lige nu er markedet steget markant de sidste 5 dage og også i ugen før bortset fra et fald sidste fredag
jeg vil lige referere til mine forudsigelser på basis af analyser af lagerbevægelser og standsning af produktion af komponenter og færdige produkrer indenfor biler og elektronik som nu er ved at være løst med et behov for genopbygning af lagrene som årsag til at aktierne stiger fordi væksten globalt set bliver genoptaget
jeg copy paster først den uforskammede mail fra turin og derefter det jeg skrev i midten af forrige uge, hvor jeg forudsiger at aktierne vil fortsætte med at stige
le, du får ikke svar på indlæg når du næsten daglig skriver, hvad der må betegnes som selvfølgeligheder. "Markedet stiger" er i mine øjne et lavpunkt for indlæg på PI. Undskyld den måske lidt hårde tone, men skriv når du har noget at bidrage med.
markedet stiger stærkt
43290 le 21/6 2011 22:463 Tilbage til oversigtle
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Erfaren PI'er
mon man kan forestille sig, nu hvor der er så mange TA folk der udtaler sig, at
stigningerne de sidste 4 børsdage netop skyldes at japan har fået løst deres problemer og har genoptaget produktionen af biler og elektronik mm i bl.a. usa og andre lande at markedet reagerer på at al den snak om svag global vækst har været noget vrøvl, blot fremkaldt af katastroferne i japan og ikke var nogen fundamental udvikling, men en midlertidig afmatning pga mangel på komponenter og færdigvarer fra japan
den almindelige pessimisme har også fået råvarepriserne bl.a. olien ned i pris, hvilket yderligere vil forstærke styrken i opsvinget når lagrene nu skal genopbygges
jeg tror TA folket kunne lære en del af at lære at fortolke de fundamentale svinginger i økonomierne og brancherne også på kort sigt, også lagerbevægelserne, de giver ofte bedre signaler end alle de mærkelige TA signaler TA folket fabler om og som jeg ikke kan bruge til noget
jeg vil lige referere til mine forudsigelser på basis af analyser af lagerbevægelser og standsning af produktion af komponenter og færdige produkrer indenfor biler og elektronik som nu er ved at være løst med et behov for genopbygning af lagrene som årsag til at aktierne stiger fordi væksten globalt set bliver genoptaget
jeg copy paster først den uforskammede mail fra turin og derefter det jeg skrev i midten af forrige uge, hvor jeg forudsiger at aktierne vil fortsætte med at stige
le, du får ikke svar på indlæg når du næsten daglig skriver, hvad der må betegnes som selvfølgeligheder. "Markedet stiger" er i mine øjne et lavpunkt for indlæg på PI. Undskyld den måske lidt hårde tone, men skriv når du har noget at bidrage med.
markedet stiger stærkt
43290 le 21/6 2011 22:463 Tilbage til oversigtle
Followers: 50
Netværk: 3
Antal indlæg: 1434
Erfaren PI'er
mon man kan forestille sig, nu hvor der er så mange TA folk der udtaler sig, at
stigningerne de sidste 4 børsdage netop skyldes at japan har fået løst deres problemer og har genoptaget produktionen af biler og elektronik mm i bl.a. usa og andre lande at markedet reagerer på at al den snak om svag global vækst har været noget vrøvl, blot fremkaldt af katastroferne i japan og ikke var nogen fundamental udvikling, men en midlertidig afmatning pga mangel på komponenter og færdigvarer fra japan
den almindelige pessimisme har også fået råvarepriserne bl.a. olien ned i pris, hvilket yderligere vil forstærke styrken i opsvinget når lagrene nu skal genopbygges
jeg tror TA folket kunne lære en del af at lære at fortolke de fundamentale svinginger i økonomierne og brancherne også på kort sigt, også lagerbevægelserne, de giver ofte bedre signaler end alle de mærkelige TA signaler TA folket fabler om og som jeg ikke kan bruge til noget

Stocks continue rally after manufacturing report
Stocks continue weeklong rally as manufacturing rebounds
tweet0EmailPrint..Companies:Alcoa, Inc.Apple Inc.Nike Inc.Topics:Stocks.Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
AA 16.10 +0.24
AAPL 336.98 +1.30
NKE 90.86 +0.88
Follow these stocks
{"s" : "aa,aapl,nke","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} David K. Randall, AP Business Writer, On Friday July 1, 2011, 10:19 am
NEW YORK (AP) -- A report that manufacturing rebounded in June prolonged a weeklong rally in the stock market Friday. The Dow Jones industrial average is on track to have its best week in a year.
The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index rose to 55.3 from 53.5 in May. The index had its sharpest one-month drop since 1984 in May as a shortage of auto parts from Japan and high gasoline prices cut into spending.
Stock indexes jumped following the report. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 90 points, or 0.7 percent, to 12,507 in morning trading. The S&P 500 gained 9, or 0.7 percent, to 1,330. The NASDAQ composite rose 19, or 0.7 percent, to 2,793.
Stock indexes are on pace for their best week since July of last year. The Dow Jones industrial average gained nearly 480 points over the last 4 days.
The weeklong rally began Monday after Nike Inc. reported surprisingly strong quarterly results. That led investors to believe that shoppers are continuing to splurge on sneakers and sportswear despite the recent run-up in gas prices. The Dow added more than 150 points Thursday after Greece cleared its final hurdle before it receives its next round of loans and a report found that manufacturing in the Chicago region picked up unexpectedly.
The for-profit education company Apollo Group rose 7 percent despite a steep drop in students after beating analyst's profit estimates. Darden Restaurants, the parent company of Red Lobster and the Olive Garden, rose nearly 3 percent after reporting that sales rose at all of its divisions. And Eastman Kodak lost nearly 12 percent after a judge threw out some of its claims in a trade dispute with Apple Inc. and Research in Motion Ltd.
The Dow eked out a small gain for the quarter that ended Thursday. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ each fell less than 0.4 percent.
No major corporate earnings reports are expected Friday. The next major round of earnings announcements begins July 11 when aluminum-maker Alcoa Inc. releases its results.
Stocks continue weeklong rally as manufacturing rebounds
tweet0EmailPrint..Companies:Alcoa, Inc.Apple Inc.Nike Inc.Topics:Stocks.Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
AA 16.10 +0.24
AAPL 336.98 +1.30
NKE 90.86 +0.88
Follow these stocks
{"s" : "aa,aapl,nke","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} David K. Randall, AP Business Writer, On Friday July 1, 2011, 10:19 am
NEW YORK (AP) -- A report that manufacturing rebounded in June prolonged a weeklong rally in the stock market Friday. The Dow Jones industrial average is on track to have its best week in a year.
The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index rose to 55.3 from 53.5 in May. The index had its sharpest one-month drop since 1984 in May as a shortage of auto parts from Japan and high gasoline prices cut into spending.
Stock indexes jumped following the report. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 90 points, or 0.7 percent, to 12,507 in morning trading. The S&P 500 gained 9, or 0.7 percent, to 1,330. The NASDAQ composite rose 19, or 0.7 percent, to 2,793.
Stock indexes are on pace for their best week since July of last year. The Dow Jones industrial average gained nearly 480 points over the last 4 days.
The weeklong rally began Monday after Nike Inc. reported surprisingly strong quarterly results. That led investors to believe that shoppers are continuing to splurge on sneakers and sportswear despite the recent run-up in gas prices. The Dow added more than 150 points Thursday after Greece cleared its final hurdle before it receives its next round of loans and a report found that manufacturing in the Chicago region picked up unexpectedly.
The for-profit education company Apollo Group rose 7 percent despite a steep drop in students after beating analyst's profit estimates. Darden Restaurants, the parent company of Red Lobster and the Olive Garden, rose nearly 3 percent after reporting that sales rose at all of its divisions. And Eastman Kodak lost nearly 12 percent after a judge threw out some of its claims in a trade dispute with Apple Inc. and Research in Motion Ltd.
The Dow eked out a small gain for the quarter that ended Thursday. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ each fell less than 0.4 percent.
No major corporate earnings reports are expected Friday. The next major round of earnings announcements begins July 11 when aluminum-maker Alcoa Inc. releases its results.

Manufacturing activity grew faster in June
Manufacturing sector expanded faster in June as new orders, employment pick up
tweet5EmailPrint..Companies:Caterpillar Inc.Topics:Industrial Goods.
In this May 19, 2011 photo, line worker Dave Zamora works on a pre-production Chevrolet Sonic at the General Motors Orion Assembly plant in Orion Township, Mich. A private trade group says that manufacturing activity in June recovered somewhat from a sharp slowdown in May.(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
CAT 108.22 +1.76
{"s" : "cat","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} Tali Arbel, AP Business Writer, On Friday July 1, 2011, 10:39 am
NEW YORK (AP) -- Manufacturing activity recovered somewhat in June from a sharp slowdown in May, a private trade group said Friday.
There were more new orders for goods and employment picked up last month. But the index remains markedly lower than it was earlier this year, suggesting that the recovery is weak.
The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing executives, said that its index of manufacturing activity rose to 55.3 in June from 53.5 in May, the slowest growth in 20 months.
A reading above 50 indicates that the manufacturing sector is expanding.
The June increase surprised economists who had been expecting, on average, a further decline to 52, according to a survey by FactSet.
The factory sector has been the primary driver of the recovery, growing now for 23 straight months. Large manufacturers of industrial equipment and machinery, such as Caterpillar Inc., have benefited from strong growth overseas and a weaker dollar.
Growth had slowed sharply in May, however. High gas prices cut into consumer spending and there was an auto parts shortage stemming from Japan's March 11 earthquake.
But gas prices have come down after spiking to almost $4 a gallon in May, and the price of oil is below $100 a barrel.
Economists are also counting on a recovery in auto production to boost second half growth. Deutsche Bank economists estimate that improved auto manufacturing could add as much as a full percentage point to third and fourth quarter growth.
The economy grew only 1.9 percent in the January-March period, the government said last week. Most economists have expected growth to be similarly weak in the current April-June period.
The ISM, a trade group of purchasing executives based in Tempe, Ariz., compiles its manufacturing index by surveying about 300 purchasing executives across the country.
Manufacturing sector expanded faster in June as new orders, employment pick up
tweet5EmailPrint..Companies:Caterpillar Inc.Topics:Industrial Goods.
In this May 19, 2011 photo, line worker Dave Zamora works on a pre-production Chevrolet Sonic at the General Motors Orion Assembly plant in Orion Township, Mich. A private trade group says that manufacturing activity in June recovered somewhat from a sharp slowdown in May.(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
CAT 108.22 +1.76
{"s" : "cat","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} Tali Arbel, AP Business Writer, On Friday July 1, 2011, 10:39 am
NEW YORK (AP) -- Manufacturing activity recovered somewhat in June from a sharp slowdown in May, a private trade group said Friday.
There were more new orders for goods and employment picked up last month. But the index remains markedly lower than it was earlier this year, suggesting that the recovery is weak.
The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing executives, said that its index of manufacturing activity rose to 55.3 in June from 53.5 in May, the slowest growth in 20 months.
A reading above 50 indicates that the manufacturing sector is expanding.
The June increase surprised economists who had been expecting, on average, a further decline to 52, according to a survey by FactSet.
The factory sector has been the primary driver of the recovery, growing now for 23 straight months. Large manufacturers of industrial equipment and machinery, such as Caterpillar Inc., have benefited from strong growth overseas and a weaker dollar.
Growth had slowed sharply in May, however. High gas prices cut into consumer spending and there was an auto parts shortage stemming from Japan's March 11 earthquake.
But gas prices have come down after spiking to almost $4 a gallon in May, and the price of oil is below $100 a barrel.
Economists are also counting on a recovery in auto production to boost second half growth. Deutsche Bank economists estimate that improved auto manufacturing could add as much as a full percentage point to third and fourth quarter growth.
The economy grew only 1.9 percent in the January-March period, the government said last week. Most economists have expected growth to be similarly weak in the current April-June period.
The ISM, a trade group of purchasing executives based in Tempe, Ariz., compiles its manufacturing index by surveying about 300 purchasing executives across the country.

GM, Ford June sales rise as gas prices fall
GM, Ford sales rise in June. Gas prices fall, pickup sales gain; small cars still in demand
tweet6EmailPrint..Companies:Ford Motor Co.General Motors CompanyHonda Motor Co., Ltd..
In this Feb. 9, 2011 photo, a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 is displayed at the Chicago Auto Show, in Chicago. Falling gas prices brought people back to General Motors showrooms in June, 2011, with the company reporting a 10 percent increase from a year earlier. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
F 14.02 +0.23
GM 30.60 +0.24
HMC 38.87 +0.26
TM 83.09 +0.67
Follow these stocks
{"s" : "f,gm,hmc,tm","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin, AP Auto Writers, On Friday July 1, 2011, 12:12 pm
DETROIT (AP) -- Falling gas prices brought truck buyers back to Ford and General Motors showrooms last month. Still, pump prices remained high enough that shoppers snapped up smaller cars as well.
GM sales rose 10 percent in June from a year ago. The Detroit car company said it sold 215,358 cars and trucks last month, up from 195,380 a year ago. Ford sales also rose 10 percent.
The results indicate the auto industry's slow recovery from the recession is back on track after a brief slump in May.
GM said that cheaper gas lured more pickup truck buyers with Chevrolet Silverado sales rising 5 percent and GMC Sierra sales up 8 percent compared with a year earlier. Sales of Ford's F-Series pickups rose 7 percent.
Any jump in pickup sales helps the Detroit automakers, which sell more than five times as many pickups as foreign-based brands.
Still, GM's sales were led by smaller, more fuel-efficient models like the new Chevrolet Cruze compact. Sales of the Cruze more than doubled the sales of the car it replaced, the lackluster Chevrolet Cobalt. Gas prices averaged $3.68 per gallon in June, cheaper than in May but hardly inexpensive.
"There is a certain portion of consumers that react to gas prices almost on a daily basis, and they decide what to buy based on those prices," said Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends and insights for car pricing site TrueCar.com.
GM's small-car and crossover sales also got a boost from earthquake-related shortages of Japanese models that persisted through June.
GM is the first major car company to report U.S. sales on Wednesday. Earlier, Volkswagen of America Inc. said its U.S. sales rose 35 percent in June on strong demand for its Jetta midsize sedan and other models. Industry analysts expect overall U.S. sales to rise 13.5 percent from last June.
Even with sales rebounding in June, GM backed off a bit from its sales forecast for the year. Don Johnson, vice president of U.S. sales, said he now expects the total sales to be at the low end of the company's previous prediction of 13 million to 13.5 million vehicles.
Johnson blamed the change on stubbornly high unemployment, which contributed to the decline in May. Total U.S. sales fell 3.7 percent in May after a string of double-digit monthly increases.
Johnson sees the slow recovery continuing through the rest of the year. He said that even with unemployment around 9 percent, 91 percent of the country is still working, and many are driving older cars.
"There are still people out there looking for a vehicle and in many cases need to replace their vehicles," Johnson said.
The average car on the road now is 10.6 years old, according to the Polk research firm.
Johnson also said GM plans to roll out new versions of the Silverado and Sierra pickups next year.
Automakers expect to sell around 1.1 million cars and trucks in June. That's up 5 percent from May, when parts shortages caused by the March earthquake in Japan, $4-per-gallon gas and a lack of deals caused a slump.
But the pace of sales has slowed from the beginning of this year. Like GM, some analysts are starting to question the strength of the recovery. J.D. Power and Associates lowered its full-year sales forecast from 13 million vehicles to 12.9 million, saying the sluggish economy could take a bite out of sales even if car shortages ease by this fall.
Shortages are keeping car prices high, and they will likely stay that way through September, J.D. Power said. In the meantime, hiring has slowed, the unemployment rate is creeping up and incomes are flat. Consumer confidence slipped to a seven-month low in June.
"Things aren't quite as healthy in the current environment as expected earlier this year," said Jeff Schuster, J.D. Power's executive director of global forecasting.
One issue for automakers is the lack of small, fuel-efficient cars on their lots. Japanese automakers expect earthquake-related shortages of popular products like the Toyota Prius and Honda Civic for several more months, and Detroit automakers can't meet the demand for small cars alone. The industry began June with a 30-day supply of compact and subcompact cars, and inventory has only gotten tighter since then, Ford's top U.S. sales analyst George Pipas said. That compares to a 51-day supply of all cars and trucks.
Pipas said that instead of moving into mid-size cars, small-car shoppers are simply waiting. Both Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. have said they expect their North American production to be at near-normal levels by late summer, and more cars will get to dealerships soon after that.
GM, Ford sales rise in June. Gas prices fall, pickup sales gain; small cars still in demand
tweet6EmailPrint..Companies:Ford Motor Co.General Motors CompanyHonda Motor Co., Ltd..
In this Feb. 9, 2011 photo, a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 is displayed at the Chicago Auto Show, in Chicago. Falling gas prices brought people back to General Motors showrooms in June, 2011, with the company reporting a 10 percent increase from a year earlier. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
F 14.02 +0.23
GM 30.60 +0.24
HMC 38.87 +0.26
TM 83.09 +0.67
Follow these stocks
{"s" : "f,gm,hmc,tm","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin, AP Auto Writers, On Friday July 1, 2011, 12:12 pm
DETROIT (AP) -- Falling gas prices brought truck buyers back to Ford and General Motors showrooms last month. Still, pump prices remained high enough that shoppers snapped up smaller cars as well.
GM sales rose 10 percent in June from a year ago. The Detroit car company said it sold 215,358 cars and trucks last month, up from 195,380 a year ago. Ford sales also rose 10 percent.
The results indicate the auto industry's slow recovery from the recession is back on track after a brief slump in May.
GM said that cheaper gas lured more pickup truck buyers with Chevrolet Silverado sales rising 5 percent and GMC Sierra sales up 8 percent compared with a year earlier. Sales of Ford's F-Series pickups rose 7 percent.
Any jump in pickup sales helps the Detroit automakers, which sell more than five times as many pickups as foreign-based brands.
Still, GM's sales were led by smaller, more fuel-efficient models like the new Chevrolet Cruze compact. Sales of the Cruze more than doubled the sales of the car it replaced, the lackluster Chevrolet Cobalt. Gas prices averaged $3.68 per gallon in June, cheaper than in May but hardly inexpensive.
"There is a certain portion of consumers that react to gas prices almost on a daily basis, and they decide what to buy based on those prices," said Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends and insights for car pricing site TrueCar.com.
GM's small-car and crossover sales also got a boost from earthquake-related shortages of Japanese models that persisted through June.
GM is the first major car company to report U.S. sales on Wednesday. Earlier, Volkswagen of America Inc. said its U.S. sales rose 35 percent in June on strong demand for its Jetta midsize sedan and other models. Industry analysts expect overall U.S. sales to rise 13.5 percent from last June.
Even with sales rebounding in June, GM backed off a bit from its sales forecast for the year. Don Johnson, vice president of U.S. sales, said he now expects the total sales to be at the low end of the company's previous prediction of 13 million to 13.5 million vehicles.
Johnson blamed the change on stubbornly high unemployment, which contributed to the decline in May. Total U.S. sales fell 3.7 percent in May after a string of double-digit monthly increases.
Johnson sees the slow recovery continuing through the rest of the year. He said that even with unemployment around 9 percent, 91 percent of the country is still working, and many are driving older cars.
"There are still people out there looking for a vehicle and in many cases need to replace their vehicles," Johnson said.
The average car on the road now is 10.6 years old, according to the Polk research firm.
Johnson also said GM plans to roll out new versions of the Silverado and Sierra pickups next year.
Automakers expect to sell around 1.1 million cars and trucks in June. That's up 5 percent from May, when parts shortages caused by the March earthquake in Japan, $4-per-gallon gas and a lack of deals caused a slump.
But the pace of sales has slowed from the beginning of this year. Like GM, some analysts are starting to question the strength of the recovery. J.D. Power and Associates lowered its full-year sales forecast from 13 million vehicles to 12.9 million, saying the sluggish economy could take a bite out of sales even if car shortages ease by this fall.
Shortages are keeping car prices high, and they will likely stay that way through September, J.D. Power said. In the meantime, hiring has slowed, the unemployment rate is creeping up and incomes are flat. Consumer confidence slipped to a seven-month low in June.
"Things aren't quite as healthy in the current environment as expected earlier this year," said Jeff Schuster, J.D. Power's executive director of global forecasting.
One issue for automakers is the lack of small, fuel-efficient cars on their lots. Japanese automakers expect earthquake-related shortages of popular products like the Toyota Prius and Honda Civic for several more months, and Detroit automakers can't meet the demand for small cars alone. The industry began June with a 30-day supply of compact and subcompact cars, and inventory has only gotten tighter since then, Ford's top U.S. sales analyst George Pipas said. That compares to a 51-day supply of all cars and trucks.
Pipas said that instead of moving into mid-size cars, small-car shoppers are simply waiting. Both Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. have said they expect their North American production to be at near-normal levels by late summer, and more cars will get to dealerships soon after that.
Bare lige for en ordens skyld, le..... Jeg har vha. af TA'en forudsagt markedets store som middelstore nedgange/opgange de sidste 10 år - alene baseret på den tekniske analyse af US tidsserier. Jeg ser ingen grund til denne TA-hetz, da du eller andre hverken bliver dårligere eller bedre på den konto, og derudover er din konklusion også forkert.
nu er du jo også noget dygtigere end de fleste, så jeg læser altid hvad du skriver
men vi ved jo godt at vi har en forskellig tilgang til at investere i aktier
men vi ved jo godt at vi har en forskellig tilgang til at investere i aktier

Super. Af gode grunde kan jeg ikke lade være med at forsvare den tekniske analyse, når den bliver sat i "skammekrogen".
I øvrigt er vi igen enige omkring det videre forløb. Lad os håbe, at det holder, da jeg unægtelig ser en del økonomiske udfordringer på den lidt længere bane. Frem for alt tror jeg, at boligboblen skal bearbejdes inden en længerevarende højkonjunktur finder sted. Men opgangen fra 2009 til d.d. er jo et godt bevis på at en volatil vækst afføder oplagte muligheder.
Har du forsat en positiv holdning til Kongsberg Automotive noteret i Norge?
I øvrigt er vi igen enige omkring det videre forløb. Lad os håbe, at det holder, da jeg unægtelig ser en del økonomiske udfordringer på den lidt længere bane. Frem for alt tror jeg, at boligboblen skal bearbejdes inden en længerevarende højkonjunktur finder sted. Men opgangen fra 2009 til d.d. er jo et godt bevis på at en volatil vækst afføder oplagte muligheder.
Har du forsat en positiv holdning til Kongsberg Automotive noteret i Norge?

kongsberg har jo ikke klaret sig så godt, men er da begyndt at stige lidt igen og med deres fine 1q og fremgangen i salget og produktionen af lastbiler og de dyre personbiler i europa og boomet i bilsalget i resten af verden bør den kunne stige en hel del

Hej LE,
Er der plads til flere i din gruppe Cycle_Investor?
[email protected]
Er der plads til flere i din gruppe Cycle_Investor?
[email protected]

jeg har prøvet at sende dig en mail, men det virker ikke, den hænger fast i udbakken

Hej Le,
Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at joine jer på Cycle_investor, hvis det er ok?
[email protected]
Mvh. 1980
Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at joine jer på Cycle_investor, hvis det er ok?
[email protected]
Mvh. 1980

ja det er ok, jeg regner med at du er den samme som jeg har fulgt aliaset 1980 gennem lang tid, for det husker jeg som seriøst og fornuftigt, så jeg sender dig en mail

jeg aner ikke hvad der er galt med din mail adresse, jeg kunne slet ikke sende mail efter at have sendt til dig, nu virker det igen, men jeg kan stadig ikke sende til dig

Nej jeg har ikke modtaget noget. Jeg sender dig en mail i stedet. Tror jeg har din mailadresse liggende. Og jep, jeg er den samme 1980 som altid.
Du skulle gerne have modtaget en mail nu.
Du skulle gerne have modtaget en mail nu.

Nå, det var vist en gammel emailadresse jeg havde på dig. Den virkede i hvert fald ikke. Prøv at skrive til mig igen på den ovenfor. Den er korrekt og burde virke.

Det var mystisk. Så får du lige en anden, som jeg dog ikke bruger normalt.
[email protected]
[email protected]

så nu er den sendt, tidligere blv den hængende i indbakken og stoppede min e-mail, men nu er den havnet i sendt post