Svenska Handelsbanken (og Nordea Bank) er stadig mine absolutte bankfavoritter i Skandinavien. Nordeas regnskab var rigtig godt og Handelsbanken har også fat i den lange ende:
-Profit after tax for total operations went up by 12 per cent to SEK 6,068 million (5,426) and earnings per share after dilution increased by 12 per cent to SEK 9.59 (8.57)
- Operating profit for continuing operations went up by 10 per cent to SEK 8,066 million (7,331)
- Return on equity for total operations was 13.6 per cent (12.8)
- Net interest income rose by 8 per cent to SEK 11,190 million (10,398) and by 10 per cent excluding exchange rate effects
- Income rose by 3 per cent to SEK 16,107 million (15,662)
- Tier 1 capital went up by SEK 4.8 billion to SEK 91.4 billion (86.6) and the Tier 1 ratio according to Basel II increased to 17.4 per cent (14.8)
- The average volume of loans to the public grew by 3 per cent to SEK 1,519 billion (1,473)
Udbyttet for 2010 var i øvrigt sek 9 (ca. 4,5% p.a. ved nuværende kurs) og stiger det også en 10-12% så giver Handelsbanken hurtigt 5% p.a.
-Profit after tax for total operations went up by 12 per cent to SEK 6,068 million (5,426) and earnings per share after dilution increased by 12 per cent to SEK 9.59 (8.57)
- Operating profit for continuing operations went up by 10 per cent to SEK 8,066 million (7,331)
- Return on equity for total operations was 13.6 per cent (12.8)
- Net interest income rose by 8 per cent to SEK 11,190 million (10,398) and by 10 per cent excluding exchange rate effects
- Income rose by 3 per cent to SEK 16,107 million (15,662)
- Tier 1 capital went up by SEK 4.8 billion to SEK 91.4 billion (86.6) and the Tier 1 ratio according to Basel II increased to 17.4 per cent (14.8)
- The average volume of loans to the public grew by 3 per cent to SEK 1,519 billion (1,473)
Udbyttet for 2010 var i øvrigt sek 9 (ca. 4,5% p.a. ved nuværende kurs) og stiger det også en 10-12% så giver Handelsbanken hurtigt 5% p.a.

Ssssych - de andre gider ikke sådan noget her, lad os holde det hemmeligt og bare købe flere.

A full metal jacket - ABG Sundall Collier - kurs p.t. ca. 5,50 udbytte i år 0,85 men - okay, det falder nok i 2012. Tradition for udbytte. 0,75 i 09. 0,50 i 08. 1,70 i 07.
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