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United Airlines på syntestisk brændstof

28776 cyber 30/4 2010 20:55

Rentech's (RTK) jetbrændstof er blevet valideret under den første amerikanske kommercielle flyvning på certificerede alternative brændstoffer.

Kursen har længe været under pres, men dagens nyhed giver en lille stigning under pæn omsætning.

30/4 2010 23:07 cyber 128779

United Airlines flies 1st commercial-jet flight with synthetic fuel out of Denver

The first-ever U.S. commercial airline test flight using synthetic fuel took off from Denver International Airport Friday morning, United Airlines announced.

The synthetic jet fuel was "RenJet," made by Los Angeles-based Rentech Inc. (NYSE Amex: RTK), which has a plant in Commerce City near DIA. It is a liquid fuel made from natural gas.

The "engineering validation" flight of an Airbus 319 jet left the runway at DIA at 8:15 a.m. MDT Friday, United said. Capt Joseph Burns, United's managing director of technology and flight testing, piloted the jet, with 19 engineers and observers on board.

The RenJet fuel was used in a 40-60-percent mix with conventional "Jet A" fuel in one of two engines on the jet.

The aircraft climbed to 39,000 feet, "where the onboard team collected data on the performance of the fuel during several maneuvers, including taxi, takeoff, climb, cruise, auxiliary power unit start, descent and approach," United said in a statement.

Data on aircraft performance and environmental benefits from the synthetic fuel will be evaluated over the next 10 days. But already, United officials are sounding upbeat about the test flight.

"This flight confirms our assumptions about how this fuel performs on a commercial aircraft and is the next step in our effort to stimulate competition in the aviation fuel supply chain, promote energy security, environmental benefits, and the creation of green jobs," Joseph Kolshak, United Airlines senior VP of operations, said in a statement. "United continues to support the use of alternative fuels, and we urge the U.S. government and the investment community to further support critical energy opportunities."

Rentech's RenJet already has been approved by ASTM International, the international technical standards organization, for use on passenger flights. It is a "drop-in" fuel, meaning it can be used in existing jet engines without modifications.

"Today's engineering validation flight is a significant step forward for the commercial aviation industry," D. Hunt Ramsbottom, president and CEO of Rentech, said in a statement. ?We are proud to collaborate with United Airlines to demonstrate the viability of certified synthetic jet fuel that delivers on performance and safety expectations required by commercial airlines, along with environmental benefits that exceed that of conventional jet fuel."

United ? along with several other airlines and air-cargo companies ? are investigating future use of various synthetic fuels, including fuel made from camelina oil.

United is a unit of Chicago-based UAL Corp. (NASDAQ: UAUA). It is the largest airline at DIA, carrying about a third of the airport's passengers.

Rentech last December announced a $22.6 million grant of federal stimulus money to Hawaii-based ClearFuels Technology Inc. to help Rentech expand its $90 million Commerce City plant and to start using up to 20 tons per day of either Colorado wood chips or Louisiana sugar-cane residue to make synthetic fuels. Rentech has a 25 percent stake in ClearFuels.

30/4 2010 23:16 cyber 128780

Fik ikke suppleret ved 1,22, da jeg spottede nyheden, men det kan måske nås mandag, muligt at RTK kan lave en stigning a la den i 09....

2/5 2010 02:13 cyber 128798

Et kursmål fra januar i år lyder på $2,50, mon ikke RTK tester den kurs i overskuelig fremtid (lukkekurs fredag 1.25)

Brean analyst says, "We believe that RTK's strategy is truly unique among clean tech names, and it ultimately puts the company in a strong position to advance its synthetic fuels platform...

4/5 2010 19:46 mikkel1990 028884

Det er virkelig godt spottet, fulgte din anbefalning og købete til 1,25 mandag og den har allerede lagt et afkast på ca 15%.. Tumbs up.. :)
Vil du stadig gi den et hold??

4/5 2010 21:44 cyber 028886

Hej Mikkel.

Når jeg ser en stærk case, forsøger jeg at holde længst muligt, også selv om kursen peger ned. Har ændret min stil til at være mere langsigtet, men som sagt der skal være potentiale i firmaet, skrider det, skrider jeg - og ja, jeg holder RTK lang tid endnu.

Jeg vil lige bruge lejligheden til at beklage en slåfejl i overskriften, syntestisk skal være syntetisk.

Mvh. Cyber