Jeg har fulgt lidt med i Bioporto på det sidste. Det har givet mig et indtryk af, at mange investorer sidder, og følger med i hvad der sker i netop de her dage på ASN Renal week i Denver og MEDICA i Düsseldorf. Og ser frem til Bioportos Interim report nu her på onsdag. Jeg synes bare ikke at der har været nogle nyheder og finder om ASN og MEDICA på deres hjemmesider. Det er som om at Bioporto er svundet ind i mængden af selskaber.
Er der nogen har fundet nogle nyheder i forbindelse med de to konferencer?
Med venlig hilsen
Jeg har fulgt lidt med i Bioporto på det sidste. Det har givet mig et indtryk af, at mange investorer sidder, og følger med i hvad der sker i netop de her dage på ASN Renal week i Denver og MEDICA i Düsseldorf. Og ser frem til Bioportos Interim report nu her på onsdag. Jeg synes bare ikke at der har været nogle nyheder og finder om ASN og MEDICA på deres hjemmesider. Det er som om at Bioporto er svundet ind i mængden af selskaber.
Er der nogen har fundet nogle nyheder i forbindelse med de to konferencer?
Med venlig hilsen

Her er da lidt :
Earlier specialist care associated with lower incidence of ESRD and better patient outcomes
Among kidney disease patients, earlier care from a nephrologist is associated with a decreased likelihood of developing end-stage renal disease and a lower risk of death during the first year of dialysis, according to a study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition.
Although confirmatory studies are needed, increasing the number of patients who receive nephrologist treatment for advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) could have a substantial impact on the currently high U.S. ESRD rates as well as improve outcomes among those with ESRD, according to research by Elizabeth Hedgeman, MS, MPH (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and colleagues.
The researchers analysed Medicare data on more than 260,000 patients who started treatment for ESRD from 2005 to 2007. Just under one-fourth of patients were treated by a nephrologist for at least twelve months before their kidney disease progressed to ESRD, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Healthy People guidelines. 'We already know that nephrology care improves patient preparedness for ESRD onset, and is associated with lower first-year mortality in those who already have ESRD,' says Hedgeman. 'In our new study, we wanted to view the state of affairs for the nation as a whole,' says Hedgeman.
Patients who had been treated by a nephrologist for at least twelve months were in better health, more prepared for dialysis and better informed about their transplant options. In the first year after developing ESRD, the risk of death was about 40 percent lower for patients who had received the recommended nephrology care.
States varied widely in terms of the proportion of patients receiving recommended nephrology care. 'On a national level, states with larger percentages of patients receiving twelve or more months of nephrology care had correspondingly decreased rates of ESRD incidence and first-year mortality after ESRD onset,' says Hedgeman. 'Six months of care was better than no care, and twelve months of care was still better than six months,' according to Hedgeman. 'There was no indication that that the benefits of nephrologist involvement waned.'
National ESRD rates have risen steadily over the past two decades, and recent data suggest that 25 to 30 million Americans may have CKD - some of whom will eventually develop ESRD. The new study provides 'tantalising' evidence that seeing a specialist earlier in the course of CKD could have a significant impact on patients' health - not only improving outcomes for patients with ESRD, but also reducing the number of patients who progress to ESRD in the first place. 'It is imperative that we identify and implement measures to stop the development of CKD and its eventual progression to ESRD,' says Hedgeman.
Because of its observational nature, the study does not prove that longer duration of nephrology care leads to better patient outcomes, nor does it link duration of nephrology care to the level of kidney function at the time of referral to the nephrologist. 'Our snapshot of referral practices within the United States is incomplete without this information,' noted Hedgeman
Source: American Society of Nephrology
Og kildeangivelse :
Earlier specialist care associated with lower incidence of ESRD and better patient outcomes
Among kidney disease patients, earlier care from a nephrologist is associated with a decreased likelihood of developing end-stage renal disease and a lower risk of death during the first year of dialysis, according to a study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition.
Although confirmatory studies are needed, increasing the number of patients who receive nephrologist treatment for advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) could have a substantial impact on the currently high U.S. ESRD rates as well as improve outcomes among those with ESRD, according to research by Elizabeth Hedgeman, MS, MPH (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and colleagues.
The researchers analysed Medicare data on more than 260,000 patients who started treatment for ESRD from 2005 to 2007. Just under one-fourth of patients were treated by a nephrologist for at least twelve months before their kidney disease progressed to ESRD, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Healthy People guidelines. 'We already know that nephrology care improves patient preparedness for ESRD onset, and is associated with lower first-year mortality in those who already have ESRD,' says Hedgeman. 'In our new study, we wanted to view the state of affairs for the nation as a whole,' says Hedgeman.
Patients who had been treated by a nephrologist for at least twelve months were in better health, more prepared for dialysis and better informed about their transplant options. In the first year after developing ESRD, the risk of death was about 40 percent lower for patients who had received the recommended nephrology care.
States varied widely in terms of the proportion of patients receiving recommended nephrology care. 'On a national level, states with larger percentages of patients receiving twelve or more months of nephrology care had correspondingly decreased rates of ESRD incidence and first-year mortality after ESRD onset,' says Hedgeman. 'Six months of care was better than no care, and twelve months of care was still better than six months,' according to Hedgeman. 'There was no indication that that the benefits of nephrologist involvement waned.'
National ESRD rates have risen steadily over the past two decades, and recent data suggest that 25 to 30 million Americans may have CKD - some of whom will eventually develop ESRD. The new study provides 'tantalising' evidence that seeing a specialist earlier in the course of CKD could have a significant impact on patients' health - not only improving outcomes for patients with ESRD, but also reducing the number of patients who progress to ESRD in the first place. 'It is imperative that we identify and implement measures to stop the development of CKD and its eventual progression to ESRD,' says Hedgeman.
Because of its observational nature, the study does not prove that longer duration of nephrology care leads to better patient outcomes, nor does it link duration of nephrology care to the level of kidney function at the time of referral to the nephrologist. 'Our snapshot of referral practices within the United States is incomplete without this information,' noted Hedgeman
Source: American Society of Nephrology
Og kildeangivelse :
Læg specielt mærke til Conclusions her :
especially NGAL could be of value for determination of disease severity in patients with ADPKD.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
November 2010
Association of Urinary Biomarkers With Disease Severity in Patients With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Cross-sectional Analysis
Disease monitoring of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) will become more important with potential upcoming therapeutic interventions. Because serum creatinine level is considered of limited use and measurement of effective renal blood flow (ERBF) and total renal volume are time consuming and expensive, there is a need for other biomarkers. We aimed to investigate which urinary markers have increased levels in patients with ADPKD; whether these urinary markers are associated with measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR), ERBF, and total renal volume; and whether these associations are independent of albuminuria (urine albumin excretion [UAE]).
Study Design
Diagnostic test study.
Setting & Participants
102 patients with ADPKD (Ravine criteria) and 102 age- and sex-matched healthy controls.
Index Test
24-hour urinary excretion of glomerular (immunoglobulin G), proximal tubular (kidney injury molecule 1 [KIM-1], N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin [NGAL], and β2-microglobulin), and distal tubular (heart-type fatty acid binding protein [H-FABP]) damage markers and inflammatory markers (monocyte chemotactic protein 1 [MCP-1] and macrophage migration inhibitory factor).
Reference Test
Disease severity assessed using measures of kidney function (mGFR and ERBF, measured using clearance of iothalamate labeled with iodine 125 and hippuran labeled with iodine 131 during continuous infusion, respectively) and structure (total renal volume, measured using magnetic resonance imaging).
Other Measurements
24-hour UAE.
In 102 patients with ADPKD (aged 40 ± 11 years; 58% men), levels of all measured urinary biomarkers were increased compared with healthy controls. Excretion of immunoglobulin G and albumin relatively were most increased. ERBF and mGFR values were associated with urinary excretion of β2-microglobulin, NGAL, and H-FABP independent of UAE, whereas total renal volume was associated with KIM-1, NGAL, and MCP-1 independent of UAE.
Cross-sectional, single center.
Levels of markers for multiple parts of the nephron are increased in patients with ADPKD. In addition to measurement of UAE, measurement of urinary β2-microglobulin, KIM-1, H-FABP, MCP-1, and especially NGAL could be of value for determination of disease severity in patients with ADPKD.
Index Words: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, disease severity, albuminuria, immunoglobulin G, kidney injury molecule 1, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, heart-type fatty acid binding protein, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, monocyte chemotactic protein 1
Kilde : http://www.ajkd.org/article/PIIS0272638610011492/abstract?rss=yes
especially NGAL could be of value for determination of disease severity in patients with ADPKD.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
November 2010
Association of Urinary Biomarkers With Disease Severity in Patients With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Cross-sectional Analysis
Disease monitoring of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) will become more important with potential upcoming therapeutic interventions. Because serum creatinine level is considered of limited use and measurement of effective renal blood flow (ERBF) and total renal volume are time consuming and expensive, there is a need for other biomarkers. We aimed to investigate which urinary markers have increased levels in patients with ADPKD; whether these urinary markers are associated with measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR), ERBF, and total renal volume; and whether these associations are independent of albuminuria (urine albumin excretion [UAE]).
Study Design
Diagnostic test study.
Setting & Participants
102 patients with ADPKD (Ravine criteria) and 102 age- and sex-matched healthy controls.
Index Test
24-hour urinary excretion of glomerular (immunoglobulin G), proximal tubular (kidney injury molecule 1 [KIM-1], N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin [NGAL], and β2-microglobulin), and distal tubular (heart-type fatty acid binding protein [H-FABP]) damage markers and inflammatory markers (monocyte chemotactic protein 1 [MCP-1] and macrophage migration inhibitory factor).
Reference Test
Disease severity assessed using measures of kidney function (mGFR and ERBF, measured using clearance of iothalamate labeled with iodine 125 and hippuran labeled with iodine 131 during continuous infusion, respectively) and structure (total renal volume, measured using magnetic resonance imaging).
Other Measurements
24-hour UAE.
In 102 patients with ADPKD (aged 40 ± 11 years; 58% men), levels of all measured urinary biomarkers were increased compared with healthy controls. Excretion of immunoglobulin G and albumin relatively were most increased. ERBF and mGFR values were associated with urinary excretion of β2-microglobulin, NGAL, and H-FABP independent of UAE, whereas total renal volume was associated with KIM-1, NGAL, and MCP-1 independent of UAE.
Cross-sectional, single center.
Levels of markers for multiple parts of the nephron are increased in patients with ADPKD. In addition to measurement of UAE, measurement of urinary β2-microglobulin, KIM-1, H-FABP, MCP-1, and especially NGAL could be of value for determination of disease severity in patients with ADPKD.
Index Words: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, disease severity, albuminuria, immunoglobulin G, kidney injury molecule 1, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, heart-type fatty acid binding protein, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, monocyte chemotactic protein 1
Kilde : http://www.ajkd.org/article/PIIS0272638610011492/abstract?rss=yes
Hej Vandmand
Tak for informationen. Det er spændende læsning. Det kan være med med til at bekræfte behovet for tidlig diagnosticering af akutte nyresygdomme.
Der er stadig nogle ting som at jeg har svært ved at finde. Det er modtagelsen af Bioporto og deres NGAL test. Altså hvodanr ser deltagere, på de to konferrencer, på Bioportos NGAL test? Og har Bioporto kunne gøre et indtryk på nogle deltagere, nok til at der er blevet debateret om testen?
Hvis at jeg bruger søgefelterne på ASN og MEDICA, så synes der ikker at komme andet om Bioporto end den selskabsinformation som Bioporto har opgivet og deres produkter.
Tak for informationen. Det er spændende læsning. Det kan være med med til at bekræfte behovet for tidlig diagnosticering af akutte nyresygdomme.
Der er stadig nogle ting som at jeg har svært ved at finde. Det er modtagelsen af Bioporto og deres NGAL test. Altså hvodanr ser deltagere, på de to konferrencer, på Bioportos NGAL test? Og har Bioporto kunne gøre et indtryk på nogle deltagere, nok til at der er blevet debateret om testen?
Hvis at jeg bruger søgefelterne på ASN og MEDICA, så synes der ikker at komme andet om Bioporto end den selskabsinformation som Bioporto har opgivet og deres produkter.

Medica i Tyskland sluttede igår og ASN Renal week er stadig igang og slutter senere idag. Jeg er sikker på at vi nok skal komme til at høre om hvordan The NGAL Test bliver modtaget når folk lige har haft tid til at komme hjem og skrive lidt. Jeg tror vi går ind i nogle ualmindelig spændende uger for BioPorto og ikke mindst for aktionærerne 
Mvh Vandmand

Mvh Vandmand

Endnu et spændende link. Igen det som atder kunne være en indikering af at der er et behov for de hurtige NGAL tests.
Det som at jeg at jeg leder, er noget modvægt til vægten som i tiden hænger meget i den positive stemning omkring Bioporto. Ja, informationerne tyder på en spændende fremtid, men jeg vil gerne tage en beslutning udfra både det positive og negative.
Når det så er sagt, så er jeg ening i at det næste fjorten dage kan blive spændende at følge med i :)
Det som at jeg at jeg leder, er noget modvægt til vægten som i tiden hænger meget i den positive stemning omkring Bioporto. Ja, informationerne tyder på en spændende fremtid, men jeg vil gerne tage en beslutning udfra både det positive og negative.
Når det så er sagt, så er jeg ening i at det næste fjorten dage kan blive spændende at følge med i :)
Her er en lille samling af links i forhold til BioPorto :
1. BioPorto's hjemmeside http://www.antibodyshop.dk/
2. Netfonds med oplysninger om handel og kurser vedr. BioPorto
3. European Patent Office.
Alt nyt vedr indsigelser mod BioPorto's patent
4. Vedr US patentet
5. Druens blog
6. Spekulant.dk
Og ellers bare at holde sig opdateret med googlesøgninger på ordene ngal, ngaltest, BioPorto, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin osv. Et trick er at gå ind i værktøjslinien *flere værktøjer* og trykke på f.eks *seneste 24 timer*. Så kan man nøjes med at kigge nye ting igennem.
Go jagt
1. BioPorto's hjemmeside http://www.antibodyshop.dk/
2. Netfonds med oplysninger om handel og kurser vedr. BioPorto
3. European Patent Office.
Alt nyt vedr indsigelser mod BioPorto's patent
4. Vedr US patentet
5. Druens blog
6. Spekulant.dk
Og ellers bare at holde sig opdateret med googlesøgninger på ordene ngal, ngaltest, BioPorto, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin osv. Et trick er at gå ind i værktøjslinien *flere værktøjer* og trykke på f.eks *seneste 24 timer*. Så kan man nøjes med at kigge nye ting igennem.
Go jagt

*we found that only NGAL concentrations were suitable for detecting acute kidney injury with adequate sensitivity and specificity*
Comparison of urinary neutrophil glucosaminidase-associated lipocalin, cystatin C, and alpha(1)-microglobulin for early detection of acute renal injury after cardiac surgery.
et klip : we found that only NGAL concentrations were suitable for detecting acute kidney injury with adequate sensitivity and specificity
Kilde : http://www.bioportfolio.com/resources/pmarticle/18070/Comparison-Of-Urinary-Neutrophil-Glucosaminidase-associated-Lipocalin-Cystatin-C-And-Alpha-1.html
Comparison of urinary neutrophil glucosaminidase-associated lipocalin, cystatin C, and alpha(1)-microglobulin for early detection of acute renal injury after cardiac surgery.
et klip : we found that only NGAL concentrations were suitable for detecting acute kidney injury with adequate sensitivity and specificity
Kilde : http://www.bioportfolio.com/resources/pmarticle/18070/Comparison-Of-Urinary-Neutrophil-Glucosaminidase-associated-Lipocalin-Cystatin-C-And-Alpha-1.html