Topotarget – Belinostat Trials Shape the Future
It’s really pretty simple: providing that the results of the PTCL and CUP trials meet their respective endpoint, the outlook for the company by the end of 2012 will be prosperous. The forecast, based on the results of trials of efficacy and safety for the PTCL trial and model data for the CUP trial, is that there is a positive likelihood that this will happen. This makes Topotarget a promising investment opportunity for 2012, however, nothing should be taken for granted.
Glimrende "skåret" af Linn Baal..
Sendt fra ProInvestor gruppen
It’s really pretty simple: providing that the results of the PTCL and CUP trials meet their respective endpoint, the outlook for the company by the end of 2012 will be prosperous. The forecast, based on the results of trials of efficacy and safety for the PTCL trial and model data for the CUP trial, is that there is a positive likelihood that this will happen. This makes Topotarget a promising investment opportunity for 2012, however, nothing should be taken for granted.
Glimrende "skåret" af Linn Baal..
Sendt fra ProInvestor gruppen

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