Min interesse udsprang af følgende one-liner på cafe pharma:
Kiggede lidt regnskab på Hospira og lyttede til deres Q2 11 webcast.
Hospira (NYSE:HSP) har 14.000 ansatte og er verdens største producent af generic injectable pharmaceuticals indenfor bla. oncology, biosimilars mv. De har idag 16 fabriksfaciliteter world wide. 1,1 mia USD omsætning I H1 2011. Fin grow rate.
Q2 webcast og regnskab kan findes her:
Webcastet afslører som sagt at de har udfordringer på produktionssiden både omkring kapacitet (de har back-orders) og kvalitetsikring. De forsikrer at de er I færd med at tage hånd om det, og dette måske inden 7. september hvor Hospira afholder investor day, bl.a omkring deres kapacitet- og kvalitetsudfordringer i produktionen.
Ca 3 minutter inde:
We are taking action today to accomondate future growth needs with regard to capacity in our plants, to ensure that we will be able to meet our customers demand in the future. Now why am I telling you this?
Because these objections will be important for us over the next several quarters. They will drive improved customer service levels and market share, both areas where we have seen positive results in the Q2. But this focus will also create some near term challenges; such as temporary increases to inventory levels and a delay in implementing CERTAIN MANUFACTURING IMPROVEMENT efforts. This will in turn affect our market performance and has in fact caused us to revisit our full year Margin projections as Tom will discuss when he addresses the forward finances and guidance. But this focus on meeting our customers need and providing them with valuable solutions is what will drive Hospiras growth and longer term success. I look forward to discussing this overall concept in more debt with you at our opcoming investor day at September 7th.
Ca. 13:00 minutter inde:
De modtog i 2010 et warning letter fra FDA. FDA er ikke tilfreds med Hospiras Rocky Mountain facility. Efter flere inspektioner hvor man mener at fabrikken ikke lever op til FDA standard.
Ca. 18.00 minutter inde:
Our focus on driving higher quality manufacturing processes and products has impacted the timing of certain of our cost improvement and lean organization efforts in manufacturing. These items along with the impact performing currency resulted in near term negative impact to margins.
De forventer altså store omkostninger for at sikre kvalitet og kapacitet I produktionen og at dette påvirker omkostningssiden. Men omkring 23 minutter (hvor dette gentages) siges der også deres tiltag forventes at kunne reducere back-orders.
De vækster og har altså reelle produktionsudfordringer som beskrevet ovenfor.
Kunne det være et match?
Kiggede lidt regnskab på Hospira og lyttede til deres Q2 11 webcast.
Hospira (NYSE:HSP) har 14.000 ansatte og er verdens største producent af generic injectable pharmaceuticals indenfor bla. oncology, biosimilars mv. De har idag 16 fabriksfaciliteter world wide. 1,1 mia USD omsætning I H1 2011. Fin grow rate.
Q2 webcast og regnskab kan findes her:
Webcastet afslører som sagt at de har udfordringer på produktionssiden både omkring kapacitet (de har back-orders) og kvalitetsikring. De forsikrer at de er I færd med at tage hånd om det, og dette måske inden 7. september hvor Hospira afholder investor day, bl.a omkring deres kapacitet- og kvalitetsudfordringer i produktionen.
Ca 3 minutter inde:
We are taking action today to accomondate future growth needs with regard to capacity in our plants, to ensure that we will be able to meet our customers demand in the future. Now why am I telling you this?
Because these objections will be important for us over the next several quarters. They will drive improved customer service levels and market share, both areas where we have seen positive results in the Q2. But this focus will also create some near term challenges; such as temporary increases to inventory levels and a delay in implementing CERTAIN MANUFACTURING IMPROVEMENT efforts. This will in turn affect our market performance and has in fact caused us to revisit our full year Margin projections as Tom will discuss when he addresses the forward finances and guidance. But this focus on meeting our customers need and providing them with valuable solutions is what will drive Hospiras growth and longer term success. I look forward to discussing this overall concept in more debt with you at our opcoming investor day at September 7th.
Ca. 13:00 minutter inde:
De modtog i 2010 et warning letter fra FDA. FDA er ikke tilfreds med Hospiras Rocky Mountain facility. Efter flere inspektioner hvor man mener at fabrikken ikke lever op til FDA standard.
Ca. 18.00 minutter inde:
Our focus on driving higher quality manufacturing processes and products has impacted the timing of certain of our cost improvement and lean organization efforts in manufacturing. These items along with the impact performing currency resulted in near term negative impact to margins.
De forventer altså store omkostninger for at sikre kvalitet og kapacitet I produktionen og at dette påvirker omkostningssiden. Men omkring 23 minutter (hvor dette gentages) siges der også deres tiltag forventes at kunne reducere back-orders.
De vækster og har altså reelle produktionsudfordringer som beskrevet ovenfor.
Kunne det være et match?

Den seneste børsmeddelse fra Hospira fra 5. august:
Hospira To Offer Solution Form of Gemcitabine In September
Hospira Inc. (HSP) announced it expects to launch a solution form of
gemcitabine in September, becoming the first company to offer an injectable
form of the oncology medication in the U.S.
Shares of the medical-device and injectable-drug maker jumped 3 to $48.48 in
recent trading as the company announced the product received approval by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Hospiras generic gemcitabine solution gives the medical community access to
a lower-cost, more convenient offering of this key oncology drug, said Thomas
Moore, U.S. president of Hospira.
The gemcitabine injection is designed to improve pharmacist convenience and
handling safety as it eliminates the need for reconstitution, Hospira said. The
company said the injectable version will have the same concentration of the
available freeze-dried form, which it already offers.
In a conference call with analysts last month, Chief Executive F. Michael
Ball said Hospira had over 15 market share with the companys gemcitabine
powder product, despite the market entry of some competitors at the end of
Hospiras exclusivity period in May. With the FDA approval of the solution
form, Hospira now has a full portfolio of the product.
Last month, Hospira reported its second-quarter earnings soared 72, driven
by strong sales in the specialty injectable pharmaceuticals group.
-By Nathalie Tadena, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-3287;
[email protected]
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
08-05-11 1346ET
Copyright (c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
13:46 080511
Hospira To Offer Solution Form of Gemcitabine In September
Hospira Inc. (HSP) announced it expects to launch a solution form of
gemcitabine in September, becoming the first company to offer an injectable
form of the oncology medication in the U.S.
Shares of the medical-device and injectable-drug maker jumped 3 to $48.48 in
recent trading as the company announced the product received approval by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Hospiras generic gemcitabine solution gives the medical community access to
a lower-cost, more convenient offering of this key oncology drug, said Thomas
Moore, U.S. president of Hospira.
The gemcitabine injection is designed to improve pharmacist convenience and
handling safety as it eliminates the need for reconstitution, Hospira said. The
company said the injectable version will have the same concentration of the
available freeze-dried form, which it already offers.
In a conference call with analysts last month, Chief Executive F. Michael
Ball said Hospira had over 15 market share with the companys gemcitabine
powder product, despite the market entry of some competitors at the end of
Hospiras exclusivity period in May. With the FDA approval of the solution
form, Hospira now has a full portfolio of the product.
Last month, Hospira reported its second-quarter earnings soared 72, driven
by strong sales in the specialty injectable pharmaceuticals group.
-By Nathalie Tadena, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-3287;
[email protected]
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
08-05-11 1346ET
Copyright (c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
13:46 080511
Gemcitabine er et "Small molecule" og ikke et antistof, så hvis Genmab fabrik skal bruges til produktion af det, så er det et dårligt match.
Synes som akademikeren også mest det lyder som opgradering af deres nuværende faciliteter.
Synes som akademikeren også mest det lyder som opgradering af deres nuværende faciliteter.
Umiddelbart lyder det mere som om de vil forbedre eksisterende faciliteter og så på grund af det vil se lavere marginer