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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

Solarfun = HSOL

39305 Panic 22/2 2011 17:14

Hvad sker der med Solarfun ??

23/2 2011 08:29 Kristensen 039331

Er du sikker på ovenstående er Solarfun? Jeg får det til NASDAQ:SOLF

Men kan tage fejl. Ser ikke ud til den blev handlet i går.

27/2 2011 12:30 apis 039489

Er splittet i forholdet 1:1
Solar powerfun til Hawha solarone

27/2 2011 12:32 Nippon1976 039490

Hvad Betyder det apis??

28/2 2011 19:20 apis 039549

De skifter groft sagt lidt fokus

Hanwha SolarOne is an independent, global, vertically integrated PV module manufacturer. Since 2004, as Solarfun, the Company has built a firm reputation as an established manufacturer, with a competitive cost structure and broad portfolio of high-quality PV products. By changing its name to Hanwha SolarOne, the Company has signaled its new relationship with its largest shareholder Hanwha Chemical Corporation, which offers significant, beneficial synergies

Dr. Peter Xie, President and CEO of Hanwha SolarOne commented, "Hanwha SolarOne represents a redefinition of the solar value chain. With enhanced control of our supply chain through the raw material capabilities of Hanwha Chemical Corporation, and expanded project development capabilities through the Hanwha Group, we believe Hanwha SolarOne will be able to develop a broader PV module portfolio for a wide range of applications in the utility, commercial, and residential markets. Our new name — Hanwha SolarOne — reflects our aspiration to be among the top global PV module manufacturers, while we carry on our same dedication to providing cost-effective, high-quality products to our customers."

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