Nu falder det næste offer i solcelle branchen for de stærkt faldende priser. Det er amerikanske Solyndra der må sende 1100 mennesker ud i arbejdsløsheds køen. Så det er altså et af de større selskaber. efter
In a statement, Solyndra says it had strong growth in the first half of 2011, including "a number of orders for very large commercial rooftops", but "could not achieve full-scale operations rapidly enough to compete in the near term with the resources of larger foreign manufacturers".
Fab 2 was expected to reach annual production capacity of 200MW this year. The company had shipped more than 100MW of modules. Its 2010 revenues were approximately $140m.
Solyndra further blames a "severe compression of prices" stemming from global PV oversupply and a decline in credit markets.
In February, Solyndra raised a $75m credit facility for working capital, underwritten by existing investors - led by Argonaut Ventures - and restructured its debt. In announcing the bankruptcy Wednesday, chief executive Brian Harrison says the company was unable to raise "incremental capital".
In a statement, Solyndra says it had strong growth in the first half of 2011, including "a number of orders for very large commercial rooftops", but "could not achieve full-scale operations rapidly enough to compete in the near term with the resources of larger foreign manufacturers".
Fab 2 was expected to reach annual production capacity of 200MW this year. The company had shipped more than 100MW of modules. Its 2010 revenues were approximately $140m.
Solyndra further blames a "severe compression of prices" stemming from global PV oversupply and a decline in credit markets.
In February, Solyndra raised a $75m credit facility for working capital, underwritten by existing investors - led by Argonaut Ventures - and restructured its debt. In announcing the bankruptcy Wednesday, chief executive Brian Harrison says the company was unable to raise "incremental capital".
Det er lækkert for dem der bliver tilbage i branchen. Dem der stadig kan tjene penge i et faldende markedet bliver begunstiget af konkurrenternes konkurs. Det hedder konsolidering i økonomisk sprogbrug.

Jep. Og vi ser så småt det samme begynde at ske i vindmølle branchen. or stor overkapacitet presser priserne og dermed må flere lukke eller fusionere

Jeg ville vælge at sælge på den blå linje eller lige under. Bliver den blå brudt, vil den teknisk gå over 20.

Med Solyndra konkurs fjernes der kapacitet fra branchen. Det er godt for branchen i en tid hvor der er stor overkapacitet fordi Tyskland, Spanien og Italien har sænket tilskudene med dertil følgende færre solceller installeret.
Nu har hele regionen Victoria i Australien netop vedtaget at nedsætte prisen per kwh fra $60 cent til nu $ 25 cent for alle anlæg under 5kwh. Så er det ikke svært at regne ud hvordan efterspørgelsen på husanlæg vil reagere. De vil falde skarpt.
Nu har hele regionen Victoria i Australien netop vedtaget at nedsætte prisen per kwh fra $60 cent til nu $ 25 cent for alle anlæg under 5kwh. Så er det ikke svært at regne ud hvordan efterspørgelsen på husanlæg vil reagere. De vil falde skarpt.

Victoria har forøvrigt også lige vedtaget regler der vil sætte vindmølle udviklingen i staten praktisk talt i stå. For nu får bla en husejer veto ret hvis en mølle er tættere på en 2km fra deres hus. Sædvanligvis siger man at en mølle ikke må være tætter end 3-6 gange rotor diameter. Så det er aldrig over 1 km. 2km kan derfor godt gøre det vanskeligt at få placeret vindmøller
In a move condemned by clean-energy groups, the state is giving residents a veto over wind development within 2km of their homes, placing a 5km exclusion zone around major "regional growth areas" and banning turbines altogether from many beauty spots.
In a move condemned by clean-energy groups, the state is giving residents a veto over wind development within 2km of their homes, placing a 5km exclusion zone around major "regional growth areas" and banning turbines altogether from many beauty spots.

Politikere pfff.. :)
"PREMIER Ted Baillieu has stepped in to personally handle the highly contentious wind-farm issue. "
"One industry source said Mr Baillieu's office had little sympathy for the sector after it campaigned against the Coalition's wind farm policy during last November's state election.
At the time, Pacific Hydro, Acciona, AGL, Suzlon, Keppel Prince and REpower ran newspaper advertisements declaring: "Mr Baillieu, please don't send clean energy jobs and investment interstate"."
"PREMIER Ted Baillieu has stepped in to personally handle the highly contentious wind-farm issue. "
"One industry source said Mr Baillieu's office had little sympathy for the sector after it campaigned against the Coalition's wind farm policy during last November's state election.
At the time, Pacific Hydro, Acciona, AGL, Suzlon, Keppel Prince and REpower ran newspaper advertisements declaring: "Mr Baillieu, please don't send clean energy jobs and investment interstate"."