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GOGL - Share buy-back program

46087 fcras 5/9 2011 21:39

Published: 20:13 CEST 05-09-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045

GOGL - Share buy-back program

The Board of Directors of Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company") has on 23 August 2011 decided to initiate a buy-back program of up to 45,000,000 shares.

The buy-back program will be initiated on 6 September 2011 and end on 31 December 2011.

The objective of the share buy-back program is to distribute the Company's equity capital to its shareholders in a manner more beneficial to the shareholders than through an ordinary dividend. The shares purchased under the program will be kept as treasury shares and may ultimately be cancelled.

The maximum amount to be paid per share is NOK 6.

September 5, 2010

The Board of Directors

Golden Ocean Group Limited

Hamilton, Bermuda

For further information, please contact:
Herman Billung: CEO, Golden Ocean Management AS
+47 22 01 73 41

Birgitte Ringstad Vartdal: CFO, Golden Ocean Management AS
+47 22 01 73 53

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

GOGL web site:

5/9 2011 21:53 046090

Rigtigt interessant. Jeg skal nok have nogle imorgen, eller i løbet af ugen.

6/9 2011 10:49 046105

Gogl er oppe med 9,36% men man kunne være kommet med i 4,24 en del af morgen...... nu 4,42

6/9 2011 21:36 hall 046118

Op til 45.000.000 aktier, der er en del af den samlede antal aktier. Knap 10 procent?