Topofolket bør skæve til SPPI på tirsdag, da de kommer med update for andet kvartal. Kommer der mon nyt om belinostat?
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Det lader til at BI er færdige med deres salg, hvilket bestemt kunne give en fin tur opad, hvis der kommer lidt gode data.
Nyt angående Belinostat bliver vel præsenteret i morgen frem for på TopoTargets kvartalsregnskab, vil jeg mene.
Et par fine dage med optur er vel ikke kun i forventninger om dagen i morgen - omend det er en aktie der på den anden kanal bliver udsat for uduelig hype af værste skuffe.
Nyt angående Belinostat bliver vel præsenteret i morgen frem for på TopoTargets kvartalsregnskab, vil jeg mene.
Et par fine dage med optur er vel ikke kun i forventninger om dagen i morgen - omend det er en aktie der på den anden kanal bliver udsat for uduelig hype af værste skuffe.

Alt kører på skinner for SPPI og Topo. Jeg har det meget fint i de 2 aktier, og det hele er kun lige startet...
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Announces Second Quarter 2010 Corporate Update
Three and Six-Month Total Consolidated Revenues Approximately $12.3 Million and $23.4 Million, Respectively
Three and Six-Month Product Revenues Approximately $9.3 Million and $16.4 Million, Respectively
30% Increase Sequentially Over First Quarter
Continue to Anticipate FUSILEV, Belinostat and Apaziquone FDA Filings In 2010, 2011 and 2012, Respectively
Approximately $94.5 Million in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments as of June 30, 2010
Upcoming Company Goals and Milestones...
Continue to grow the brand;
Submit to the FDA data supporting removal of the BioScan requirement; and,
Continue to address uniformity and transparency for reimbursement in the community setting.
Submit to the FDA requested data for colorectal cancer sNDA by year end.
Top-line data from the registrational Phase 3 bladder cancer trials is expected in 2012.
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma - Anticipate NDA filing in 2011.
Carcinoma of Unknown Primary ? TopoTarget on track to complete enrollment by year-end in the ongoing Phase 2 trial.
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Announces Second Quarter 2010 Corporate Update
Three and Six-Month Total Consolidated Revenues Approximately $12.3 Million and $23.4 Million, Respectively
Three and Six-Month Product Revenues Approximately $9.3 Million and $16.4 Million, Respectively
30% Increase Sequentially Over First Quarter
Continue to Anticipate FUSILEV, Belinostat and Apaziquone FDA Filings In 2010, 2011 and 2012, Respectively
Approximately $94.5 Million in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments as of June 30, 2010
Upcoming Company Goals and Milestones...
Continue to grow the brand;
Submit to the FDA data supporting removal of the BioScan requirement; and,
Continue to address uniformity and transparency for reimbursement in the community setting.
Submit to the FDA requested data for colorectal cancer sNDA by year end.
Top-line data from the registrational Phase 3 bladder cancer trials is expected in 2012.
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma - Anticipate NDA filing in 2011.
Carcinoma of Unknown Primary ? TopoTarget on track to complete enrollment by year-end in the ongoing Phase 2 trial.

Og retningen på SPPI-kursen verificerer fremtidigt potentiale...
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NasdaqGM: SPPI)
Real Time: 4.53 + 0.31 (7.35%)
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NasdaqGM: SPPI)
Real Time: 4.53 + 0.31 (7.35%)