Lidt nyt vedrørende den Polske retssag - her er den Polske side af sagen fra deres Q3 regnskab offentliggjort i dag:
De forventer således stadig at en afgørelse af den første periode af sagen (indtil 2004) bliver afgjort inden udgangen 2009.
og så til klippet (side 13 i Q3 meddelelsen:
b. Dispute with DPTG
Information on the background and earlier stages of the arbitration proceedings between the Company and
DPTG is presented in Note 32.e to the Telekomunikacja Polska Group IFRS Consolidated Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 December 2008.
On 8 February 2008, the President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber sustained the challenge filed
by TP S.A. against the chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal for lack of impartiality and a new chairman was
named as a result of that decision. On 12 June 2008, the Arbitration Tribunal decided to split the case into
two periods and to render firstly an award settling DPTG?s rights for the period from February 1994 to June
On 10 October 2008, according to the procedural timetable set by the Arbitration Tribunal, DPTG extended
its complaint for the period up to the end of 2007 and calculated the claimed amount at, in total, DKK 6,278
million (approximately EUR 840 million), excluding interest.
In January 2009, the Arbitration Tribunal held a hearing on the merits of the claim and then issued a first set
of Directions to the experts of the parties and of the Tribunal for the quantification of DPTG?s rights. A
second hearing was held in April 2009, dedicated to the examination of the experts, then the Tribunal issued
a second set of Directions for quantification by the experts of the parties only. The second set of Directions
was answered by the experts of the parties on 14 July 2009. On 28 August 2009, the parties filed posthearing-
briefs including legal opinions on the merits of the claim.
In its post-hearing-brief, DPTG amended its claim adjusting it to the period from February 1994 to June
2004. The principal of the amended claim amounts to DKK 2,781 million (approximately EUR 370 million)
and the interest claim on that principal, calculated by DPTG for the period until 28 August 2009, may range
up to DKK 2,257 million (approximately EUR 300 million). The amended claim replaced the previous one.
The claim for the period from July 2004 to January 2009, the end of the contract period, will be adjudicated
by the Tribunal within the same arbitration proceedings but presented to the Tribunal later.
The Company strongly disputes both the contractual basis of the claim and the amounts claimed. It has
presented to the Tribunal an alternative position based on its clear understanding, and intent, of the contract.
Management has made what it considers to be an appropriate provision for this matter, as supported by
outside Counsel and other professional advisers. Information regarding the amount of the provision has not
been separately disclosed as, in the opinion of Management, such disclosure could prejudice the outcome of
the matter.
It is anticipated that the Tribunal will render a decision for the first period in 2009.
De forventer således stadig at en afgørelse af den første periode af sagen (indtil 2004) bliver afgjort inden udgangen 2009.
og så til klippet (side 13 i Q3 meddelelsen:
b. Dispute with DPTG
Information on the background and earlier stages of the arbitration proceedings between the Company and
DPTG is presented in Note 32.e to the Telekomunikacja Polska Group IFRS Consolidated Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 December 2008.
On 8 February 2008, the President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber sustained the challenge filed
by TP S.A. against the chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal for lack of impartiality and a new chairman was
named as a result of that decision. On 12 June 2008, the Arbitration Tribunal decided to split the case into
two periods and to render firstly an award settling DPTG?s rights for the period from February 1994 to June
On 10 October 2008, according to the procedural timetable set by the Arbitration Tribunal, DPTG extended
its complaint for the period up to the end of 2007 and calculated the claimed amount at, in total, DKK 6,278
million (approximately EUR 840 million), excluding interest.
In January 2009, the Arbitration Tribunal held a hearing on the merits of the claim and then issued a first set
of Directions to the experts of the parties and of the Tribunal for the quantification of DPTG?s rights. A
second hearing was held in April 2009, dedicated to the examination of the experts, then the Tribunal issued
a second set of Directions for quantification by the experts of the parties only. The second set of Directions
was answered by the experts of the parties on 14 July 2009. On 28 August 2009, the parties filed posthearing-
briefs including legal opinions on the merits of the claim.
In its post-hearing-brief, DPTG amended its claim adjusting it to the period from February 1994 to June
2004. The principal of the amended claim amounts to DKK 2,781 million (approximately EUR 370 million)
and the interest claim on that principal, calculated by DPTG for the period until 28 August 2009, may range
up to DKK 2,257 million (approximately EUR 300 million). The amended claim replaced the previous one.
The claim for the period from July 2004 to January 2009, the end of the contract period, will be adjudicated
by the Tribunal within the same arbitration proceedings but presented to the Tribunal later.
The Company strongly disputes both the contractual basis of the claim and the amounts claimed. It has
presented to the Tribunal an alternative position based on its clear understanding, and intent, of the contract.
Management has made what it considers to be an appropriate provision for this matter, as supported by
outside Counsel and other professional advisers. Information regarding the amount of the provision has not
been separately disclosed as, in the opinion of Management, such disclosure could prejudice the outcome of
the matter.
It is anticipated that the Tribunal will render a decision for the first period in 2009.

det har godt nok været en langstrakt sag... som jeg bedømmer det er der her tale om en "ægte" kurstrigger på nuværende kursniveau - fordi et større erstatningsbeløb IKKE er medregnet i den aktuelle markedsværdi af GN.
Problemstillingen for GN's aktionærer er jo desværre at GN ikke selv synes at være de bedste til at forvalte de betroede midler (lex Sonofon) - så OM det betyder det det burde på kursen afhænger af GN's bestyrelse og ledelses udmeldinger om HVAD de vil gøre ved en erstatning... jeg frygter at de vil vælge selv at investere dem - udfra en betragtning om at absolut inkompetence synes at være adgangskravet til de poster..
men jeg holder mig ude....
Problemstillingen for GN's aktionærer er jo desværre at GN ikke selv synes at være de bedste til at forvalte de betroede midler (lex Sonofon) - så OM det betyder det det burde på kursen afhænger af GN's bestyrelse og ledelses udmeldinger om HVAD de vil gøre ved en erstatning... jeg frygter at de vil vælge selv at investere dem - udfra en betragtning om at absolut inkompetence synes at være adgangskravet til de poster..
men jeg holder mig ude....

Jeg vurderer også at et større erstatningsbeløb ikke er indregnet i kursen på nuværende niveau, men på den anden side er der jo nok indregnet et eller andet erstatningsbløb.
Jeg er med fra ca. kurs 20 og holder mig inde til sagen er endeligt afgjort, men så snart den sag er afgjort er jeg også ude. GN har jo ikke hidtil vist sig som de bedste forvaltere af større værdier
Jeg er med fra ca. kurs 20 og holder mig inde til sagen er endeligt afgjort, men så snart den sag er afgjort er jeg også ude. GN har jo ikke hidtil vist sig som de bedste forvaltere af større værdier