For et par år siden reserverede Siemens et kæmpe område ved Esbjerg hvor de ville bygge en ny stor offshore produktion med 1000+ ansatte. Sidenhen var der snak om at de muligvis i stedet for ville flytte til det gamle Lindø værft.
Men nu er der altså noget der tyder på Siemens helt har droppet Danmark og i stedet for valgt at placere investeringen på 700+ mio i UK. Det er i sandheden trist læsning
Siemens to build UK wind turbine plant
? £75m wind turbine plant will create hundreds of jobs
? Wind power boost to government's green hopes
Terry Macalister The Guardian, Monday 29 March 2010
The government will receive another boost to its green manufacturing momentum this week when Siemens of Germany announces plans to create hundreds of jobs in Britain and invest more than £75m in a new wind turbine plant.
The move comes despite claims made today by the EEF, the manufacturers' organisation, that the UK tax system is still stacked against manufacturing and needs a shake-up if the economy is to become less geared towards financial services.
The Siemens factory has particular significance because it shows Britain can beat off competition from Denmark and Germany to house a plant capable of making a new generation of extra-large blades.
The facility will demonstrate, too, that Britain can be at the centre of the German manufacturer's worldwide wind ambitions, because Siemens already has a wind power training centre in Newcastle upon Tyne and a global centre for offshore grid connections in Manchester. It is also sponsoring significant research work into renewables at Sheffield and Keele universities.
Siemens declined to comment ahead of an announcement but well placed sources said that a deal had been struck at the highest possible level of government for the company to locate a facility in Britain, probably on the east coast of England.
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Men nu er der altså noget der tyder på Siemens helt har droppet Danmark og i stedet for valgt at placere investeringen på 700+ mio i UK. Det er i sandheden trist læsning
Siemens to build UK wind turbine plant
? £75m wind turbine plant will create hundreds of jobs
? Wind power boost to government's green hopes
Terry Macalister The Guardian, Monday 29 March 2010
The government will receive another boost to its green manufacturing momentum this week when Siemens of Germany announces plans to create hundreds of jobs in Britain and invest more than £75m in a new wind turbine plant.
The move comes despite claims made today by the EEF, the manufacturers' organisation, that the UK tax system is still stacked against manufacturing and needs a shake-up if the economy is to become less geared towards financial services.
The Siemens factory has particular significance because it shows Britain can beat off competition from Denmark and Germany to house a plant capable of making a new generation of extra-large blades.
The facility will demonstrate, too, that Britain can be at the centre of the German manufacturer's worldwide wind ambitions, because Siemens already has a wind power training centre in Newcastle upon Tyne and a global centre for offshore grid connections in Manchester. It is also sponsoring significant research work into renewables at Sheffield and Keele universities.
Siemens declined to comment ahead of an announcement but well placed sources said that a deal had been struck at the highest possible level of government for the company to locate a facility in Britain, probably on the east coast of England.
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Rigtig trist nyhed for Dansk industri og lidt et testamente til den vind fjendske danske regering. Tænk på alle de subsidier man får i andre lande!
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Siemens er også godt på vej ind off-shore USA.
Gad vidst om MT Højgaard / Per Aarslef kommer med i fundamenter her.
Gad vidst om MT Højgaard / Per Aarslef kommer med i fundamenter her.