Her er nogle temmelig tankvækkende tal omkring hvor mange huse, der står tomme i USA - dog kan jeg ikke få tallet "hver 9. hus" til at passe med de andre tal i artiklen. Hvert 9. hus må vel svare til 11% af boligmassen:
Sakset fra Netposten - Hver niende hus i USA står tomt
Hver 9. hus i USA står tomt på grund af boligkollapset.
- Tallene understreger alvoren af nedturen på det amerikanske boligmarked, siger Nicolas
Retsinas, leder af boligstudier på Harvard.
De mange tomme boliger fører en masse andre problemer med sig -
vedligeholdelelsesproblemer og sikkerhedsproblemer bl.a.
Over 14 mio. huse er nu tomme - heri er ikke medregnet sæson og ferieboliger.
Især nye huse er ramt - 9 pct. af de huse der er bygget siden år 2000 er tomme. For ældre
huse er det kun 2 pct. Det er huse i alle prisklasser, der står tomme.
Sakset fra Netposten - Hver niende hus i USA står tomt
Hver 9. hus i USA står tomt på grund af boligkollapset.
- Tallene understreger alvoren af nedturen på det amerikanske boligmarked, siger Nicolas
Retsinas, leder af boligstudier på Harvard.
De mange tomme boliger fører en masse andre problemer med sig -
vedligeholdelelsesproblemer og sikkerhedsproblemer bl.a.
Over 14 mio. huse er nu tomme - heri er ikke medregnet sæson og ferieboliger.
Især nye huse er ramt - 9 pct. af de huse der er bygget siden år 2000 er tomme. For ældre
huse er det kun 2 pct. Det er huse i alle prisklasser, der står tomme.

Mon ikke det ultimativt er en journalists læsning af fakta på jagt efter en god overskrift.
Hvis man ser på en af kildehistorierne virker det en anelse anderledes, men man er nok nødt til at være housing nørd for at finde hoved og hale i det hele.....
Jeg forstår f.eks. ikke hvorfor rental ser ud til at stige (boksen til venstre) - der burde vel være mere efterspørgsel efter disse når folk bliver smidt ud af deres boliger. Nåh, det er nok statistik på et højere niveau kombineret med en masse afgrænsninger og forudsætninger af den ene eller anden slags.
Hver 9. hus synes jeg godt nok lyder som meget.... men hvis det er "housing unit" så giver det måske lidt mere mening.
Hvis man ser på en af kildehistorierne virker det en anelse anderledes, men man er nok nødt til at være housing nørd for at finde hoved og hale i det hele.....
Jeg forstår f.eks. ikke hvorfor rental ser ud til at stige (boksen til venstre) - der burde vel være mere efterspørgsel efter disse når folk bliver smidt ud af deres boliger. Nåh, det er nok statistik på et højere niveau kombineret med en masse afgrænsninger og forudsætninger af den ene eller anden slags.
Hver 9. hus synes jeg godt nok lyder som meget.... men hvis det er "housing unit" så giver det måske lidt mere mening.

Det skulle vist være stort set umuligt at få sig et boliglån - specielt, hvis man befinder sig i subprime kategorien. Så efterhånden som folk bliver smidt ud af deres hjem, så må de jo finde noget at leje i stedet.
Det hænger vel egentlig meget godt sammen
Det hænger vel egentlig meget godt sammen

de taler om, at udbuddet er stigende gennem flere nybyggerier. Mon grunden kan være, at det er tilgangen af nye boliger til markedet, der afstedkommer de stigen tal for tomme boliger?
I øvrigt en sjov lille kommentar i din artikel - huse til USD 500k er lige så sandsynligt tomme som huse til under USD 100k.....
I øvrigt en sjov lille kommentar i din artikel - huse til USD 500k er lige så sandsynligt tomme som huse til under USD 100k.....
Financial Crisis: "Silver Bullets" for Toxic Mortgages?
The Obama Administration is floating a proposal that would allow the government to directly buy more loans from servicers of mortgage-backed securities
By David Bogoslaw
With the financial crisis quickly becoming President Obama's primary burden, his Administration has intensified its efforts to stem the rising tide of foreclosures in order to solve the root cause of the difficulties. On Feb. 11, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the Housing & Urban Development Dept., met with community groups and key stakeholders in the banking industry to gauge support for a potential program that would allow the government to directly buy whole loans from servicers of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in order to modify them—and keep more borrowers in their homes.
This is just one of several proposals the Obama Administration is considering as it comes to terms with the dire need to prevent further waves of foreclosures amid a deepening recession. There were foreclosure filings on 274,399 U.S. properties in January, down 10% from December but 18% higher than a year ago, according to RealtyTrac, a foreclosure research firm. In December, the Mortgage Bankers Assn. said that a record 1 in 10 U.S. families with a mortgage are either in arrears or having their house repossessed.
Banks and other mortgage servicers have being doing loan modifications under an Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. program since the first quarter of 2008, but many have failed to benefit from a cookie-cutter approach that's paid insufficient attention to the financial condition of individual homeowners. And these "mods" haven't addressed the need for a wholesale cleaning out of some of the most toxic loans, those collected in securitized pools and sold piecemeal to vast numbers of investors. The problem is that there is no flexibility to modify the terms of individual mortgages in most of the Pooling and Servicing Agreements, or PSAs, that govern these mortgage pools.
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The Obama Administration is floating a proposal that would allow the government to directly buy more loans from servicers of mortgage-backed securities
By David Bogoslaw
With the financial crisis quickly becoming President Obama's primary burden, his Administration has intensified its efforts to stem the rising tide of foreclosures in order to solve the root cause of the difficulties. On Feb. 11, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the Housing & Urban Development Dept., met with community groups and key stakeholders in the banking industry to gauge support for a potential program that would allow the government to directly buy whole loans from servicers of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in order to modify them—and keep more borrowers in their homes.
This is just one of several proposals the Obama Administration is considering as it comes to terms with the dire need to prevent further waves of foreclosures amid a deepening recession. There were foreclosure filings on 274,399 U.S. properties in January, down 10% from December but 18% higher than a year ago, according to RealtyTrac, a foreclosure research firm. In December, the Mortgage Bankers Assn. said that a record 1 in 10 U.S. families with a mortgage are either in arrears or having their house repossessed.
Banks and other mortgage servicers have being doing loan modifications under an Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. program since the first quarter of 2008, but many have failed to benefit from a cookie-cutter approach that's paid insufficient attention to the financial condition of individual homeowners. And these "mods" haven't addressed the need for a wholesale cleaning out of some of the most toxic loans, those collected in securitized pools and sold piecemeal to vast numbers of investors. The problem is that there is no flexibility to modify the terms of individual mortgages in most of the Pooling and Servicing Agreements, or PSAs, that govern these mortgage pools.
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