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Golar LNG med ny FSRU kontrakt

58961 fcras 6/7 2012 16:13

( - 06.7.12 09:02)

John Fredriksen & Co. med ny kontrakt

John Fredriksen & Co. kan koste på seg et smil fredag. Nå langtidskontrakt er i boks.

John Fredriksen-selskapet Golar LNG melder fredag at de har sikret seg Gas Atacama Mejillones Seaports FSRU-prosjekt i Chile.

Avtalen strekker seg over 15 år med opsjon på 20 år. Ventet årlig EBITA-bidra er 48 millioner dollar over 15 år eller 47 millioner dollar over 20 år.

Ifølge avtalen har Gas Atacama i tillegg sikret seg opsjoner for kontraktsforlengelse på tre ganger fem år.

Den nybygde FSRUen skal leveres til prosjektet i Q4-2015 og vil ha en lagringskapasitet på 170.000 kubikkmeter LNG og leveransekapasitet på rundt 180 millioner pr dag av regassifisert LNG.

John Fredriksens World Shipholding Limited sitter på 45,8 prosent av aksjene i Golar LNG.


6/7 2012 16:18 fcras 058962

The FSRU will be moored approximately 1.6 km offshore and in approximately 50 metres water depth in the Bay of Mejillones. The newbuild FSRU will be capable of storing 170,000 m3 of LNG and delivering approximately 180 MMcfd per day of regasified LNG and will be delivered to the project in the fourth quarter of 2015. The regasified LNG will be delivered via Gas Atacama's subsea pipeline and is intended primarily to supply the on-shore 780MW Central Térmica Atacama thermal power plant. Regasified LNG could additionally be used to the meet the demands of some of GasAtacama's mining customers, as well as other power generators. Parties have agreed to the possibility for further expansion of the FSRU regasification capacity of up 360 MMcfd per day.

- more here:

8/7 2012 10:03 fcras 058986

Golar LNG Ltd Breaks Above 200-Day Moving Average - Bullish for GLNG - 7/06/2012 @ 4:26PM

- more here:


8/7 2012 11:29 fcras 058988

"Ifølge avtalen har "Gas Atacama" i tillegg sikret seg opsjoner for kontraktsforlengelse på tre ganger fem år"

Mejillones Seaport

9/7 2012 17:26 fcras 059026

Golar LNG: Sale of Nusantara Regas Satu to Golar LNG Partners LP

Golar LNG Limited ("Golar" or the "Company") announced today that it has entered into a agreement to sell the ownership interests in the companies that own and operate the floating storage and regasification unit ("FSRU") Nusantara Regas Satu ("NR Satu") (formerly Khannur) to Golar LNG Partners L.P. ("Golar LNG Partners") for a price of USD385 million. The transaction is subject to the satisfaction of certain closing conditions.

The Company expects to reinvest a significant part of the net proceeds received from the sale in new LNG carriers and FSRU's.

The Board believes that the transaction is a further testament to the strength and efficiency of the Golar group's corporate structure which allows monetisation of long term contracts whilst at the same time providing growth of Golar LNG Partners.

Hamilton, Bermuda
July 9 2012
Golar Management Limited - + 44 207 063 7900
Stuart Buchanan
Brian Tienzo

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Golar LNG
Golar LNG Partners L.P.