Monday, 11 July 2011 ' European Affairs
Athens, 11th July 2011
Dear Jean Claude,
Let me again express my appreciation for your continued engagement and help in dealing with our crisis. You have
stood by Greece in these difficult moments.
At the same time we have all become aware that this crisis has become a crisis of our shared European home.
It has highlighted deep problems in the architecture of our currency, our governance structures, and our financial
And no one member state can alone effectively deal with these questions.
Again in seeking to solve problems in the Eurozone, you have tabled important and visionary proposals on behalf
of Europe. Such as for example the idea of the eurobond.
Fourteen months after commencing our reform program, Greece has achieved an impressive fiscal consolidation
and launched numerous far-reaching structural reforms.
In recent months, our government and the members of the Troika have worked tirelessly to produce a credible
medium-term fiscal strategy, including an ambitious privatization plan, that will continue to drive our reform process
and stimulate growth.
We have also pinpointed key impediments to reform, particularly our difficulties in stopping tax evasion and in
building the capacity of our civil service to implement change. We have initiated a process whereby implementation
deficits of the past are being remedied.
Furthermore the President of the Commission, Jose Manuel Baroso has strongly supported a program that will
insure transfer of know-how and technical assistance for best practices from other member states to assist us in
the implementation of major reforms in our country. This we welcome as this is our government's basic agenda.
Had major reforms been implemented years ago we would have avoided the current crisis.
The Commission has also been forthcoming on proposals and help to stimulate growth and job creation through
community funds.
Læs videre her :

Man kunne ønske sig at de dele af græsk politik der IKKE har beriget sig ved at undlade at betale skatter og ved ikke at korrumpere den græske stats investeringer blev stillet til ansvar. Mine græske kollegers vurdering er at ifald Grækenland gik efter dem bl.a. ved at få access til accounts i Sch hvor de gemmer umådelige værdier (bl.a. græske rederivirksomheder) kunne problemet løses alene med beskatning af disse undragelser :)
At Moody kun opdager Italiens problem nu siger vel alt om Moody, men endnu mere siger det om Moody at de ikke har nedgraderet USA til junk når deres balance er langt værre end de de nedgraderer til junk. Moody og de andre (dog i mindre grad SP) agerer klart politisk for nuværende og dermed dør objektiviteten :( Håber ECB sætter dem - og markedet på plads - ved meget snart at udstede Euro-obligationer garanteret med 30% af Tyskland. Så kan USA vel snart begynde at kigge på sig selv igen og ikke prøve at eksportere deres problem via - hvad der skulle være - objektive kreditvurderingsinstitutter.
At Moody kun opdager Italiens problem nu siger vel alt om Moody, men endnu mere siger det om Moody at de ikke har nedgraderet USA til junk når deres balance er langt værre end de de nedgraderer til junk. Moody og de andre (dog i mindre grad SP) agerer klart politisk for nuværende og dermed dør objektiviteten :( Håber ECB sætter dem - og markedet på plads - ved meget snart at udstede Euro-obligationer garanteret med 30% af Tyskland. Så kan USA vel snart begynde at kigge på sig selv igen og ikke prøve at eksportere deres problem via - hvad der skulle være - objektive kreditvurderingsinstitutter.