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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Trina slår verdensrekord efter eget udsagn

46171 8/9 2011 15:27

Trina Solar Announces World Record Based on 'Honey' Technology

HAMBURG, Germany, Sept. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --
Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a leading integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) products from the production of ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of PV modules, announced today that it has achieved what is believed to be a new world record for its laboratory-tested multicrystalline module power output. The results have been confirmed by TUV Rheinland, with a 156x156mm 60 cell module reaching 274 Watts peak. The record was set using the Company's recently announced 'Honey' technology platform.
"We are very pleased to demonstrate our technology leadership with this new world record," said Jifan Gao, Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar. "This technological innovation will allow our customers to improve overall system costs and returns on investment."
Trina Solar will co-chair the Plenary Session Wafer-based Silicon Solar Cells and Materials Technology (II) at the 26th European Photovoltaic Conference and Exhibition in Hamburg on September 8, 2011. The Company's 'Honey' technology-based module is showcased at its booth B6-B24.

8/9 2011 15:31 046172

Aktien som iøvrigt er alt andet end munter bekendtskab i porteføljen, er nu i 52 uge low efter at den blev optaget på en notorisk kendt salgsliste, pga. deres earningsnedjustering.

8/9 2011 18:27 masha 046178

Hvilken er en "notorisk kendt salgsliste"?

8/9 2011 19:27 046181

Zacks sell list