Aarhus, Denmark, 2012-04-27 10:07 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Vestas Wind Systems A/S has appointed Dag Gunnar Andresen, 48, as new Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Management. He is expected
to take up office around 1 August this year.
The new CFO not only has considerable experience within financial management.
Dag Andresen also has extensive knowledge of the energy sector, as he recently
held a position as CFO of Scandinavia's largest energy company, Vattenfall AB,
which is also one of SwedenŽs three largest companies.
In Vattenfall Dag Andresen was member of the Executive Management from 2008 to
2011, and before that he held senior positions in other companies like Nordea
(2001-2008), Den Norske Bank (DNB) (2000-2001), the Nordic Investment Bank
(1996-2000) and in the Norwegian industrial Group Kvaerner (1994-1996).
He has been educated at business schools in Oslo and Helsinki, as well as at
the three international management schools, IMD in Switzerland and Stanford and
Harvard, both in the USA. Furthermore, Dag Andresen pursued a career in the
Norwegian Navy and the Norwegian Air Force from 1984 to 1990.
For the Chairman of Vestas, Mr Bert Nordberg, it has been crucial to attract a
major financial force:
"With Dag Andresen at the table Vestas will be provided with one of the
absolutely best forces within this area. His professional background, the
significant results he has achieved and not least the testimonials he gets, are
all very convincing. As he moreover has a thorough knowledge of the energy
sector from within, we have fulfilled all our wishes for the new CFO profile,"
says Nordberg.
With the appointment of the new Chief Financial Officer, Vestas furthermore
strengthens communications with analysts and investors, which CEO Ditlev Engel
has attached great importance to:
"Vestas needs exactly the background that Dag Andresen brings along. Not only
the financial management skills, but certainly also his major experience in
managing the contact to the stock market as well as the financial markets. I
look forward to the contributions he can bring to the Executive Management and
I have no doubt that he has not only the skills, but also the personality to
undertake this important assignment," says Ditlev Engel.
Andresen himself sees the CFO position as an offer he could not refuse:
"When you consider the huge environmental challenges the world is facing, there
is no doubt in my mind that Vestas is one of the absolutely most exciting
companies to be part of. Even though I am of course aware that there is a need
for significant tightening in the company in order to increase the
profitability again. I am used to such challenges, I am fond of them and
therefore I look very much forward to contributing to get Vestas back on the
earnings track again," says Dag Andresen.
With the appointment of the new CFO, the Executive Management team at Vestas
Wind Systems A/S consists of President and CEO, Ditlev Engel, Anders Vedel
(Chief Turbines Officer), Juan Araluce (Chief Sales Officer) and Dag Andresen
(Chief Financial Officer).
The remaining two executive positions, which were established in January,
responsible for Global Solutions & Services and Manufacturing, respectively,
have not yet been filled. Until that happens, the overall responsibility for
Global Solutions & Services lies with Anders Vedel, while the responsibility
for Manufacturing for the moment lies with Ditlev Engel.
Contact details:
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr Bert Nordberg
Group President & CEO, Mr Ditlev Engel
Chief Financial Officer, CFO, Mr Dag Andresen,
via Press Officer, Mr Kasper Ibsen Beck: Tel +45 22 87 87 73.
Vestas Wind Systems A/S has appointed Dag Gunnar Andresen, 48, as new Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Management. He is expected
to take up office around 1 August this year.
The new CFO not only has considerable experience within financial management.
Dag Andresen also has extensive knowledge of the energy sector, as he recently
held a position as CFO of Scandinavia's largest energy company, Vattenfall AB,
which is also one of SwedenŽs three largest companies.
In Vattenfall Dag Andresen was member of the Executive Management from 2008 to
2011, and before that he held senior positions in other companies like Nordea
(2001-2008), Den Norske Bank (DNB) (2000-2001), the Nordic Investment Bank
(1996-2000) and in the Norwegian industrial Group Kvaerner (1994-1996).
He has been educated at business schools in Oslo and Helsinki, as well as at
the three international management schools, IMD in Switzerland and Stanford and
Harvard, both in the USA. Furthermore, Dag Andresen pursued a career in the
Norwegian Navy and the Norwegian Air Force from 1984 to 1990.
For the Chairman of Vestas, Mr Bert Nordberg, it has been crucial to attract a
major financial force:
"With Dag Andresen at the table Vestas will be provided with one of the
absolutely best forces within this area. His professional background, the
significant results he has achieved and not least the testimonials he gets, are
all very convincing. As he moreover has a thorough knowledge of the energy
sector from within, we have fulfilled all our wishes for the new CFO profile,"
says Nordberg.
With the appointment of the new Chief Financial Officer, Vestas furthermore
strengthens communications with analysts and investors, which CEO Ditlev Engel
has attached great importance to:
"Vestas needs exactly the background that Dag Andresen brings along. Not only
the financial management skills, but certainly also his major experience in
managing the contact to the stock market as well as the financial markets. I
look forward to the contributions he can bring to the Executive Management and
I have no doubt that he has not only the skills, but also the personality to
undertake this important assignment," says Ditlev Engel.
Andresen himself sees the CFO position as an offer he could not refuse:
"When you consider the huge environmental challenges the world is facing, there
is no doubt in my mind that Vestas is one of the absolutely most exciting
companies to be part of. Even though I am of course aware that there is a need
for significant tightening in the company in order to increase the
profitability again. I am used to such challenges, I am fond of them and
therefore I look very much forward to contributing to get Vestas back on the
earnings track again," says Dag Andresen.
With the appointment of the new CFO, the Executive Management team at Vestas
Wind Systems A/S consists of President and CEO, Ditlev Engel, Anders Vedel
(Chief Turbines Officer), Juan Araluce (Chief Sales Officer) and Dag Andresen
(Chief Financial Officer).
The remaining two executive positions, which were established in January,
responsible for Global Solutions & Services and Manufacturing, respectively,
have not yet been filled. Until that happens, the overall responsibility for
Global Solutions & Services lies with Anders Vedel, while the responsibility
for Manufacturing for the moment lies with Ditlev Engel.
Contact details:
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr Bert Nordberg
Group President & CEO, Mr Ditlev Engel
Chief Financial Officer, CFO, Mr Dag Andresen,
via Press Officer, Mr Kasper Ibsen Beck: Tel +45 22 87 87 73.
27/4 2012 10:43 troldmanden 156130
Ser ud til at være en meget kompetent mand. Og det var en ret vigtig position at få besat.
27/4 2012 10:50 troldmanden 056131
Vestas supercomputer Firestorm
Her en artikel om vestas supercomputer som er verdens 3. kraftigste kommercielle computer. Den har forkortet regnetiden på komplekse kunde forespørgelser fra 3 uger til 45 min. Det giver naturligvis en konkurrencefordel......
Her en artikel om vestas supercomputer som er verdens 3. kraftigste kommercielle computer. Den har forkortet regnetiden på komplekse kunde forespørgelser fra 3 uger til 45 min. Det giver naturligvis en konkurrencefordel......
27/4 2012 11:15 cykling 056135
Ordren jeg har linket til vedr 74MW Østrig AG.Grunden til at den ikke er offentlig gjort skal forhåbentligt ikke findes i at den ikke er 500 Mil værd ?
Ordren jeg har linket til vedr 74MW Østrig AG.Grunden til at den ikke er offentlig gjort skal forhåbentligt ikke findes i at den ikke er 500 Mil værd ?
27/4 2012 11:22 cykling 056137
Et jeg fandt og smed ind i går
27/4 2012 11:50 troldmanden 056140
Ja det ser lidt underligt ud idet chefen for Vestas central europa synes at bekræfte ordren
Dr. Wolfgang Schmitz, President Vestas Central Europe, anlässlich der Vertragsunterzeichnung: "Ich freue mich sehr, dass nach Verabschiedung des Ökostromgesetzes 2012 der Markt für Windenergie in Österreich wieder neuen Schwung aufnimmt. Mit der WEB Windenergie AG verbindet uns eine langjährige Partnerschaft - ich bin sehr stolz, dass wir mit dem abgeschlossenen Rahmenvertrag nun als Lieferant für die umfassende Projekt-Pipeline der W.E.B in Europa ausgewählt wurden
Dr. Wolfgang Schmitz, President Vestas Central Europe, anlässlich der Vertragsunterzeichnung: "Ich freue mich sehr, dass nach Verabschiedung des Ökostromgesetzes 2012 der Markt für Windenergie in Österreich wieder neuen Schwung aufnimmt. Mit der WEB Windenergie AG verbindet uns eine langjährige Partnerschaft - ich bin sehr stolz, dass wir mit dem abgeschlossenen Rahmenvertrag nun als Lieferant für die umfassende Projekt-Pipeline der W.E.B in Europa ausgewählt wurden
27/4 2012 11:54 cykling 056141
Netop.Glædeligt også at læse at der yderligere potentiale i kunden.Men hvorfor offentlig gør man det ikke.
27/4 2012 12:02 cykling 056144
Nej det er jo nok sådan det hænger sammen. Mængden af kendte meget tæt på ordre er efterhånden ved og være meget stor.Bliver dejligt når ballonen revner.Den nye CFO er det mest positive der er sket længe.Specielt hans tørre konstatering af at de problemer han skal løse i Vestas er noget han har prøvet før og at han glæder sig til det.
27/4 2012 12:14 cykling 056145
Dagens tvangs tanke.Dong / vattenfal / E.on køber i fællesskab Vestas. Alle 3 satser meget på vind og kunne nøjes med et fælles firma for udvikling og drift.
27/4 2012 14:32 troldmanden 056157
Vestas offshore skæbne afgøres i næste uge
I næste uge afholder vests et stort strategi seminar. Et af punkterne der bla skal træffes en afgørélse på er hvorvidt Vestas skal have en strategisk partner med ind over offshore satsningen.
Spørgmålet er så om mødet ligger forud for Q1 meddelelsen så der kan blive meldt noget ud der
I næste uge afholder vests et stort strategi seminar. Et af punkterne der bla skal træffes en afgørélse på er hvorvidt Vestas skal have en strategisk partner med ind over offshore satsningen.
Spørgmålet er så om mødet ligger forud for Q1 meddelelsen så der kan blive meldt noget ud der
27/4 2012 14:49 cykling 056159
Hvis man kommer frem til at risiko og indtjening ikke er godt nok.Og besluttet at trække sig fra offshore.Så kan det godt være det er den rigtige beslutning, jeg er bare ikke sikker på markedet / kursen syntes der er meget fremtid i det.Næste uge ligner snart en uge hvor det enten er kurs 25 eller 75
27/4 2012 15:22 cykling 056162
I Italien er man ikke helt færdige med det Kinesisk overtagelses tilbud.Det er ikke smukt med oversættelsen, men italiensk er heller ikke nemt
27/4 2012 15:42 troldmanden 156164
Så kom den ukrainske ordre jeg nævnte i sidste uge. (vestas afslørede den selv i deres kunde magasin)
Vestas får 90 MW-ordre i Ukraine
Vestas har indgået en fast og ubetinget ordre på 30 stk. V112-3.0 MW-vindmøller til Ukraine.
Aarhus, Danmark, 2012-04-27 15:37 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Yderligere oplysninger om projektet:
Zaporozhye-regionen, Ukraine
Antal MW:
90 MW
Antal møller og type
30 x V112-3.0 MW-vindmøller
Kontrakten omfatter:
Kontrakten omfatter levering, installering og idriftsættelse af vindmøllerne samt et VestasOnline® Business SCADA-system.
Projektet forventes afsluttet i fjerde kvartal 2012.
Vestas får 90 MW-ordre i Ukraine
Vestas har indgået en fast og ubetinget ordre på 30 stk. V112-3.0 MW-vindmøller til Ukraine.
Aarhus, Danmark, 2012-04-27 15:37 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Yderligere oplysninger om projektet:
Zaporozhye-regionen, Ukraine
Antal MW:
90 MW
Antal møller og type
30 x V112-3.0 MW-vindmøller
Kontrakten omfatter:
Kontrakten omfatter levering, installering og idriftsættelse af vindmøllerne samt et VestasOnline® Business SCADA-system.
Projektet forventes afsluttet i fjerde kvartal 2012.
27/4 2012 17:34 cykling 056169
Her lidt vedr.tråden med 1 kvartal.Sådan nogle lyseslukkere
27/4 2012 17:39 Henrikvj 056170
Jeg forstår ikke de kan komme frem til EBIT på -69mio
Serviceforretningen genererer 5mio EBIT mere end i q1-11, samt der er skubbet 130mio EBIT fra q4, altså +135mio
Antager vi de har leveret det samme som Q1-11 til men til -50mio EBIT mere på dem end sidste år samt de har afholdt alle omkostninger til afskedigelser på -50mio
Ender vi op med -100+135-70= ca. -35mio, der er stadig lang vej til -69...
Serviceforretningen genererer 5mio EBIT mere end i q1-11, samt der er skubbet 130mio EBIT fra q4, altså +135mio
Antager vi de har leveret det samme som Q1-11 til men til -50mio EBIT mere på dem end sidste år samt de har afholdt alle omkostninger til afskedigelser på -50mio
Ender vi op med -100+135-70= ca. -35mio, der er stadig lang vej til -69...
27/4 2012 17:42 cykling 056171
Jeg håber meget vi får ret i vores mere positive skøn.Og sådan rent politisk så er det jo rigtig fint hvis Vestas overrasker så positivt som nogle af os tror.