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Endnu en til rygteordrerne for Vestas på 220MW

48360 TKWBS 9/11 2011 01:47

vil sandsynligvis blive ordret i 2012

9/11 2011 07:55 Henrikvj 048363

Kan ikke læse artiklen :(

9/11 2011 09:00 Razorgarf 048368

PV panel factory and 100MW project to be built in Argentina
Argentina's Fides Group will build a solar PV panel factory in San Juan province to supply its own 100MW solar PV project, Recharge has learned exclusively.
The factory and power plant represent a total investment of $298m.
The 100MW project will sell power to the industrial sector. It will be supported by a new law mandating that local industry have a minimum usage of renewable energy starting in 2012. That will scale up from 1% to 8% within four years. In addition, it will be the first project associated with the newest renewable energy regulation known as resolution 108.
Fides Group, led by Alejandro Ivanissevich, is already building 20MW of solar PV in San Juan. The group won contracts for the sale of power from those projects through Argentina's first renewable energy tender, Genren, which had been held by the national energy company, Enarsa. Potential future Genren contracts appear to have been jettisoned in favour of resolution 108, which promotes direct contracts with Cammesa, the distribution company, rather than having to use Enarsa as a go-between.
The panel factory-which will be created in partnership with an experienced manufacturer that has yet to be named-will have the capacity to produce 30MW of panels each year. The 100MW project should come on line at a rate of 25MW per year and be completed within four years.
"I believe that Argentina has to continue diversifying its energy matrix, and 20MW is nothing," Ivanissevich tells Recharge in an exclusive interview. "And we need to have our own technology here... Argentina has to provide incentive for a solar industry or we'll never lower the price of solar power."
The factory and power plant will be paid for through an international bond to be issued in 2012 for $250m and through an IPO in New York, expected in 2013.
Meanwhile, Emgasud, Ivanissevich's other company, is finishing its 80MW Rawson wind farm, supplied with Vestas V90 machines, and is expected to begin construction on its 220MW Madryn wind farm next year. It expects to finance the latter project through the Brazilian development bank, BNDES, and use Vestas V90 turbines.
Emgasud is also preparing to sell power from 385MW of wind projects through resolution 108.
Christiana Sciaudone
Published: Tuesday, November 8 2011

9/11 2011 11:31 TKWBS 148373

mulig 560 MW offshore ordre på 7 MW møllen.
Jeg siger mulig, da projektet stadig er "under development" men er baseret på 80 stk 7 MW

9/11 2011 13:06 hja 048379

De har ændret lidt i teksten:

"80 7MW wind turbines"

skulle være

"80 turbines of up to 7MW each"

9/11 2011 11:35 TKWBS 048374

her er en lille udvikling på Gode Wind II - 240 MW offshore - som je bekendt også er baseret på Vestas

Hvad mener de med "new partners ?"

11/11 2011 14:42 mccarthy 048465

Først en tak til dine opgørelser på hvor mange Mw ordre der mangler pr. dag for at nå 2011 målet. P.t. er det skræmmende og vel ikke muligt - vi får se.
Mit spørgsmål er vedr. GODE II som i.flg. planen skal opsættes næste år. Anders Søe-Jensen har jo udtalt, at der ikke i 2012 fra Vestas er planlagt opsætning af off-shore. Da det p.t. er så mange forskellige udtalelser fra Vestas og omkring Vestas, vil jeg høre om du havde noget konkret. Dette spørgsmål gælder også SANDBANK 24 og NORTHWIND (Eldepasco).
P.s. jeg er påbegyndt en excel regneark omkring vind projekter, ligeså du og Wizzard - det tager sandelig ens tid.

11/11 2011 16:40 troldmanden 048467

Mccarthy Gode 2 skal først i drift i 2013 lige som de belgiske projekt. Og der er rigtig mange ting der skal på plads først inden man begynder at sætte møllerne op. Så synes nu det passer meget fint med Anders Jensens forlaring om det først er i 2013 de begynder at få travlt i offshore afdelingen igen.

11/11 2011 18:37 TKWBS 048470

Tak for ordene.
Jeg vil lige se om jeg har noget på de projekter du nævner.
I mellemtidem kan vi jo hygge os med denne - igen mulige - nye offshore ordre til Vestas på mellem 300-510 MW.

Det er selvfølgelig aldrig sikkert at det er Vestas der får denne ordre, - men det er ihvertfald deres møller der står der nu af hvad jeg ved.

11/11 2011 18:40 TKWBS 048471

selvfølgelig ikke 300-510, - men sandsynligvis 30-51 (hvis det altså er 3 MW de tænker på)

Sorry. Bruger en anden lommeregner næste gang :−)

11/11 2011 19:04 TKWBS 048473

om SANDBANK24 ved jeg ikke mere end der kan findes her på siten

11/11 2011 19:10 TKWBS 048474

om NORTHWIND -kun at de har skrevet kontrakt med Vestas.

Vestas kan selvfølgelig ikke lave den firm and unconditional før de bl.a. har fået en udbetaling

se mere her

12/11 2011 10:55 TKWBS 148499

noget Ukrainsk hyggelæsning

Troldmand..You are the Master... ved du noget mere om disse ?

af den sidste artikel har jeg udvalgt noget og copy/pasted her


Kyiv, June 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) - The largest private vertically integrated energy holding DTEK plans to start building the Botiyeve wind power plant (Zaporizhia region) at the end of summer of 2011, Senior Manager for Business Development at DTEK, Vasyl Bohdanov, said at the second European-Ukrainian Energy Day in Kyiv on Wednesday.

"We've obtained all of the required permits, metered wind power and I think that at the end of summer we'll start building the Botiyeve wind power plant* The plant will be a pilot project, where we complete working on all of the issues, define problems and ways to resolve them," he said.

As reported, DTEK plans to invest EUR 1.85 billion in the construction of two wind farms by 2018 - DTEK Pryazovsky in Zaporizhia region and DTEK Manhush in Donetsk region.

DTEK Pryazovsky will include three sites: Botiyeve, Prymorska and Berdiansk, with 200 MW, 150 MW and 150 MW of capacity respectively.

DTEK was created in 2005 to manage the energy assets of System Capital Management (Donetsk), owned by Rinat Akhmetov.



Kyiv, June 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Kyiv-based Nova Eco Ltd., a subsidiary of EuroAtlantic Wind Partners, by late 2011 is to announce the results of a tender to select suppliers of equipment to build wind farms in Crimea, EuroAtlantic Wind Partners Head Arnulf Damerau has told Interfax-Ukraine.

"We're in talks with Vestas and Siemens. The two companies have interesting practices and a lot of experience. Maybe we'll work with both companies," he said.

Damerau said that the project on the construction of wind farms would be 70% financed using loans and 30% with the company's own funds. Damerau did not say when the construction of the wind facilities will start.

As reported, Nova Eco is planning to build two wind farms in Crimea - one with a capacity of 200 MW in Chornomorske District and another one with a capacity of 100 MW in Leninsky District. The company also plans to consider increasing the farms' capacity to 1.5 GW in the future.