Ugens weekly roundup fra Citigroup er vedhæftet. Har ikke selv haft meget tid til at se på det, men der er mange spændende ting. Ca 50 sider TA-analyse. Der er både om valutaer, råvarer, aktier og økonomiske indikatorer!

I får lige en mere... citeret tekst om denne:
We realize this may sound a bit ridiculous but.....
We think we have begun a full-blown bear market in Fixed income?????
Readers are familiar with the charts below of the 10-year yield and 30-year note that we have published ad naseum.
Looking at these we have suggested the possibility that a cyclical low has been put in.
The more we look the more we are starting to think that this is the case at a minimum.
We realize this may sound a bit ridiculous but.....
We think we have begun a full-blown bear market in Fixed income?????
Readers are familiar with the charts below of the 10-year yield and 30-year note that we have published ad naseum.
Looking at these we have suggested the possibility that a cyclical low has been put in.
The more we look the more we are starting to think that this is the case at a minimum.