Bagudrettet EPS 35 USD. Ved kurs 420 er det PE 12! - For et selskab der fordobler indtjeningen på årsbasis.
Bagudrettet EPS 35 USD. Ved kurs 420 er det PE 12! - For et selskab der fordobler indtjeningen på årsbasis.
Husk også evt. Spillpver på broadcomm som play på deres regnskab om et par dage. Men jeg skal lige have set produktmix salg og så lige reviewet broadcomm igen. Men der var sikker sidst.

Ingen gider Microsofts rod og problemer, derfor vælger folk Apple.
Men faktisk er det på grund af iPhone 4S salget, en dejlig cell-phone, har en selv
, bare den kunne holde strømmen bedre!
Og hvem gider en PC med styresystem fra Microsoft?
Ingen i vores hjem
Men faktisk er det på grund af iPhone 4S salget, en dejlig cell-phone, har en selv

Og hvem gider en PC med styresystem fra Microsoft?
Ingen i vores hjem

Fun facts:
AppleInsider notes that Apple sold more iPads than HP sold PCs, by Gartner's estimates.
Mathew Ingram of GigaOm tweets: "Apple's revenue for the most recent quarter was more than it made in all of 2009."
CNN Money's Paul La Monica calculates that Apple's $97.6bn cash pile "is higher than the market Value of 476 of the companies in the S&P 500".
Horace Dediu of Asymco suggests that at 1.4m units, Apple TV probably outsold Nokia's Windows phone sales in the same quarter (that's the "hobby" standalone box, ahead of an anticipated full TV set release sometime this year).
Mr Dediu also notes, on Twitter, that Apple's gross profit Margin is at a 15-year high.
David Heinemeier Hansson of 37 Signals tweets a couple of stats: "Apple made more profit this quarter than the entire company was worth in 2004... Last year, Apple sold 93.1m iPhones, slightly more than it did in in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined."
Farhad Manjoo, a writer for sites including Slate and the New York Times, tweets that "Apple's profits ($13bn) exceeded Google's entire revenue ($10.6bn)".
The Next Web reckons that there are now more iPhones sold every day than babies are born, globally.
Finally, the surge in Apple's share price in after-hours trading on Tuesday put it briefly back ahead of Exxon Mobil as the world's most valuable company by market capitalisation, worth $422bn.
AppleInsider notes that Apple sold more iPads than HP sold PCs, by Gartner's estimates.
Mathew Ingram of GigaOm tweets: "Apple's revenue for the most recent quarter was more than it made in all of 2009."
CNN Money's Paul La Monica calculates that Apple's $97.6bn cash pile "is higher than the market Value of 476 of the companies in the S&P 500".
Horace Dediu of Asymco suggests that at 1.4m units, Apple TV probably outsold Nokia's Windows phone sales in the same quarter (that's the "hobby" standalone box, ahead of an anticipated full TV set release sometime this year).
Mr Dediu also notes, on Twitter, that Apple's gross profit Margin is at a 15-year high.
David Heinemeier Hansson of 37 Signals tweets a couple of stats: "Apple made more profit this quarter than the entire company was worth in 2004... Last year, Apple sold 93.1m iPhones, slightly more than it did in in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined."
Farhad Manjoo, a writer for sites including Slate and the New York Times, tweets that "Apple's profits ($13bn) exceeded Google's entire revenue ($10.6bn)".
The Next Web reckons that there are now more iPhones sold every day than babies are born, globally.
Finally, the surge in Apple's share price in after-hours trading on Tuesday put it briefly back ahead of Exxon Mobil as the world's most valuable company by market capitalisation, worth $422bn.

Apple rammer loftet teknisk set ?
Der er helt sikkert noget psykologi i 500. Men, men jeg trækker novo kortet. Hvis de fortsætter med bare det mindste vækst næste år, så er Apple historisk billig.
De tjener ALT for mange penge. Det er faktisk insane.
P/E er i de små ti´ere. Væksten i EBIT high double digit, tæt på triple digits.
De tjener ALT for mange penge. Det er faktisk insane.
P/E er i de små ti´ere. Væksten i EBIT high double digit, tæt på triple digits.

Hey Aka
og så er det interessante jo om TA'en tager højde for FA'en ! Optrenden stammer jo fra 1995...Jeg synes det er tankevækkende.
og så er det interessante jo om TA'en tager højde for FA'en ! Optrenden stammer jo fra 1995...Jeg synes det er tankevækkende.