ExxonMobil has become the first of the "supermajor" oil companies to venture into Kurdistan, in a controversial move that will be seen as a huge vote of confidence in the semi-autonomous region of Iraq but could spark a backlash in Baghdad.
Exxon, the largest international oil company, signed contracts with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) last month to explore for oil and gas in six blocks in the region, according to an adviser to the KRG.
Exxon, the largest international oil company, signed contracts with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) last month to explore for oil and gas in six blocks in the region, according to an adviser to the KRG.
Jeg hælder mere til at det er ovenstående nyhed der får DNO til at sitge (Jeg har solgt idag) end denne.

ExxonMobil blows Iraqi oil politics apart - Petroleum Economist
Shell og BP skal også have forhandlet med KRG ifølge kilder.
Shell og BP skal også have forhandlet med KRG ifølge kilder.

Shahristani agrees to grant a license to a U.S. company to drill in Kurdistan
Dubai - Eastern November 10: high-level sources said in Baghdad that the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussain al-Shahristani agreed that one of the big U.S. oil companies operating in southern Iraq, the signing of major agreements for oil exploration and export and investment in Iraq's Kurdistan .. . The sources said that it is part of the political agreements to improve relations between the KRG and the central government in Baghdad, adding that al-Shahristani, continued during the past few weeks, negotiations between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the company's large and committed themselves not to object advance approval of the agreement and the continuation of the company's work in southern and northern Iraq at a time .. and according to sources in the Iraqi Oil Ministry said al-Shahristani, has agreed to a U.S. company to buy shares in the field, "Moore Creek" in Kurdistan, in addition to access to exploration rights, investment and export.
Er det rykter eller en nyhed?
Dubai - Eastern November 10: high-level sources said in Baghdad that the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussain al-Shahristani agreed that one of the big U.S. oil companies operating in southern Iraq, the signing of major agreements for oil exploration and export and investment in Iraq's Kurdistan .. . The sources said that it is part of the political agreements to improve relations between the KRG and the central government in Baghdad, adding that al-Shahristani, continued during the past few weeks, negotiations between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the company's large and committed themselves not to object advance approval of the agreement and the continuation of the company's work in southern and northern Iraq at a time .. and according to sources in the Iraqi Oil Ministry said al-Shahristani, has agreed to a U.S. company to buy shares in the field, "Moore Creek" in Kurdistan, in addition to access to exploration rights, investment and export.
Er det rykter eller en nyhed?
Det er så vigtigt det der sker og er sket idag.
Har festet igennem for at fejre det.
Alle som har fulgt DNO, ved hvor meget det her betyder...
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Har festet igennem for at fejre det.
Alle som har fulgt DNO, ved hvor meget det her betyder...
Grats alle!

Hussain al-Shahristani på banen igen
"The Iraqi government will treat any company breaching its laws in the same way it has treated similar companies in the past," the media office of Hussain al-Shahristani, the country's deputy prime minister for energy affairs, said today in an e-mailed statement. "The ministry of oil has informed Exxon Mobil of this position."
"The Iraqi government will treat any company breaching its laws in the same way it has treated similar companies in the past," the media office of Hussain al-Shahristani, the country's deputy prime minister for energy affairs, said today in an e-mailed statement. "The ministry of oil has informed Exxon Mobil of this position."
I morgen starter Kurdistan iraq oile & gas konferencen 13-15. november i Erbil.
Det kan blive spændende, hvis der kommer nyt frem Exxon aftalen eller olieloven, som kan løfte kursen på mandag.
Det kan blive spændende, hvis der kommer nyt frem Exxon aftalen eller olieloven, som kan løfte kursen på mandag.

Chevron is expected to be the next oil supermajor to break into Kurdistan, the semi-autonomous region of northern Iraq.
On Friday, ahead of today's major oil conference in the Kurdistan capital of Erbil, it emerged that ExxonMobil is the first supermajor to have signed exploration contracts in the region.
On Friday, ahead of today's major oil conference in the Kurdistan capital of Erbil, it emerged that ExxonMobil is the first supermajor to have signed exploration contracts in the region.

Genel interested in acquiring DNO, executive says
ARBIL, Iraq, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Genel Energy group sees Norway's DNO as a "natural partner" as it seeks to acquire assets, but the company is not in detailed talks with anyone as it completes its own Merger, a Genel executive said on Sunday.
ARBIL, Iraq, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Genel Energy group sees Norway's DNO as a "natural partner" as it seeks to acquire assets, but the company is not in detailed talks with anyone as it completes its own Merger, a Genel executive said on Sunday.

DNO forteller på seminaret at de planlegger å bore 10-12 nye utviklingsbrønner på Tawke og utforske dype områder på feltet. DNO legger opp til å øke produksjonen til 200.000 fat pr dag.
- Det eksisterende anlegget kan utvides til å takle 100.000 fat pr dag, sier Normann og legger til at DNO alltid vil vurdere andre muligheter i området.
Men det skjer ikke før oljeloven er på plass. Normann tror det skjer om ikke så alt for lenge.
- Det eksisterende anlegget kan utvides til å takle 100.000 fat pr dag, sier Normann og legger til at DNO alltid vil vurdere andre muligheter i området.
Men det skjer ikke før oljeloven er på plass. Normann tror det skjer om ikke så alt for lenge.