Det kunne noget tyde på. Dette uddrag fra en patient som tidligere har været på Ofab forsøg og altså stadig lever...
Another reason was the expectation that I might qualify for a CAL-101 clinical trial. I will call this the Godot trial, because I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for a slot to open, and was told "any day now" for what became months and months. What was supposed to have occurred in April was delayed until August. Even then, it all seemed rather promising. I had restarted Revlimid in July because the need to treat could wait no longer. Calistoga, the maker of CAL-101, was even willing to waive the requirement that I should not have had treatment 28 days before enrolling. When I was about to pack my bags, I got the bad news: due to a clerical error, the slot in question did not exist. And they could not just add a new one, since the maker of the other drug in the trial, ofatumumab, would not provide any more free drug.
Another reason was the expectation that I might qualify for a CAL-101 clinical trial. I will call this the Godot trial, because I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for a slot to open, and was told "any day now" for what became months and months. What was supposed to have occurred in April was delayed until August. Even then, it all seemed rather promising. I had restarted Revlimid in July because the need to treat could wait no longer. Calistoga, the maker of CAL-101, was even willing to waive the requirement that I should not have had treatment 28 days before enrolling. When I was about to pack my bags, I got the bad news: due to a clerical error, the slot in question did not exist. And they could not just add a new one, since the maker of the other drug in the trial, ofatumumab, would not provide any more free drug.
Og så denne der måske er et udtryk for at forsikringsselskaberne ikke vil støtte Arzerra, ihvertfald ikke i kliniske forsøg.
I've been stymied at every turn by my increasingly stingy health insurance plan, which covers fewer and fewer doctors -- including treatment in the office of my own oncologist -- and fewer and fewer drugs. Clinical trial expenses, forget it. And while Arzerra may have FDA approval for CLL, to borrow a phrase from a popular viral video, honey badger don't care.
I've been stymied at every turn by my increasingly stingy health insurance plan, which covers fewer and fewer doctors -- including treatment in the office of my own oncologist -- and fewer and fewer drugs. Clinical trial expenses, forget it. And while Arzerra may have FDA approval for CLL, to borrow a phrase from a popular viral video, honey badger don't care.

Tror inte man behöver vara orolig för detta. Den studie som avses är ju en fas I-studie finansierad av Gilead Sciences, där Ofatumumab jämförs med rituximab, bendamustine och fludarabin i kombination med CAL-101. Det kan ju handla om att man inte tror på just denna externt finansierade och kontrollerade experimentella studie.
Har du sett flera tecken på att man börjar bli tveksam om Arzerra?
Tror inte man behöver vara orolig för detta. Den studie som avses är ju en fas I-studie finansierad av Gilead Sciences, där Ofatumumab jämförs med rituximab, bendamustine och fludarabin i kombination med CAL-101. Det kan ju handla om att man inte tror på just denna externt finansierade och kontrollerade experimentella studie.
Har du sett flera tecken på att man börjar bli tveksam om Arzerra?
Det var nu ikke fordi jeg nødvendigvis tolker det som et svaghedstegn man kan godt se det som et styrketegn. Det er nok nu sådan at man vil tvinge forsikringsselskaberne til at betale for Arzerra. Vi har jo længe spekuleret i at GSK gav det gratis et år, hvilket forklarer de mange patienter men den forholdsvis beskedne indtjening.