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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

bilsalg latinamerika

37662 le 8/1 2011 17:04

Brazil car sales up record 11% in 2010

ja det er utrolig så godt det går i brazilien og i hele latinamerika, især er december tallet på 361.000 utroligt stærkt netop som indikator på boomet her og nu på kort sigt og netop globalt set og det boomer i alle lande i latinamerika måske lige bortset fra venezuela og væksten i mexico er heller ikke så stor

bilsalgbet i cile, columbien og argentina er også højere end på toppen før finanskrisen, de mindre lande som peru, bolivia, equador, urugay og paraguai har jeg ikke fundet data for, men de er nok også trukket med op af det generelle boom i latinamerika og stærke råvarepriser, ialt ca 6 mio biler, der har en væsentlig betydning for det nuværende globale V-recovery

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EmailPrint.. AFP/File ? A general view shows the Tiete express highway, one of the ring roads most prone to traffic-jams in Sao ?
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? Wed Jan 5, 1:25 pm ET
SAO PAULO (AFP) ? Brazil's auto sales expanded 11 percent last year, the national car dealers' association FENABRAVE said Wednesday, announcing a new record that confirmed the country's burgeoning economy.

A total 3.3 million light vehicles were sold in 2010, based on registration figures from FENABRAVE. Truck sales jumped 44 percent.

"The figures for December were spectacular," FENABRAVE's president, Sergio Reze, said.

In December, a total 361,000 cars and light vehicles were sold, higher than the 278,000 sold in December 2009, according to his group's figures.

He predicted, however, that the sector's would grow only "moderately" this year, at 5.2 percent, as Brazil's economic growth slowed from an estimated 7.5 percent last year to under five percent in 2011, and the soaring currency, the real, depressed exports.

Brazil last year overtook Germany as the fourth-biggest car market in the world, behind China, the United States and Japan.

The country, with a population of 192 million, has approximately one vehicle per seven residents, leaving plenty of room for growth.

There are some 30 million vehicles in use in Brazil, and the world's big car companies expect that fleet to balloon as the country's economic boom creates more consumers.

Europe and the United States, in contrast, are seen as saturated markets with minimal growth prospects.

In terms of manufacturing, Brazil is the sixth-biggest vehicle producer in the world, turning out more than 3.6 million units under 17 different brands.

That base looks set to expand further with Italian maker Fiat investing 1.8 billion dollars to build a second factory, and South Korea's Hyundai and China's Chery poised to also open plants.

The rise of Brazil's real, though, is dampening the outlook somewhat, making imported competition more affordable and Brazilian-made exports more costly.

Fiat remained the leading market brand in Brazil, accounting for 23.1 percent of sales, followed closely by Germany's Volkswagen (22.7 percent) and General Motors of the United States (21.2 percent).

8/1 2011 20:34 le 037668


samme billede som ses i thailand, malaysia og indien - ekstremt høje vækstrater i bilsalget langt over niveauet fra før finanskrisen og selvfølgeligt endnu mere udtalt i kina

JAKARTA - Car sales in the Indonesian market reached an all-time record at 763,415 units last year, an increase of 57 per cent from 486,196 units in 2009.

The sales also overshot targets of 720,000 units set for 2010, the association of motor vehicle industries said.

9/1 2011 21:53 TeamGarlic 037709

Hej Le

Tak for dit indlæg. Hvem er det så som nyder godt af det øgede bilsalg ?
Både Hyundai og Tata Motors kan handles i USA (Hyundai også i Frankfurt).
Tata har været en vinder på langt sigt, mens Hyundai har klaret sig rigtig flot det seneste år.

Hyundai, Tata Motors

Hyundai, Tata Motors