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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

første bilsalg

429 le 1/12 2008 10:52

faktisk ret alvorligt at maruti falder 27%, de har mere end halvdelen af markedet for personbiler i indien

Maruti car sales dip 27% in Nov

1 Dec 2008, 1153 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: Country's biggest car maker Maruti Suzuki India today reported 27.4 per cent decline in car sales during November at 47,103 units
compared to 64,885 units in the same month last year.

Total vehicle sales during the month were down by 24.4 per cent at 52,711 units against 69,699 units in the same month last year, the company said in a statement.

Sales of compact cars, comprising Alto, Zen Estilo, Wagon R, Swift and A-Star, were down by 26.6 per cent at 34,976 units compared to 47,641 units in November last year, the company said.

Combined sales of sedans SX4 and Dzire during the month, however, grew by 40.3 per cent at 5,975 units compared to 4,260 units last year, it added.

Domestic sales were down by 26.9 per cent at 47,704 units compared to 65,216 units in the corresponding month last year. Exports during the month grew by 11.7 per cent at 5,007 units from 4,483 units last year.

1/12 2008 10:56 le 0430

jeg skrev samme indlæg som svar på min blog om bilsalg

men det blev ikke gemt