BP har været og er stadig i fuld gang med at kradse penge ind hos deres underleverandører for deres deltagelse i Deepwater Horizon olieudslippet.
"LONDON (MarketWatch) - Shares of oil giant BP PLC rallied nearly 4% Friday after MOEX USA Corp., one of the co-owners of the Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, agreed to hand over $1.07 billion to settle claims from the Deepwater Horizon disaster."
"Oil field equipment maker Weatherford International will pay BP $75 million to settle claims the companies have against each other related to last year's deadly blowout at the Macondo well and the ensuing oil spill."
Det ser do nu også ud til at BP slipper for anklagen om grov uagtsomhed, idet der er en rapport på vej der også spreder ansvaret ud på B.P.'s underleverandører, hvilket nedsætter deres erstatningsansvar fra $22.5 mia. til $6.5 mia. Altså en besparelse på hele $16 mia. Plus naturligvis hvad B.P. ellers kan kradse ind hos underleverandørerne p.g.a. de nye data i rapporten.
"BP shares surged 4.5% Wednesday morning in the wake of a Wall Street Journal article overnight that suggested blame for the Deepwater Horizon disaster could be apportioned more widely than initially thought.
The market suddenly turned bullish on BP, with traders and analysts saying any indication that the U.K. oil major wouldn't be held solely responsible for the accident reduces the chances of it being found grossly negligent."
""The news that the report focuses on wider responsibilities for the incident increases the confusion [around what happened] and lowers the likelihood that BP will be found grossly negligent," said Royal Bank of Canada analyst Peter Hutton.
Although Mr. Hutton said he continues to model BP's future earnings according to a worst-case scenario, he pointed out that avoiding a gross negligence conviction could be the difference between the company facing liabilities of $22.5 billion and $6.5 billion."
B.P. kan vise sig at være meget meget meget stærkt undervurderet p.t. og det kan pludselig gå meget stærkt opad.
"LONDON (MarketWatch) - Shares of oil giant BP PLC rallied nearly 4% Friday after MOEX USA Corp., one of the co-owners of the Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, agreed to hand over $1.07 billion to settle claims from the Deepwater Horizon disaster."
"Oil field equipment maker Weatherford International will pay BP $75 million to settle claims the companies have against each other related to last year's deadly blowout at the Macondo well and the ensuing oil spill."
Det ser do nu også ud til at BP slipper for anklagen om grov uagtsomhed, idet der er en rapport på vej der også spreder ansvaret ud på B.P.'s underleverandører, hvilket nedsætter deres erstatningsansvar fra $22.5 mia. til $6.5 mia. Altså en besparelse på hele $16 mia. Plus naturligvis hvad B.P. ellers kan kradse ind hos underleverandørerne p.g.a. de nye data i rapporten.
"BP shares surged 4.5% Wednesday morning in the wake of a Wall Street Journal article overnight that suggested blame for the Deepwater Horizon disaster could be apportioned more widely than initially thought.
The market suddenly turned bullish on BP, with traders and analysts saying any indication that the U.K. oil major wouldn't be held solely responsible for the accident reduces the chances of it being found grossly negligent."
""The news that the report focuses on wider responsibilities for the incident increases the confusion [around what happened] and lowers the likelihood that BP will be found grossly negligent," said Royal Bank of Canada analyst Peter Hutton.
Although Mr. Hutton said he continues to model BP's future earnings according to a worst-case scenario, he pointed out that avoiding a gross negligence conviction could be the difference between the company facing liabilities of $22.5 billion and $6.5 billion."
B.P. kan vise sig at være meget meget meget stærkt undervurderet p.t. og det kan pludselig gå meget stærkt opad.
Ja det kan være et muligt earningstrade op til regnskabet. Hvornår aflægger de regnskab?

BP Q3 25/10.
Kan i øvrigt se at Halliburton Company falder en 4-5% i dag. Det er nok dem det går hårdest ud over, hvis B.P. ikke bliver kendt grov uagtsom. De slås jo allerede ihærdigt.
"Halliburton... filed claims against BP in Texas state court for negligent misrepresentation, business disparagement and defamation related to the April 20, 2010, Macondo incident," the Houston-based company said.
Kan i øvrigt se at Halliburton Company falder en 4-5% i dag. Det er nok dem det går hårdest ud over, hvis B.P. ikke bliver kendt grov uagtsom. De slås jo allerede ihærdigt.
"Halliburton... filed claims against BP in Texas state court for negligent misrepresentation, business disparagement and defamation related to the April 20, 2010, Macondo incident," the Houston-based company said.
"BP (BP) shares rose early Wednesday after the Wall Street Journal reported that a report set to be released by U.S. investigators about the Deepwater Horizon spill last year spreads blame between the oil company and the contractors who worked on the project. The less blame is heaped on BP, the less likely the company will be found to have been grossly negligent in the explosion that led to the worst oil spill in the country's history. At least that's what investors are hoping.
The report certainly doesn't exonerate BP, but it does indicate that failures by Halliburton (HAL) and Transocean (RIG) also played a role in the spill, the Journal reports. The report also come sup with 50 ways to make deepwater drilling safer.
BP shares rose 2.9% in morning trading to $37.50, as most other oil stocks declined."
The report certainly doesn't exonerate BP, but it does indicate that failures by Halliburton (HAL) and Transocean (RIG) also played a role in the spill, the Journal reports. The report also come sup with 50 ways to make deepwater drilling safer.
BP shares rose 2.9% in morning trading to $37.50, as most other oil stocks declined."
Læser lige at BP går efter et forlig inden præsidentvalget.