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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Britiske Banker bliver stadigt smadret totalt

3919 9/3 2009 12:57

Barclays handles nu til samme værdi som danske bank. Omkring 40 mia DKK med et overskud på 70 mia DKK i 2008. Hmm. Defaultspøgelset

March 8 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc, the third-biggest U.K. bank, will speak with British Treasury officials to determine whether its participation in a government asset-insurance program would be positive for shareholders.

“We need to take a view as to whether the scheme will benefit our shareholders,” spokesman Alistair Smith said by telephone today. “For that, there will need to be engagement with the Treasury.”

Lloyds Banking Group Plc and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc have put loans into the plan, which is intended to protect banks against further losses and spur the economy. Barclays said in January that it wouldn’t need government funding because of “record revenue” from the London-based company’s investment- banking unit and the acquisition of Lehman Brother Holdings Inc.

Barclays has declined 84 percent in 12 months in London trading, slashing the bank’s market value to 5.4 billion pounds ($7.6 billion).

The bank may place assets worth as much as 60 billion pounds into the government’s insurance program, the Sunday Express reported on its Web site, without saying where it got the information. Barclays is in talks with the Treasury and has already put forward 8 billion of assets for it to consider, the newspaper said.

Smith declined to comment on the Express report.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has tightened his grip on British banks since October, when he pledged 37 billion pounds to recapitalize Lloyds and RBS. Lloyds will be the fourth British bank to cede control to the government since the collapse of Northern Rock Plc in September 2007.

The Treasury has discussed the program with all the banks, a spokesman said by telephone today. Banks have until March 31 to decide whether to join the plan, the spokesman said.

9/3 2009 13:02 JørgenVarnæs 03921

Det - undskyld mit sprog - fucking skræmmende, hvad der sker i England. Fortsætter den udvikling, så kan bankerne komme til at rive hele landet med sig. Det kan være jeg skal smutte en tur i Netto og købe hele lageret af leverpostej på dåse...

9/3 2009 13:07 03923

Jeg vil tro at danske bank, som er ligeså udsat skal ned i 10 mia DKK i marketcap :-(

9/3 2009 13:22 stengård 03930

TINA - There Is No Alternative, som Mr. Thatchers hustru altid sagde...

Problemstillingen er jo nok at hvis man lader bankerne sejle deres egen vil de jo med rimelig sanddsynlighed trække hele samfundet med sig "the end of civilization as we know it".

Personligt er jeg temmlig bekymret ved udviklingen i de nye EU-lande - for hvis vi dårligt kan holde os selv oven vande hvordan skal vi så hjælpe dem ? Her til morgen læste jeg at Albanien nu var klar til at ansøge om EU-medlemsskab.... man græmmes...

9/3 2009 13:32 03933

Jeg tror Øst Europa kommer til at sejle deres egen sø.

10/3 2009 12:53 04103

Hvis det er rigtigt så kommer den her til at stige temmeligt meget