Ibland kan man undra över fokuseringen på CUP och PTCL. Denna AML-studie har varit färdigrekryterad sedan länge:
Och interimdata har nyligen meddelats som skulle fått vilken annan liten biotechaktie som helst att flyga hur högt som helst:
"Conclusion: In the ongoing PXD101-CLN-15 study no dose limiting toxicity was determined so far. Clinical efficacy in the form of complete remissions has been demonstrated both of the belinostat monotherapy and of the combination with idarubicin in the 5-d regimen as well as in the CIV regimen. Dose escalation continues as preparation for a phase 2 expansion."
Jag repeterar: "complete remissions has been demonstrated both of the belinostat monotherapy and of the combination with idarubicin"
Complete remissions! I en grupp dödsdömda!
Sendt fra ProInvestor gruppen
Och interimdata har nyligen meddelats som skulle fått vilken annan liten biotechaktie som helst att flyga hur högt som helst:
"Conclusion: In the ongoing PXD101-CLN-15 study no dose limiting toxicity was determined so far. Clinical efficacy in the form of complete remissions has been demonstrated both of the belinostat monotherapy and of the combination with idarubicin in the 5-d regimen as well as in the CIV regimen. Dose escalation continues as preparation for a phase 2 expansion."
Jag repeterar: "complete remissions has been demonstrated both of the belinostat monotherapy and of the combination with idarubicin"
Complete remissions! I en grupp dödsdömda!
Sendt fra ProInvestor gruppen

Jeg undrer mig over fokus på helt irrelevante pharmaceutiske data. Dette er et aktieforum og ikke en diskussion af forskellige produkters kliniske fordele og ulemper. Intet af hvad du skriver bidrager til forståelsen af TOPO's potentiale.
- turin
- turin