS UBS 88
13:37:25 171.25 171.5 171.25 DRS UBS 295
13:37:25 171 171.25 171.25 DRS UBS 75
13:37:24 171 171.25 172 SPN SPN 200 Off
13:37:22 171 171.25 171.25 ALB ALB 100 Off
13:37:22 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 96
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 154
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 387
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON NEO 114
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 191
13:37:22 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 308
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 488
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 204
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 204
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 104
13:37:20 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI UBS 100
13:37:19 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 186
13:37:19 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 16
13:37:18 171 171.25 171.25 SYD UBS 378
13:37:18 171 171.25 171.25 SYD UBS 122
13:37:17 171 171.25 171.25 NON UBS 70
13:37:13 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 38
13:37:13 171 171.25 171.25 NON UBS 162
13:37:10 171.5 171.75 171.5 EIK UBS 98
13:37:10 171 171.5 171.5 EIK UBS 586
13:37:10 171 171.5 171.5 EIK UBS 316
13:37:08 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 58
13:37:08 171 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 142
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 163
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 JYB UBS 338
13:37:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 JYB UBS 162
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 87
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 85
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON UBS 65
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 20
13:37:06 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 100
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 172.5 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 114
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 114
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.25 JPM UBS 115
13:37:05 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON UBS 200
13:37:01 171.5 171.75 171.5 MSI UBS 100
13:37:01 171.25 171.5 171.5 NEO UBS 178
13:37:01 171.5 172 172 MSI UBS 200
13:37:01 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 251
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 149
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 80
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 NON UBS 25
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 ENS UBS 326
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 ENS UBS 674
13:37:00 171.5 172 171.5 DDB UBS 23
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 117
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 383
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 200
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 NON UBS 100
13:37:00 171.75 172.5 171.75 EIK UBS 16
13:37:00 172 172.5 172 ENS UBS 1000
13:37:00 172 172.5 172 JYB UBS 1200
13:37:00 172.5 173 172.5 NON NON 400
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON TMB 300
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON NON 200
13:36:57 172 172.5 172.5 NON NON 100
13:36:35 171.75 172 172 NON NON 150
13:36:34 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 600 Off
13:36:33 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:36:33 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 984
13:36:28 171.5 172 172 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 200
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 114
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 445
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 441
13:36:26 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 4
13:36:26 171.75 172 172 NON UBS 100
13:36:24 171.75 172 171.75 JYB JYB 175 Off
13:36:23 171.75 172 171 SPN SPN 200 Off
13:36:16 171.75 172 171.75 EIK UBS 565
13:36:16 171.5 171.75 171.75 EIK UBS 157
13:36:16 171.5 171.75 171.75 EIK UBS 274
13:36:14 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 50
13:36:10 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 16
13:36:10 171.75 172 171.75 FIO FIO 494 Off
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 387
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 313
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 84
13:36:08 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON UBS 250
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 198
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 303
13:36:07 171.5 171.75 171.75 ENS UBS 499
13:35:53 171.5 171.75 171.25 JYB JYB 200 Off
13:35:52 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 280
13:35:52 171 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 634
13:35:52 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 99
13:35:52 171.25 171.5 171.25 DIF UBS 102
13:35:51 171.25 171.75 171.25 DDB UBS 4
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 541
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB GSI 150
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 927
13:35:51 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB NON 100
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 499
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 499
13:35:50 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB UBS 501
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 297
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 298
13:35:50 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 402
13:35:47 170.75 171 171 DDB UBS 589
13:35:43 170.5 171.25 170.5 DDB GSI 245
13:35:42 170.5 171.25 171.25 JYB JYB 250 Off
13:35:40 170.5 171.25 170.5 DDB GSI 800
13:35:39 170.5 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 100
13:35:38 171.25 171.5 171.25 DDB NEO 707
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 196
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 298
13:35:38 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 299
13:35:36 170.5 171 171.25 ENS UBS 702
13:35:36 170.5 171 171 ENS UBS 298
13:35:35 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 170
13:35:35 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 627
13:35:34 171.25 171.75 171.25 DDB UBS 427
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 204
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 182
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 441
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 595
13:35:34 171.25 171.5 171.5 DDB UBS 184
13:35:33 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 513
13:35:33 170.5 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 560
13:35:32 171 171.25 170.75 DBL UBS 1500
13:35:32 171 171.25 171 ENS UBS 1000
13:35:32 171 171.25 171 FFF UBS 253
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.5 ENS ENS 416
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 254
13:35:32 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 330
13:35:30 171.25 171.5 171.25 EIK UBS 47
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 564
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK UBS 292
13:35:30 171 171.25 171.25 EIK GSI 97
13:35:29 171 171.25 171.25 EIK EIK 28 Off
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 FFF UBS 47
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 NON UBS 43
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 NON UBS 57
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 33
13:35:29 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 90
13:35:28 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 924
13:35:28 171 171.25 171.25 DDB GSI 413
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 357
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 356
13:35:26 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 356
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 405
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 DDB GSI 2095
13:35:25 171 171.25 173 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB NEO 61
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 153
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 DDB UBS 94
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 59
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 153
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 98
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 96
13:35:25 171 171.25 171 NDA UBS 96
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS GSI 395
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 273
13:35:25 171 171.25 171.25 ENS UBS 332
13:35:23 171 171.25 171 NDA NEO 140
13:35:23 171 171.25 171.25 DDB UBS 683
13:35:21 171.25 171.75 171.25 SPN UBS 430
13:35:21 171.25 171.75 171.25 SPN UBS 405
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 ENS UBS 75
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 DRS UBS 283
13:35:21 171.5 172.75 171.5 DRS UBS 762
13:35:21 171.75 172.25 171.75 SPN UBS 136
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 703
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 797
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 100
13:35:21 172 173 172 ENS UBS 1000
13:35:21 172 173 172 DRS UBS 150
13:35:21 172 173 172 NON UBS 100
13:35:21 172 173 172 DIF UBS 43
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.25 DBL UBS 1500
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.25 NEO UBS 692
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.5 MSI UBS 200
13:35:20 172.5 173 172.5 NON UBS 100
13:35:15 172.25 173 172.25 NEO GSI 300
13:35:15 172.25 173 172.25 TMB GSI 300
13:35:12 172.5 173 172.5 EIK GSI 1000
13:35:07 173 173.5 173 DIF NEO 304
13:35:06 172.25 173 173 DIF NEO 135
13:35:06 172.25 173 173 DIF UBS 61
13:35:03 172.5 173 172.5 MSI GSI 38
13:35:03 172.5 173 172.5 ENS GSI 212
13:35:00 172.5 173 173 ENS UBS 542
13:35:00 172.5 173 173 ENS DDB 281
13:34:58 172.5 173 173 SYD DDB 70
13:34:57 172.5 173 172.5 ENS NEO 153
13:34:57 172 172.5 172.5 ENS UBS 524
13:34:57 172 172.5 172.5 ENS ENS 111
13:34:50 172 172.5 172.25 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:34:40 172 172.25 172.25 DDB UBS 50
13:34:38 172 172.25 172.25 GSI UBS 529
13:34:38 172 172.25 172.25 GSI GSI 1
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 DIF GSI 157
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 NYB GSI 145
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 NON GSI 297
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 CDV GSI 650
13:34:37 172 172.25 172 SYD GSI 100
13:34:30 172.25 173 172.25 NON GSI 149
13:34:30 172.25 173 172.25 NON NEO 231
13:34:26 172.25 173 173 EIK DDB 2000
13:34:26 172.25 173 173.25 SPN SPN 45 Off
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 DBL DIF 50
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 NON DIF 150
13:34:25 172.5 173 172.5 DRS DIF 300
13:34:25 172.5 172.75 172.75 DBL ENS 500
13:34:25 173 173.25 173 MSI DDB 200
13:34:25 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 2449
13:34:25 173 173.25 173.25 DIF NEO 100
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS NEO 259
13:34:22 173 173.5 173 ENS UBS 659
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 2682
13:34:22 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 8000
13:34:12 173 173.25 173 ENS NEO 137
13:34:11 173 173.5 173 ENS NEO 160
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 605
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS DDB 2000
13:34:11 173 173.25 173 ENS NON 1000
13:34:09 173 173.25 173 ENS UBS 625
13:34:09 173 173.25 173 ENS GSI 500
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 DBL HQD 1097
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 FFF HQD 1000
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 DDB HQD 9
13:34:04 173 173.5 173 ENS HQD 394
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 ENS DRS 530
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 DDB DRS 250
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173 DIF DRS 120
13:34:00 173.25 173.5 173.25 NON DRS 100
13:33:57 173.5 173.75 173.5 JYB UBS 349
13:33:57 173.25 173.5 173.5 JYB AMA 451
13:33:55 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON AMA 65
13:33:54 173.5 173.75 173.75 DIF AMA 45
13:33:50 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON NEO 135
13:33:49 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON GSI 800
13:33:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB UBS 398
13:33:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB DRS 700
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 67
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 200
13:33:40 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NEO 30
13:33:39 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NON 170
13:33:33 173.75 174 173.75 SGP GSI 116
13:33:33 173.75 174 173.75 JYB GSI 200
13:33:20 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 1723 Off
13:33:20 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 573 Off
13:33:10 173.5 174 174 DIF DDB 100
13:33:07 173.5 174 173.5 JYB ENS 74
13:32:55 173.5 174 173.5 JYB NEO 126
13:32:55 173.25 173.5 173.5 JYB NEO 35
13:32:50 173.5 174 173.5 MSI DIF 140
13:32:50 173.5 174 173.5 DBL DIF 860
13:32:50 173.5 174 174 SYD SYD 300 Off
13:32:49 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 857 Off
13:32:40 173.5 174 173.5 DBL UBS 510
13:32:33 173.5 174 173.5 DBL SAX 30
13:32:28 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 600 Off
13:32:24 173.5 174 174 NON DDB 200
13:32:23 173.5 174 174 SAX DDB 30
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.5 DDB UBS 1240
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.75 NON UBS 300
13:32:20 173.75 174 173.75 NON UBS 334
13:32:20 173.75 174 174 SVB DDB 572
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 TMB DDB 200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 NON DDB 100
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 DRS DDB 3000
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 DIF DDB 222
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 NDA DDB 2000
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174 SPN DDB 1200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON DDB 500
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 DIF DDB 200
13:32:14 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB DDB 485
13:32:06 174.25 174.5 174.5 SPN SPN 400 Off
13:32:03 174.25 174.5 174.75 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:32:00 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON AMA 439
13:31:48 174.5 174.75 174.25 JYB JYB 400 Off
13:31:47 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 161
13:31:46 174.5 174.75 174.5 EIK NEO 57
13:31:46 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 200
13:31:43 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON NEO 200
13:31:42 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 100
13:31:42 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 180
13:31:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 SYD SYD 96 Off
13:31:34 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB SVB 572 Off
13:31:34 174.25 174.5 174.5 EIK EIK 57 Off
13:31:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 AMA UBS 25
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA NON 100
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 544
13:31:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 271
13:31:06 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB JYB 400 Off
13:30:37 174.25 174.5 174.5 KRO DDB 33
13:30:30 174.25 174.5 174.5 KRO KRO 33 Off
13:30:21 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 596
13:30:21 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 1604
13:30:19 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF DDB 1000
13:30:17 174.25 174.5 174.5 SYD DDB 1000
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON DDB 1780
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON UBS 120
13:30:12 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:30:01 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 120
13:29:54 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB UBS 313
13:29:54 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 187
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB GSI 15
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 DIF GSI 250
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON GSI 100
13:29:53 174.25 174.5 174.25 SVB GSI 200
13:29:47 174.25 174.5 174.5 FIO FIO 60 Off
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 213
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NON 200
13:29:44 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB DDB 87
13:29:41 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS DDB 250
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS DDB 1163
13:29:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DRS UBS 402
13:29:37 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 200
13:29:33 174.25 174.5 174.25 SVB GSI 300
13:29:20 174 174.25 174.25 DBL UBS 610
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.25 NON UBS 25
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB UBS 162
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB DDB 856
13:29:20 174.25 174.5 174.5 SVB NEO 144
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA NEO 186
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA DDB 940
13:29:18 174.25 174.5 174.5 NDA UBS 374
13:29:11 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 138
13:29:11 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 132
13:29:09 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB NEO 138
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON UBS 157
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON DDB 940
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NEO 92
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON SYD 711
13:29:08 174.25 174.5 174.5 NON NON 100
13:29:04 174.25 174.5 174.6 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:29:02 174.25 174.5 174.25 MSI GSI 200
13:29:02 174.25 174.5 174.25 JYB GSI 630
13:29:00 174 174.5 174.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:28:53 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 570 Off
13:28:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF SYD 289
13:28:38 174.25 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 111
13:28:38 174 174.5 174.5 SVB UBS 500
13:28:35 174 174.25 174.25 IMC UBS 200
13:28:35 173.75 174.75 173.75 NON UBS 666
13:28:35 173.75 174.75 173.75 SVB UBS 500
13:28:35 174.5 174.75 174.5 NDA DDB 6814
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD NEO 75
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD UBS 497
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.5 HQD NON 465
13:28:30 173.75 174.25 174.25 HQD NON 1000
13:28:19 173.5 174.5 174.25 SYD SYD 300 Off
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.5 NDA NON 35
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.5 NDA DDB 688
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA UBS 539
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA DIF 500
13:28:17 173.5 174.25 174.25 NDA DIF 238
13:28:16 173.75 174.25 173.75 SVB ENS 500
13:28:16 173.75 174.25 173.75 DIF ENS 109
13:28:06 173.75 174.25 173.75 DIF NEO 91
13:28:03 173.75 174.5 173.75 SPN NEO 46
13:28:03 173.75 174 174.25 HQD UBS 52
13:28:03 173.75 174 174 HQD NEO 53
13:28:02 174 174.5 173.75 SPN UBS 1199
13:28:02 174 174.5 174 JPM UBS 17
13:28:02 174 174.5 174 SVB UBS 500
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD NEO 292
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD NON 300
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD UBS 546
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.5 HQD DDB 7765
13:28:02 174 174.25 174.25 HQD NEO 292
13:27:52 174 174.5 174 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:27:48 174 174.25 174.25 DDB NON 100
13:27:31 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:27:22 173.75 174 174 DDB DDB 500
13:27:21 173.75 174 174 JYB DDB 500
13:27:18 173.75 174 174.5 SPN SPN 1500 Off
13:27:17 174 174.5 174.5 SPN DDB 757
13:27:17 174 174.5 174.5 SPN UBS 243
13:27:16 174 174.5 174 MSI GSI 150
13:27:14 174 174.5 174 MSI NEO 118
13:27:13 174 174.25 174 SVB NEO 1
13:27:13 174 174.5 174.5 DIF UBS 355
13:27:13 174 174.5 174.5 DIF NEO 145
13:27:11 174 174.5 174 SVB ENS 499
13:27:11 174 174.5 174.5 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:27:05 174 174.5 174.5 NON NEO 150
13:26:45 173.75 174 174 DDB NON 100
13:26:37 173.5 173.75 173.75 SPN NEO 255
13:26:30 173.5 173.75 173.75 SPN SPN 500 Off
13:26:28 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF NON 63
13:26:19 173 173.75 173 DIF NON 50
13:26:15 173.5 173.75 173.25 MSI NEO 110
13:26:15 173.5 173.75 173.5 EIK NEO 21
13:26:08 173.5 174 173.5 DIF ENS 200
13:26:08 173.5 174 173.5 DIF ENS 828
13:26:04 173.75 174 174 EIK EIK 21 Off
13:25:58 173.75 174 174 SPN SPN 1000 Off
13:25:53 173.5 173.75 173.75 JYB DIF 300
13:25:53 173.5 173.75 173.75 JYB NDA 142
13:25:50 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF NEO 118
13:25:49 173.5 173.75 174 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:25:46 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NDA 1358
13:25:43 173.75 174 173.75 JYB NDA 214
13:25:29 173.75 174 173.75 JYB JYB 200 Off
13:25:09 173.75 174 173.75 JYB ENS 214
13:25:05 173.75 174 173.75 JYB GSI 214
13:24:54 173.5 173.75 174 EIK DRS 7
13:24:54 173.5 173.75 173.75 EIK NON 25
13:24:53 173.5 173.75 173.5 SYD SYD 166 Off
13:24:52 173.5 173.75 174 SPN SPN 573 Off
13:24:48 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 571 Off
13:24:48 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 575 Off
13:24:46 173.5 174 174 SPN SPN 30 Off
13:24:44 173.5 174 174 DIF DRS 50
13:24:33 173.5 174 174 SYD DRS 43
13:24:33 173.5 174 174 SYD DDB 557
13:24:29 173.5 174 174 EIK EIK 32 Off
13:24:23 173.75 174 174 ALM DDB 143
13:24:21 173.5 174 174 SYD DDB 500
13:24:17 173.5 174 173.5 DIF NEO 4
13:24:17 173.5 174 174 NON DDB 2000
13:24:17 173.5 174 174 JYB JYB 20 Off
13:24:13 174 174.25 174 NON DDB 200
13:24:12 174 174.25 174 NON NON 100
13:24:08 174 174.25 174 SAX MSI 171
13:24:08 173.5 173.75 174 SAX NEO 99
13:24:08 173.5 173.75 173.75 SAX NON 800
13:24:07 174 174.25 173.75 NON NON 1000
13:24:07 174 174.25 174 MSI NON 200
13:24:05 174 174.25 174.25 DDB NON 100
13:24:03 173.75 174 174 DDB NON 100
13:24:03 173.75 174 174 DDB DDB 100
13:24:02 173.75 174 174 ALM ALM 143 Off
13:23:58 173.75 174 174 SVB SVB 63 Off
13:23:56 173.75 174 173.75 DBL NON 100
13:23:55 173.75 174 174 NON DDB 100
13:23:41 173.25 173.5 173.5 DIF NON 50
13:23:31 173 173.5 173 SYD SYD 575 Off
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC ENS 500
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC TMB 300
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC NON 150
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC DDB 3705
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.5 IMC NON 25
13:23:30 173 173.25 173.25 IMC MSI 320
13:23:28 173 173.25 173.25 DBL NON 100
13:23:27 172.75 173 173 DDB NON 96
13:23:20 172.75 173 173 NON NON 200
13:23:16 172.5 172.75 172.75 SVB SAX 30
13:23:16 172.5 172.75 172.75 SVB NON 100
13:23:03 172.5 172.75 172.5 SYD SYD 153 Off
13:22:54 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON GSI 170
13:22:50 172 172.5 172.5 NDA DDB 1000
13:22:50 172 172.5 172.5 NDA GSI 361
13:22:45 172 172.5 172.5 SPN SPN 1000 Off
13:22:38 172.25 172.5 172.25 DBL NON 25
13:22:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON GSI 300
13:22:26 172.25 172.5 172.25 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF GSI 169
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF NEO 106
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF NON 25
13:22:14 172.25 172.5 172.5 DIF DDB 700
13:22:06 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD DDB 200
13:22:04 172.25 172.5 172.5 JYB JYB 577 Off
13:21:52 172 172.25 172.25 DDB NON 50
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.5 NON DDB 100
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.5 NON NON 100
13:21:47 172 172.25 172.25 NON NON 100
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA NEO 51
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA MLI 603
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 NDA DIF 59
13:21:47 171.75 172 172 DIF DIF 500
13:21:44 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 60
13:21:43 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 250 Off
13:21:43 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 400
13:21:41 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 500
13:21:33 171.75 172 172 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:21:29 171.75 172 172 DDB DIF 1
13:21:28 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 350
13:21:28 171.75 172 172 DDB DDB 60
13:21:25 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 150
13:21:24 171.75 172 172 SAX DIF 30
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON DIF 900
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON NON 1000
13:21:19 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:21:17 171.5 171.75 171.75 SPN NEO 88
13:21:17 171.5 171.75 171.75 SPN NEO 276
13:21:05 171.5 172 172 DDB DDB 1
13:21:04 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB NEO 77
13:21:02 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:21:02 171.5 171.75 171 JYB JYB 1080 Off
13:20:58 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON NON 100
13:20:55 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:20:55 171.5 171.75 171.75 DBL NON 100
13:20:53 171.5 171.75 171.5 SYD SYD 145 Off
13:20:47 171.25 171.5 171.5 DRS NEO 75
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA NON 100
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA DBL 48
13:20:33 171.25 171.5 171.5 NDA NEO 47
13:20:16 171.25 171.5 171.25 SPN SPN 500 Off
13:20:13 171.25 171.5 171.25 SPN NEO 129
13:20:12 171 171.25 171.25 SPN NEO 36
13:20:08 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON NEO 100
13:20:08 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON NEO 70
13:20:07 171.25 171.5 171.5 AMA DDB 300
13:20:07 171 171.25 171.25 NON NEO 50
13:20:07 171 171.25 171.25 ALB ALB 120 Off
13:20:06 171 171.25 171.25 SAX NEO 100
13:19:43 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 165
13:19:43 171 171.25 171.25 DIF GSI 835
13:19:43 171 171.25 171.25 DIF NEO 165
13:19:38 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 193
13:19:29 171.25 171.5 171.25 SYD NEO 2
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD MLI 605
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD TMB 300
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD NON 66
13:19:29 170.5 171.25 171.25 SYD NEO 27
13:19:25 170.5 171.25 171.25 NON NON 9
13:19:24 170.5 171.25 171.25 NON NON 25
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA NON 100
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA GSI 200
13:19:23 170.5 171 171 NDA GSI 1000
13:19:22 170.5 171 171 SPN SPN 110 Off
13:19:17 170.75 171 170.75 NON GSI 319
13:19:17 170.75 171 171 SYD SYD 600 Off
13:19:15 170.75 171.5 171.5 CBA DDB 1000
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 DBL GSI 230
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 CBA GSI 1000
13:19:15 171 171.5 171 NON GSI 50
13:19:14 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NEO 68
13:19:12 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NEO 83
13:19:12 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI GSI 155
13:19:12 171 171.25 171.5 KRO DDB 7700
13:19:12 171 171.25 171.25 KRO NON 100
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 NDA DDB 861
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 NDA NEO 139
13:19:11 171 171.5 171.5 SYD SYD 58 Off
13:19:10 170.75 171 171 NON NON 50
13:19:10 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 50
13:19:10 170.75 171 172 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:19:06 170.75 171.5 171.5 DIF NEO 138
13:19:05 171.5 171.75 171.5 EPB GSI 13
13:19:04 171.5 171.75 171.5 EPB IMC 838
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB TMB 300
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB NEO 77
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.5 EPB GSI 500
13:19:03 171 171.25 171.25 EPB NON 100
13:19:02 170.75 171.5 170.75 NON GSI 379
13:19:01 171 171.5 170.75 NON ENS 100
13:19:01 171 171.5 171 MLI ENS 212
13:19:01 171 171.5 171 DIF ENS 543
13:19:01 171 171.5 171.5 SYD GSI 500
13:18:59 171 171.5 171.75 SPN SPN 289 Off
13:18:55 171.25 171.5 171.25 CSB NDA 59
13:18:55 171.25 171.5 171.25 MSI NDA 39
13:18:46 171.25 171.75 171.25 MSI GSI 266
13:18:42 171.25 171.5 171.5 CSB NON 100
13:18:38 171.25 171.5 171.5 CSB NON 512
13:18:37 171.25 171.5 171.5 NON NON 40
13:18:32 171.25 172 171.25 DDB GSI 500
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 CSB NDA 429
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 DIF NDA 500
13:18:32 171.5 172 171.5 SYD NDA 900
13:18:29 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB DRS 4
13:18:27 171.5 171.75 171.75 MSI DRS 100
13:18:27 171.25 171.5 171.5 SYD NON 100
13:18:12 171 171.75 171 DIF NEO 174
13:18:12 171 171.5 172 DIF DIF 50
13:18:12 171 171.5 171.5 DIF GSI 200
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NDA 136
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 750
13:18:09 170.75 171 171 DIF NON 397
13:18:08 170.75 171 170.75 NON NEO 158
13:18:05 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON NEO 44
13:18:04 170.5 170.75 170.75 SYD SYD 35 Off
13:18:03 170.5 170.75 170.75 MSI NEO 100
13:17:53 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB GSI 489
13:17:53 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB NEO 36
13:17:51 170.5 170.75 170.5 DDB UBS 68
13:17:51 170.5 170.75 170.5 DDB UBS 133
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA ENS 500
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA TMB 300
13:17:43 170.25 170.75 170.75 AMA MSI 200
13:17:38 170.25 170.75 170.5 MSI NEO 53
13:17:38 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON NEO 251
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON SGP 255
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON MLI 494
13:17:37 170.25 170.5 170.5 AMA MLI 75
13:17:31 170.25 170.5 170.5 SPN SPN 117 Off
13:17:20 170.25 170.5 170.5 SYD SYD 29 Off
13:17:18 170.25 170.5 170.5 SYD SYD 166 Off
13:17:09 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON NEO 63
13:17:02 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 200
13:16:58 170.25 170.5 170.25 MSI NEO 104
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.5 MSI NON 389
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.5 DIF NON 659
13:16:55 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON NEO 50
13:16:53 170.25 170.5 170.5 DIF MSI 341
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 MSI GSI 96
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 NON GSI 300
13:16:51 170.25 171 170.25 MSI GSI 104
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 171 SEE NON 603
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 170.75 SEE NEO 94
13:16:49 170.25 170.5 170.5 SEE GSI 478
13:16:48 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 200
13:16:48 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:16:35 170.25 171 169.75 SPN SPN 300 Off
13:16:25 170.25 171 170 SPN SPN 300 Off
13:16:18 170.25 171 170.25 MSI CDV 200
13:16:14 170.25 171.5 170 SYD SYD 1200 Off
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI ENS 62
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI NYB 150
13:16:11 170.25 170.75 170.75 GSI ENS 104
13:16:09 170.25 170.5 170.5 DDB GSI 300
13:16:09 170 170.25 170.25 GSI NEO 26
13:16:06 170 170.25 170.25 MSI NEO 100
13:16:06 170 170.25 170 EPB GSI 372
13:16:06 169.5 170 170 EPB GSI 300
13:16:05 170 170.25 170 DRS GSI 318
13:16:05 169.5 170 170 DRS GSI 382
13:16:02 170 170.25 170 NON GSI 278
13:16:02 169.5 170 170 NON NEO 40
13:16:02 169.5 170 170 NON GSI 682
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.5 DIF HQD 275
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 NON HQD 25
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 SYD HQD 1200
13:16:01 169.75 170 169.75 SPN HQD 1000
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 DDB GSI 2
13:16:01 170 170.25 170 MSI GSI 368
13:16:01 170 170.25 170 NON GSI 170
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 330
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 800
13:16:01 169.75 170 170 NDA GSI 150
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF NDA 398
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF GSI 848
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF ENS 1028
13:16:00 169.75 170 170 DIF GSI 726
13:15:59 169.75 170 170 NDA NDA 630
13:15:56 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 25
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON GSI 249
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON NDA 271
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NON NON 280
13:15:54 169.75 170 170 NDA NDA 271
13:15:53 169.75 170 170 NON NON 150
13:15:52 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NEO 257
13:15:52 169.5 169.75 169.5 DIF NON 261
13:15:48 169.5 170 170 NDA NDA 500
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NEO 100
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DDB NON 50
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 MSI NON 100
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 NON NON 50
13:15:47 169.5 169.75 169.75 DRS NON 100
13:15:41 169 169.75 169 SYD SYD 339 Off
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 MSI HQD 191
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 DIF HQD 30
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 NON HQD 50
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 EPB HQD 1060
13:15:37 169 169.75 169 LDM HQD 169
13:15:37 169 169.25 169.25 DDB GSI 74
13:15:35 169 169.25 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:30 169 169.25 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:30 169 169.25 169.25 DBL GSI 200
13:15:29 169.25 170 169.25 NEO GSI 387
13:15:29 169.25 170 169.25 NON GSI 50
13:15:26 169.25 169.75 170 SPN SPN 134 Off
13:15:11 169 170 170 SPN SPN 879 Off
13:14:58 169.5 170 169 LDM HQD 1450
13:14:58 169.5 170 169.25 FIO HQD 500
13:14:58 169.5 170 169.5 NON HQD 50
13:14:51 169.25 169.75 169.75 DDB MSI 322
13:14:51 169.25 169.75 169 SYD SYD 74 Off
13:14:50 169.25 169.75 169.75 DDB ENS 946
13:14:42 169 169.75 169 LDM NON 300
13:14:31 169 169.5 169 LDM NEO 81
13:14:31 168 168.5 169 LDM NEO 49
13:14:31 168 168.5 168.5 LDM GSI 446
13:14:27 168 168.5 168.5 MLI GSI 100
13:14:26 168.5 169 168.5 JYB GSI 454
13:14:26 168.5 169 169 DIF NEO 50
13:14:25 169 169.5 169 MLI ENS 100
13:14:23 168.5 169 169 NDA NEO 48
13:14:23 168.5 169 169 NDA GSI 100
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 NDA HQD 1000
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 NDA HQD 1000
13:14:22 168.5 169 168.5 JYB HQD 500
13:14:20 169 169.75 169 MSI GSI 315
13:14:20 169 169.75 169 MSI GSI 385
13:14:06 168.5 170 168.5 JYB NEO 46
13:14:04 167.75 168 168 ENS GSI 487
13:14:04 168 170 168 NYB GSI 150
13:14:03 168 170 170 DDB DDB 50 Off
13:13:57 167.75 169.75 169.75 DDB MSI 276
13:13:56 169.5 170 169.5 DBL NEO 200
13:13:56 169.5 170 169.5 NDA NEO 100
13:13:56 169.5 169.75 170 JYB JYB 1000 Off
13:13:55 169.5 170 169.5 NDA UBS 4
13:13:55 169 169.25 169.25 NDA UBS 4
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 19
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:55 169.25 170 169.25 MLI UBS 27
13:13:53 168.75 169.5 168.75 MLI GSI 365
13:13:51 168.75 169.25 169.25 NDA UBS 108
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 170 DDB NDA 115
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 169.75 DDB ENS 169
13:13:47 167.5 169.5 169.5 DDB UBS 216
13:13:46 168.75 169.75 168.75 JYB UBS 78
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 JYB UBS 422
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 DRS UBS 165
13:13:42 167.25 168.75 168.75 DRS NEO 206
13:13:39 167.25 169.5 169.5 DDB GSI 150
13:13:39 167.25 168.75 168.75 NYB UBS 500
13:13:37 168.75 170 168.75 NDA UBS 291
13:13:37 168.75 170 168.75 NDA UBS 634
13:13:37 167 168.75 168.75 DDB NEO 58
13:13:37 167 168.75 168.75 DDB NEO 867
13:13:35 167 168.75 170.5 JYB JYB 86 Off
13:13:34 169 170 167 DRS SAX 74
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 50
13:13:34 169 170 168 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 168 SYD SAX 200
13:13:34 169 170 168.5 DIF SAX 20
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 25
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 50
13:13:34 169 170 169 NON SAX 31
13:13:33 169.75 170 169 NON DRS 969
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.5 ENS DRS 31
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.5 ENS DRS 129
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 MSI DRS 200
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS DRS 154
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS DRS 17
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB MSI 293
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NON 400
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB UBS 639
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NDA 7497
13:13:33 169.75 170 169.75 ENS NON 75
13:13:33 169.75 170 170 CSB NDA 307
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 ENS NDA 151
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 50
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 25
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 232
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 300
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 EIK NDA 60
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 CSB NDA 300
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 DDB NDA 150
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NON NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 DDB NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 100
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 170
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170 NDA NDA 60
13:13:33 170.25 170.5 170.25 DIF NDA 182
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 NON CDV 100
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 NON CDV 100
13:13:31 170.5 171 170.5 DIF CDV 25
13:13:29 170.5 171 171 ALM NDA 250
13:13:29 170.5 171 171 SPN SPN 140 Off
13:13:24 170.5 171 171 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:13:24 170.5 171 170.5 DIF GSI 475
13:13:24 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 25
13:13:22 170.5 171 171 GSI NDA 200
13:13:21 170.5 171 171 DDB UBS 553
13:13:21 170.5 171 171 DDB NDA 568
13:13:14 170.5 171 171 JYB JYB 60 Off
13:13:10 170.5 171 171 EPB UBS 548
13:13:10 170.5 171 171 EPB NDA 1952
13:13:03 170.25 171 171 DDB NDA 181
13:13:01 170.25 171 171 DDB NDA 1000
13:13:01 170.75 171 170.75 NON GSI 250
13:13:01 170.75 171 171 KRO NDA 709
13:13:01 170.75 171 171 KRO GSI 300
13:12:59 170.75 171 171 ALM ALM 250 Off
13:12:55 170.5 171 170.5 KRO NON 14
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 202
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 244
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 245
13:12:54 170.5 171.25 170.5 LAS UBS 244
13:12:53 170.25 170.5 170.5 LAS GSI 65
13:12:53 170.25 170.5 170.75 JYB JYB 500 Off
13:12:45 170.5 170.75 170.5 MSI GSI 348
13:12:45 170.5 170.75 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:12:39 170.5 170.75 170.75 DDB UBS 50
13:12:38 170.5 171 171 NON GSI 50
13:12:28 170.5 171 170.25 DIF NON 68
13:12:28 170.5 171 170.5 NON NON 50
13:12:22 171 171.25 171 NDA GSI 150
13:12:22 171 171.25 171 SYD GSI 284
13:12:19 171 171.25 171 SYD NON 250
13:12:17 171.25 171.5 171.25 NON GSI 100
13:12:15 171.25 171.5 171.75 SYD SYD 1000 Off
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 237
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 300
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB UBS 300
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 DDB GSI 163
13:12:12 171.5 171.75 171.5 CDV GSI 2837
13:12:10 171.5 171.75 171.75 DIF GSI 19
13:12:07 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 684
13:12:04 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 1000
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 805
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 NON UBS 100
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 705
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP UBS 806
13:12:01 171.75 172 171.75 SGP GSI 1000
13:12:00 171.75 172 172 DIF NDA 300
13:12:00 171.75 172 172 NON NDA 50
13:11:59 171.75 172 172.75 FIO FIO 151 Off
13:11:54 171.75 172 172 FIO NDA 200
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 ENS NDA 137
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 SGP NDA 5000
13:11:54 172.5 173 172 SGP NDA 1573
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NON NDA 250
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NON NDA 100
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.25 NEO NDA 321
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.5 NON NDA 120
13:11:54 172.5 173 172.5 FFF NDA 20
13:11:53 172.5 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:11:51 172.5 172.75 172.75 DDB DIF 90
13:11:48 172.25 172.75 172.25 SPN SPN 600 Off
13:11:46 172.25 172.75 172.75 SYD SYD 28 Off
13:11:44 172.25 172.75 172.25 NEO GSI 159
13:11:44 172.25 172.75 172.25 MSI GSI 304
13:11:37 172.5 172.75 172.25 MSI NON 178
13:11:37 172.5 172.75 172.5 NON NON 122
13:11:30 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON UBS 178
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD UBS 400
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD ENS 500
13:11:29 172.25 172.5 172.5 SYD GSI 100
13:11:26 172.25 172.5 172.5 DRS GSI 500
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 57
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 187
13:11:20 172.25 172.5 172.25 MSI UBS 187
13:11:19 172 172.5 172 SGP UBS 224
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP UBS 223
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP UBS 223
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 MSI EPB 196
13:11:18 172 172.25 172 SGP EPB 2304
13:11:18 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 1000
13:11:15 172 172.5 172.5 SVB GSI 100
13:11:15 172 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 100
13:11:12 172 172.25 172.25 NDA UBS 393
13:11:11 172 172.25 172 SGP EPB 70
13:11:08 172 172.25 172.75 SPN SPN 700 Off
13:11:07 172 172.25 172.25 DIF UBS 200
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 383
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 DIF GSI 100
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NON GSI 25
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 DRS GSI 120
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NDA GSI 372
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 NDA GSI 128
13:11:06 172 172.5 172 SGP GSI 872
13:10:58 172 172.5 172.5 DIF GSI 200
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 182
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 209
13:10:57 172.25 172.5 172.25 NON UBS 9
13:10:36 172.25 172.75 173 FIO FIO 50 Off
13:10:36 172.25 172.75 173 SPN SPN 150 Off
13:10:31 172.25 172.5 172.75 JYB JYB 86 Off
13:10:31 172.25 172.5 172.5 NON ENS 60
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL DBL 25
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL NON 175
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DDB NON 200
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 DDB NON 100
13:10:31 172.5 172.75 172.5 NON NON 25
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 SGP DIF 115
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 NON DIF 25
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 NON DIF 600
13:10:23 172.75 173 172.75 MSI DIF 200
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 KRO KRO 23 Off
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 30
13:10:17 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 70
13:10:14 172.75 173 173 JYB GSI 130
13:10:14 172.75 173 173 JYB EPB 370
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA GSI 200
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA EPB 430
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 NDA NEO 92
13:10:12 172.75 173 173 DIF NEO 130
13:10:11 172.75 173 173 NON NEO 26
13:10:11 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 74
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 126
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 74
13:09:56 172.75 173 173 NON NON 300
13:09:45 172.75 173 173 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF EPB 326
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF NEO 69
13:09:40 172.75 173 173 DIF GSI 75
13:09:35 172.75 173 173 NON GSI 100
13:09:14 172.75 173 172.75 SPN SPN 1200 Off
13:09:10 172.75 173 173 ALB GSI 25
13:09:10 172.75 173 173 ALB EPB 175
13:09:09 172.75 173 173 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:09:08 172.75 173 173 JYB EPB 225
13:09:08 172.75 173 173 JYB UBS 275
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB UBS 300
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB NDA 200
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:09:07 172.75 173 173 DDB EPB 300
13:09:05 172.75 173 173 NON EPB 100
13:09:03 172.75 173 173 SYD SYD 200 Off
13:08:45 172.75 173 173 ALB ALB 85 Off
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB GSI 200
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB MSI 296
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB UBS 556
13:08:44 172.75 173 173 DDB EPB 100
13:08:35 172.75 173 173 LAS EPB 200
13:08:21 172.75 173 173 NDA EPB 100
13:08:20 172.75 173 173 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:08:18 172.75 173 173 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:08:10 172.75 173 173 SPN SPN 57 Off
13:08:04 172.75 173 172.75 DBL NEO 121
13:08:04 172.75 173 172.75 SYD NEO 50
13:08:02 172.5 173 173 DDB DBL 200
13:08:01 172.5 173 172.5 DDB GSI 500
13:07:59 172.5 172.75 173 DIF DBL 155
13:07:59 172.5 172.75 172.75 DIF GSI 200
13:07:58 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 400
13:07:57 172.25 172.5 172.5 SVB SVB 143 Off
13:07:43 172.25 172.5 173 SPN SPN 100 Off
13:07:43 172.25 172.5 173 SYD SYD 400 Off
13:07:38 172.5 173 172.5 NON GSI 400
13:07:38 172.5 173 172.5 NDA GSI 200
13:07:34 172.5 173 173 SVB DBL 28
13:07:27 172.5 173 172.5 NDA GSI 800
13:07:21 172.25 173 173 DDB DBL 200
13:07:17 172.25 173 173 JYB JYB 720 Off
13:07:08 172.25 173 172.75 FIO FIO 8 Off
13:07:02 172.25 172.75 172.75 NDA ENS 226
13:07:02 172.25 172.75 172.75 NDA DBL 1800
13:06:52 172.25 172.75 172.75 SYD NON 500
13:06:47 172.25 172.5 172.5 MSI ENS 100
13:06:47 172.25 172.5 172.5 MSI GSI 100
13:06:46 172 172.25 172.25 NDA EPB 214
13:06:43 172 172.25 172.25 DDB EPB 200
13:06:43 172 172.25 172.25 NON EPB 200
13:06:41 172 172.25 172 SGP AMA 75
13:06:38 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 500
13:06:34 172 172.25 172.25 EIK EPB 50
13:06:33 172 172.25 172.25 SYD EPB 1000
13:06:31 172 172.25 172.25 SYD SYD 350 Off
13:06:31 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 553
13:06:31 172 172.25 172 DDB GSI 447
13:06:30 172 172.25 172.25 NDA EPB 85
13:06:26 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 116 Off
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 DDB HQD 53
13:06:26 172 172.25 172 SGP HQD 673
13:06:24 172 172.25 172.25 SPN SPN 450 Off
13:06:15 172 172.25 172 SGP GSI 1000
13:06:14 172 172.25 172.25 SAX EPB 100
13:06:11 172 172.25 172.25 DBL EPB 200
13:06:11 172 172.25 172 SGP HQD 327
13:06:11 172 172.25 172 NON HQD 50
13:06:10 172 172.25 172.25 NON EPB 500
13:06:08 172 172.25 172.25 AMA EPB 115
13:06:05 172.25 172.75 172.25 MSI EPB 200
13:06:05 172.25 172.75 172.25 NON EPB 50
13:05:54 172.25 173 173 DIF GSI 50
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 ENS HQD 115
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 NON HQD 50
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 DDB HQD 100
13:05:52 172.5 173 172.5 CAP HQD 236
13:05:50 173 173.5 173 ALM GSI 100
13:05:50 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1780
13:05:48 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1000
13:05:46 173.25 173.5 173 DIF NON 100
13:05:46 173.25 173.5 173.25 DBL NON 200
13:05:45 173 173.5 174 JYB JYB 100 Off
13:05:45 173 173.5 174 EIK EIK 50 Off
13:05:44 173.5 173.75 173.5 DIF EPB 86
13:05:39 173.5 174 173.5 DIF NON 20
13:05:39 173.5 174 173.5 NON NON 30
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 DIF HQD 294
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 NDA HQD 25
13:05:24 173.5 174.5 173.5 DIF HQD 101
13:05:21 173.5 174.75 174.25 SPN SPN 450 Off
13:05:19 174 174.5 173.5 DIF GSI 99
13:05:19 174 174.5 173.75 MSI GSI 200
13:05:19 174 174.5 174 JPM GSI 1
13:05:19 174 174.5 174 NON GSI 500
13:05:16 173.5 174 174.25 SYD DBL 850
13:05:16 173.5 174 174 SYD DRS 150
13:05:00 173 173.5 173.5 DDB DBL 100
13:04:59 173 173.5 173.5 SYD SYD 600 Off
13:04:57 173 173.5 173 DIF GSI 1950
13:04:57 173 173.5 173 NDA GSI 2535
13:04:56 173 173.5 173 NDA AMA 50
13:04:54 173 173.5 173.5 KRO DBL 1500
13:04:54 173 173.5 173.5 KRO GSI 500
13:04:49 173 173.5 173.5 HQD GSI 500
13:04:44 172.5 173.25 173 NDA GSI 415
13:04:44 173 173.25 173 CSB NON 100
13:04:44 173 173.25 173 DIF NON 100
13:04:43 173 173.25 173 SYD NON 200
13:04:42 173 173.25 173.25 CSB MSI 69
13:04:42 173 173.25 173.25 MSI MSI 100
13:04:39 173 173.25 173 SYD NON 800
13:04:33 172.5 172.75 172.5 CAP IMC 600
13:04:33 171.75 172.25 172.5 CAP GSI 70
13:04:33 171.75 172.25 172.25 CAP ENS 94
13:04:32 171.75 172.25 171.75 DBL GSI 200
13:04:32 171.75 172.25 171.75 DIF GSI 100
13:04:30 171.75 172 172 CSB GSI 297
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 CSB GSI 334
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 MSI GSI 294
13:04:30 172 172.25 172 NON GSI 75
13:04:28 171.75 172 172 NON FIO 325
13:04:28 171.75 172 172 NON NON 100
13:04:25 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB EPB 1134
13:04:24 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 200
13:04:23 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 400
13:04:23 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 50
13:04:22 171.5 171.75 171.75 NON EPB 400
13:04:21 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB EPB 1200
13:04:21 171.5 171.75 171.75 DDB ENS 180
13:04:19 171 171.5 171.5 CDV ENS 163
13:04:16 171 171.5 171.5 DDB GSI 200
13:04:16 171 171.5 171.5 DDB ENS 164
13:04:14 170.5 171 171 SYD GSI 816
13:04:14 170.5 171 171 SYD NON 650
13:04:06 170.5 171 171 SAX NON 350
13:04:06 170.5 171 171 SAX NON 150
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 50
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 MSI GSI 200
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:04:01 170.5 171 170.5 NON GSI 150
13:04:01 170.5 170.75 170.75 NON MSI 25
13:04:00 170.5 170.75 170.5 SPN SPN 1500 Off
13:03:47 170.5 171 171 NDA NON 100
13:03:37 170.5 171 170.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:03:33 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON NON 50
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.5 NON NON 50
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.25 MSI GSI 266
13:03:32 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 34
13:03:29 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON FFF 109
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 NON GSI 107
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 ENS GSI 23
13:03:26 170.25 170.5 170.25 ENS NEO 109
13:03:25 170.25 170.5 170.5 JYB NON 500
13:03:16 171 171.5 171 NON GSI 1000
13:03:16 171 171.5 171.5 SVB EPB 1000
13:03:16 171 171.5 171.5 IMC EPB 935
13:03:09 170.25 171.5 170.25 DBL GSI 200
13:03:02 170.25 171.5 170.25 MSI GSI 200
13:03:02 170.25 171.5 170.25 NON GSI 300
13:02:55 170.5 171.5 170.5 NON GSI 25
13:02:55 170.5 171.5 170.5 NON GSI 100
13:02:38 170.5 171.25 170.5 NDA GSI 200
13:02:37 170.5 171.25 170.5 NDA GSI 200
13:02:31 170.5 171 171 NON EPB 200
13:02:25 171 171.5 171 LDM EPB 1273
13:02:24 171 171.25 171.25 MSI HQD 100
13:02:24 171 171.25 171.25 NON DIF 100
13:02:23 171 171.25 171 LDM DRS 202
13:02:22 171 171.25 171 LDM DIF 100
13:02:19 171 171.25 171.25 DRS DIF 500
13:02:18 171 171.25 171.25 DBL DIF 200
13:02:18 171.25 171.75 171.25 DBL DIF 200
13:02:18 171.5 171.75 171.5 NON GSI 200
13:02:17 171.25 171.75 171.25 DBL FIO 600
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 LDM HQD 400
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 DIF GSI 150
13:02:02 171 171.75 171 LDM GSI 350
13:02:01 171 171.75 173.75 FIO FIO 85 Off
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 LDM GSI 675
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 NON GSI 25
13:02:00 171 171.75 171 NON GSI 100
13:01:59 171 171.75 171 EIK DRS 500
13:01:59 171 171.75 171 DDB DRS 500
13:01:56 171.5 171.75 171.5 NON DBL 300
13:01:56 171.5 171.75 171.5 FIO DBL 12
13:01:56 171.75 172 171.75 NON EPB 100
13:01:51 171.75 172 172 AMA FIO 250
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172 NON FIO 200
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172.25 DBL FIO 200
13:01:45 172.25 172.75 172.25 NON FIO 25
13:01:42 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 300
13:01:41 172.25 172.75 172.75 DDB NEO 57
13:01:41 172.25 172.75 172.75 DDB GSI 73
13:01:39 172.25 172.5 172.5 DDB GSI 300
13:01:38 172.5 172.75 172.5 DBL GSI 700
13:01:36 172.5 172.75 172.5 ENS AMA 125
13:01:34 172.5 172.75 172.75 GSI GSI 798
13:01:32 172.75 173.75 172.75 NON GSI 100
13:01:32 172.75 173.75 172.75 ENS GSI 29
13:01:31 172.75 173.75 172.75 ENS GSI 80
13:01:26 172.75 173.75 173.75 DDB EPB 450
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.25 ENS GSI 74
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.25 NON GSI 25
13:01:23 173.5 173.75 173.5 NON GSI 100
13:01:22 173.75 174.25 173.75 NON EPB 207
13:01:18 173.75 174.25 173.75 NON NEO 93
13:01:15 173.5 174.25 173.5 DIF NEO 300
13:01:09 174 174.75 173.75 NON NEO 25
13:01:09 174 174.75 174 GSI NEO 163
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD EPB 534
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD ENS 302
13:01:08 173.75 174 174.75 SYD GSI 1
13:01:08 173.75 174 174 SYD NEO 163
13:01:04 174 174.75 174 DIF NEO 200
13:01:04 174 174.75 174 DBL NEO 200
13:00:52 173.75 174.75 174.75 SYD SYD 100 Off
13:00:52 173.75 174 174 GSI DIF 370
13:00:52 174 174.75 174 NON DIF 100
13:00:51 174 174.75 174.75 NON GSI 100
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM GSI 299
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM DBL 1553
13:00:46 174 174.75 174.75 JPM SAX 48
13:00:44 174 174.5 174.5 JPM MSI 200
13:00:43 174 174.5 174 NON HQD 350
13:00:43 174 174.5 174 NON HQD 150
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.75 DBL DBL 147
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 DBL AMA 53
13:00:32 174.25 174.5 174.5 MLI AMA 172
13:00:27 174.5 174.75 174.5 NON AMA 25
13:00:26 174.75 175 174.75 ENS SAX 152
13:00:20 175 175.75 175 ALB GSI 1000
13:00:10 175.75 176 175.75 NON EPB 25
13:00:03 175.75 176 176 GSI GSI 68
13:00:01 175.75 176 176 MLI GSI 332
12:59:57 175.75 176 176 GSI GSI 68
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NDA GSI 1140
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NON DDB 100
12:59:50 176 176.25 176 NDA DDB 2900
12:59:49 176 176.25 176.25 NON EPB 200
12:59:48 176 176.25 176.25 JYB JYB 150 Off
12:59:47 176 176.25 176.25 DDB EPB 1432
12:59:47 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1432
12:59:45 176 176.25 176.25 GSI EPB 68
12:59:43 176 176.25 176.25 GSI EPB 1500
12:59:43 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1500
12:59:41 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 1300
12:59:39 176 176.25 176.25 DIF EPB 200
12:59:38 176 176.25 176.25 NDA EPB 364
12:59:37 176 176.25 176.25 NON EPB 100
12:59:35 176 176.25 176 ENS DIF 140
12:59:35 176 176.25 176 NDA DIF 860
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 223
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 176 176.25 176.25 NEO EPB 271
12:59:35 178 178.5 176.5 ENS EPB 163
12:59:35 178 178.5 177 HQD EPB 900
12:59:35 178 178.5 177 ABC EPB 1236
12:59:35 178 178.5 177.5 ENS EPB 143
12:59:35 178 178.5 177.75 DDB EPB 68
12:59:35 178 178.5 178 DDB EPB 1000
12:59:35 178 178.5 178 DIF EPB 1250
12:59:32 177.75 178.5 178.5 GSI ENS 68
12:59:32 177.75 178 178 HQD CDV 500
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 123
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 95
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 DDB ENS 415
12:59:29 177 177.75 177.75 GSI GSI 68
12:59:28 177 177.25 177.25 GSI DIF 200
12:59:26 176.25 177 177 ABC CDV 500
12:59:26 176.25 177 177 ABC DIF 128
12:59:19 176 177 177 HQD DIF 72
12:59:14 176 177 176 NDA DIF 100
12:59:12 176.25 177 177 GSI MSI 200
12:59:06 175.75 177.75 177.75 SAX NEO 223
12:59:06 175.75 177.75 177.75 SAX NEO 277
12:58:51 175 178 175 MLI GSI 276
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 400
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 300
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 750
12:58:51 175 178 175 SYD GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 FIO GSI 40
12:58:51 175 178 175 ALB GSI 100
12:58:51 175 178 175 NON GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 CSB GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 SAX GSI 100
12:58:51 175 178 175 DDB GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 175 GSI GSI 50
12:58:51 175 178 175.75 DIF GSI 1250
12:58:51 175 178 176 NON GSI 150
12:58:51 175 178 176 NDA GSI 200
12:58:51 175 178 176 NYB GSI 42
12:58:51 175 178 176 DDB GSI 600
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.25 ENS GSI 92
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.5 ENS GSI 129
12:58:51 176.75 178 176.75 NON GSI 94
12:58:41 176.75 177 177 DIF ENS 37
12:58:41 176.75 177 177 DIF GSI 163
12:58:40 176.75 177 177 NON GSI 100
12:58:36 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD GSI 158
12:58:36 177.25 177.5 177.5 GSI DIF 1000
12:58:33 177.75 178 177.75 ABC GSI 1200
12:58:29 177.75 178 178 NON MSI 200
12:58:21 177.25 177.5 177.5 NON MSI 200
12:58:20 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD JPM 35
12:58:20 177.25 177.5 177.25 HQD JPM 7
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 176.75 NON DIF 6
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 177 NEO DIF 244
12:58:13 177.75 178.25 177.75 GSI DIF 322
12:58:11 177 178 178 NON MSI 95
12:58:10 177 178.25 177 ENS NON 100
12:58:10 176.75 177 177 ENS DIF 74
12:58:10 178 178.25 177 TMB DIF 200
12:58:10 178 178.25 177 NON DIF 200
12:58:10 178 178.25 178 NON DIF 26
12:58:10 178 178.25 178 NON DIF 50
12:58:09 178 178.25 178 NON NEO 124
12:58:09 178 178.25 178 DDB NEO 100
12:58:09 178.25 178.75 178.25 ENS HQD 172
12:58:05 179 179.25 179 NDA NEO 13
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 NDA DIF 212
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 DDB DIF 788
12:58:04 179 179.25 179 DDB NEO 1201
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 DDB HQD 11
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 NON HQD 100
12:58:03 179 179.5 179 DDB HQD 80
12:58:03 179 179.5 179.25 DDB HQD 809
12:58:03 179.25 179.5 179.25 DDB NEO 654
12:58:01 179.25 179.5 179.25 DDB ENS 537
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 FIO IMC 50
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB IMC 250
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB IMC 1362
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB NON 500
12:58:00 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB NON 60
12:57:59 179.5 179.75 179.5 DDB JPM 78
12:57:58 179.75 180 179.75 DDB NEO 537
12:57:58 179.75 180 179.75 DDB DIF 200
12:57:57 179.75 180 179.75 DDB JPM 268
12:57:55 179.75 180 179.75 DDB NON 995
12:57:54 179.75 180 180 NEO NDA 244
12:57:54 180 181 180 NYB NDA 55
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 240
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF NDA 300
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 200
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 2000
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 150
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB NDA 200
12:57:54 180 181 180 AMA NDA 221
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 11
12:57:54 180 181 180 SPN NDA 170
12:57:54 180 181 180 SYD NDA 331
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF NDA 402
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 135
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 25
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 80
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 300
12:57:54 180 181 180 NDA NDA 100
12:57:54 180 181 180 DIF JPM 148
12:57:54 180 181 180 DDB JPM 120
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI NEO 31
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI NEO 102
12:57:52 180 180.25 180.25 GSI JPM 224
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 DDB ABC 2000
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 EIK ABC 150
12:57:51 180.25 181 180.25 EIK ABC 61
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 181 AMA GSI 2
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 180.5 AMA JPM 11
12:57:51 180.25 180.5 180.5 AMA JPM 12
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO JPM 21
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO JPM 52
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 MSI JPM 15
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 MSI JPM 102
12:57:49 180.5 181 180.5 NEO NEO 35
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 NEO NEO 117
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 MSI NEO 187
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 EIK NEO 30
12:57:48 180.5 181 180.5 DDB NEO 909
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB NEO 9
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB JPM 39
12:57:47 180.5 181 180.5 DDB JPM 40
12:57:44 180.5 180.75 180.5 DDB DIF 200
12:57:41 180.75 181.25 180.5 DDB DIF 51
12:57:41 180.75 181.25 180.75 NEO DIF 949
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.5 DDB IMC 752
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.5 NDA IMC 100
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.75 DDB IMC 2000
12:57:40 181.25 182 180.75 SPN IMC 270
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 SVB IMC 300
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NON IMC 250
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 SPN IMC 200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NON IMC 28
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 DDB IMC 100
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 DDB IMC 2000
12:57:40 181.25 182 181 NDA IMC 1200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 EPB IMC 2600
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 TMB IMC 200
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 NIP IMC 426
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 ENS IMC 170
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 ENS IMC 102
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 DDB IMC 1075
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 DDB NON 925
12:57:40 181.25 182 181.25 EPB NON 75
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 250
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 ENS NDA 130
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NYB NDA 275
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 150
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 NON NDA 6
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 DDB NDA 100
12:57:40 181.5 182 181.5 AMA NDA 250
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 MSI ABC 518
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 NDA ABC 10
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 DIF ABC 100
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 NON ABC 100
12:57:38 181.75 182 181.75 DDB ABC 125
12:57:37 182 182.25 182 JYB NDA 500
12:57:37 182 182.25 182 NYB NDA 500
12:56:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX NEO 51
12:55:45 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 300 Off
12:55:14 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX ENS 261
12:55:14 182.25 182.5 182.25 ENS ENS 78
12:55:10 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX MLI 133
12:55:02 182.25 182.5 182.5 SVB SVB 28 Off
12:52:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX NEO 121
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 SAX ENS 434
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 JPM ENS 14
12:52:18 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB ENS 46
12:51:53 182.5 182.75 182.5 SGP GSI 275
12:51:53 182.5 182.75 182.5 JYB GSI 425
12:51:18 182.5 182.75 182.5 JYB ENS 375
12:51:18 182.5 182.75 182.5 DIF ENS 7
12:49:39 182.5 182.75 182.75 JYB JYB 800 Off
12:48:59 182.5 182.75 182.5 DIF NEO 104
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF NEO 156
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 78
12:48:27 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF MSI 155
12:47:26 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
12:45:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB DIF 56
12:45:58 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD MSI 464
12:45:58 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD NEO 36
12:45:07 182.25 182.5 182.5 SPN SPN 54 Off
12:44:59 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 219
12:43:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NEO 7
12:43:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NYB 43
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JPM NYB 11
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB GSI 300
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB NYB 896
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JPM 93
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB MSI 273
12:43:19 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB MSI 38
12:42:46 182.25 182.5 182.5 JPM JPM 14
12:42:33 182.25 182.5 182.5 NYB NYB 950 Off
12:41:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 SVB MSI 103
12:40:54 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 12
12:40:02 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB MLI 13
12:38:31 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI MSI 127
12:38:31 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI GSI 6
12:38:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 FIO FIO 7 Off
12:36:49 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 6
12:34:51 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 81 Off
12:29:29 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 100 Off
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF ENS 13
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 38
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF ENS 34
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF JPM 12
12:28:34 182.25 182.5 182.5 DIF GSI 103
12:27:18 182.25 182.5 182.5 SYD SYD 200 Off
12:24:47 182.25 182.5 182.5 NON GSI 20
12:22:10 182.25 182.5 182.5 AMA AMA 25 Off
12:20:44 182.25 182.5 182.25 JYB NEO 4
12:16:56 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JPM 44
12:16:44 182 182.25 182 FFF NEO 4
12:16:38 182 182.25 182.25 NON TMB 100
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF GSI 400
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 6
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 17
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF JPM 37
12:16:14 181.75 182 182 FFF DDB 206
12:15:58 181.75 182 182 MSI DDB 167
12:14:56 181.75 182 182 FIO FIO 164 Off
12:10:44 181.75 182 182 FIO FIO 60 Off
12:09:47 181.75 182 181.75 DDB MLI 134
12:09:27 181.75 182 181.75 DDB NON 741
12:09:27 181.75 182 181.75 NIP NON 259
12:07:39 181.75 182 182 MLI DDB 167
12:06:22 182 182.25 182 SVB DDB 160
12:05:51 181.75 182 182 SVB NEO 35
12:05:51 181.75 182 182 SVB GSI 5
12:04:26 181.75 182 181.75 NIP NYB 42
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 NON NYB 384
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 SAX NYB 200
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 NON NYB 22
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182 JYB NYB 495
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182.25 NON NYB 100
12:03:57 182.25 182.5 182.25 ENS NYB 57
12:02:57 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 127 Off
12:02:23 182 182.25 182.25 ENS JPM 27
12:01:12 182 182.25 182.25 KRO JPM 9
12:01:12 182 182.25 182.25 KRO NEO 127
12:00:39 182 182.25 182 JYB NEO 35
12:00:39 182 182.25 182 HQD NEO 76
11:59:22 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 35
11:59:18 182 182.5 182.5 JPM JPM 18
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.5 NON GSI 877
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 10
11:59:17 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 113
11:59:13 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
11:57:52 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 113 Off
11:56:39 182 182.25 182 HQD NEO 116
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 HQD GSI 216
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 JYB GSI 370
11:54:01 182 182.5 182 NON GSI 100
11:53:59 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 31
11:53:46 182.25 182.5 182.25 NON NEO 68
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 200
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON ENS 70
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON DBL 50
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 59
11:53:45 182 182.25 182.25 NON JPM 53
11:52:56 182 182.25 182.25 DIF ENS 100
11:52:48 182 182.25 182.25 MLI ENS 133
11:50:06 182 182.25 182.25 JYB JYB 1000 Off
11:49:36 182 182.25 182.25 KRO KRO 136 Off
11:42:12 182 182.25 182 DIF NEO 6
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF NEO 34
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF GSI 30
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF DBL 50
11:42:10 181.75 182 182 DIF GSI 80
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DBL GSI 51
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DIF GSI 300
11:41:28 182 182.25 182 DDB GSI 106
11:40:32 182 182.25 182 SPN SPN 250 Off
11:37:58 182 182.25 182.25 SYD SYD 50 Off
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON NEO 4
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON ENS 70
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON DBL 50
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON GSI 200
11:36:49 182 182.25 182.25 NON TMB 200
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 JPM ENS 17
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 DIF ENS 496
11:36:11 182 182.25 182.25 DIF JPM 49
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL JPM 45
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL NEO 191
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DBL DBL 50
11:31:30 182 182.25 182.25 DIF NEO 60
11:26:11 182 182.25 182 DDB ENS 94
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB DBL 50
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB GSI 50
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB NEO 70
11:21:55 182 182.25 182.25 DDB SVB 2
11:21:38 182 182.25 182 MSI JPM 26
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NEO JPM 27
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NDA JPM 195
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NDA SAX 5
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NON SAX 20
11:21:36 182 182.25 182 NON SAX 25
11:21:35 182.25 183 182.25 NEO SVB 273
11:18:41 182.25 183 183 DDB DDB 419
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183 MSI DDB 516
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183 DRS DDB 419
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 AMA DDB 68
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 JPM DDB 18
11:17:20 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS DDB 560
11:17:17 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:16:18 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:16:06 183.25 183.5 183.5 AMA AMA 68 Off
11:15:16 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:14:21 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:13:22 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 126
11:12:25 183.25 183.5 183.5 FIO FIO 163 Off
11:12:23 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 107
11:10:25 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 107
11:09:51 183.25 183.5 183.25 DIF NON 6
11:09:51 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 894
11:06:32 183.25 183.5 183.5 SGP GSI 29
11:04:19 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 152
11:04:06 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 198
11:04:06 183.25 183.5 183.25 NON NON 2
11:03:34 183.25 183.5 183.5 ALM GSI 54
11:03:32 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 100
11:03:28 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS NON 300
11:03:23 183.25 183.5 183.25 ENS ENS 199
11:03:18 183.25 183.5 183.5 ALM ALM 54 Off
11:00:57 183 183.5 183.5 DDB NON 2
11:00:52 182.5 183 183 DRS GSI 281
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 JPM GSI 19
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS ENS 336
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS MSI 200
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS JPM 164
11:00:51 182.75 183 183 DRS GSI 800
11:00:37 182.75 183 183 CSB GSI 100
10:59:15 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:58:16 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:57:16 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:57:10 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 38
10:56:42 182.75 183 183 NON GSI 100
10:56:12 182.75 183 182.75 ENS ENS 58
10:55:36 182.75 183 182.75 ENS NEO 161
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS TMB 200
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS NON 400
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS NON 339
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS JPM 33
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS TMB 200
10:55:35 182 182.75 182.75 ENS ENS 150
10:49:40 182.5 182.75 182.75 NON NON 28
10:49:10 182.5 182.75 182.5 SYD SYD 26 Off
10:46:38 182.25 182.75 182.75 NON NON 13
10:45:52 182.25 182.5 182.5 DDB JPM 18
10:45:22 182.25 182.5 182.5 JYB JYB 300 Off
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI JPM 27
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI NEO 185
10:45:15 182.25 182.5 182.5 MLI ENS 223
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL ENS 55
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL NEO 51
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL NON 240
10:45:09 182.25 182.5 182.5 DBL TMB 200
10:44:22 182 182.5 182.5 FIO GSI 1000
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON NEO 28
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON GSI 300
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON JPM 144
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON ENS 91
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON TMB 200
10:43:23 181.75 182 182 NON GSI 324
10:40:46 181.75 182 181.75 SYD SYD 50 Off
10:35:59 181.75 182 182 JYB JYB 184 Off
10:35:04 181.75 182 182 GSI GSI 48
10:35:03 181.75 182 181.75 MLI MLI 211
10:34:04 181.75 182 182 MLI GSI 161
10:33:56 181.75 182 182 JYB JYB 900 Off
10:33:56 181.75 182 181.75 JYB JYB 55 Off
10:33:53 181.75 182 182 JPM GSI 20
10:33:53 181.75 182 182 DBL GSI 447

Puha coller det var noget af et langt indlæg du fik smidt der. Jeg sender regningen til dig når jeg får RA af at scrolle forbi den......

T, hvorfor skulle det ikke også være en pinesag at læse GEN-indlæg...... ALT hænger sammen i denne verden! 

Aka er du klar over hvor stoffet til fase 3 forsøget er produceret samt hvor stoffet til markedet skal produceres?
Thro kan du sige mere om det at flytte produktionen fra et sted til et andet når vi taler antistoffer?
Dagens meddelelse betyder nu også at der ikke vil nå at komme reel omsætning fra Arzerra i år. Så godt gens ikke selv havde regnet med det og det kun er enkelte analytikere der har lagt et meget lille mio beløb ind på den konto. Så det alene ændre næppe på kurstargets. Men det er en ny usikkerhed som gen bestemt ikke behøver i denne tid hvor der også er opstået lidt usikkerhed om egfr
Thro kan du sige mere om det at flytte produktionen fra et sted til et andet når vi taler antistoffer?
Dagens meddelelse betyder nu også at der ikke vil nå at komme reel omsætning fra Arzerra i år. Så godt gens ikke selv havde regnet med det og det kun er enkelte analytikere der har lagt et meget lille mio beløb ind på den konto. Så det alene ændre næppe på kurstargets. Men det er en ny usikkerhed som gen bestemt ikke behøver i denne tid hvor der også er opstået lidt usikkerhed om egfr
det får ingen indvirkning på kurstargets overhovedet. Det handler om så lille et beløb at en 3 måneders udskydelse intet betyder for beregning af fairvalue. Vi skal huske på hvor lille en indikation der er tale om. Det kan dog betyde noget på milestones men det ser jo ud til de når det i år.
Jeg mener at GSK er ansvarlig for manufacturing af Arzerra. Det er ikke noget der kommer fra Genmabs nye fabrik efter hvad vi er oplyst.
Finder denne ekstra info meget meget besynderlig...
Jeg mener at GSK er ansvarlig for manufacturing af Arzerra. Det er ikke noget der kommer fra Genmabs nye fabrik efter hvad vi er oplyst.
Finder denne ekstra info meget meget besynderlig...

Aka som jeg skriver så tror jeg helelr ikke analytikerne vil benytte dette til at nedjustere target. Men de kan faktisk godt retfærdiggøre det hvis de i forvejen er negative. En tommelfinger regl siger at for hver dag et potentiel blockbuster stof bliver forsinket så koster det $1 mio på bundlinjen fordi der er kortere tid til at sælge stoffet inden det løber af patent. 3 mdr forsinkelse er så $90 mio. Og hvis man regner med stoffet f.eks kan sælge for $4 mia så er det $360 mio mindre i indtjening over stoffets patent som så skal tilbagediskonteres.
Men nej jeg tror bestemt ikke nogen vil bruge denne nyhed til at nedjustere target.
Men nej jeg tror bestemt ikke nogen vil bruge denne nyhed til at nedjustere target.
Det regnestykke er ikke relevant her. Da vi faktisk kun har Goldman Sachs iøjelblikket på højere peaksales end 2 mia for hele Arzerra og det er fortsat i 2015. Derudover vigtigt at holde fast i det faktuelle i Analytikernes foreliggende analyser. Så igen NEJ det har ingen betydning for targets.

Umiddelbart kunne jeg også se dette som et lidt større issue end som så. Genmab er et relativt ungt selskab, hvorfor erfaring indenfor GMP (Good manufacturing practice) nok ikke er helt på høje ældre og mere rutinerede selskabers. Det kan jo så blot være papirarbejdet som driller eller en noget mere seriøs problemstilling i selv produktionsapparatet. Jeg siger ikke at det nødvendigvis er her problemet ligger, men det før set at netop GMP-relaterede årsager har fået myndighederne op af stolene. Men som sagt blot gisninger. Mht. antistoffeproduktionen laver de - som du sikkert ved - af såkaldte hybridomer, som er en celleklon (B-lymfo) som via genmanipulering er "programmerede" til at danne monoklonale antistoffer. Når først en sådan koloni er etableret, kan den fryses og tøes op ved senere brug - og derved kan en evt. produktion også flyttes relativt nemt.
Men jeg er nu stadig med i Genmab - selvom det holder lidt hårdt.
Umiddelbart kunne jeg også se dette som et lidt større issue end som så. Genmab er et relativt ungt selskab, hvorfor erfaring indenfor GMP (Good manufacturing practice) nok ikke er helt på høje ældre og mere rutinerede selskabers. Det kan jo så blot være papirarbejdet som driller eller en noget mere seriøs problemstilling i selv produktionsapparatet. Jeg siger ikke at det nødvendigvis er her problemet ligger, men det før set at netop GMP-relaterede årsager har fået myndighederne op af stolene. Men som sagt blot gisninger. Mht. antistoffeproduktionen laver de - som du sikkert ved - af såkaldte hybridomer, som er en celleklon (B-lymfo) som via genmanipulering er "programmerede" til at danne monoklonale antistoffer. Når først en sådan koloni er etableret, kan den fryses og tøes op ved senere brug - og derved kan en evt. produktion også flyttes relativt nemt.
Men jeg er nu stadig med i Genmab - selvom det holder lidt hårdt.

Hej Jelle
Tak for dit indlæg. Du er hermed tilføjet min tracking liste
Det er muligt jeg forbytter GMP med selve det at flytte en etableret celle. Jeg har i hvert fald før set der er opstået problemer når et produkt er flyttet fra et sted til et andet sted. Det er vel i princippet også derfor det pt er så svært at lave kopi stoffer af antistoffer uden der skal større kliniske studier til at validere det aktive stof reelt set er lige så rent som det orginale.
Men nu vi taler om produktions problemer så er det sjovt jeg lige har modtaget denne i min mail
Genzyme Corporation (NASDAQ: GENZ) today announced that it has detected a virus that impairs cell growth in one of six bioreactors at its Allston Landing manufacturing facility. The company has decided to temporarily interrupt bulk production at the plant to sanitize the facility. Genzyme is collaborating with regulatory agencies as it works to resume production. The company expects the plant to be fully operational by the end of July.
The virus strain, Vesivirus 2117, has not been shown to cause human infection. It is known to interfere with the growth of CHO cells used to produce biologic drugs and was likely introduced through a nutrient used in the manufacturing process. Genzyme has now confirmed that this virus was the cause of declines in cell productivity at its Allston and Geel facilities in two previous instances in 2008, which were subsequently fully addressed. The company was able to detect the virus in this case using a highly specific assay it developed after standard tests were unable to identify the cause of the previous productivity declines. Genzyme is adding steps to increase the robustness of its raw materials screening and viral removal processes.
Current inventories for Cerezyme® (imiglucerase for injection) and Fabrazyme® (agalsidase beta) are not sufficient to meet projected global demand. The timing and extent of the Cerezyme supply constraint is being clarified and will be communicated as soon as possible. The company expects Fabrazyme supply constraints to occur for a limited period beginning in September. The company will work with physicians, patients and regulators to minimize the impact of this constraint.
“The patients who need these therapies are our priority,” said Henri A. Termeer, Genzyme’s chairman and chief executive officer. “We are confident in the quality of the products produced in Allston and in our ability to resolve the issue affecting the plant. The impact will be temporary.”
Genzyme identified the virus at the Allston plant over the weekend. On Monday morning, the company submitted information to the FDA and EMEA on its findings. The company held a conference call with the FDA on Monday afternoon. With regulatory input, Genzyme is finalizing its action plan and assessing the business impact of this situation. The company will provide updated financial guidance as soon as possible.
Conference Call Information
Genzyme will host a conference call today at 12:00 p.m. Eastern. To participate in the call, please dial 773-799-3828 and refer to pass code “Genzyme.” A replay of this call will be available by dialing 402-220-2056 until June 23. This call will also be Webcast live on the investor events section of
Tak for dit indlæg. Du er hermed tilføjet min tracking liste
Det er muligt jeg forbytter GMP med selve det at flytte en etableret celle. Jeg har i hvert fald før set der er opstået problemer når et produkt er flyttet fra et sted til et andet sted. Det er vel i princippet også derfor det pt er så svært at lave kopi stoffer af antistoffer uden der skal større kliniske studier til at validere det aktive stof reelt set er lige så rent som det orginale.
Men nu vi taler om produktions problemer så er det sjovt jeg lige har modtaget denne i min mail
Genzyme Corporation (NASDAQ: GENZ) today announced that it has detected a virus that impairs cell growth in one of six bioreactors at its Allston Landing manufacturing facility. The company has decided to temporarily interrupt bulk production at the plant to sanitize the facility. Genzyme is collaborating with regulatory agencies as it works to resume production. The company expects the plant to be fully operational by the end of July.
The virus strain, Vesivirus 2117, has not been shown to cause human infection. It is known to interfere with the growth of CHO cells used to produce biologic drugs and was likely introduced through a nutrient used in the manufacturing process. Genzyme has now confirmed that this virus was the cause of declines in cell productivity at its Allston and Geel facilities in two previous instances in 2008, which were subsequently fully addressed. The company was able to detect the virus in this case using a highly specific assay it developed after standard tests were unable to identify the cause of the previous productivity declines. Genzyme is adding steps to increase the robustness of its raw materials screening and viral removal processes.
Current inventories for Cerezyme® (imiglucerase for injection) and Fabrazyme® (agalsidase beta) are not sufficient to meet projected global demand. The timing and extent of the Cerezyme supply constraint is being clarified and will be communicated as soon as possible. The company expects Fabrazyme supply constraints to occur for a limited period beginning in September. The company will work with physicians, patients and regulators to minimize the impact of this constraint.
“The patients who need these therapies are our priority,” said Henri A. Termeer, Genzyme’s chairman and chief executive officer. “We are confident in the quality of the products produced in Allston and in our ability to resolve the issue affecting the plant. The impact will be temporary.”
Genzyme identified the virus at the Allston plant over the weekend. On Monday morning, the company submitted information to the FDA and EMEA on its findings. The company held a conference call with the FDA on Monday afternoon. With regulatory input, Genzyme is finalizing its action plan and assessing the business impact of this situation. The company will provide updated financial guidance as soon as possible.
Conference Call Information
Genzyme will host a conference call today at 12:00 p.m. Eastern. To participate in the call, please dial 773-799-3828 and refer to pass code “Genzyme.” A replay of this call will be available by dialing 402-220-2056 until June 23. This call will also be Webcast live on the investor events section of

Ja, det var da egentligt et pudsigt sammentræf.
For Genmab bør ikke være et problem at flytte produktionen, hvis dette skulle være nødvendigt. Det bliver et problem når der går infektion i skidtet. Så må dyrkningstankene vaskes og autoklaveres, hvormed de producerede celler elimineres og en ny celle linie på etableres - selvfølgelig med samme antistofproducerende egenskaber. Bivirkningsprofilen bør afhænge af hvilket epitop antistofferne bindes til, men er denne epitop-sekvens kendt, kan det godt lade sig gøre at fremstille en ny cellelinie med tilsvarende antistofproduktion. Så reelt set burde antistofferne godt kunne "kopieres" - som sagt forudsat at epitop-sekvenserne kendes.
Men Genzyme for da tydeligvis travlt med oprydningsarbejdet...
For Genmab bør ikke være et problem at flytte produktionen, hvis dette skulle være nødvendigt. Det bliver et problem når der går infektion i skidtet. Så må dyrkningstankene vaskes og autoklaveres, hvormed de producerede celler elimineres og en ny celle linie på etableres - selvfølgelig med samme antistofproducerende egenskaber. Bivirkningsprofilen bør afhænge af hvilket epitop antistofferne bindes til, men er denne epitop-sekvens kendt, kan det godt lade sig gøre at fremstille en ny cellelinie med tilsvarende antistofproduktion. Så reelt set burde antistofferne godt kunne "kopieres" - som sagt forudsat at epitop-sekvenserne kendes.
Men Genzyme for da tydeligvis travlt med oprydningsarbejdet...

Det måtte vi forvente efter 1. nedtur på grund af de spørgsmål, som nu vil blive besvaret de næste 3 måneder.
10 mod 3 er stadig scenariet.
Jeg har derfor købt på faldet i 172.
Først skal man en masse slemt igennem, men så bliver man til gengæld til en svane
10 mod 3 er stadig scenariet.
Jeg har derfor købt på faldet i 172.
Først skal man en masse slemt igennem, men så bliver man til gengæld til en svane

Er vi blevet ført bag lyset eller er det normal forretningsgang?
Der er tydeligvis nogen der har vidst besked om at noget var på vej.
Jeg føler mig taget et vist sted og det gør ondt!
Der er tydeligvis nogen der har vidst besked om at noget var på vej.
Jeg føler mig taget et vist sted og det gør ondt!

Ingen katastrofe men der er føjet yderligere 3 mdr til gyseren.
Q3 en sand kaskade af vigtige data kan bane vejen for at katapulten udløses.
Men det er noget fuck....... at eje turbos med SL på
Q3 en sand kaskade af vigtige data kan bane vejen for at katapulten udløses.
Men det er noget fuck....... at eje turbos med SL på

Man kan godt blive sur over at nogen helt åbenlyst har vidst dette før os andre.
Men der er ikke andet for, end at tage det som en mand,-
og købe nogle flere.
Men der er ikke andet for, end at tage det som en mand,-
og købe nogle flere.

Nu må buen efterhånden være så ekstremt spændt ud, at det burde kun være et spørgsmål om tid, før den skydes afsted. Men der er selvfølgelig også muligheden at snøren simpelthen springer!. Men hvis der var den mindste mulighed for at snøren kunne springe, så havde ledelsen solgt ud af deres enorme mængder af aktier.
Puha, kommer da lige til at tænke på det store udsalg Q et eller andet har haft gang i på det seneste!??.....
Hvor lang tid må der gå, før det skal offentliggøres omkring insider handel?
Puha, kommer da lige til at tænke på det store udsalg Q et eller andet har haft gang i på det seneste!??.....
Hvor lang tid må der gå, før det skal offentliggøres omkring insider handel?
Hej Raun,
Ja min bue er nok endda overspændt. Mener deadline for insiderkøb/salg er 5 dage.
Ja min bue er nok endda overspændt. Mener deadline for insiderkøb/salg er 5 dage.
hej solsen, er der flere turbo´s tilbage og hvor køber man dem henne, hvis man er Danske Bank / Etrade kunde. Det er noget ABN Amro udsteder ikke? Hvad er dealen...

Det ser ud til at der er nogen med SL i 176, men de røg vel allerede for et stykke tid siden.?

Genzyme har problemer med produktionen. Biogen raporterede om alvorlige bivirkninger.
Kan det være grunden til at FDA er oppe på mærkerne for tiden, og kræver ekstra sikkerhdesdata og produktionsdata. ?
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Genzyme Corp. (GENZ) said a manufacturing plant will
be out of commission for at least a month, continuing a string of setbacks for
the Allston, Mass., facility that is crucial to a number of the biotechs key
The move was made after the Cambridge, Mass., drug maker discovered a virus
over the weekend in a bioreactor used to make biologic drugs, and spoke with
the Food and Drug Administration about the issue. Genzyme is finalizing its
action plan and expects to provide updated financial guidance soon.
Genzyme plans to update investors on the financial aspects of the shutdown
prior to reporting second-quarter results in July, although it noted that any
effects in the current quarter will be relatively modest and it is in the
process of figuring out the third-quarter impact.
The shutdown isnt expected to alter the potential approval of Lumizyme, a
key to the companys future growth, Genzyme executives stressed on a Tuesday
conference call.
Such production issues have weighed heavily on Genzymes shares, which are
down 21 for the year, compared to a 1.9 rise in the Amex Biotechnology Index.
The decline has removed more than $3.5 billion from Genzymes market value.
Shares Tuesday recently fell 4.9 to $52.94.
Wachovia analyst Aaron Reames estimates the Allston facility makes drugs that
account for 40 of Genzyme revenue.
It is unclear the extent of revenue impact this will have, but we expect
shares to trade off sharply and believe that it will create an overhang until
resolved, he said.
Under a worst-case scenario, Reames calculated 40 cents a share in quarterly
earnings impact, leading to 2010 earnings of $3.82 a share, compared to the
Streets expectations of $4.57 a share.
Reames calculates that such an earnings shortfall should bring Genzyme shares
to a range of $47 to $51.
Genzyme acknowledged Tuesday that current inventories for Gaucher disease
treatment Cerezyme and Fabrys drug Fabrazyme arent sufficient to meet
projected global demand. And thats particularly troublesome for patients
because there are few other treatment options for these rare diseases.
The company is in talks with the FDA to release all current inventory for the
drug, but executives warned that patients will be required to miss infusions.
The FDA requested on Tuesday that all inventory be tested for the viral
infection, but Genzyme expressed confidence it will be clear because of the
processing of the products.
The two drugs had combined sales of more than $1.7 billion in 2008, compared
to Genzymes total revenue of $4.6 billion.
The company will provide the financial impact of the shutdown soon, but Wall
Street analysts already expect 2009 revenue of $5.18 billion, at the low end of
Genzymes current projections of $5.15 billion to $5.35 billion for the year.
Genzyme said the virus causing the shutdown doesnt cause human infection,
but it interferes with the Chinese hamster ovary cells that are used to produce
biologic drugs.
The virus caused previous cell productivity declines last year at Genzymes
Allston plant and at a facility in Belgium.
Because of the multiple incidences, Genzyme believes the contamination may
reside in nutrients used to produce the drugs, and it is increasing its
raw-materials screening and viral-removal processes.
Genzyme insists that the issues wont further complicate the planned
larger-scale production version of Myozyme, a treatment for the rare enzyme
disorder Pompe disease.
The FDA approved Myozyme in 2006, but only a version produced in a small
facility. Last year, the FDA decided a version produced on a larger scale in
the Allston facility had slight differences and had to be reviewed as a
separate product.
Approval of that product, now called Lumizyme, was expected earlier this
year, but was delayed by further regulatory concerns.
In the conference call, Genzyme said that the FDA inspected the plant in May
and that all issues raised in a March warning letter have been resolved.
Because of the success of that inspection, the approval of the drug could come
anytime between now and November, the company said.
But the issues at the Allston plant will continue to be an overhang on
Genzymes business, and stock, because it will be months until production
resumes, tests are performed and the situation is completely resolved, warns
Christopher Raymond, analyst at Robert Baird & Co.
This could be an enormous problem for them, Raymond said, highlighting that
the infection shows the complexity of producing biologic drugs, even for those
that are considered some of the best in the business.
Kan det være grunden til at FDA er oppe på mærkerne for tiden, og kræver ekstra sikkerhdesdata og produktionsdata. ?
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Genzyme Corp. (GENZ) said a manufacturing plant will
be out of commission for at least a month, continuing a string of setbacks for
the Allston, Mass., facility that is crucial to a number of the biotechs key
The move was made after the Cambridge, Mass., drug maker discovered a virus
over the weekend in a bioreactor used to make biologic drugs, and spoke with
the Food and Drug Administration about the issue. Genzyme is finalizing its
action plan and expects to provide updated financial guidance soon.
Genzyme plans to update investors on the financial aspects of the shutdown
prior to reporting second-quarter results in July, although it noted that any
effects in the current quarter will be relatively modest and it is in the
process of figuring out the third-quarter impact.
The shutdown isnt expected to alter the potential approval of Lumizyme, a
key to the companys future growth, Genzyme executives stressed on a Tuesday
conference call.
Such production issues have weighed heavily on Genzymes shares, which are
down 21 for the year, compared to a 1.9 rise in the Amex Biotechnology Index.
The decline has removed more than $3.5 billion from Genzymes market value.
Shares Tuesday recently fell 4.9 to $52.94.
Wachovia analyst Aaron Reames estimates the Allston facility makes drugs that
account for 40 of Genzyme revenue.
It is unclear the extent of revenue impact this will have, but we expect
shares to trade off sharply and believe that it will create an overhang until
resolved, he said.
Under a worst-case scenario, Reames calculated 40 cents a share in quarterly
earnings impact, leading to 2010 earnings of $3.82 a share, compared to the
Streets expectations of $4.57 a share.
Reames calculates that such an earnings shortfall should bring Genzyme shares
to a range of $47 to $51.
Genzyme acknowledged Tuesday that current inventories for Gaucher disease
treatment Cerezyme and Fabrys drug Fabrazyme arent sufficient to meet
projected global demand. And thats particularly troublesome for patients
because there are few other treatment options for these rare diseases.
The company is in talks with the FDA to release all current inventory for the
drug, but executives warned that patients will be required to miss infusions.
The FDA requested on Tuesday that all inventory be tested for the viral
infection, but Genzyme expressed confidence it will be clear because of the
processing of the products.
The two drugs had combined sales of more than $1.7 billion in 2008, compared
to Genzymes total revenue of $4.6 billion.
The company will provide the financial impact of the shutdown soon, but Wall
Street analysts already expect 2009 revenue of $5.18 billion, at the low end of
Genzymes current projections of $5.15 billion to $5.35 billion for the year.
Genzyme said the virus causing the shutdown doesnt cause human infection,
but it interferes with the Chinese hamster ovary cells that are used to produce
biologic drugs.
The virus caused previous cell productivity declines last year at Genzymes
Allston plant and at a facility in Belgium.
Because of the multiple incidences, Genzyme believes the contamination may
reside in nutrients used to produce the drugs, and it is increasing its
raw-materials screening and viral-removal processes.
Genzyme insists that the issues wont further complicate the planned
larger-scale production version of Myozyme, a treatment for the rare enzyme
disorder Pompe disease.
The FDA approved Myozyme in 2006, but only a version produced in a small
facility. Last year, the FDA decided a version produced on a larger scale in
the Allston facility had slight differences and had to be reviewed as a
separate product.
Approval of that product, now called Lumizyme, was expected earlier this
year, but was delayed by further regulatory concerns.
In the conference call, Genzyme said that the FDA inspected the plant in May
and that all issues raised in a March warning letter have been resolved.
Because of the success of that inspection, the approval of the drug could come
anytime between now and November, the company said.
But the issues at the Allston plant will continue to be an overhang on
Genzymes business, and stock, because it will be months until production
resumes, tests are performed and the situation is completely resolved, warns
Christopher Raymond, analyst at Robert Baird & Co.
This could be an enormous problem for them, Raymond said, highlighting that
the infection shows the complexity of producing biologic drugs, even for those
that are considered some of the best in the business.

prøver at følge med, men bliver indimellem hægtet lidt af, vil nogen fortælle mig hvad turbo´s er?
hvordan handler i genmap, hvad er jeres grønneste scenarie?
jeg har købt... og købt... og så købt igen idag da alle andre solgte.
tror gennemsnit på 2500aktier er 185.
handler i, eller holder i?
prøver at følge med, men bliver indimellem hægtet lidt af, vil nogen fortælle mig hvad turbo´s er?
hvordan handler i genmap, hvad er jeres grønneste scenarie?
jeg har købt... og købt... og så købt igen idag da alle andre solgte.
tror gennemsnit på 2500aktier er 185.
handler i, eller holder i?
hej det er rart godt snit du har. Jeg holder. Turbo er et derivatinstrument hvor man kan geare sin investering. Det grønneste scenario er vel egentligt uforandret. Så der er jo en del kursmål der ligger mellem 250 og 593.

Lonza producerer antistoffet til GSK - de er meget velanskrevne og har lang erfaring. Der tror jeg heller ikke ligger problemer.
FDA er bare langsomme !
FDA er bare langsomme !