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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Pepscan får penge af Genmab for milestone

4141 10/3 2009 17:13

Pepscan Achieves First Milestone in Research Collaboration With Genmab

LELYSTAD, The Netherlands, March 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Pepscan Therapeutics (Pepscan) today announced that it has earned a milestone payment from Genmab A/S. The milestone payment arises from an ongoing Research Collaboration aimed at identifying human antibodies against intractable targets. Pepscan is responsible for using it CLIPS(TM) technology to generate immunogens that mimic the protein targets to induce human antibodies against these intractable targets.

Under the terms of the collaboration agreement, Pepscan is eligible to receive additional payments from Genmab upon the achievement of certain development and regulatory milestones. Pepscan is also eligible to receive royalties on potential sales of any therapeutics developed as a result of the collaboration.

"The achievement of this milestone further validates Pepscan's CLIPS(TM) platform", said Rob Meloen, CSO of Pepscan Therapeutics. "We are pleased to see the significant progress that has been made in the collaboration with Genmab."

About Intractable Targets

"Intractable" Targets are drug targets that would be desirable to address with monoclonal antibodies but are inaccessible with alternative commercially available technologies. This can be due to the fact that target proteins are buried to a large extent very close to the cell surface or in the cell membrane or due to poor immunogenicity of the protein or desirable epitopes.

About Pepscan Therapeutics

Pepscan Therapeutics is a product focused immunotherapy company based in the Netherlands. It has developed a pipeline of therapeutic vaccine and antibody programs of which the most advanced is in Phase II clinical testing. Pepscan's proprietary and innovative CLIPS(TM) technology has proven to yield functional antibodies reactive with a range of complex proteins, including GPCRs.

About CLIPS(TM) Technology

Chemically Linked Immunogenic Peptides on Scaffolds (CLIPS(TM)) is a technology to present one or more peptides in a structurally constrained configuration. These molecules behave as functional mimics of complex protein domains that serve as superior immunogens in the induction and selection of antibodies against disease relevant protein targets. This is especially valuable in the case of proteins that are inaccessible as recombinant proteins (e.g. GPCRs, ion channels, patented proteins).

10/3 2009 18:17 04153

Er i døde eller hvad? Genmab i 198.....Og vi er 20 dages go fra FDA og milestones. Hvis nogen har fat i den analyse fra ING må de meget gerne sende den.

10/3 2009 18:23 JørgenVarnæs 04154

ja, vore svenske "venner" gør hvad de kan for at trykke den i gulvet. Mon de har brug for hård valuta derover eller hvad?

10/3 2009 18:34 Stinker 04155

Ja de har sikkert gjort en god forretning allgevel, når først de veksler stålkronerne til Skåne-pesetas. Det er meget værre at Danske også sælger nu - der er næppe nogen profit at hjemtage.

10/3 2009 18:38 04156

vi har relativ stor omsætning idag 240K

10/3 2009 19:05 tumult 04160

Jeg tror ikke det var INGs analyse der fik Gen til at falde i dag.
Det skyldes nok nærmere Nordea der gennem længere tid har solgt ud
( idag 62.000 stk) De andre mæglere har lugtet lunten.
Hvem mon Nordea sælger for.?

10/3 2009 19:14 04161

Der kan være to GoCapital og Medarex, hvis de er i markedet for salg. Det kan jo også være privat tvangssalg her i aktieholocausten

10/3 2009 19:33 tumult 04167

GoCapital er under 5% mener jeg, så dem kan det godt være, men Medarex skulle vel være kommet med en meddelelse hvis det er dem.?
Hvis det er tvangssalg er det formentlig slut nu, hvor det øvrige marked stiger.

11/3 2009 00:23 04188

In the Corporate Dealmaker column in March 9 issue of The Deal magazine, I look at how the downturn is leading to the restructuring of some established joint ventures and may also catalyze the formation of new ones. The column is available online here.

The restructurings result from the way the recession is pushing some partnerships (and in particular, collaborations in the chip sector) out of alignment. The new JVs, meanwhile, are likely to be defensive in nature, helping companies (especially in the automotive sector) to stay in the game in R&D or shore up a sagging supplier they have in common.

At The Deal LLC's Healthcare Dealmaking Symposium in New York on Tuesday, I heard another, subtler example of how current economic conditions are affecting the way companies work together. Moderator Alex Lash of The Deal asked a panel on cross-border deals how currency fluctuations are affecting their activities.

Panelist Annarie Lyles, SVP for biz dev at Genmab Inc., the big, Denmark-based biotech, answered with regard to the extensive co-development work Genmab is doing with GlaxoSmithKline plc. The decision of what to do where was entirely science driven at the outset, she said. Who would be best at the particular task? But as currencies fluctuate, "it raises some business issues." - Kenneth Klee

11/3 2009 00:45 tumult 04189

Og det betyder?

11/3 2009 03:11 04194

Ja det er faktisk et godt spørgsmål. Men det ser ud som om at genmab er ude noget valutaspekulation fsva. hvor udgifter skal afholdes. I det hele taget en ufattelig mærkelig information at blive citeret for.

11/3 2009 03:18 stengård 04195

det ser vel nærmere ud som - at man har lagt udviklingsomkostningerne hvor man troede det var billigst (og camoufleret det som #bedst#) - og nu med valutabevægelserne in mente - er det ikke sikkert at det er tilfældet ...