Og her er det så, at vi skal være meget opmærksomme på at sondre mellem økonomierne i Central- og Østeuropa, som udvikler sig ganske forskelligt disse år.
Her er en helt overordnet beskrivelse af økonomierne i Central- og Østeuropa (CEE):
"In the current situation the CEE region can be divided into three groups. The first one comprises Poland and the remaining two include countries experiencing crisis in its harsher or milder forms," Rafal Antczak, V-ce President of Deloitte Business Consulting told news2biz POLAND. "Economies affected by recession more severely are the Baltics, Hungary, and Ukraine, while those relatively more fortunate include the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Poland is an exceptional case in this context as the only country that has not experienced recession so far."