Artikkel av: Øystein Byberg ( - 21.9.09 15:57)
DNO suspendert på Oslo Børs
Oslo Børs har suspendert DNO-aksjen.
Oslo Børs har, etter ønske fra selskapet, suspendert DNO-aksjen i påvente av publisering av en melding.
DNO var ned fire prosent til 6,66 kroner da pausen ble innført
Hvis det er denne er det ret skuffende, men sikkert ret ansvarspådragende:
DNO: Grunnen til børspausen er feil i 2008 regnskapet
"Videre skriver seskapet at opplysningene i note 27 til årsrapporten for 2008 ved en feil bare reflekterte kun det første salget på nærmere 170 millioner krone, mens det korrekte tallet skal være 175,3 millioner kroner."
Resultatet for 2008 skal være 5 mill. bedre enn tidligere opplyst.
DNO: Grunnen til børspausen er feil i 2008 regnskapet
"Videre skriver seskapet at opplysningene i note 27 til årsrapporten for 2008 ved en feil bare reflekterte kun det første salget på nærmere 170 millioner krone, mens det korrekte tallet skal være 175,3 millioner kroner."
Resultatet for 2008 skal være 5 mill. bedre enn tidligere opplyst.

så er vi på spanden :(

Published: 12:43 21.09.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: DNO International ASA /OSE: DNO /ISIN: NO0003921009
DNO International ASA - Clarification to 2008 Annual Report note 27
("DNO" or "the Company")
Reference is made to DNO's 2008 Annual Report, Note 27 and to articles in Norwegian media today regarding the proceeds from the sale of treasury shares on 10 October 2008.
This note describes the consideration received from the sale of 43.873.960 treasury shares at a price of NOK 4 per share on 10 October 2008. The sale contributed with NOK 175.3 million net after standard broker fees paid to our Norwegian broker.
The shares were registered in two separate VPS accounts, and two sales notes were issued for NOK 169.7 million and NOK 5.7 million, respectively. Unfortunately the information in note 27 to the 2008 Annual Report for 2008 by an error only reflected the first sales note of approximately NOK 170 million. The correct figure for the information in note 27 is NOK 175.3 million.
In the 2008 Annual Report, the sale of treasury shares has been considered as an equity transaction, and has been accounted for accordingly. NOK 175.3 million has been received by DNO and recorded as cash with a corresponding entry to equity.
Although this is a minor correction which under normal circumstances would not call for a separate disclosure, DNO finds it appropriate to report it to avoid further incorrect media speculation.
DNO International ASA
21 September, 2009

Meddelelse fra KRG:
Det ser sgu ikke godt ud.
Nu afventer vi meddelelse fra DNO.
Hvad sker der i den bananrepublik, fristes man til at sige...
Det ser sgu ikke godt ud.
Nu afventer vi meddelelse fra DNO.
Hvad sker der i den bananrepublik, fristes man til at sige...
Er det ikke denne her?

Published: 21:29 21.09.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: DNO International ASA /OSE: DNO /ISIN: NO0003921009
DNO International ASA - Notice from Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
Reference is made to the attached notice received today from KRG and to the attached Press Release published by KRG on 19 September 2009. In these documents KRG refers to the recent publications made by Oslo Stock Exchange ("OSE") in connection with the sale of treasury shares by DNO on 10 October 2008.
DNO notes the reaction by KRG to the recent publications by OSE and the media, and the perceived consequences thereof to KRG. DNO will direct its full attention to the situation and the requirements of KRG. DNO will explore all options available to protect the interests of DNO shareholders.
DNO strongly rejects that OSE had any rights to make public the content of the decision made by the Board of Directors of OSE and decision made by Oslo Stock Exchange Appeal Committee (OSEAC). By doing so OSE has breached its confidentiality obligations and released misleading and incomplete information. This has caused the media to publish speculative, misleading and incorrect information causing unjustifiable and incalculable harm to the reputation of DNO as well as the KRG and the Minister of Natural Resources.
As reported on Friday 19 September 2009, the Oslo Stock Exchange Appeal Committee (OSEAC) concluded that DNO did not hold insider information related to the sales of the shares from the transaction date in October 2008 and until the Company released the Stock Exchange Notice on 6 April 2009. However, OSE itself has now published confidential information which is far beyond what OSE required to be disclosed by DNO. It has been concluded by OSEAC that this was not required to be disclosed by DNO. OSE has however, intentionally decided to ignore applicable laws and regulations and DNO's warning of possible consequences by breach of confidentiality.
DNO is highly critical of OSEs conduct in this process. DNO has advocated strongly that confidentiality obligations imposed by law restrict public access to information in this matter. Until recently, OSE also shared DNOs view on this issue, and had decided to black out sections of the decision of the OSE Board of Directors of 17 June this year. However and without forewarning DNO was on the evening of 16 September, the day before the meeting of the OSEAC, informed by OSE that they had decided to grant full disclosure to all parts of the decision.
The wrongful undertakings by OSE have now lead to serious consequences to DNO. DNO is now considering initiating legal actions against OSE for damages as a result of willful breach of confidentiality. The claim for damages may be substantial.
DNO International ASA
21 September 2009

I bør læse DIDA´s meget indsigtsfulde indlæg på Euroinvestor her til aften.

og en god forklaring på dagens hændelser:

(SIX): Det er stort fokus på DNO-aksjen ved børsåpning i Oslo
tirsdag etter at aksjen etter eget ønske ble suspendert på Oslo
Børs i går. DNOs virksomhet i Nord-Irak ble suspendert for
maksimalt seks uker av kurdiske myndigheter i går kveld.
- Vi venter at selskapet og de kurdiske myndighetene finner en
løsning i løpet av de neste fire til fem ukene. Den svake
visibiliteten er imidlertid bekymringsverdig. Kursmålet er til
vurdering, skriver DnB Nor Markets i dagens morgenrapport.
Usikkerheten har helt klart steget når det gjelder DNOs
virksomhet i Irak. Dette som en følge av at selskapet skal ha
skadet regionens omdømme, mener meglerhuset.
- Dersom suspensjonen foretatt av de kurdiske myndighetene
vedvarer kan selskapet redusere eierandelen i Det norske
oljeselskap, ettersom dette ikke inngår i selskapets
kjernevirksomhet, skriver DnB Nor Markets.
STOCKS NEWS EUROPE-Kurdish spat knocks Heritage, Gulf Keystone
Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:18am
Shares in UK-based oil explorers Heritage Oil (HOIL.L) and Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP.L) fall after the government of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq, where the companies have operations, suspended the Kurdish licences of Norway's DNO International (DNO.OL).
"There will be a perception of increased licence risk in Kurdistan as a result of this incident," Keith Morris, oil analyst at Evolution Securities says.
Shares in Heritage, which has agreed a merger with Genel Energy, an unlisted Turkish-controlled company focussed on Kurdistan, trades down 4.2 percent at 505 pence at 0816 GMT, while Gulf Keystone was down 3.6 percent at 86 pence.
The DJ Stoxx European oil and gas sector index .SXEP gains 1.4 percent.
The Oslo stock exchange has suspended the shares of DNO.
Morris added that the incident could delay the merger of Heritage and Genel.
For more double click on [ID:nLL98060]
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