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Diana Containerships announces dividend Guidance

57873 fcras 5/6 2012 13:03



ATHENS, GREECE, June 4, 2012 - Diana Containerships Inc. (NASDAQ: DCIX), a global shipping company specializing in owning and operating containerships, today announced that the Company anticipates that it will be able to pay quarterly cash dividends in excess of the amounts contemplated by its dividend policy determined at the time of the Company's initial public offering in June 2011, while continuing to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet current and expected working capital obligations. Accordingly, the Company's board of directors has determined to amend the Company's dividend policy, effective immediately.

Pursuant to the revised policy, the Company intends to declare a variable quarterly dividend each February, May, August and November equal to a substantial portion of its available cash from operations during the previous quarter, after the payment of cash expenses and reserves for scheduled drydockings, intermediate and special surveys and other purposes as the Company's board of directors may from time to time determine are required, taking into account contingent liabilities, the terms of any credit facility, the Company's growth strategy and other cash needs and the requirements of Marshall Islands law.

The Company expects to pay a dividend with respect to the second quarter of 2012 in the amount of $0.30 per share to all holders of the Company's common shares outstanding as of a record date to be determined by the Company's board of directors, assuming (i) the continued performance of the Company's current time charters and no unexpected off-hire periods; (ii) that the Company does not incur any unanticipated extraordinary cash expenses such as vessel repairs, mandated upgrades or modifications or other liabilities not covered by cash reserves established by the board of directors; and (iii) no material changes in vessel operating or financing expenses.

- more here:

Diana Containerships Inc. (the "Company") (NASDAQ:DCIX) is a Marshall Islands corporation founded in 2010 to own and operate containerships and pursue containership acquisition opportunities. The Company currently owns and operates nine Panamax container vessels. Diana Containerships Inc. intends to continue to capitalize on investment opportunities by purchasing additional containerships in the secondhand market, from other companies, shipyards and lending institutions, and may also enter into newbuilding contracts with shipyards for new containerships.

Photo: The Maersk Malacca is to become part of the Diana Containership fleet.


5/6 2012 13:17 investor1989 157876

Hej AKA...
Hvad sker der lige for FCRAS mange spamindlæg. Kan i ikke gøre noget ved dette. Han gider jo ikke engang selv kommentere på nyhederne men gengiver blot 10-15 nyheder fra hegnar om dagen.

5/6 2012 15:26 fcras 057884

10-15 nyheder om dagen er nu nok en overdrivelse og spamindlæg lige så.Jeg er godt velbevandret i norske shipping og offshore selskaber og henter det frem der evt. kunne ha´interesse for andre.

Mht til Diana Containerships har jeg i dag fået ProInvestor til at oprette tickeren DCIX (Nasdaq) i deres system - dels fordi aktien er forholdsvis ny på børs og er interesant for fremtiden, videre udbetales et pænt udbytte.

Rigtigt at jeg ikke kommenterer - men har altid 1 eller 2 links med - det må så være op til den enkelte investor at vurderer om det er noget der har interesse for fremtidig investering på den korte eller lange bane.